Earth Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher Brian Sleight General Manager TUESDAY APRIL 11 1961 Plll Invest In Canadas Future Other Nations Are Doing It One Toronto firm has offered good suggestion for stimulation of home build ing in Canada Gairdner and Company told the Royal Commission On Baking and Finance that Central Mortgage and Housing Corpora tion should be permitted to issue its own debentures to attract funds from small investorsthose able to invest from $1000 to $50000 The proposal is worthy of federal gov ernment consideration Canadians have been accused not without justification of tirnidity in investing in their own country This charge was levelled during the controversy about the heavy influx of US capital Fears were expressed that Canada was becoming the economic vassal of its powerful neighbor to the south During the heat of debate it was brought out that Canadians have been inclined to store their dollars in banks or invest in government bonds rather than to step out and take chance With investments in industry Much of the big money for industrial expansion has come from the US The Gairdner company suggestion could bring more people into the invest ment field And there is no better invest ment in Canadas future than housing The need for new homes is not as great as in the immediate postwar years Nev ertheless there is still huge backlog of housing to be done as standards of liv ing rise and more and more people en deavor to become homeowners rather than to remain as tenants Canada Needs More Doctors Dr Rynard MP Simcoe East has drawn attention of the House of Commons to chronic problem in Can ada He says there is serious shortage of doctors including dentists in this country He advances no specific solution himself but he expresses the hope that the Royal Commission on Medical Care can come up with some satisfactory ans wars Dr Raynard has placed his finger on two factors contributing to the shortage of doctors First more men are needed on the medical faculties to train students Secondly the young man or woman who hopes to choose medicine as profes sion faces eight years of training in classes and hospitals before hanging out their shingles It is little wonder that many promising students hesitate before embarking on costly medical educa tion and then facing lean years of build ing up practice The time has come to consider means of easing this financial load Heavier government grants could help to lower fees and increase the number of bursar les and scholarships The young person dedicated to medical career and cap able of making contribution to the pro fession should have more help than is given today Down Memory Lane WAR DAYS 20 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner April 16 1942 Hon Earl Rowe of Newton Robinson MP for DufferinSirncoe sponsored unique poul try production war services plan to raise substantial sum forbomhed victims of Britain through poultry producers of rid ing contributing part of years supply Barrie committee formed headed by Simpson and McCuaig KC MP for Simcoe North to urge Yes votein federal plebiscite of April 27 to release government of any commitments re man power for war effort Heading in paper said Hitler Would Vote No You Vote Yes Fair response at Barrie Ar moury to appeal for recruits particularly older men for reserve battalion of Grey and Simcoe Foresters Steady recruiting also reported for active army Lt Middlebro Owen Sound appointed train ing officer at Barrie HQ for reserve unit Earle Alexander Smith of Barrie third in his class of wireless air gunners to receive badges at Dafoe Sask now stationed at No Air Navigation School Rivers Man Ice clears bay April 14 after 105 days Alltime record reported as May 1874 with latest this cen tury May 1926 Younger set of Barrie held seconf mutual formal dance at Barrandale Hull Funds raised went toward purchasing clothing material for air raid victims of Liverpool LtCol and Mrs Sherring and Rev and Mrs Howden were chaperons Daf fodil tea convened by Mrs Jory raised money for patriotic funds of East ern Star Barrie WCTU celebrated 65th year as an active organization in town with program at home of Mr and Mrs Wildman Collier Street Eddie Bush of Collingwood set new scor ing record for defenccman in NHL with one goal four assists as Detroit Red Wings beat Toronto Maple Leafs in third game of Stanley Cup finals Barrie Colts proud of fact that 33 former play ers of junior hockey club now on active service Hap Emms arrives home af ter leading Omaha Knights to American Hockey League title in three straight games over Kansas City Other Editors Views SHOULD BE RETAINED Sarnia Observer The Ontario Government took positive action to avert strike by 8300 employ ees of the Hydro Electric Power Commis sion of Ontario It passed legislation