City traffic official Jim Lowe puts finishing touch to one of new street signs which are now going up in the city Onethird of the total of 437 IARMER TISSINGTON OTTAWA tSpeCiziit All ship yards in Canada capable of building one of the eight new frigates ordered for the Can adian Navy will be given an opportunity to bid on contracts lo ue issed by the Department of Defence Production Defence Minister Douglas ll Harkness mode this clear in the iiuusc of Commons Tues day in replying to question from iieher Smith MP Simcoe North Mr Smith asked if the gov ernment has decided on which shipyards would be selected for the purpose and if not had the government decided on the method by which the shipyards wiil be selected Earlier Mr Smith said he would be making represents tions on behalf of Collingwood Shipyards to get at least one of the frigate built there Mr Harkness said the yards Kissed Wile Driver Fined COLLINGWOOD op The time and place may have been right but the conditions werent and Barrie man was fined $25 in court Tuesday for two kisses from his wife Joseph Bak 44 told police he would kiss my wife whenever like He pleaded not guilty to charge of careless driving laid after police offieer saw the motorist kiss his wife twice while driving along Highway 25 The kisses caused the car to swerve the police officer said z4H Clubs Hear About Diseases The second meeting of Ora 4ltH Beef Club was held at the farm of Bill Crawford 0m Sta tion with 18 members present Mr Crawfordwith the as THE FINISHING TOUCH Will Get Chance To Bid On Ships signs are now up when the job is completed there will he street sign at every in tersccllonin the city Ex aminer Photo had not been selected The first of the new ships will not be laid down until next year and it will be some time be fore the yards for the program can possiny be designated As stated at the some time the Canadian Maritime Commission is charged with re commending where naval ships should he built and the respon sibiiity for awarding contracts rests with the Department of Defence Production Mr Harks ness said All shipyards in Canada eop able of building ship of this class will be given the oppor tunity to bid on contracts to be By DAVE MCINTOSE OTTAWA lCPt Remember those old Saturday afternoon movie serials where each cpl sode seemed to leave the hero in dangling on the edge of cliff Meet Rt Hon John George Cliff Hanger Diefenbaker RC QC itiA LLB LLD FRSC MP prime mini er of Canada Tnntolizer to the last hir Defenbaker mode his long awaited announcement of the election date Tuesday and kept June 18 for tho inst two words of his long statement in the Commons The prime minister obviously hadnt enjoyed himself so much since that afternoon few months ago when nearly every one was expecting March or April election instead he rose in the expectant hush to make minor correction in the Com mons record Circumstances were much tho some in the Commons Tuesday though there were more one lockers Many Commons seats were emtpyhlPs are already on the campaign trailbut the public galleries were packed First order of business Re ports from committees There were none Next motions This is the Dangerfield Host lit Staff Party Barrie Community House was the scene of staff party held by Dangerfield Motors Ltd Those in attendance enjoyed round and squirm dancing Prize winners for special donci were Mr and Mrs Roger Hunter Mr and Mrs Bill Hardin and Steve Costonguny Lunch was served George Dangerï¬eld with chefs hat and apron carved huge roast as employees and guess served issued by the department Compiled by Flynn TODAYS sTocK PRICES thernselves from well prepar ed buffet 93 Dunlop St Barrt Toys With House On Voting Date normal time for government