Classified The Peoples Market Place in your olivn home llTIIE BARRIE EXAMINER ANNOUNCEMENTS BAYSIAIRS LODGE WEDNESD APRIL 19E REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE ROGERS PROPERTY FOR SALE CONNELL Nltw mm Bedroom Brick nun REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE RENTALS APTS HOUSES T0 RENT DELUXE APARTMENTS RENTALS APT$ HOUSES TO RENT nmgs noon maimed 82414 RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT mils noon unturplnhed 41 FROPERTY FOR SALE 11 uuhcplrtorm hwill mm mL cm bufï¬ng conisiosd hrsicd spsrlmenl or MINLTS POINT MINUTES om Dump gram1 Em godmllhéorg Erins Conveniently located near 33 as Aixiy Sligglireuorgdmiirms riiosl DOIINTUWN annals HAROLD trim in Barrie Home SelaForemost tn Qualiw oi Semen 333 Pg ï¬g °° agitate gorilla IEEILM not now mum emu mm Wedding Receptions PA 85568 TRUNK LINES downwmw °° plrllxplent st mfllydcld Strut mm ï¬xertnfniéi IInter ny Beauiilui grounds lnr pictures LOTS FOR ALE con and mm bedroom ampiii Sime no mum Writ Immedlm Wlxfeflilldgr iii youu cherishi 63 MELROSE AVENUE RI Bmk gimme Bamboo Du inc Piiier nuren Ollice I7 ilpis Ample parking or guesLs mu AND COMPANY DRASTIC PRICE CUT $1500 DOWN shim so rumor Smm and mm 323fltgmmï¬flgy 91 venience Realtors $3900 Is the new low price authorised for this attractive splii IPm mdlvidnl mmomu NspIrr sum Avsilsnls lmmedt UNrun align room spsrt wIcIussume Itnc respolllilIbllltIES 98 YEle level bungalow with carport paved drive and iully fenced lot can Duck Hangman Ile Appiy si vtnccol so or merit tdr rshl iiulro Not srid WIIL you enyoy yourse Facilities lor dancing etc SATISFACTION ASSURED at PRICES THAT PLEASE PA W53 ANYTIME BACON AND EGG FACTORY Located on paved road in miles ironl Barrie small farm In this line location this price and terms you there with the keys CoOp this property is an outstanding bargain at Now VACANT easy to Inspectwell meet tanm FACING SHEAR PARK IN ALLANDALE NEAR SEPARATE PUBLIC SCHOOLS worth strut 75 lW level int close to public schooL For uh ther idiomsuod telcpbonc PA uni FOR LE 0R RENT lacilitles Children welcome Sample suite may be seen CFiec washing and drying OMnny other in appointments tslrphoo PA 84960 NICE AND Bright inns room up sisirs Apartment Lights nest and water supplied 55 monthly Apply st in Duckvlonb street our CONTAINED unluinishcd cold water Slme included Priv sis rnirshce Avsiisbie isy Tell hon PA diuriar lurthu arts is niobium heated insih floor two bedroom spsrirocnl Refrigerator ca PA 85198 with 7room house and hbam saw mnint awIlloosi Hopout An by calling NDII Edide vumm glévaï¬pplhdWriiIIngIIIqul or in or ren per ml ese cry eesirs up as it St anytime $3001235 £31513 Ifiggalcf On wide lot in quiet welltreed neighborhood this 7ro0m mooibIor which dog pA 83186 lsl on pm sum We 7v pumen on BIRTHS poriunity or independence Full stï¬gï¬ggme hf 3°aézï¬iueï¬ ï¬ï¬grhgngpzeeï¬rrï¬ c5552 Tilting ROD Apmmrht mold UNrulunguzt ummn up CAMPBELLAt the Royal Vlclt torts iiospitsl nsrric on Mondl April i961 to Mr Ind Doriid Csmpbcii RR Barrio son IIIuGllAhlMr and Mn Bruce Bnghlm slcimse Avrnnc ller lie on hsppy to announce ther birth or their son iwiliism Drsn price only $7000 will consider trade to 100 Acre Iiimi Call Qirly Kloostermnn SPRING SPECIAL Semide inched brick bungalow It bed rooms divided kitchen 1050 sq It Downsvicw Dr Carries or $5959 Call