Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Apr 1962, p. 2

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THE BARRIE EXAMINER TUESDAY APRIL 17 Furnishings See For RVH Almost 90000 has been con trihuled so iar towards turnl ishings and equipment tor the Royal Victoria Hospital but another 505000 to 550000 Will be needed Ernest Ecll chairman of the furnishing committee reports that response irom industry service clubs iraternal organi zations and individuals has leen excellent to date Furnishings and equipment are still required ior rooms Cost oi iurnishing priv room is $910 semiprivate $1440 and tourbed ward $2880 Plaques will be installed on Rooms every room showing the name of the donor Basic costs oi building and major items at equipment are covered by government grants but additional local lands are needed to complete lumiahing and purchase additional neces sary equipment Mr Bell said there were still rooms at all sizes requiring sponsors and any person or or ganization wishing to contribute to this community project Is asked to contact him or the has ital direct Knights oi Columbus will present cheque to the hospital tonight and tour will allow the presentation Deplores The In Currency By DON HANRIGHT TORONTO CPIFrom one comer oi Torontos iinanclsl world Monday came words ap pmpriate on the eve ot mi eral general election Someone should cnunciulc Greshams law oi politicians to wit that Ihosc who would make money had tend to drive but thus he would make It less bnd The wordswcrc spoken to the royal commission on honking and iinance by ll Cameron iobbor in the government bond market man probably little known to tho acneial pub lic but who Is widely known DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Montreal Mrs Turner Bone 67 liveterm president oi the National Council oi Women Holiinx NsSenator John Nexander McDonald 72 prom inent Nova Scotia politician ior more than 40 years New YorkThomas Bull 96 New York Interior decorator whose handiwork in early part oi century appeared in homes oi wealthy Fort WilliamJohn Fergu aon 68 who worked on several nawspapors in United States and Canada was onetime ii nnncial writer tor the New York WOrIdTelegram Phoenix Ariz William Waggoner Jr 57 millionaire aportsman and cattleman who lowned us champion hydro plane racer Shanty In 195s Compiled by Flynn Debasementl The Nation and listened toin the iinsn cial old Mr Cameron expressed decpi concern over department in Canadas currency He said this country is suticrlng trom adjustments in its Iinoncinl syl tem Part oi this he blamed on shortcomings revealed in con flicts 01 Interest within the cen tral bank and tho tiaancinl syr temand it was on this com plex subject that he was quesi tioaed by the seven commis sioners or about three hours However Mr Cameron said these problems are not the real causes at the disease ITS ENCROACIHNG The cause lbelleve Is the tendency oi government to en croach on our lives as both Robin Hood and Santa Claus to water the money supply and to stiilc the tree market system when it serves them poorly by jurybuilt ad hoc piecemeal attempts to direct investment with unsuspected consequences in other areas In this sense Mr Cameron attached most at tho blame to the theory that iull employ ment can be restored by tinker Ing with the monetary system and through large government delicits It has become politi cal credo that to secure and rev taln cities it is necessary to In crease public spending taking larger and larger share 01 gross national product through taxation and more through wa tering the money supply dia mhatlng more and morato the voters at large Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 02114 ODAYS STOCK PRICES rs Dnnlop St Barrie moonnus Aabsrtoa as on am at Nor Ont 1m Ah1ua1 Don Found 64 Moore Carp moan amt 51 am Stores ma Mela rm Alurninlum Dom ru 201i Oshawa Alberta on 321 Gt Lakes l9 Pacific an am an cu in on Pow aw Pom Pips Atlas Steel 3211 Hard rim av rm Harley or oi Mont say Home Pit in Gas Nat cu Bank oi NS ms Home on 151 am rel ssv nus Min soy Itotbina Brazilian 200 Imp To loop 151 mm Bank BA on 241 Imp on 47 51m sunnu ac Power Max Ind Accent 31 Simpson Cdn an of Com my Inland no 51 Shawlnixan Cdn Brewer 1115 later Nickel IIlIi Steel Carl can 2542 lnterprov Pipe s4 TorJIotn Bk Cement 501 Club are Trans Can Chemical m2 rum sit on at 250 rm Fin Power Pow an 191 Texaco Con iinssm 22 Massey rm 121 Union cu Con rmr 40v Noranda soy