announcements Mr Diefenbaker said casually ho had two or three announce meals to make The first he said had to do with the construction of the Northurnbcrlaod Strait Cause way between New Brunswick and Prince Edward island There was pause sigh like air going out of balloon and then ripple of laughter Ordinarily the causeway would have been big enough news from government for one day EXPECTED MORE But everybody suspected cor rectly that there was more to come After all Mr Diefen baker earlier in the day had had two meetings with 0pposi tion Leader Peorson The prime minister then said he had another matter of gen eral interest to honorable mem STORES TO OPEN THURSDAY NIGHT Will Commehcei Enumeration On April 30 During the Eager week end the following store hours will be in effect Food slam remained open this afternoon All others were closed All ston as including food stores WIII mnain ops Thursday until pm Bahia Will be open Satur day morning from to 11 Em All Sores will be open Saturday at regular hours Easter Monday is bank and government holiday but all other piaoa of business including mores in the city Will be open Enumeration of electors PC Association and one for the Liberal Assad member TE BARE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY APRIL 13 9s bers opposition obstruction Dlefenbnker said the course was early dissolution of the 24th Parliament MP5 on all sides beat their desk tops till their hands were sure They banged desk lids They cheered They shouted if any ith thought his chance of being reelected slim he didnt show it The date still remained to be announced ltIr Diefcnbaker ignored this for the moment and began recital of the Commons busi ness he wants finished this week before dissolution WEATHER Synopsis Most sections in Ontario will experience milder temperatures today but tem peratures are expected to drop tonight under generally clear skies and light winds Lake St Clair Lake Erie Ni agara Lake Huron regions Windsor in Hamilton Toronto Mainly cloudy early this morning followed by parv tial clearing Milder today clear and cooler tonight Thurs day sunny Winds west 15 to After some skirmishing about Mr only Barrie eligible to vote in the June to federal election will mmenca on Monday April 30 it expected that the return ing officer for Simooe North Ed ward Rowe Elmvaie will con firm the choices of the Progres sive Conservative and Liberal Riding Associatiom and district association in the immediate future Already executive members of both riding associations are contacting possible workers and complete slate of enumerate expected to be ready to swing into action on the starting date In Barrie 55 teams of enum erators am mquimd These will consist of one member for the FORECAST it Kitchener so Mount Forest 45 Wingham 45 Hamilton 52 St Catharines so Toronto 51 Peterborough Trenton Killeloe unasseaeenns TullPORTABLE 13 easy to carry TV Choice of beautiful finishes function al piece of furniture with optional walnut wood stand ideal for any mom Lovely for your cottage 520995 PHILIPS MONITRON IV fig Sug Selling Price 27995 Trade in Allowance 70 YOU PAY ONLY RECONDITIONED £53315 $49 TERMS Egigéfl FAST SERVICE THE KING OF VALUES march Refrigerai lla DUNLOP ST RA 32059 Compon ign mnusmu gay flight tonight northwest 15 urs ay Asbestos sou Dis Seal ow Nor on No mt Abltlbi 46v Dom Found mi iiaon com 591 Hliige 0mm 3935 393 Algnm Steel 52 Door Stores ma bleln Pom tax1 81 111011 regions nudy WI REM we is 18me En gagii glintAw PW occasional light rain or snow ll It Alto NIL Gas to on Few all run Pipe m°mmg deamg Insuring gnrdo EPnlrgnu gal xvii eliternoorji little milldterbtlodoly 00 canran coocr onlg ainy Ir Ns 75v Ham on is Ron Sill 121 mi mono