Maryann Smith cost Call us at PA 95568 to see it or tor lull particulars 127 PENETANG STREET CLOSE TO SCHOOLS BUS AND SHOPPING $11800 Very altractive bungalow of stone and brick with wide paved driveway and garng hedges and shrubbery id Nicely landscaped Iront and rear with add much beauty The interior is spot Polrlt moo Horus at Mimis Point with this plcer hub hill ll basement with nurses law down plyment Easy tom Tcio phone PA ma dtx ROOM stucco Houso or solo or rent Hydro School bus AP proximately one scro or land with small blm Well tncd int Full prico 000 Located st Lot 29 BRENIWOOD TERRACE Sell contained two bedroom apartment Living room knob on full basement Central loca tlnn $85 per month Telephone PA E9238 houtc School age child wslcnme 55 per month Utllltlu included Apply lid noydcld street LARGE modern tare room un tuihiihcd nplnmenL Spscious grounds and swimming pooL Also two groom iumbhsd lplrlmeriil All crnirol Telephone PA Mom UNFUILNISIIED modern our plant icpsrsts ciilrsrir wslcr refrigerator and st Parli trig cilitics Vicinity rit aid Plul Avsiisbis immcdistciy Tolb phone PA dlldl tar lurihsr psi ticulsri iiosh Two nznnoalld kitchen ltdv slid nirigrrstnr Living room din lng room electric flrcplacl Lurk rnom bsth Hardwood tloors room spsrtrnrni with bslh lint Laundry with dryer in blsemeliL on Sllurdly April it i962 st ills less omoln cenhe hall plan featuring separate dining room Co Vupn Apply to ciibm ed that wntrr Ind nave luppUrd Prlvnto snirsncc irnnl Ind vssr Wm WM mk IF you WANT nICii RESALE Nicely ï¬nished recreation room plus 4th bedroom in basement gellgyIdMkï¬hlhrfljhum Wm OVERLOOKING THE BAY 521ogm TWP g°°tuw hum Mum uAius llr Ind ills it VALUE Choose the right neigh Fully equipped in every way The 4lï¬ NRA mortgage is also flanges Dominion sho in 03 Si ï¬wfenrml fag lflobt CREW CW borhood Toronto Si is chin top attraction Phone PA +5568 or appointment and lull parlicu rummflf Amnmmv 26 monthly Contact elm Brown Samoar Izzï¬pyaltllhgrmmtll° Ely the gm newthde lam Bus OPPORTUNITIES room apartment smvo rooms cnctic snd bath Iicst niudsy April I7 1962 ll the Roy sl Victoria liospitsi brnincr for Wendy and Robbie ILSD At the rloysi Victori iiorpilri Ihrrio uh IVedanly and Mn April it 1562 to air bedrooms large living room dining and kitchen Its high lighted by beautiful Int Call Doris Nuliycombe before its too late JONATHAN COURT $2500 DOWN MORTGAGE ONLY Priced lor quick sale below todays market See this charming 513800 SNACK BAR and GENERAL STORE and reirigcraidr laundry tacitl ues own thermostat Down vtcvv Drive phone PA 60659 mom and hydro supplied Available now For lurther iiilormstlon telephnn PA 31251 Tnan salmon modrm home or rent Ali conveniencci Loos ted ln Angus 15 per month Aplt Iluitor phone PA Mmi PA mu ROSW ROD or rent downtown wrokiy Apply Ad MIplo Avenue ly Emory Miller Rut butts PA home and Judge for yourself It is ii solid brick bungalow with Fully equipped Livtng quarters Beside Lake Elm COMPLETELY furnished mom sud William Wilson 55 Bllke Street Vg kllbhtn with nfflgcntor and 4° vm ENGAGEMENTS exceptiohnlly line buy for the and nicely decorated throughout Immediate possession it yoii ms WWW Sfï¬izerï¬ï¬ï¬‚plilzeï¬mwgï¬ï¬‚ï¬ 33 532fillsliluilupllilltfiï¬l mme Inmin in need of canveni so require The NRA mortgage stag carries or $99 including wood Beach Bargain at $13500 Men magma mush will it putt slat sz mm WWW Pay Johns or Align Onllrto wlsh to announce the document at their daughter Sandra Lee in nlr Anthony shsw Protii son oi Mr sod irs Anthony Pram or nsrrlc The msrriilc will trike place on siturdsy April 28 195 st oclock in Angus Untied church ently located income dwelling Only $2000 down Call Harold Forster JUST LISTED Lois of room for the growing family Older semidetached house with new taxes Phone PA S5568 today GOODLOOKING HIGHWAY 11 HOME MILE SOUTH OF BARBIE Here is the period Groom family home attached garage pretty 59800 country setting very close to Barrie With lnvely 22 living with $5000 down Telephone Cherry 94232 or write Mrs Packer 60 Walvvyn Ave Wes ton Ontario PA 64068 The Garden Terrace Corner Queen and Duckwortb Modern home two bedrooms large living room tiled kitchen Mly Telephone PA 84300 nurtToN we Three room In mmishrd apartment In ran all heated hot water stav Ind re rigortor Private both Apply Centre St or further lnlonnnunn Two nannonli mild or root In room with rsngrttc us at ril rrstor Central location Telephoni PA Him or PA arms PUIINISIIEI BEDROOM lri quldt well lidpt home Downtown srcs Plrlting Gentleman only Rum sblc Tolephone PA 7117 CENTRAL iii qulri home Clort Aurui Modern conv nilhm AnositdtinltsIIIlIiri amoï¬l furnace Large kitchen with room large family kitchen separate dining bedrooms and bath Mink61655 mm he P°m° igmhihsgpleclliiif£14315 mlfnflixÃ©ï¬‚ï¬ 25m hum pantry PlenI OI Cupboards this property with molt garden lot would be priced thousands IMMEDIATE air conditlnnlng lull basement Lugs PA Ionnstlori tolophann PA Mm Dlanne Ilsrtorio in Kenneth wtii livml room dining worn down higher in town Cull PA 85568 for inspection anytimel lst 2nd 5991 landscaped HoundE KG hm mum mm bedrooms and bath UPI Tom bamboo drapes 586 month nnATnn UNPtmNiiliizn Tim h°kl Illr snd Mn Clrl nogcrs ot Port price $10000 Call Nomi Hes EVENINGS CALL Mortgage Loans Anywhere It or rent stove and retrlgorstor psrimdnz ground rinor PHONE pg 32740 West End with puking lacllltlu flï¬lke°f3°SJly mjff km MRS ll MOOREPA um FOSTERPA Hm on all properties mpgmumh°l TclePhonu PA Milli Isms IiaIIIIIII III SI hum Recalls um CONNELL PA was WITH Low MONTHLY UNruanilnn tbrcd roam huh monthly Telephone PA who Pmsbyterlln Church sriio in ALL HOMES CONSTRUCIED MEMBERS BARR DISTRICT REAL ESTATE 501 PAYMENTS TAILOIIED To tn Apartment hot and cold wstu on homo Cluns tsrio BY GEORGE DAVIES CONA YOUR BUDGET IF YOU NEED MONEY Avsiisblc liisy l5 Adults iii Chnntler tricphnmr PA 32087 Tunnel ncnnno meat or turnlshcd bcdioom lips to be SIDE to be nppreclntcd For rurthcr id rdui new build wntncr sraummN um an ll ll lamHun telephone PA 57567 DEATHS I962 DESIGNSI AND LIme mmmm Mb THREE nannooii Hours with sll Avsllutlir illitingdltzluTlllrhoild TEDiary lilhrihr At her homc 310 Codrtngtdn Street nrr CONTAIN FINISHED RECRE ATION ROOMS AS PART OF REALTOR Psy on existing mortgages or mortgages coining du convcnioncrs ll ply Alvin Gros ardwond iloors Ap is third house esst PA 82552 tnr iurther intoxication ROOM BOARD WANTED ui Shell ststiuu Guthrie No it riinnn most all contained on Monday Aw it 1961 mm mm 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE AEWli3iil2iu llluwv iuumu or lumui Mary Mania mm beloved wile PHONES PA mm PA or to him Also hlchclut URGENTLY Kunm Protestat ol the