Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Apr 1962, p. 1

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OUR TELEPHONES Tor Examiner Want Ads Tel plums PA Hull 11 telephone number to can for the Business or Editorial Dept is PA 5631 LOCAL WEATHER Cloudy Clearlrg late lav day law tonight 15 High tomorrow 55 For complete summary turn to page two Uhe Earth 1635 miner 98th YearNo 92 Barrie Ontario Canada Way April 1960 Not More Than 71 per Copy20 Page ELECTION DATE Liberal Campaign Opens With Lash At Govt Record OIlAWA CP scathing stemtostern indictment of the govemrnents liveyear record launched the election campaign of Liberal Leader Pearson Tues day night 1n the waning moments of the 24th Canadian Parliament Mr Pearson savagely loshed at Progressive Conservative Poll cies on unemployment trade deficit spending and the Coyne affair The sitting ended with seeth ing Commons embroiled in fight for the floor The mood filled the atmos4 phere created by Prime Minis ter Diefcnhakers announce ment earlier that the Commons will adjourn today or Thursglfl pending dissolution for June 18 election Meanwhile the Commons to day may get one last crack in the private members hour at disposing of 293 divorce peli tions on the Commons order paper An hourlong filibuster by the CCFNew Democratic Party group prevented passage of the petitions Tuesday Mr Diefenbaker introduced legislation for fiveman com mission which would make rec ommendatlons on redistribution of federal electoral canstituen cies every 10 years on the basis of census figures WELL DIEBUT The prime minister said the bill will die with dissolution but would serve as an invitation to comment and suggestions Four senior judges and the chief eleb forai officer would be cabinet appointees under the proposed legislation designed to remove the remapplng of constituen cies in line with population shifts out of partisan politics Pickersgill LBonav vista lwillingoto reiteratal doubts about having cabinet ap pointees replace what has been task for the Commons He urged the naming of the coma mission members in the hid it self nlr Pearson seized the only remaining opportunity to com blue Commons reply to Pi nance Minister Flemings hud lfet speech with start on his own campaign to be the next prime minister But after the 10 pm adjourn ment as supporters serenaded the Liberal leader broadly grinning hlr Fleming unin vited crossed the floor to stand shoulder to shoulder with smiling air Pearson No such accord was evident in the lidhour Pearson attack on the Progressive Conservative record in office STILL NEEDS APPROVING it was mounted on is routine government bill to cover the fi nal supplementary spending es tlmalcs for the last fiscal year Approval still was needed today when the Commons resumed for the normal short Wednesday afternoon sitting Weve got deficits and un employment ion and this is the ultimate in gnvemment mis management llfr said Canadas financial are in morass from which the government is unable to re treat with grace or emerge with credit it was slanderous falsehood by the Conservatives to contend the Liberals wanted to see no economic improvement Liberal criticism attacked on state ments of doom and gloom had been borne out by fact Mr Fleming was accused of having consistently misled the Canadian people He had failed every single year to give proper and true picture of the economy Mr Pearson said the budget deficits liquidation of special defence account and depletion of the unemployment insurance fund meant 54000000000 ad ded debt for Canadians8640 resident Canada Will Be Relatively Free Oi Debris From States Blasts WASHINGTON CPI Can ada which lies in the direct path of radioactive fallout from Russias 1961 nuclear tests may be relatively free of much of the debris from United States detonations expected to start next week First in more than three years the US tests will be conducted over period of about three months in the South Pacific area of Christmas and Johnston islands Johnston is about 700 miles southwest of Hawaii The 05 Atomic Energy Com mission says that of the total debris from the Pacific shots Missionaries Sale In Kenya NAIROBI Kenya Reuters Six Canadian missionaries miss lag since the weekend on trip on Lake Victoria were found safe Tuesday night on Rusinga Island about 50 miles from shore police reported today police launch which began search reported by radio to police headquarters at Kisumu closetothelakeJhatthemisv sionaries had been found There are no direct oommu pirations between Rusinga and the mainland only about one or two per cent is expected to consist of local fallout The remaining 98 or 99 per cent is expected to be dispersed high above the earths equato rial regions the commission added in statement indiuting much of the fallout may circle the earth at the equator instead of the northern hemisphere as was the case in Russias Arctic series last fall In the 115 case the diluted bands of lowlevel radioactivity will lose part of their radioac tivin through natural decay processes before they gradually descend to earth over period of years Despite expressions of con cern by Canada and other coun tries including the nonaligned nations the United States is moving