for bidding walkout and provided penalt ies ranging from $10 day to $1000 day for anyone counselling strike or lockout Already some spokesmen of organiz ed labor are complaining that compul sory arbitration as set up by the legisla tive action doesnt work and that it neg ates the whole idea of collective bar gaining The government acted wisely and it is to be hoped that the bill will be kept on the legislative books because electric power is too vital to be tinkered with by negotiation teams representing unions and management who cannot resolve their differences If strike is called for inst ance against newspaper people can al ays readsome other paper If strike is alled against baking company people rjlan always buy another brand of bread or make biscuts But they simply cannot lget along without electric power 0f coursetherswas to have been ivE The Barrie Examiner Authorised use Post Office 5nlntat$i no for payment of postage to cull ï¬nauy Sundays and smuroxy Holidays excepted mums wanna Publisher same SLAIGFIGnersl sunici MIPEERSON Illnnaglng Editor cannons wanes Business IBIEEI nanny WILSON Murmurs Ivrmm soar HOLDER Circulation manager Subscription are daily by carrier 350 weekly 1310 your single copy By mall in Ontario 70 you sane six months 3250 three months and until Outside Ontario 00 yenr Outside Cm do $2900 year 0mm us UniversityAvehlorontO Calliert etreat rfantml 1125 West hearers slmL Vancou iyer Membbl of tho Canadian DMYNEWWIDH Pub Hunm Association The Canadian Press and on Audit Bureau of circulations The Canadian Press is exclusively entitled to the are for rsgligbldfcagorig of llhnewgsdlgplttécglegrgthgl Int Cl or so utsrs me also the row news viabilth thatIn some working arrangement whereby su pervisors would have manned the power plants and substations but the vast hydro network requires maintenance staff as well as full strength operating staff It would be unthinkable for the hydro system to be placed in any form of jeop ardy for lack of manpower If strike had not been stalled the jobs of thous ands of Sarnians would have been in jeopardy because Sarnia is Ontarios third heaviest user of hydro If it is right that policemen and fire men are barred by law from going out on strike then it is right for similar legis lation to curb those who are employed in such an essential service The public wellbeing must come before the private interest of 8300 The hastilypassed law ordering arbitration but no walkout should he kept and enforced It should not be temporary measure ISRAEL MAKES AN ERROR St Thomas TimesJournal Complete control of the press radio and other sources of public communica tion brought triumph to dictators in Ger many and Fascist Italy but in the long run it led the way to ruin Some of the new statesGhana for instancehave adopted the same policy notwithstanding the lessons of history and We regret to find that the Israel Government which up to now has had worthy record of ad ministration has brought in press cen sorship law that has no place in dem ocratic country The new law would punish any person guilty of libel against the state 0p ponents describe this as blank cheque to bring criminal action against anyone criticizing the government To make mat tors worse the courts can hold any trial in camera keep the records secret and refuse to reveal names of people tried or the resultant the trials Israel willilose freedom of home and friends abroad if it applies such cénsor ship as this or COUNT ME IN TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Some Hernias Can Become Dangerous By JOSEPH MOLNER MJ Dear Dr Molnar always thought only men could have hernias My aunt was operated on for tumor about year ago Recently on her checkup the doctor told her she has hernia but not to worry about it if it does not give her pain and that it may never require surgery In that true Certainly its true And no hernia is by no means limited to men hernia is weakened place or gap in some bodily wall into which some other organ may push through or threaten to do 50 There are in fact all kinds of hernias but by and large we thinkof herniaes being one of the bowela gap in the ab dominal well through which portion of the bowel can force its way EASTER TIME With ragged edge the snow designs Are changed by sun that stronger shines And to the path that twists and bends Its own peculiar interest lends Green leaf and verdant grass appear And blossoms fill the earth with cheer The rnaples gift of sweet ened sap She gladly yields thro drip ping tap My gaze fixed high on gilded wings Trace butterflies meander lugs While buzzing wasp and droning bee Are heard in pleasing har gtrnnny Chipmunk and squirrel gay and pert Whisk and play with eyes alert In hidden den the timid hare Below the surface watches there The kilidcer tripping down the shore