Min 33 notnmru sunny Thursdathinds west 15 Brnllffln 450 imp To mo 15v toyl Blnk soa today light tonight northwest aA on she imp on is Salads sonnu mi 15 Thde ac Pownr 151 ind Accept Simpson 3th can an or com 66 inland MG siuwintgon 225 Low tonight High Tomorrow Crin Brewer my rm Nickel my Steel of our ssvs wind 32 52 can roll lnterprov Pip so ToraDDtrI Bk as Th Cda Cement soil Iackey Club Isn naps Can as Si 0m 32 51 em Chunkt 7st Lohatt ml Trans no use London so so Can on tl Lskeinnd 259 mm ltn 495 Colony Power 22 use Pow niv ms Texaco 59 goo iltiinjrSm hlnssey Fcrz will oaiw ï¬g 11 on er ioran or snowingi Gas um Nomlnate In Sunnidale 110 Geno Mines 2911 Opemlrkn us Seminar In 2923 apologist 9052 lA Imeeting Will be held in Sun cor no cs can 565 RemAddison 535 Sher Gordon 410 as nï¬iï¬mglyfzrdaegaï¬ Con Del an 705 Lamsnnn 17o Steep Rock one goppclii Rand 13 horas 13g Suntan on 5181 311 5186 Image vialcant Iéy the on cs on re en ounci or eorge Denlson MLnea ms Armray itlln 125 Vilroy 175 Sullivan no Nometnl 232 mqu 27 35 03m mam Falconhridgo 51 Northzato sso rhizome srocn ex minimIsis up DIVIDEND Dscn Hailing 15 payable June 29 common 25 payable August 11 lstance of club leader Allan demonshated hoof trimming on cow from thr Crawford Shorthorn herd Keith Clay associate agricul gt ture representative showed points on Showmanship and leda study period about eaif diseases Fifteen members attended the pril meeting ofMinesing 4H Caif Club Harold Parker is the leader Foyston demonstrated boot trimming Keith Clay demonstrated owmanship and also explain the causes and cures for dis ioases of cattle counts WE MAKE srnam snons INTO GOLF SHOES Goios SHOE SERVICE CLAPPERTON ST BRAND NEW I962 Volkswagens ONLY $I737 Excluding Licence Gan PIERCE MOTORS 81 ESSA RD PA 85558 10 Down 86 Months to For Easter ahead ing colors Laminated Pure Wool Trench Coats Length Coats Jackets ate Open Thursday VUntiI pm LADIES ms Iuosr ACTIVE STOCKS Brazilian Cons Gas Cons Paper New Athona Wilkey DOWloNES NEW YORK AVERAGES indushiah up as Riffsup 57 Utilities up te 14 Golds up 07 Alistair up 21 on down ex dividend May 30 st Lawrence dividend June 27 SPRWG COATS Come To STRANSMANS diversity of styles and wonderful fabrics and wide range of charm All Weather Coats CHANGE mnzx ARATIDNS by returning officer Barker beginning at pm at Sunnidale will he held Nominations will be received Corners Hail if an election is necessary it Tuesday May ram 10 am to pm special meeting will be held at the close of nominations to discuss fire protection for the sTo Choose from STRANSMANS WEAR PA 84284 ownsbip Food Prices Effective Apr 18 19 21 AYLMER FANCY TOMATO JUICE DELMONTE FANCY FRUIT COCKTAIL PEAR SHAPED MAPLE LEAF HAMS IGA ROYALGUESI COFFE EXTRA TOTAL OF IN BONUS TAPES Miracle SALAD DRESSING CIGARETTES °P rand ORANGE JUICE Frozen GREEN GIANT PEAS no TABLERITE WIENERS TOMATOES us No Grade ceiln ROSE PICKLES Sweet Mixed CHRISTIES Ion FOODLINER ii ESA RD BARRIE $2800 Receive $600 in Bonus Tapes With Receive $400 In Bonus Tapes With JIM DANDY CLEANSER Receive $200 In Bonus Tapes With 2353 99c 251 39c sL39 El 59c MARGARINE TULIP BURNS SHAMROCK SKINLESS SHANKLESS READY TO EAT SMOKED 57c Whole or Halt LB GRADE PREDRESSED FRESH READY FOR BROIIERSEE43 TABLEEITE RINDLESS SIICED SIDE BACON it MAPLE LEAF PURE PORK SAUSAGE MEAT ht Frozen Color Quick Fraservale 111 15oz likzs likes SWEET JUICY rteoz uoitle cm of zoo JAFFA Bottle Hz Tins 1502 Tins 1lb Pkg floz Pia lsroz Bottl YOUNGs IGA MARKET STROUD ONT ORANGE CALIFORNIA NO GRADE LETTUCEES LARGE SIZE DOZEN AT THIS MARKET ONLY WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TOJJMIT QUANTITIES MARKET SQUA GA FOODLINER WORSLEY BARRIE STRAWBERRIES MULCASTER STS 65c 35c 00 0c