mÂ¥i PRESENT $1000 T0 HOSPITAL Cheques for total of $1000 were presented to Royal Vic torin Hospital last night by the Knights of Columbus Fouryenroid Terry Craft who has been in the childrens broken leg smiles approval as hospital furnishings com mittee chairman Ernest Bell left and Mrs Crawford night supervisor accept want for month with cheque from district deputy Ray Lespcrance of Knights of Columbus District 19 John Brennan Grand Knight and Francis Light Deputy Grand Knight were also on hand to give the cheques which will be used to begin furnishing semiprivate room total cost of which will be $1440 Ex aminer Photo Banks In Best In Fraser manager of the Royal Banks Dunlap Street East branch outlinel to tile Rotary Chm of Barrie aspects of the Canadian banking sys ten bank lie business itistilut stabiisttcd to render services ch people need and are willing to pay for at IiltcS that wil yield mod es return to shareholders on the mono they have itivested more specific definition might be that its function is to safeguard the thrifty Promote the flow of trade and com mercc andfacilitate the trans fer of goods and services There are eight banks in Canada operating under llte Bani Act which prescribes conditions under may be organized and to busi ness At present these banks operate in all more than 5000 branches They have approxi mafely 100000 shareholders most of whom are Canadians AS tit DEC 31 1962 the eight chartered banks had savings deposits totalling over seven and onethall billion dollars held by over 10 million depositors Other deposits mostly commer simply which they Canada World ciai amounted to over five and onehalf billion dollars Cone versely loans to individuals industry government and oth ers totalled nearly seven bil lion dollars Chartered banks are rigittly controlled The speaker stated he believed it correct to say that they are subject to more government regulations strict er supervision ond more pene trating parliamentary scrutiny than any other business in Canada As consequence there are complete safe guards for the depositors The public is represented by the minister of finance who works through the inspector general of banks He is re quired to examine every bank at least once year and he may do so at any time Mr Fraser stated we have in the world it will remain among the best too because our banks exist for the sole purpose of giving the widest range of banking service to the public at the lowest possible cost and that is service vital to our country our people and to the banks themselves overcrowded Kindergarten Class Is Posing Problem In ltlliston ALLISTON Special The regular meeting of Allistan Un ion Public School Board was held at the School Progress was reported on improvements to the school major problem is the necessity of levelling and seeding the school grounds which have become increasrngiy uneven over the years An estimate of the work to be done will be obtained by the chairman of property Roy Con nell Interior repairs and redecorav tion of one classroom and the library are also in the process ing done with major pro jects being held over until the Easter holidays Harvey Stuart principal gave report on the management of the school advising that overcrowding in the kindergar ten class may prove to bee problem next year He said ways and means of solving it are now being considered The management committee reported that tor two vacancies on the staff it had received 45 applications from well qualified teachers Those most suitable will be interviewed in the near future it was decided that the school library should be stacked with many more suitable hooks for students The books will be or dered as soon as appropriate lists are obtained Tenders had been received be dealt with at special meet ing The chairman Victor Scott nnounced that the Ontario urai School Trus tees Association will hold spring conference at the To ronto Education Centre May The speaker in the after noon will be McKague and his subject will be The Ro one of the best banking systems Jackson OBITUARY MRS MARY PERRY Funeral services were held April for Mrs Mary Perry ol Jennctts Funeral Home Barrie conducted by Rev Fred of Stroud United Church interment was in Oro Station Cemetery Mrs Perry was born Jan 1876 in Eldon Township eldest daughter of the late John and Janet hchunig She spent her early years there before coming to Oro where she met and married her husband George Perry who predeceased her in 1930 Of faintly of 10 children seven survive Reginald of Port Arthur ltfrs Florence White Mrs Adeline Coulson Mil dred tMrs Tom Pattenden and John all of Barrie Pearl Mrs George Ayresl and ltlyrtle