isle iiuruid File and our Two BEDROOM slr cniitnlncd lpnrtmnnl rully turnlihed Talo Mm 1n the country forlwonhool mnther or Gwen hosted at the EVENINGS CALL Mortgage Funding Iplrtmcnt or rent unlumlshcd pl was on buy by Enter Stlta sti pu Pcthlck Iimcrnl Hunlo 127 Bay Doris Nuttycombe in 37957 WWI mm ml we Two Children welcome no mnnm ticuinri Write no nuns no iivid Street nurrir Private ser Iisryiuiu sluiih PA M018 smith aimpneilurn was Joni bank17m NW ly Allnndnle district Telephone must comment Home plumb when tlct at the Chapel at st iuincs Norm Heskoth PA unis Fergu lisnsy rA inns Chrrlls ReamPA 52817 SimpsonsSears PA N037 rim p111 trig tlle nonrs hat nd cold ml the Less Parliament Street Tor Curly Kinnslcrnlan PA tastes er Availbio how Apply rt Fitz WANTED To RENT anln Wednesday allotnoon ovum Members or the Dorrlo as District MONFY AVAILABI mun imam Apartment Idcal or RR Angul Near hsw bridge on tion flmgleCoï¬aiogil mihwy TnAclicrt would like to rent our ii RDs 0F THANKS Norman SW8 FOR dy bu service Apply 32 Cecil 5t sriAu Iollll ROOM Duplex In bflfméegmwmll lgmmlbglmhh CA CODSDIldalton at Bills Home Angus Angus sil conveniences tlled klt Wu HENDERSON REAL ESTATE BROKER nteview elm Landon or PERRYWe wish to extend our repairs elci rnuit iloau unrumishsd ipsrt mm Phone PA s75713 in Gmle hoorttelt thsuks slid spprdcistloh REALTOR DUNLoP ST PA nsilel PA $8742 NO BONUS mm mm One block azzchirhlegg13IfllrghsgItggfllflrKIT ed the muuy sets oi kindness COLLIER STREET First Mortgage Funds Available interest Pnst orricr Prints onlrnnefl TWTIAATAPTA ill rum ms 60 or Value No Fees Charged LOW RATES triflili lilmiiltizliflnlh Kremlin r°dP SUMMER RESORTS mu men an IT III ry WW 10 whim nvcnum Clll LIFE INSURED incllltlcs Also two room newly the recent loss of our dear GIIiACIQUS LIVING $23500 Lam Mk mum $1549 at $56 Monfhl 33 hiIiï¬oIiiiiuiIiIinIlIiirryuia Aim mum man 4th WHERE TO GO mnthcr Tiic Inmlly of the late with gorgeous view of the bay msrrtt Shotsct mo 29in Nnmln Shelswell PA amt mqu Eloise MMLPMML PA some mum SM our mm Pvrw on treed ravine lut Large Hawrd Norm PA mu $3544 at $90 Mommy COMINGI IEVENTS bright living room with open BRAND NEW HOMES Reasonable root Tele phone PA Mm liter pm HEATED our room small apart mcnt wlth stove arid refrigerator 19d leiits 10 oil on all tent ord cri now nanlo Govcriimerit an Up to $5000 and 60 month 10g burning shine limplace to repay Tiiltnn ROOM Apartment Stove trigggwmgflgzlspfflw $léï¬$£lzsum II iii THE CIRCLED PNE illitenb°ï¬lllmeliiileg 5ng fi°és 1335 $22 153 5535312 SEABOARD gstingiguiglnlusl mum hummer V2 om lCE REVIEW I962 area Recreation room with ry DISCOUNT pllgnlIsAA81559 lsmsiifltsliiizaciï¬ FURNISH Aprmnm mm ARTICLES For SALE II ï¬replace hot water heating cupboard space Must be seen to be appreciated Also one 3bed 14 Dunlo St sqmm iocaItIion Quiï¬Idscenic yiuwa NIviyv mc OM is Saturday Aprl 2l double gm Terms if as room Income house on Sanford Street Very private Beauiitul buy PA 6277 WEI mm mm Mm 3mm dial of mm mysmmpabpgnkimï¬vgmg MAITNEE 230 PM New exclusive listing For lull APPLY Apartment Central location nu people 55 monthly Telephone PA EVENING 815 RM At Camp Borden details call Rita Scandrett lOl RODNEY ST $13300 In HILL AND McKNlGllT PA 82580 PA 66111 lst AND no existing mortgagor bought tor ready cash Also money loaned on present mortgages Csii