Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Apr 1962, p. 18

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ARTICLES for SALE SPRING SPECIAL FURNACES Forced Air new oil or gag $1100 Interest up to use from buy now before further increase Used Oil Eurnera for sale PHONE PA 60391 OR STROUD IRS CARTERS Refinish ull lumilure OHICE modern antique also metal ce blneLs etc AND WA RD PA 89831 PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner It you would like to have re prints at any news pictures taken by our staff pbotogre phera please call at our Bush nesa Office We are sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints $100 $I25 STOVE 0R WEDGE Buy em with lowvcost lifeinsured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN The Bank of Nova Scotia Barrie SECONDHAN STORE Has all used goods plus new slightly damaged Items way below original cost We also buy content lois 55 DUNLOP ST ARTICLES For SALE ARTICLES For SALE NLMIS slAmnnY uniform for sale sin IL Twopiece his phone PA been met lun GRAVIL nu Top Soil and sod Inr aach orn haulu to be an ranged Apply Box dl narrla Ex another on or BUNK uzns practically new spring mlftxesses included Cost Ilzo Selling for s65 Tele phone zetroy zoom GARAGE DOOR wooden mle Reasonole Apply ll wellington SL West Telwhmo PA Loses LAIIGE Baby Crib for sale complcl with mattress Very good condition Natural nod color Telephone PA sous GAnDrm TIIACTOII for nle with llihchmentl Waterloo good can dillon also baby caretn grey good condition Telephone PA 55250 umthAToRs Electric stoves uedrooni and Living Room Pumi ture Good condition Churchs all one llomes sales no Durton Ave Telephone PA Lease TYPEWIIITElls boucbt hold rent ed repaired Studcnt rental rates Ask about our Ilent then Guy Plan star Typewriter Col Mary street PA 595 Powell Lawn tlowon rcpatred haulton cleaned repaired and reeored Gas tanks repaired liarnllton hadlaior and Lawn Mow er Sondra lt lrcderick st TnAILEIt for sale corn plclc with bitch and lighI very sturdy construction Apply 9a Cod rington Street Apartment or telephone PA 61011 IIle WILL be accepted by the un dcrslgned for the purchase or 75 wooden harrcls size 29 high by 17 opening ulomctor llorrcls have light machine oil coating on tho cntIro lnsldc iuflacc and arc in excellent condiionl mos will bo acceptcd until 11 noon Thursday April 25 by Mn Pnrwcll Pur chaslnc Agent Grcenlng Wirc hope and Cable Co P0l Box 50 Midland Ontario chIIA Equipment or sale used only manIhs likc new Slnillo stagc two host regulator Aqua Lung thnli constant mme valve the Pro with harness li foam Neoprcna wct suit comnlctc lizo mcdlum Fins snorkel mask wright tlcll 17 pounds of weights dlvcrl flag and one professional divcrs knlIc Quilc reasonable Phonc PA ohm nllcr pln or call at 41 Marcus strcct honeysuckle WANTED Rlbhiu and Flemish Giants Aha Aluk Coats and Ponies for sale Telephone PA on FRUIT VEGETABLES PotIces DOGS PETS New Zuland Whit APPLE BARN alclntosh Spy Courtland and other varieties grade Macs 150 per bushel Fresh cider Phone PA cecal coon scnaou Pottau for uh ncld inspected and Clean or oil use Also Drive coats for Cock Lhutf Manure Sprelder Apply Al lao nonney uidnurst PA were RAaPuzIIIIY PLANTS Vlklnl Mart loo strawberry Plants Pro er Tomple Dunlap Paymuter Redeoxt Span kle Earudann Cavalier unit per loo lo per Loot Certilled Seed colors Gisdlnli Bulbs $115 per I00 20 per 1000 Cenltld Seed Keswick sobgo othcr whine or sale Huron Cbl wa Warns Valley Gordcns lord llh Latin Cnlel Taylor HarvestKins Senuan Pontiac Art Wm Ph 52808 Gil FLOWERS PLANTS IANSY PLANTS now Indy Choice wintcr hardencd stock beautiful colors Can be planted now Hill cmt Gardens miles north on Highway 27 and one mile cut Phone Elmval 731th ARTICLES WANTED WANTED To DUY Collection or Indian rclics old lug canoe blrch bark canoe Good prices