rapidly towards re sumption of the shots which may start about April 25 de pending on the weather Russia has threatened to reopen her gerial shots if the United States DES WONT TEST BOMARC More than 10000 men are in volved in the 115 preparations of some 40 experiments Inforrnants said there is no immediate plan for including the Bnnlarc the anti aircraft missile which Canada has adopted in the tests This never has undergone full operational testing with its nuclear load CHINESE lrs Marion Buckley 27 shows she knows how to use chopsticks alter getting di vorce from Bryan Buckley in Los Angeles She testified her NOT HEB husband insisted she look dress speak and act like Chinese woman even though she is Britishborn and speaks with an English ac cent AP Wircphoto IS JUNE 18TH Sales To US Up With UK Down OTTAWA CPDExport sales to the United States continued to boom in February while sales to Britain and the Common wealthslippcd as Canada re corded $37600000 trade deficit in the month Total experts for February on the strength of 218per cent gain in shipments to the US reached $411700000 up 12 per cent from 967500000 year earlier the bureau of stu tistics said today in pre liminary report imports also gaining strongly rose 137 per cent to $449300 000 from 05100000 in Febru ary last year Almost all the rise was in purchases from the US The months trade deficit Survival Recruitment L0west Of The Season By THE CANADIAN PRESS Canadawide recnritmcnt for the last of four scheduled tia survival training courses is more than 35 per cent off tar get the lowest enrolment rate in the winterlong program The first three six Week courses turned out 51304 quali fled men The final course which started Monday is likely to add only about 11000 men in past patterns of dropouts and failures are followed The gov ernment aimed to train 100000 men 25000 in each of the four COUISBS An army spokesman in Ot tawa said 15627 men were en rolled for the fourth course as of Monday night The total is expected to exceed 15000 by Thursdays registration dead line 0niy the Atlantic provinces and Manitoba recruited their quotas Central Command spokes man at Oakville Ont attrib uted the recruitment slump to resumption of lot of employ ment with the spring opening of forests and waterways it past performances are re peated during the fourth course more than 3000 men will drop out before finishing and another 1500 will fail examinations at the end of the course The dropout rate in the first three courses averaged almost 20 per cent and 12 per cent of those 7w completed their courses failed exams The army considers those who did not graduate6950 men during the first thrce courses could be called on in on emergency along with successful candi dates 0f the 2052 recruits in the first course 2891 dropped out and 2143 others did not gradu ate in the second course 4436 of the 25983 recruits dropped out and 2503 missed the ex ams Onequarter of the 25436 who enrolled in the third course G351 men dropped out and 2044 failed to graduate LEAVE FOR JOBS Army spokesmen said many of the dropouts are known to have left for civilian jobs They indicated that many of those listed as deserters probably also quit to take jobs Militia pay is $108 and $65 for living out allowance Ontario had enrolled less than half its fourthcourse quota of 8750 by Monday night with 4221 men Central Command spokesman said the total is exh pected to reach 4750 when late recruits are processed total of some 23300 men enrolled for the first three courses in On tario and 15300 graduated Because of the recruiting slump militia training centres at Listolvel Sarnia and one in Hamilton have been closed for the fourth course centre has been opened in Tilnmins Only three of the 45 training centres in Ontario reenlited their quotas for the fourth courseTimmins Sudhury and North Bay Hamiltons enrol ment was down to about 300 from peak of 867 in January and London recruited only half its quota of 300 Toronto with target of 2050 men at four training centres had recruited only 655 men by Monday night with 199 more applicants being Processed Diet Gives Ont Boys Cold Plate Pep Talk TORONTO CPlPrime Min ister Diefenballer made flying visit to Queens Park late Tues day for arypreelection pep talk to Progressive Conservative members of the Ontario legisla lure In 45minuie talk to some 80 members and party officials delivered behind closed doors at coldplate supper in the Conservative caucus roomMr Diefenbaker stressed party un ity and was rewarded with cheers that penetrated into the halls outside when he had finished speak ing premier Leslie Frost led the faithful in chorus of For Hes Jolly Gond Fellow and four thundering hur rahs His speech it was understood consisted of mixture of pep talk jokes and stress on the benefits Ontario has received Propose Spot Checks For Disarming Plans GENEVA APPThe United states proposed sweeping world disamlament program to day with new enforcement concept based on spot checks in the territories of the great powers The detailed 35 Page treaty draft was submitted to the 17 nation disarmament conference by us Ambassador Arthur Dean Dean said the new plan was based on the principle that the nations of the world should seize