Mrs Lewis lrvingl both of Stroud Three children predeceased her Russell Vinnifred Mrs James hf Young and George Also surviving are 20 grand children and 17 greatgrand children two sisters and one brother Pallbearers were six grandl sons Gordon icriy Jim Perry Elmer Coulson Mervyn Ayres Vernon Ayros and William Young TAKES LAKES PIIOTO WASHINGTON tAPl photograph of the Great Lakes area as seen from 400 miles up was released Tuesday by the US weather bureau The bu rcau said the picture was taken by an automatic camera in the weather satellite Tiros IV as it passed over the area Tuesday morning on its osaro orbit of the earth for adequate coverage of school insurance and these will barts Plan Two trustees were authorized to attend the conference as representatives of the board See The BABY CHICKS Playing in the Window of the PIED PIPER SHOPS LTD FLOWERS re Ds thoughts oi beauty NOTHING EXPRESSES THETRUE SPIRIT OF EASTER LIKE FLOWERS Order Your Easter Flowers Now 74 Blake St jenJey jowerd Election Fever Supporter of the three mainr political parties in Barrie two Simcoc County riding and Duf ferinsimm yesterday by Prime Minister John Diefenbakers announce ment of federal election on June it None of the spokesmen con tacted was surprised at the un nouncement All Indicated belief in strong campaign showing by their parties It federal candidate has not been nominated as yet in Simcoe North riding but speculation is that Heber Smith sitting PC member will again receive the nod from riding PCs at their convention to Collingwood Rowe Barrie lawyer and president of the Barrie Pro gressive Conservative Associalt tion sold this morning that he was pleased at the prospects of new election tie said that while candidate had not been named as yet the local associa tion is prepared to swing their full support behind the nom inee LIBERALS PREPARING Newton presideitt of the Simcoc North Liberal Asso ciation said that he is sure that the election generally will prove to be close contest fie said that in 1957 the election was almost standoff and that the landslide victory of the PCs in 1958 resulted In them being saddled with some candi dates who were not up to scratch He added that it is these fellows who will find the going the roughest Mr Newton said that he re spected ltfr Dicfenbaker as good politician but said that he was not good leader The people of Canada realize this and it will be reflected in the results of the vote he said Mr Newton said that he be lieved Canada has lost face since 1957 among the nations of the world and that thlie some people believe in deficit financ ing under certain circumstan ces the Government has car ried it too far of the Simcoe East PC hiding Association said he did not choose to say too much prior to the holding oi nominating convention This has not been done he said but will take place in Midland on May He said he had no official word on whether Dr ny nard Orillin the sitting mem her would contest again but felt that this was quite likely At any rate he said we were heartened be held soon in are ready and able to wage spirited campaign and will com mence immediately after the nominating convention IJ held EAST SIMan spokesmen for the East Sims coe leerol Association couldnt be contacted for comment this morning However they have already held their convention and nominated John fclsaac of Orillia to carry their partys colors in the June to vote Likewise spokesmen for the New Democratic Party in the three ridings were not available for comment but it is known that no candidates have been named as yet It is expected that the party will contest all three ridings and should nominate candidates in the very near future Locally meeting of the uled for the home of ii Bing bam in Barrie next week Fraser Sutherland vicepresi dent of the DuffcrinSimcoc Riding Association for the Lib erals said his group is ready and willing to wage strong campaign for their candidate The candidate has not been named as yet he said but we expect to do this at nom ination meeting on May Mr Sutherland said the pic ture in Dufferinvsimcoe is brightening PC support here has been solid for great many years but we feel we are mak all NDP riding association is sched member or over 30 years Grips District ing progress on behalf of our own party CAMPAIGN He said that during the com ing campaign members of the associatic are prepared to car ry on an extensive campaign throughout the riding knocking on doors and making use of the facilities of newspapers and television He indicated some work would be done prior to the nomination convention but that the big push would come after May Norman Wardlaw 0range