paid and they will not luvc Slmroc County Box as tlarrln Examiner FARMER MARKET In good condition Write DEAD STOCK Highest price paid for dead or crippled cntuo and horses Smnli animals removed free For fast service pbune BARRIE PA 87751 collect or ask for ZENITH $1130 NO CHARGE hours day7 days week NICKS DEAD STOCK FARMERS MARKET PERSONALS FARM MACHINERY MINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 103 MDIESING AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE See VIAU For RAMBLER VfAU morons LllillTED l7 GOWAN STREET PA 66488 222 BLAKE ST PA 6132 HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH and STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes DJIIIL and NAL Towing 7S BAYFIELD ST PA 84165 BRAND NEW 1962 VOLKSWAGENS ONLY $1737 Excl Licence Gas PIERCE MOTORS 81 ESSA 107 Downu Area to Pay mu MGA in good condition close or terms mauled Telephone III 65217 or zoo it at 99 Conn strceL MOTORCYCLE hnd Stock Car for solo also two whch trailer for salc Telephone PA mu after p172 Isso ltch Rcd Convertible for sale 13000 mllcs rcccnt tunlMlp radio 11 WORSLEY ST mnTUNx TELLING want your forum told by ANI Telephone PA bomrlor appoiob men Anytime IO HELP WANTED spare time WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRBSING Gevermnent Chartered School Through training In all bran shes of beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL FEMALE HELP THE HAZEL DINNING Baby Sitting Agency Ladies This Is your opportunity to earn extra money in your We require baby sitters days or evenings you are over 20 reliable and can supply references apply at 75 MAPLE AVENUE BARRIE ONT PA Hm Young Lady Wanted As SWITCHBOARD RECEPTIONIST By The Barrie Examiner SOME TYPING REQUIRED Apply in writing stating age education and experience Io PERSONNEL MANAGER The Barrie Examiner BOX 370 BARRIE ONT BOOKKEEPER TYPIST for Barrie branch of Hill the Mover Canada Ltd Capable and experienced woman PAS89m no you Able to 10 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP wohuts Animals In em roe In vuld Mondxydriday and on Telephone PA Lien arm p21 HIDDLLAGED Women or depend ant girl to live in wall mother Pemneof position Tuit pnon Nuv Loud ms Minimum required with an tuio ucencc Apfrly In person to loan Garrick Ea stylist pIo Avenue WOMAN REQUIRED to look after DMhbol ean and do lllht bouielteepior Monday to Friday Apply annex references to box 52 Euri hamper GIRL on woman to prepln din ner two uvonlnls week Small IamUy Eur cod Relenocu Please CoodderitlaL Write Box Burlo Examiner Gnu WANmn to train on dental IALLItlnt for modern dental office Apply In own handwriting slIlne references to Box llurie airliner TYPIsT to troll as teletypa nt tar pertorstar Must be abl typo minimum words per min ulr Apprenticeship Lrllrllng peo led with good Idvhnckment poul bIlities Apply between and Comparing Room Foreman Th Danie Examiner rnuT AND Second Cook or year round employment at Erunswlck II llotel Parry sound Must be avail able by approximan date June Apply in writing giving phone number stating age experience and references from last employ ers to Dos Parry Sound MALE OR FEMALE Em BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR Experienced Burroughs Sensi matic Operator for Accounts Receivable with knowledge of typing Permanent position with local firm Employee benefits day week Apply in writing stating experi cncc age and starting salary expected to BOX 51 BARRIE EXAMINER Try An Examiner Want Ad age phonl number education and I0 HELP WANTED MALE HELP FULLY QUALIFIED MECHANIC for shift work APPLY MANSFIELD RUBBER CANADA LTD Barrie YOUNG MAN WANTED as apprentice to learn all phases ledge of typing preferred This position offers secure tulure and all employed benefits Apply In person to MR SHEPHERD THE BARRIE EXAMINER to pm daily FUTURE IN LLECTRDNICS You can become