moment in tithe to stop the arms race to freeze the mil itary situation as it then ap pears and to shrink it to zero always keeping the relative mil itary positions of the parties as near as possible to what it was at the beginning instead of starting lse dip armament process with an in ventory of national military es tablishments which the Rus slans have always rejected as espionagethe new US plan called for spot checks in se lected areas USE SAMPLE METHOD These new checks would be conducted on the sampling tech nique developed by big indus trial corporations The military forces and installation in any sample area would give inter national inspectors picture of the total Soviet delegate Valerian Zorin told reporters at the end of the meeting the 115 plan does not seem to contain any thing new But he said the Soviet government will give the plan careful study Joseph Godber British minis ter of state and Italian dele gate Francesco Cavalletti both expressed their governments approval and support for the LS proposal us officials said Soviet dip lomats with whom they dis cussed the sampling idea prior to introduction of the draft med fascinated by it but did not commit their govern ment The 115 felt the sampling procedure went long way to ward meeting Soviet objections against foreign inspectors swarming all over Russia in the early stagls of disarmament Under the US plan the spectnrs would thoroughly in vestlgateat any one time only one of many identical districts into which the territory of the big nations Mould be divided Each side would be free to choose any single district or the other without advance warning PROVIDES CHECK From the arms and armed forces found in the chosen dis triCI mathematidans would project an estimate of each states total military strength This would provide alcheck of governments declarations of their military strength on which the percentage reductions are to be based It would also con stitute verification that each state was meeting its disarma ment obligations Unlike the Soviet plan for to tat disarmament within four years the plan contained no time 11 for its completion The first tw of its three main stages won last three years each under the federal Conservative government including in creased shares of tax money under federalprovincial fiscal agreements INVITED BY PREMIER At his side during the dinner was Premier Robarts who in vited the prime minister here to meet the Ontario members last week without knowing that Mr Diefenbaker would an nounce June 15 general eleclt tion data only hours before his Toronto visit Mr Diefenhaker told waiting reporters the members had shown lot of enthusiasm al though he declined to discuss his speech Mr Robarts and Mr Frost were noncommittal about any role they might play in helping to keep majority of Ontarios crucial seats in the Causewa tive camp Both said they had no immediate plans to take part The whole visit was over in an hour and half sandwiched into the supper recess of the legislature Mr Diefenbaker told press conference before the gathering that the main election issues will be the records of his gov ernment and of previous Lib eral governments Asked whether he was opti mistic about the outcome he replied am always optimis ticperiod He refused to pre dict the outcome and said never do that Mr Diefenbaker said he will start his official campaign early in May The visit to Canada of the Queen Mother and princess royal will not affect the election excess of imports over exports compared with 5276001100 deficit year earlier it also wiped out small surplus regis fared in January and left trade deficit of $29400000 for the Januarvaebrunry period Total exports for the first two months of the year were up 107 per cent from year earlier at $912900000 compared with $825000000 Two month im ports rose 14 per cent to $942 aooooo from $325300000 EXPORTS RISE For the two months exports to the US were up 288 per cent from JanuaryFebruary of last year but there were declines of 153 per cent in exports to Britain 234 per cent to other Commonwealth countries and per cent to all other countries lmports during the two months showed year to year gains of 184 per cent from the United States 112 per cent from Conunonwcalth countries other than Britain and 84 per cent from all other countries imports from Britain were down 45 per cent Trade figures for the Jan uaryFebruary periods of 1962 and 1961 in millions of dollars Exports 1962 1961 United States $5581 $4332 United Kingdom 1271 other melth 11 All others 1828 Total 9129 imports United States United Kingdom Other melth All others Total 6750 008 377 1410 9423 13021 8263 Causeway To loin PEI Mainland OTTAWA CPPrince Ed ward lslanders could be driving across to the Canadian main land by 1970 Prime Minister Diefenbakor announced in the Commons Tuesday that the federal gov ernment intends to build 5105 000000 causeway across North umherland Strait He described it as com bination causeway with naviga tion locks and bridge it would supply ninemile road and railway artery along roughly the same route now used by the CNR ferry service to New Brunswick The prime minister also indi cated that all the engineering problems which might have blocked the scheme have