ionsble Must be such to be ap prcciuiod Toicphons PA 50081 or PA 37m dosili 15 ONE BEDROOM Apartment stove and refrigerator supplied street or telephone PA GSA mm 16 rlso blue flgurlzd Dress sin is paramount lcats dri dry ARMY excellent location Close Cod Mr Kohl PA 64193 AND nnnltoolii Apartmentl Also two HindiDam Apartments my FEW THEM unfurnished heated separate out Laundry mumu In new litm FA Hug ringtoii Stone fireplace in FOP $1000 WANTED ss nrsi mortgage rnncc Clean and reasonable Close nlcnt hulldlng Telephons PA ANDY ANDERSON ivin inirl Kei Excellent property and good can to wire End rim rel no PA H674 ulnr Ls aged an mory em Apply Fax 56 mm ARENA PEEP is 31 Elimirr mild Liéirliilï¬uil 468° II uII 20W ES ENJOY YOUR FEATURING 1962 WWW Figure monthl izncluding taxes Must nidnTnAunsiri and 2nd bought me andaltwdmnbilsdrzzgn npsrimcni vlth privste both cell gold soil arranged Cnmmerclnl purtmsuts janitor ssvvlcu pm contalned Toronto Street dtstriet Skating Champions be sold For lull details call snd rostdentlal moneys leaned on slls ps mouth Telephone close to blu stop Tclcpbond PA 5351s Rita Scanhe REAL ESTATE BROKER REAL ESTATE BROKER 915 WWW 33 PA P2570 turtizrr inrormrtlnn 555 We 63 232 Tiff St PA 82592 anvATB In TWO ArAiuilinNis in triplex urouii nor one Petra Burka BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY l5 CLAPPERWN Rm Wm on wn beam ronrri iprrtment Lsundry tscin SIZES PA 1881 and many other Bell Ewart small commnn RENTALS mm Mama tier Cellini Woul soil but In it eneral store with living MOORE PA ozaso contained newly decorated 5x eluded $55 monthly Avsllsbis llIly l4d24A PUBLIC WELCOME Gate 735 VERY CENTRAL FRANK mus 55595 Apply Peel Street Apment 35 mt required camp 8mm quarters for owner Call Doro ml 33m mule now can SPACE cur rent bench TeIlpthlu PA 81I34 cl lidi suit hi Directional signs all the way wmx $271515 giggles $533 mm 519ngi7gglistndustiatnr mm on mum gIIjOICE Apsrtruergth rdnndlm one Jon uh urns romp ADMISSION $2 $150 $1 and NHA RESALE Lquin Rule This eight room MOVING Effï¬wgï¬gï¬gï¬ggf 531 $512 viluï¬iï¬uim Laundry ud work Im Th5 YEIIOW bungalBV home has living room kitchen Dnnl forget to mister YOUr NURSING HOMES picco batii Available Apiii ii In fuclllflu Near bill up 1m MATINEE $1 Jae tor ehild has central location alumin sumo summer kitchen Apply Amlrangg 3mm 33 medsiri Polssoséiondlgeiï¬pbnnu PA ran urn storms and screens bedroom three piece hall and INSURANCE DONER Dflfllll Street EML er Tickets are on sale at mortgage and priced to sell gauge only $2000 down my and if you need extra coverage THREE nooni uoturnishcd rpsrt wgwmpzmrguongulrtfgoktg Garners Sporting Goods P110 P5 Ids meni balance arranged on one at any kind REST HONIIE Igfrgimwgligetï¬ï¬mggcgjgï¬fg iconic ngenleg Isiin neonnvlvcse mortgage Call Karl Marshall Licenced pleasant ome for mm uppmd mm or or an an urmIsIo 56 Dunlop St This igmï¬gï¬lé stï¬eEnfloom PA 899 SEESTEVENSON elderly convalescent and downtown Telephnns PA ocean lï¬ï¬keflm éï¬ï¬‚m hm AND Mrs JAMES DIXON of Minesing are holding matte laundry lacllltler Prrirlng OPEN HOUSE Ford Memberï¬zlrlulitegflg mm Large living room when with or writseIPO Box194 Enxhxgtflgiin lid lagging mm mfgmhm Mm mm as er mm SATURDAY APRIL 1962 EVENINGS CALL large dining area lots of cup phone PA Mass cm DI unmmkhld to In nigggnsrglwgt PEA boards and mmge 01 