specialist Train at IICC lmlted name In Electrons In Training allice leze Automa tlou TV hadr etc Fred Booklet Act now my eianea start ltay Montreal or Home study any Ilmal lIADlo COLLEGE OF CANADA Toronto Ont YOUNG LIAN with at lent Grade II educallon and chaurreura lie ence required or whrehoule posi tion with small but expanding Aral Apply to Box 17 Ellrte Examiner MAN on Well parttime to make instillrance ilnquirIu Good rcniunera on II lel son It corollay YOUNG MAN requlred rer lppIIA ance sales and to help with lo general clerklng Apply nonlnso Hudwarc ll Dunlap st East 14 Toronto IAN for wiring homes heoulrcd lmmedlateiyl Telephone PA H554 for furlhcr information of the printing trade at The Barrie Examiner Somc knowI PHONE PA 82411 hum TUE BARRIE EXAMINER1 WEDNESDAY APRIL 18 DC LEGAL NOTICES TO WHOM IT MAY CONERN Take notice that the Supreme Court NonJury sittings will be held In the Court House Ban rie commencing Tuesday April 24 l962 at the hour of 130 oclock in the afternoon The Honorable Mr Justice Fra scr presiding ROSS HUGHES Shcrill County of Simcoc 12 TENDERS TENDERS FOR SUPPLYING PAINT will be received by the under signed up to Noon May lsi lho Iowcst or any Icndcr nut ncc cssarily accepted Tcndcr forms can bc obtaincd from GEORGE LONGSTAFFE Business Administrator Barrie Public School Board 15 anlicld 52 Barrie Phone PA 33688 TENDERS FOR VEHICLEIS BARRIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Scaled tenders plninly marked as to contents will be rcccivcd hy the undersigned until 500 pm April 10 1962 for One compact or economy model passenger vehicle of foreign or domestic make 13 No compact or economy model passenger vehicles of foreign or domestic make No lrndcinl take complete charge of amalll office Reply by letter stating Pleasant outdoor work Average per hour No upon one necessary Wflle IIowlclgh Colour Commercial Car dinal Rod and tonnoau cover slooo Tele RR Foxmcad Ontario phone smog 11° PA 427 Licence No 172042 BOATS MOTORS CARTERS for Used Furniture Refrigerators electric ranges TVs and many more used items and ESSA ROAD PHONE PA 89931 Open IItursdny till pm FREE Year Guarantee on Used TV picture tubes plus 30 day warranty $49 AND UP McFADDEN Appliance 128 PENETANG ST CASH LOAN5SSDD at 322 per month Telephone PA 50201 Crcsccnl Flouncc Z6 Dunlap St IVcst BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates T°lephone APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service I4 DUNLOP ST PA 61142 ADVERTISING WARWICK WEBSTER LIMITED Matchedmh St ORILLIA OADVERTISING PROMOTION OPUELICITY OBILLIA 3252752 RES 3254689 DRIVING SCHOOL lsroor IIOTonnoAT and Trail cr for sale fully equipped with motor Approximately 5800 Telc phone PA deIlI smmauox Alumlnum Carton Iloat ii outboard motor Insa lIlttl genrshlit 5235 complete Also loft Canon 575 Apply End crick st Barrie smelt nDAT KIT lHool cabin cruiser hull assemhlcd mid fiber glassed windshlclds and root in cluded Cast of kit and fiberglass WANTED yard lIlnnurc lvill pick up Tele Phone lll 96n72 NICK Montague Prop In to as load Dom PASTURE TO RENT PAsTUItE LAND or rcnt for sum mu months Highway srca Elliott Garage on 90 Highway hiter rohd air so Apply to Bordon IRESTOCK in solo Selling tor 3500 PA 60206 CAlllN CltUlsEII for Sleep two 1111 outboard motor electric start with generator Also 15 Is is for 550 Telephone PA 17 37727 IDnNsDN zs ILP Outboard ilotor with controls Vlklng 12 hp Garden Tractor with and cultivator Thrcc Powcr lilow crs Ill and 21 Reasonable Tclc phone stroud 54ml Try an Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 sale YEAIILING Scotch shortborn Dull Ior sale Good quality Priced rcasonably Apply Don llsrdy tel cphonc llceton 7294451 STOCKER CATTLE head of choice Hcrcfmd llcucrs around 600 pounds Whltchousc Farms RR Cookstown Dick Langrldge munagcr Telcphono Cookstown