been solved But he made no mention of when work will start Outside the Commons offl cials said it will require another two years to draw up plans and six years of actual construction if no delays occur Those es timates would mean possible opening of the causeway in 1970 The island province with population of 104000 is largely agricultural and advocates of the causeway claimed it would increase markets through more dependable shipments partic ularly of potatoes Tourist in come also plays major part in the island economy Mr Diefenhaker said the most economical crossing ap pears to be between Jourlmain Island NB and Borden Point PEI Opposition Leader Pearson welcomed the decision as something promised by this government during the last elecv tion But he added it is to be hoped that the cost of this causeway and other great na tinnnl undertakings in the in lture will not have to bepaid out of increasing deficits Seaway Presents Huge Deficit OTTAWA CPlThe St Law rence ea Authority re ported Tuesday it had net loss at 5102000013 in the 1961 navi gation season The authoritys annual report tabled in the Commons said in come reached record $10400 000 in the year This compared with $0380000 for 1960 and 59 100000 in959 the first year the Scawayl perated Announcement Ends Months 0i Speculation Frustration OTTAWA There will be federal general election Monday June 111 two months from today The enumeration of voters will take place between April 30 and May Nomination day for candi datcs will be June except in 21 large scattered ridincs Nomination day forthem will be May 22 Time will be 265 Commons seats at stake The present party standing in the Commons is Progressive Conservatives 203 Liberals 5i CCFNcw Dem ocrntic Party vacancies Prime Minister Diefenbakcr announced the election date Tuesday in the Commons after munthsloog electoral war of nerves All MP5 greeted the an nouncement with jubilation and shower of papers Exact day for dissolution of the 24th Parliament for election of the 25th remained indefinite but it could be today Wednes day or as late as Sunday llfr Dicfenbaker listed sev eral items of government legis lation he would like to see cleaned up before he sees Gov cmorGcneral Vunier torecom mend dissolution The election campaign in second gear for long time now will shift into high almost immediately Mr chfenbaker next week Wlllsp kjnr meetings at tho Lakehea Moose Jaw Sask Vancouver and Victoria Liberal Leader Pearson plans to go to Newfoundland late next week He has date with PresA ident Kennedy April 29 and Toronto meeting the next day Tgen he Will flyto Western Can New Democratic Party Leader Douglas will be in Saskatchewan until the end of this month at least The Conservatives took powell in June 1957 with minority government after 22 year of Liberal rule They were returned in land slide llfach 11 1058 when the Commons standing rend Con servatives 208 Liberals 49 CCF WILL DECIDE Mr Pearson said in the Com mons after the election an nouncement that the voters will decide the election on the rcclt ord of this government Mr Dielenbakcr indicated he has another campaign issue in mind He charged that obstruc lion by the Libernis had mads it almost impossible for the Commons to get any business done Mr Pearson replied that Mr Dfefcnbaker was in effect saying that it was impossible for the government with 203 members to get its legislation passed unless the opposition gave up the exercise of its cherished rig of carrying out its du ties Pickersgill fLBona vlsta Twillingnte said Mr chfenbaker regards as obstruc tion any Commons speech not made by cabinet minister On therwhnle the mohd of the Commons was jovial after weeks of bickering and you didvyuudidnt exchanges The welcome of the election date one of the worstkept selt crcts here in long time up pearcd perfectly genuine on all sides Strike find It Damaged Lock Bring Hail To Seaway Activity MONTREAL CP Appre hension mounted in shipping circles today as strike and damaged lock brought activity in Montreal Harbor and the St Lawrence Seaway to an almost complete halt Tuesday one local shipping official described delay in opening the 115 section of fire island waterway as about as bad as anything that has bill pened to the Seaway since it opened The delay caused by leak in the Eisenhower Look at Mas sena NY is expected to pust pone the opening by almost two weeks to April 24 when repairs are to be completed The situation has since been aggravated by truck drivers strike which has idled activity in the Montreal section of tho Seaway Officials here estimate that the eventual opening of tho Seaway will see between 80 and 100 ships waiting to move up river and possible 125 waiting to go down The locks can ban dle 30 ships day in each di rection When the Seaway does open the lakes ports will have by for the greatest problem with con gestion one shipping man said They are not equipped to handle huge backlogsof ves sels BIG Dnrr ron cannon Marguerite Pralow Sievert poses in0ttawa with the cab endar date that will be permost in the minds of 71 st Canadians until it arrives The date of June 11 was an nounced as the day of the next federal eleotion CF Wirophoto

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