Walker new coma on this ma Dyna 110 low Mines 2w Dpemiska 500 can Husky 31 Gunnar at 925 Quemont 970 amida aao Hailingr em Rio Algom 101 cm can an KernAddison ass Sher Gordon 4110 Can on his 70a Lamasua sss Steep Rock us Coppar Band Lu Lorado 182 United on Lu cos nut 10 Maritime 71 Venturea aw Danison man 115 numy Min 125 wnioy 172 suiiivn 17a Notmetal can Wiltsoy rs Paleonbrtdn om Nnnhlau ens Bidcop Monarch Fina DOW4°NEI Nzw Indultflala up 250 Raill ml Muar Adm OCR Food Latin American Tmont Steal of Canada roars avaaaazs 61 utilities unchanged TORDNTD flocn EXCHANGE mnzx Industrial down 34 Gold down 18 Blotll up 30 011 down 51 DIVIDEND DECLAILATIDN Quemont 106 payable limo 28 ex dividend Mly Flylble June 19 dividend May 30 Gun 201 dividend May 10 Nomatll 51 plylblu June 28 Mtnlnl Corp are his June 38 Ix vldond MAY 30 MARKET COMMENTARY During the past two weeks stock markets In the United States were again lower while there was little change in Can adian markets In New York Dow Jones Industrial Index dropped 21 points to close at 60587 on April i2 there was Playing in the PIED PIPER SH 30 Dunlop St See The BABY CHICKS of the small change in the Rail and Utility Indicea In Toronto the stock exchange Index showed little variation during the past two weeks and closed at $2127 on April 12 The Base Metal In dex rose slightly and closed at 20025 The Gold and Western Oils Indices were unchanged Window OPS LTD PA 61361 When Beryl Murray 23 marries Jim Yeaman Beryls mother will be there even though Mrs Janet Murray has to charter plane to get MOTHER CHARTERS PLANE to Toronto irom Edinburgh Scotland Mrs Murray 55 talked me members of on Eds inburgh club to charter the plane in time ior the Sept Arrange Course For Universal Cooler Company Barrio District Collegiate Board last night granted Per mission to Koatins en gineer at Universal Cooler Co to use Central Collegiate school facilities ior sixweek weld ing courss beginning May Allan Parker teacher at Central Collegiate will give in struction The letter irom Mr Keating said the company wanted to upgrade the skills at emplgiy ccs We have received to ten requests ior this course he said The board stipulated that stu dents must pay $1 or every night they attend The com pany will pay Mr Parkers feel and costs at materials Forms New Syria Govt DAMASCUS Reuters new government today took over ri an administrative reins with iormar United Arab Republic health minister Dr Bashlr Azmeh as premier Ameh 52yearold physi cian is president oi the Da mascus Medical Association He is modern socialist and relative newcomer to politics with no party attillatlon The tssman caretaker govern ment which was termed Mon day night is comprised mainly of young specialists regarded as political moderates The president was returned to oiiicc by the same military leaders who ousted him in military coup March 28 that touched oit crisis within the armed iorces MajgtGen Abdel Karim Zah reddin commandcivinchiel iii the armed forces and the leader at the revolt was named defence minister in the new government Synopsis complex weather system is moving towards the Great Lakes Clouds and show ers or annwilurries have moved Into the extreme northwestern portions oi the province and this is expected to spread into the rest of northern Ontario today iollowed by some clearing Wed nesday Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron southern Georgian Bay regions Windsor London Cloudy with sunny periods and little warmer today Partly cloudy Wednesday Winds light Northern Georgian Bay Al goma regions Sault Ste Marie North Bay Sudbury Mainly cloudy today and Wednesday little warmer today winds light Niagara Lake Ontario Ha burton regions Hamilton Tor onto Sunny and little warmer today Partly cloudy tonight and Wednesday light winds Timagaml Cochrane regions Increasing cloudiness today tol lowed by New showers or snowtlurrlos this afternoon and evening Mainly sunny Wednes day wlnda light Forecast Temperatures Low tonight Hills Wednesday Windsor as 50 St Them 35 50 London 12 45 Kitchener as 45 Mount Fares an 45 Wingham it 45 Hamilton 32 40 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Have your automatla Bank mission repaired by quail fled mechanics You may lllo ilnanea Ill work Ind parts ha MOTORS it Hayfield it PA 83330 wedding she iound shed get reduced iarc that way Beryl Is Toronto mining oi WEATHER FORECAST iice secretary CF Wire photo St Catharines as 45 Toronto 35 45 