eon4571 CHESTNUT hlIIIE you old and die horse nxccllcnt brand more gcntlc guhronlccd sound Vcterln arlans ccrtlllcato luppllcd Last years tool may be soon Telephone Elmvalc 7mm YonKsthES Selected and rcgiu tercd boarsl Open and bred giltsl Psrmcrs prlces Whitehousc Farms Rh Cookstown Dick Laugndgc SERVICE managcr 4584671 Tclcphona Cooksiown FEED SEED GRAIN 1555 PLYMOUTH car for sale Aut omatic transmission ndlo two tone Good ohm Tclovhono Cice more 291 1954 CHEVROLET or sale 3250 rtunnlnz condition ottlcar posted overseas Taitphone Camp Borden 19 vDLKslvAGEN lIln rooi lighter radio windshield washer nearly ncw tlrcsl Best often Cali Camp harden lilo local 391 hm 1955 MGA Convertible wire wheels radio and additional set or mow tlrcs vill accept best offer over $1050 Toicpbonc Elmvllo lee oven Inga CARS WTD TO BUY ORV HARDY MOTORS BARRIES NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES USED CARS TRADE UP OR DOWN IVE WILL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRSENT CAR 17s BRADFORD STREET PHONE PA 84272 CASE FOR your can Liens paid on we trade up or down Alluh dalo Iilolnrs 2i Essa Road Barrie PA E9821 MOBILE HOMES By Month or Year PA 82414 FLOOR COVERINGS BARRIE FLOOR WALL TILE TIMOTHY SEED Good supply oi power cleaned Climax Timothy seed at moder ate prices PHONE YOUR ORDER El CRAWFORD AND SONS CALL 1910 0RD Your DAIILEY or sale clenned sales service nd graded plump bright sample 24 Maple Ave Opp bus terminal innleum and VinSl tile heet goods Ceramic tile IHardwood flooring OCarpets Complete line of samples FREE ESTIMATES DAY OR EVENINGS WORKMANSHIP rcstcd to order Will Lxclungc for calves or pigs Bert lllaw lulnc siog telephone 31 FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Brown Beetty Farm Equipment GUARANTEED FREE PARK 176 BURTON AVE PA 82373 ING PHONE PA 85852 EVENINGS PA 34952 Charles Lawson Propt Milkers CASH TRADE TERMS DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Vacuum Pumps LANDSCAPING zilash Tanks Separators Parts EOTOTKLLING landscape garden lng nursery stock Free estimates Telephone thdex PA Hire nMoleNcl Be ready for spring planting Now Is the time to get your gardciu mtoullcd For iurthcc details telephone PA 86614 ORILLIASCHOOL OF SAFE DRIVING IServIng since 1956 FOR APPOINTMENT ANY TIME PA 66551 Learning How To Drive CALL JOHNS DRIVING SCHOOL PA 61277 For Rates and Information EXCAVATING GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading water Dellvery Crushed stone Halt yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN Anne Street PA 2907 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Pa caratlonging Spray Paln Service Since 1920 PA 56958 Barrio Rates Reasonable Free Estimates EXPERIENCED PAHVIERS WELLS DRILLED START EARLY for your Sodding Secdlng hotoTuung Lawn Roll log and Fertilizing Lawn and Gar baker vs 895 duh maintenance For estimates 12113 Arnold Deer Patnswlck PA in HAIRDRESSERS CLIFFORD HAIR FASHIONS Individual styling Moderate rates FRED GRANT SQUARE PA 60491 RADIO AND TELEVISION SERVICE 24 HOUR SERVICE ALL MAKES OF RADIO AND TV BAYVIEW ELECTRONICS 19 Adelaide St PA 89603 REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 33 Clapperton St PHONE PA 84552 WELL DIGGING exceptionally good buy 1961 CHEVROLET Youll never lean sharp in appearanc 1961 FIAT test Highway 27 of Thornton Telephone Ivy llhll Driven only 3000 miles With radio With radio finished in blue With radial luxurious car cle or any milker HANK BROWN RR BARRIE HOLLY PA 60338 AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE 95o MERCURY $99 1952 Stude 1955 Dodge sins Sprouls supar orie mllo south v55 Ford snail WATSON STAYNER CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE TELEPHONES MAIN OFFICE 707 AND 75s SALES LOT 41 1961 ENVOY DELUXE SEDAN carrying new car warranty This is an in smart clean and very economical