Repeats his own name oer and oer In chorus frogs lift cheer fui voice And birds on budding boughs rejoice Glamour of Spring is everywhere And lilting lyrics fill the air Ar childrens voices clear and sweet Keep time to little dancing GE To God all Nature tribute brings Each creature praise exul tant sings The glad refrains to Heaven soar Their greet Creator to edore too have heard His Voice and know He died and lives for me and lo My mi attune with plan that chime Thrills with time 10 at Easterl MisslVlary Kirby ThaWriters Club Men because of their physinl ngy have some comparatively weak paian in the groin and it is there that strain or injury can cause hernia Women do not have those weak points and hence are little troubled Hernias occur elsewhere An umbilical hernin is one exam ple Another is hiatal hernia or law in the diaphragm at the point at which the gullct passes through Still another lls called an in eisional hernia meaning one that has developed at or near the incision of an operation This type is mentioned in to days letter Often it requires nothing more than simple sup port such as corset or girdle Some hernias are of scant Im portance others if not cor rected can become intensely dangerous This applies particu larly to those in the groin portion of the bowel can be gradually forced through the gap and become strangulated it is pinched off by the smell gap through whcih it has worked its way When this happens it Is an emergency of the most dire sort and must be relieved with out an instants delay That is why so many doctors urge that hernias depending on their lo cation and exent be corrected surgically before they seem to thspetient to be of any great annoyance This sort of hernia in short can be easily repaired However if corection is put off too long the hernia may be come strangulated and urgent measures will be needed to save the patients life tThe strangu Iï¬ion is also agonizineg pain Such complication is much less likely to occur in an inci sional hernia or in hernia higher in the abdominal wall So your aunt is quite safe in doing exactly as her doctor suggests not to worry about it Dear Dr Mahler In refer ence to your advice about not pulling nose hairs is it harm ful to cut them quite close Will they grow more if cut Pulling nose hairs leaves tiny chance for infection if it is present to creep in Cutting the hairs does no harm and it doesnt matter whether you cut them close or notA hair once it has ap BIBLE THOUGHT Walk worthy of God who hath called you unto his kind dom and lionl Thessalon Ians 212 Every privilege has duty child of God must not make his Father ashamed of him OTTAWA REPORT Government By Far Biggest Business PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWAThe Parliament of Canada is no looser In eight weeks lob supervising paltry 315000000 Midgetas it was in the early years of Confedera tion Today an MPI la full tims job and the collection and expenditure of $6500000000 in taxes makes government by for the biggest business in Canada For the most efficient execu tion of this national businels we need the sharpest brains and the best experience from every field of national activity includ ing top business executives who are so rare on Parliament Hill So it In welcome Intention ons might truly say rare dedlcationfor mccessful and enlightened company president to seek election to our federal Parliament as Gard Chaplin of Gslt ll doing Mr Chaplin has carved for himself to date career such as any Canadian would be proud to boost for himself modest retiring man to talk to he has achieved universal respect in his community and has risen to unqualified success in his busi nessnot merely by steering his company to profit but In achieving vths amazing record of enlightened labor relations that his management has never had an arbitration and never ad strike lERVED PROVINCE As an aside Mr Chaplin also served inths Ontario legisla ture when he won the input tion of being one of the best private members since the war quick recognition certainly facilitated by his being the out standing topillght business ex ecutive to sit in that assembly Ilan the war Ideally of course Canadian who has prospered through the opportunities offered by this land of opportunity should be willing to assist his fellows and future generations by dedicat Ing his ablllty to national af REPORT FROM UK Mobile Unit Brings llid To The Deaf By MelNlYRE HOOD Special landon lEngInnd Correspondent for The Barrie Examiner READING Berkshire consulting room on wheels staff ed by doctor and two nurses is starting off on research program which will take it along Berkshires country lanes and into its tiny villages and which will bring renewed hope to hun dreds of children afflicted by deafness This is new experi mental research project which ls being conducted