heamd mm mm WWNTWW 70 mm apartment three rooms and bath on the occasion of their brick home in good condition one car garage 66 foot lot and reasonably priced Phone Percy PERCY FORD PA alsao EVENING CALL Karl Marshall PA E9917 Jars Palmer PA 50353 Emory Mlller PA 3056 CORBY PA sIilol 113 Dunlap St New three bedroom home Colored bathroom fixtures van tarded Tray service Reason able rates PHONE 17 STAYNER Built or this work Sam and ed apartment nlsbedi heated or lurther details UNFURNISBED tbreu room but compietely self coulsihed East end close to shop apartment will MODERN one sud two bedroom apartments east end Barrie mm bno drapes Venetisn blinds Auto 10 minuics wsik mm downtown mnnsoN swam PA 53505 ity divided basement Large VSn ï¬ghnfllllï¬nï¬t 919° ml muggaghlflg eflï¬mm WEI 25TH ANNIVERSARY Member at Barrie and District and lot in good residential area gm to dining Taidpbnnd mu fk 1d sum tlondl Available immediately ele Ontario Real Estate Eonrdd REA ESTATE dose to 5mm and schools svroud Ezupleï¬lephglt PA 3376 Su 5231 mm 91 TELEPHONE 84281 DItODllI 1th SQUARE AND ROUND Slouï¬ phi mm °FFCES 5T°RES RENT gin rfï¬uhuvaiuï¬lillg itï¬li°i€$ulfï¬fl eltonnne else en DANCING 93 Dunlap St Ottice BuillilIinoglnlzloniiiinWIi Bar Elis Riggiiloilroslixheeéï¬iadï¬lfl 55 3P3 aha5 VI lVIidhurst Township Hall AgenCIGS alarm MARSHALLPA Gadfl For complete moving 59m ï¬e has 1iIIIIIedIIIIIIIIIIIIIl of space III H203 Friday April 27 I962 REYPA 53 and 5191 can availablewill alter to suit ma annnoom Abutment oil 339tl°1£lngltll€l SPONSORED av 0FU CENTRAL ONTARWE Wm WYPA COOKE CARTAGE Telephune main floor Ernrit Ind side ent hm mm Pattendens Orchestra LARGEST REALTORS pA 39193 rance trusted tlled bathroom sior tor slid duper supplied Centrally 10 COLLIER STREET STORAGE LTD age lluunediatd pnsseuion located Ideal in young married MISSION 75 PA 85901 YOIIR ALLIED VAN Hims Grove Street East Tctsphoh PA couple Telephone PA 68392 NEARLY CONTENTMENI AGENT PA from or PA meal lmilml himmiiï¬iufl FURNISHED ea room no canone else one NEW FTl£ï¬smiu have in this Rm TATE 550m 43 E553 ECL Barrie APTS HOUSES To RENT Inan Bedroom living room kitch triplex Rent reduction tor keeping Bl ALICE BROOKS SALE Tuesday May charming borne on Highland Ave Four bedrooms sewing room Recreation room with EXTRAS too numerous to men Iii TIFFIN 5m nAmIIm CALL DAY OE EVENING PA 82379 PArkwny 85515 Amng New Hire bedroom brick bunglow modeln lscllluss Lot 70 230 feet Nelil Catholic Tnan LARGE Rooms slid hath ntrnlsbed laundry includes Psrlr Lng Centrally located Telepbmlo PA Will or PA Mani evenings cation allelic Ind bathroom Central ln Suitable for two adults 55 per month Telephone PA new AVAILABLE Immedlately Upper stars cut sndpiace tidy close to schoall shopping and bus PA H567 THREE ltuolii unfurnished apart ment or rcrit Stan and refrig HALFSIZES Sleep coat nightie or duster School snd Church Down payment MODERN heated sellcontained Use or she shit or divine cool to May InCIUSIVe tron Brnadloomtlicluded Cali only 3600 Telephone in 95417 on ma two bedroom apartments 325Xllll 35233 EEK lncnllnnfviiilnwiy dangled easy to SE Member or tho arms sod district pp and cominrta on warm IRHIITY PARISH HALL today or personal inspection mm mm on To ACRES Wm new aligns ségvifnivgedflgggél gaugogg Lust tenants yenrgit Two Iï¬rge IrinispbBoameA onto or turthor nights wb 1p