car BISCAYNE SEDAN find better used car It is spanking and in new car condition SPORTS CONVERTIBLE An exceptionally clean sports model attractively Youll love this little icylinder 1960 CHEVROLET CORVAIR SEDAN This is very low mileage oneowner lean and mechanically perfect 1959 OLDSMOBILE 88 CONVERTIBLE With automatic transmission and radio is clean and in excellent mechanical condition 1959 CHRYSLER cylinder sedan with automatic transmission and custom radio on and mechanically sound pumps INSTALLED live in its beigetoneflnlsh BY LICENSED DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES Coupland Drilling GARRY VAN GENNIP Phone PA $76M any time 1211 BARBIE These are only few of on display at our Sales Lot AL camps Tel 24 Wang Beach the many line used cars you will find Drop around and see our stock SALESMEN nlLL FULLERTON Tel 254 Waugh Beach as room GLENDALE Mobile Home like new No down pay Irian Take over low montnly pay ments Call anytlme Telephone PA D7159 in GLENDALE Mobile Homo for sale No bedrooms new paint job Like now No down pa ment Must move south tor heal PA 35101 PERSONALS Alta You alumni to any ur flier extension of liduor outlets in Barrie would you like to do something about It send your contribution to the Moral Respon slbillty Committee of Enrrle Mr Lloyd Foster is Beyvlew Crescent Barrie Every contribution will be acknowledged WOMENS COLUMN APRIL SPECIALS 25 OFF PERMS $850 AND UP Quickie Shampoo and Set Cream Rinse $150 RUBYS BEAUTY SALONS 124 Dunlap St EPA D173 17 Essa RoadPA 89811 No appointment necessary EEAUTY arson Coldwavca atc by certided hairdrcsser in your own home Phone Bernice at PA Nasal MOTORS beauty car that 15 Very attractive This very smart model It is very attrac PETER shillIl Tel 79 Wall Ruth Age lhlperience Saiary requirements to Chief Accountant HILL THE MOVER CANADA L111 EMPLOYMENT WANTED Tvc your main recto or scedlnz rain or tobacco farm Ing Telephone PA 55746 SALES HELP 81 AGENTS SALESMAN wanted for tpecllllxed lolllrll hlust hays Ioml lle ex perlchcc Good presentlbll pcrson ality for canvassing Commission who guarantee opportunity for advancemcnt Telephone PA H249 Dept DuoW 4m hicbeiicu Montreal TRUCK Drusz light city delivery or over vrclemd tanis Bari1e Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 84414 1153 Martin Grove ltd REXDALE ONTARIO IntervIews arranged in Barrie OFFICE RECEPTIONIST rcqulrcd typing esscnllnl good worklng con dltlons cxacllcnt salary Apply in person Dumont Aluminum 40 Maple Avenue lntcrvlcws btwcen to am and 11 noon Gml WANTED tor general orrice work In small otlice Ability for mathematics and pleasant par lonallty an asset Apply in own handwriting atatlng education and cxpcrlcnco to Box Darrin Ex OPPORTUNITY Man required for sales and warehouse duties tion and knowledge of country surrounding Barrie helpful Apply In person to MR te Junior matricula ZIEGLER SIMCOE DISTRICT COOPERATIVE STORE DIVISION 259 INNISFIL STREET EARRIE amlncr PHONE PA 32414 loor cylinder engine Directional Lights Standard Heater nnd Defroster in stalled Stnndard Transmission No Licorice Vdiicle to be Cleaned and gndercoated Prior to Road 01 Owing to the number of both foreign and domestic vehicles to choose from we ask that oil ilders be accompanied by complcte specifications Lowest or any tender not nec essarily accepted ELSON SecretaryTreasurer COPY for Want Ad Section accepted until Pun Day before publication PLAY LITTLE LONGER LIVE LITTLE BETTER BreWedhlitfle longer Tastes little better KINGSBEER is brewed the caroiul way brewed longer The longer brewing time gives KINGSBEER hfinetlavour youll appreciate right Item the refreshing start Cleanrllvely lparkle for truly distinctive taste youll enjoy every glase of custom broviied KINGSBEE cAu FOkA IMGS BE Anytime overylmc

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