How to Relieve Aches and Pains Caused by Too Much Exercise or Change in the Weather Many limos when you exercise musclcs that hm been inactive 00 longer when time change 1km BARBIE um WEDNESDAY APRIL II 1962 Palm Sunday Was Eventful Day At St Johns Church Alliston ALLISIDN Special Palm Church Women This provided Sunday was day of worshlpful fine opportunity for everyone service and dedication at st totbecomc acquatntcd and join Johns Church Alliston when in the line fellowship for which and ulhrilis but pains ollum bago muralgin and sciatica as well so you ch bellcr rm musclcs and joints lut ymr ton ï¬dcncc in MIKE and gel truly BEGS FOR MERCY FROM BISHOP Mrs Galllot Jr communicated with two other persons Monday in segrega tion row kneels bclorc Roman Catholic Archbishop Joseph Francis Rummol of Now Or loans todoy and begs his mercy An unidentified wo man trics to shield the arch bishop lrom Mrs Galllots Bad Management Listed Reason For Small Business Failures TORONTO CF Bad man agcment is the biggest reason for failure of Canadian small businesses and inability to get capital is at most secondary factor thrce witnesses told the royal commission on banking and finance Tuesday All three backed commls sioner Thomas Brown of Vancouver who said then Is no divine right to borrow and commissioner Dr Mac kintosh vice chancellor of Queens University who said there is tendency to weep over small business The witnesses were Brien secretary of the Cana dian Small and Independent Busincss Federation dAlton Sinclair vice president of Charterhouse Canada 1961 Limited and Michael Kocrncr who described himself as Tor onto engineer Mr Kocrocr called for legis tlon to bring about new class of investment company devoted to financing small bu llness This company would have the right to borrow from new Crown corporation which would take the Industrial Dc Discover Clouds Ol Hydrogen LONDON Reuters Huge clouds of luminous hydrogen have been discovered in gigan tic stellar systems of the milky way type by group of Soviet astrophyslcists at the Crimean Observatory the Soviet Infor mation service reports The clouds have been photo graphcd for the first time with new 93inch telescope using method of electronic optical photography By using this method of photographing faint objects in the sky it is possible to reduce the time of exposure to llDDLh or lZDDth of that required when using plates of the conventional type After studying galaxies photo graphed in the hydrogen section of the spectrum the astrm physicists have come to the conclusion that hot stars emit ting great deal of ultraviolet radiation are not always respon sible for the luminosity of hydrogen exclusive freshbreWed flavour vclopmcnt Bank under its wing Management is the prime reason for success or failure of small business lllr Sinclalr raid Financing problems wcro at the bottom of thc list Any Canadian company with good management could find money in numerous sources Proposals for national se curities administration to re place the lu provincial agencies were opposed by Lennox chairman of the Ontario Secur Ities Commission Growing AL pleas The women gathered in front of the nrchbishops resldcnce lor prayer pil grimage Mrs Galllot arriv cd minutes after the arch bishop uppcarcd AP Wire photo Rev James Stallion conducted most Impressiv communion assisted by the elders of the church to capacity congrega tion The organist lukster and the st Johns choir added great ly to the Occasion and bass solo was sung by Ralph Ellison 01 special significance was the acceptance several plc by profession of faith Into the membership of the church These were Mrs William Eng lish Mrs Peter Goymour Mrs Ron hlacscnzle Mrs Vllliom Vnrriner Jama Bortand lred Brayford Peter Goymour With lam Hazaxlm John Smith and Misses Linda Alderson Carol Lynne Bell Mary Cook Sheila Dulfln Patricio Gourlay Lynne Gross Giorlotte Harris Mar lyno Knox Nancy Jenn Lee Marjorie Leonard Valerie Mc Cutchcon Karen Robbins Kath ryn Robbins Sandro Robins Kathleen shllton Sharon Swen son also William Connell Rob er Dickey llarold Mills Paul Whltcslde and David Wlllett Those joining the church by transfer of certificate were Mrs Banting Mrs Brny lord Mr and Mrs Baker tllss Diana Baker Brecdon Mrs Brousc Mrs DeCoo man English Mr and Mrs Hankin Mrs Halo Jr Mrs Knox Mr and Mrs Lee Mrs Rogerson John Somcrvllle Mr and Mrs chnson Larry Swanson Mrs Sutton nnd Mr and Mrs Tomclin Following the service recep tion was held In the church Sunday School Hall and lunch was served by the United WEATHERCONTROHED DEllVERlES assure unfailing Oil supply No roleulute your rate of use and carefully check it ngalmt doytcdoy Iompcrut urar We know when you need all and make dellvcrias automotlcally Vou navu save to worry about your full oil supply The SARJEANT CO LTD MaryStreat PA 82461 TV TUBES TESTED FREE PICK UP YOUR FREE TV TROUBLE CHART Simeon Shopping Plaza Johnson 5t Hwy No 11 FREE CITYWIDE DELIVERY SAVE llillili LOW lOW PRICES Post 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LOIN PORII CHOPS CALDWELLS WIENERS EAN MINCED sin ROUND STEAKS 0R ROASTS MEATY PORllRlBS 238 SHORT RIB ROAST Lean Mmcrn BEEF 99c DELIVERY Talk about convenience Well deliver promptly and courteously right to tention to the folks in their orders INNIS fast rclicf Rrad lhc instruction Ouc mason AsrLRLv can bring Oldtl inlidc 1hr you this last gentle pain XIIIch package for but instant flaking action rot titans to ill inllanl flaking action Aroma is rcndy to go to work instantly So dont luITEI nccdlmly min titanti pains and aching in your rcsulu for you Be sure you gcl genuine Asoinm Lock in the pack age with the Bayer crma yes weve been in business for one fulldecade now Since our beginning in 1952 we ways endeavoured to offer our customers mate in service and quality Were loo ward to serving you zave al he ulti rig for GOVERNMENT lhlSPECTE All OUR MEATS 0N DISPLAY Weve got no secrets nothing to hide We believe on customers should know what they are buying and see weve got what theyre getting Our meat Is on display and Open for inspection HWY 90 OPP FERNDALE RD anytime your whole weeks supply of meat your home We give extra special at who cant make it down to the store and have to phone WEEKS SPECIALS