by the audio logy unit of the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading This unit was opened in 1958 with the help of grant of $21000 from the Nuffield Foundation It was at this institution that the idea was developed of hav ing mobile unit for the study of hearing and speech develop ment in young children as part of the program of advanced re search into deafness The unit found it essential to make de tailed examinations of young normal and healthy children all over the country The idea was developed by Dr Kevin Murphy deputy dir ector of the audiology unit who said We could not expect mothers to make 10 or 20mile trip into Reading just so that some doctor could have look at their babies So we hit upon this neared above the surface of the skin is not going to change It is like fingernail The nail grows at the same rate whether it is cut short or not Dear Dr Molners Recently my stomach was Xrayed and the doctor said had gastritis Is this curable in elderly peolt ple MRS Yes Treatment is similar to that for ulcers bland diet and avoidance of any irritants vitamin supplement is often helpful too LIGHTEST Whisky in the world lorrLEn IN Boil idea of taking the consulting room to the mothers So now in converted tour lst coach Which ones transports ed holiday makers between Reading and the seaside and with two pretty assistants taking their turns at the heavy wheel Dr Kevin Murphy with his boxes of equipment is touring the Berkshire countryside stop plug to make examinations and hold consultations at the rural homes where there are young children The coach was donated and converted and remodelled to suit Dr Murphys needs by Reading coach company which has also promised to provide free maintenance for it for three years The old seats have been retained for comfort and bomcliness When on his tours Dr Mur phy leaves his clinical white coat behind and his assistaan wear smart suits and stylish dresses The idea is to avoid giving the children any impres sion of hospital examination fair for some of his later years but such public service is so rare in the New World that it becomes headline news when for Instance the president of blg corporation of world fame offers himself for high elective port in the 15 George Ron ney president of American blo tors Corporation In candidate for his state governorrhlp and is widely heralded as the next Republican president being ro gsrdod as the most sensational candidate offering himself In 11 years Gait now also has George Romney in the person of Goo don Chaplin seeking to reprr sent the riding of Waterloo South as the Conservative can didate In the coman general election in succession to the late respected and liked Bill Anderson IS AWARE The great significance of Goo don Chaplin in the national in terest is his vivid awareness which he has implemented in his own businessthat Canada should build up its secondary to dustries on the facilities ready to hand Thus be converted his Canadian GeneralTower Lim ted from manufacturing art icles made of natural rubber imported from the other side of the world to using synthetic plastics made from raw me terialr found abundantly In Can ado His political platform may well be much the same as his business philosophy To assist labor and management to no ngnlze that their interests are the samegood and steady em ployment in flourishing econ omyso that they ctroperate in harmony and understanding to the benefit of themselvel and of Canada In this Mr Chaplin has lived what he advocates for his was one of the first companies to in stitute life insurance and com prehensive medical plan and full and equal profit sharing plan Ottawa of course is no strange place to Chaplin for Gordons falher lion Jamel Dow Chaplin was minister of trade in Conservative govern ment after the First World War Canada would be the richer for second Chaplin in our federal cabinet FREE DRESSINGS During 1961 total of 6064 999 free cancer dressings were provided by units of the Can adian Cancer Society to cancer patients throughout the coun try WOOL Any Government Deficiency Payment wui apply only on properly Ended wools Secure the utmost by patronidnz the organization that node this possible SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No Weston Ontario Obtain sacks Ind twins without charge from Spencer Thornton Thos Bowman Strand Simcoe Distrch Cmubersfive Services Burris or by writint to CANADIAN cooenrwrrvn WOOL oaowzns LIMITED 40 St Clair Ava hot Toronto Ontario mono NATURES aasr HEARING moms may av usme iserm gem 5mm Beams srumea seu 12mm LAWOHIES EARLESS FISH ms KILLFISH IS woez mmmwe IN ecu LABS answer To wont AN AUTOMATIC WORM useeusea WEN cam WINDS ARE eeuseareo Vinomar Ugh FOR HEARING AIDS bounc EQWPHM MSTICAL MATERIALS SOUND MOP DOORS OR PWWSEMAKERS £7 WflVGERS 00 WEWAMIIG WW 7N5