up flawed are ar arm Good Used Clothing Asking $14000 ma £3283 aruggenï¬hm ml Ora gutters 012ng ggï¬gggwfg7iufiiliv in THREE ROOM ma up mm dreamsr wardrobe in batiste Household Nude PLACE TO GROW HAPPY tractor and implements 14th Line 313 lsfmit Earthly past 595 private bath deeln kitchen wlll driprlry blends AUSPICES Trinity Guild MEMORIES In this immacu Innlriil PA c1330 t$ 59 consist Msy seen mumdiinp el sell and refrigerator and range newly de Printed Pattern 4680 Half or ro CONVENER late three bedmom ranch style on weekendni mired apartment Privata ent curated Close to schools stores sizes 1413 16 11m 20 Mrs Pi 6VIVIIDIIIIenden blick bungalow Attached gar Eggs EJégmï¬ï¬gk 2315 £35ch gay IIzisaiIilzIIoéIuIliIlIysL 523th lyrslésa bus line Tale gigII My IIsSIiZeII is requiw age Lovely corner lot Close to imfl sunsblc Near West End Piuza ynr one rte ed lot Excellent rentdnnttl FIVE noont unheated Epnrtinent COCONVENER schools and shopping Askme Next door to in Imperial Tom siren or hiucir to bus lllapplnlg Mumml my mum Send My vcents ISO cents In Mrs Wolieuden 516500 45 DUNLOP ST plIu Andmonl AC on hm Clalse to sxhulï¬i lSud busAClllIi1rI coma Olilallo residents add on area In nrn ital kltch it woenme vi now play mgï¬sgggs Member or the arm and District WWW0mm 5an Id 3332 Elliflhllrï¬iimliigaly Cumberland St PA oasis altcr ems es Stamps Mrs Mngee PA 06539 Real Estate Bonrd EVENINGS CALL PA 66481 doors mortgage Telephone PA 13 FOR UNLlSTED In new madam building Automo tic laundry mllntennnco service pull please for this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME An tlo sl AVAILABLE Now Modern hciit Gram PA M733 Eggvgoï¬w 97 my 5mm mm mnuamun Commercial Invert UMBE Elli Sggmtgtiagceiliiig Iggl lelr ed two bedroom spurtmcm In DRESSY STYLE NUMBER iIAIlIw SLESSOR PA H673 nest Pam Baurd merit4d Essa Road 192 295 mm mm pA siroud apartment house Adults Send order to ANNE ADAMS POSTPONED DECI BROWN PA P7255 Service ststion parking attics H858 orPA 91314 prelmnd Nn obiection In blbyv care oi Barrie Examiner Pat LLOYD nocxmv PA Milli awardiva thro bedroom bungn building and IPIrimenL Four in 105 gimmlsï¬aggï¬hm mm tern Department 60 Front St DANCE 7mm mu rm lliirui newsflash iii surrmoa PROPANE miEuhmlihuvirlllilurh hum our VY ORANGE HALL mu STA SE $$hdllllz lent to lléiluire under dne girlidreh Also inuv roam uhium THREE iloowi unruruirhed spurt SPECIAL SWEESMN Fab RED BRICK Iluiush styld Bungalow third on nnnedclsy In In New PM mmbe ished apartment bathroom slid ment with bath Completely mod km Cnmogready mm Mo FROM APRIL 20 attached garage hurirooms largo CHANCE or Liloflmo tn Burris lpeetlng this interestlltg property pA 6186 balcony suit plder couple or uni Private entrance In Dalston IO WEDNESDAY APRIL 25 recreation rnoin close to schools East End incoms prnpertymll1lex For plans undpirticlilsrs no no couple with nine chlld central seven rilller trnm narrle Convenl than 100 sparkling stylessun watch Com Evenls roriar Timinlwrlflhilt liriihiidiiwiii id 9ï¬llï¬rlï¬2loï¬i HWY113° if Tilllldvailiilzdnlslna zit Tulshuiiiollciiiiii erm day dancer work travel no ll ax es on rims ll ticulars Mass on 602 pm 30X 423 allow prn dsyr PA 5041 evenings All mes Send 35 cenlsr um 5s wszd your lt Is iv leer RfM 43 at iii it 11 IBv Ili 52 on yL st s3 411 535 tlI $3 11 19 5w ad ï¬lial uni sham IMWMAWW mum Alviss admit tbssz