ville lawyer and president of the DuiierinSimcoe PC Riding Association said his organiza tion is ready and willing to go We feel there isnt much doubt about who will win in this rldlng he said After Mr latte has been our TAKE FOR GRANTED He said he had nothing of ficial to go on but that Mr Rowe would probably contest the seat again although am taking this for granted Mr Wardlaw continued say ing also like what see in the two tidings in Simcoe think it will be an interesting and hardfought campaign with the Progressive the government but with re duced but still working major Carter past president Sitvoice chair from Can adian Nazarene College Vin nipeg shown above will sing at eight oclock tonight in ilillcrcst Public School Tel ronto Street The choir on its annual spring tour will sing in churches in Manitoba Ontario hfinnesota and il linols The program will in elude such sacred anthems as Tchaikovskys Hymn to the Trinity Shaws With Voice of Singing and Sater ens Resurrection Gospel song arrangements Negro spirituals and ensemble num bers are also featured Conservatives agaln being called on to form TH dARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY APRIL 1962 May Mail Tax Bills In Week First Payment Due lane 11 First tax bills for Barrie resiv dents will probably be going in the mail late next week city trcasurer Jack Gable said today Tax forms have been printed and processing of forms will be gin as soon as the new cairnl Iating machine arrives The machine which was re cently purchased by the city at cost of $12000 is expected to be delivered on Wednesday An estimated 7000 property can Will Hold tax bills and 2000 business bill will be sent out The citys postage bill for tax mailing will come to about $400 Taxes can be paid In two equal installments due June it and Sept 10 one per cent discount is allowed on onehalf of the tax bill if taxes are paid in full by June it penalty of onehalf of one per cent per calendar month will be imposed on overdue taxes Open House lit lillandale Rail Station To mark the renaming of Al laodalc station to Barrie sta tion Canadian National Itali ways is holdi open house at Barrie Girl Wins Speaking Competition Leslie Coxall t7yearold Barrie North Collegiate student won the Odd Fellows public speaking contest in Midland Monday night She was com peting against students from both Barrie Orillio Midland Alliston and Elmvale collch fates Miss Coxall winning over 10 contestants in the final will col lcct an unusual prize About June 27 she will climb aboard has in Toronto Accompanied by winners of public speaking contests from all over the coun try and some States she will travel to Ottawa down to the St Lawrence Seaway across to New York City and the Uni ted Nations building then on to Washington DC up to Nia gara Falls and home The bus tour sponsored by the Odd Fellows will take ten days to complete Leslie has said she will be able to go that school will be all over by then CONSTRUCTION LTD Barrio PA 53186 that location from to pm April 30 Effective April 29 the change comes into effect and all pass engers boarding and getting off at Barrie will do so at what was formerly the Aliandale sta tion The open house will be an in formal affalr with color travel movies being sboivn an rail coach and special passenger equipment on display for public inspection Refreshments will bIe provided by tea wagon ser ce The name Atlandalc will be dropped from the railway time tables ending more than too years of association Allandalc was amalgamated with Barrie in 185 While tickets will be sold as usual at the relocated CN pass enger office Johnson and Co Ltd travel agency in down town Barrie has been appointed is ON ticket agent for the con venience of the travelling public CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and Storage Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lines PA 66555 Thursday at pm anster Communion or FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Clappeflon at WarIcy Sunday Service at 11 and from Laura Secord An unforgettable parade of enchanting surprises to capture the imaginatibn of young and nooseyoung alike Delight the whole family with Wenderful array of Laura Séeord Easter treatsplan an Easter treasure hunt this Weekend Heres the famous Laura Secord Easter Egg with its buttercream centre and lifelike goldenyellow yolk Bunnies and chickens shaped in purest metbin yourmouth milkchoeolate Saucy noVeIties like the jollydueknndeuddlychtek just etuï¬ed with jelly eggs These andohuo mmmnmny more ntyourneighbouriwod Laura Secord candy shopi freshnessand quality make theldiï¬erence truly Canadian Company for fortynine years