Peierborough 30 45 lronton 12 43 Killaiue 23 45 Muskoka 10 45 North Ba 10 45 Sudbury 30 45 Earlton 10 45 Neighbors Form Bucket Brigade CROWN HILL grass lira at Low Andersons iarm got out oi control and entered the IIME ment through an outside cellar way no hbor Mrs Gerald Kenny mile or smoke coming Irom window sent In the alarm to neighbors It huc brigade was formed and the tire brought under control witn little damage to the house TONI HOME PERMANENT Regular Gentle class FREE European or write SAS WormWins Land Sea 102 Dunlop St starts yOur thrifty holiday with SCFSMBUEJ Gateway to all maps and the honnlert holi day youve ever had Visit up In 19 extra cities at no extra fare And an SAS lets you get exclu siva Maitre da pablne serviceevan In economy ago Including how to visit extra cities at no extra tare See your SAS travel agent phone MIDI74W Ill17H 0075 Credit Fonclnr 3111 us any sixest Toronto om mphO 25221 Antlerm PW travel planning pack and Air Reservation Barrie Travel Seniicef PA 474 NEW 3SMM use 98 67c PEKING momentPremier Chou Enlai has issued back to the land call to increase Production oi iocd and daily ne oeuities ior Red Chinas mil lions It was learned Monday Choua speech to the Chiaesa National Peoples Congress iparllamentl at the opening at the throeltweeli congress session was published in an oiiiclal communique la the session ended Monday No reporters or ioreign oblt servers wen allowed to attend any at the congress meetings and the communiqua was the tirat extensive report at any oi the proceedings Spent Two Hours Putting Out Fire The roperty committee at Barr Board has recommended that in overhead decorations school dances at as result at an Incident aiter Key Club dance March 28 used in the decorations was burned outside the shop win dows The matter was re rted to William Anderson Iei cus todian and engineer or Cen tral Collegiate the city pol ice department ths commit tee iniormed the board last night The roport said Mr Aa derson spent 2V hours seeing Ill the tire was completely ou Central principal Bow man said the students had only followed instructions and burn cd decorations where the old incinerator used to be Hugh Morrison head oi the industrial arts department at North Collegiate advised that the chimney in the machine shop at the collegiate was not working properly The smoke in the room becomes so bad he said weeither have to open the windows or turn alt the ma chine The matter was referred to the property committee 0dat405060 Man Get Wise Pep lip Thousands are peppy tdgpl Sod outed weak law in enuiy animus in Mao ardebilttydue to nlzflutvnwWll°k at run belowpar leolin an pep to BRYLCREEMT IIAIII narsswc FOR THE DUNLOP ST um District Collegiate iirereslstant materials he used This recommendation eamo great quantity ot newspaper Chou claimed that thanks to tremendous national eitotta in overcoming natural calamities1 the countrys economic situa tion has now taken turn tor the better He said Communist China has unswervlngly developed rela tions at irlendahlp and coopera tion with Russia and other so clslist countries He attacked United States policies and urged aiiorts to Isolate US Imps rIaliam to the maximum ax tent BACKED BY DEPUTIES The communique did not as In previous years give any statistics at recent production and mentioned on targets ior Francis Lacostc the French ambassador to Canada has lctt Ottawa to take up new post as French ambassador to Bolgium Hia successor is Raymond Bousquet resent French ambassador Bel Siam GP Wirophotol AS LOW AS 40° DAY BAY CITY ANSWERING SERVICE PA 61821 Premier Ghou Issues Back To Land Call the current year But it said the 1021 deputies unanimously endorsed Cbous policy at ad justment and passed repoit on government work China strove ior peacetui co existence with countries having diiierent social systems Op posed tha lmperiallst policies oi aggression and war and sup ported the revolutionary strug gles oi the oppressed peoples and oppressed nations against imperialism and colonialism Chou said He said that under Chinas seoond liveyear plan which be gan tn 155a big leap iorward had taken place In the economic sphere which had brought trb mandoua achievements and laid the preliminary inundation tor the building at system oi ire dependent complete and mod ern national economy But China had suiiered irorn serious natural calamities ior three consecutive years Irorn 1950 to 1961 and considerable diiilcultiea had iollowed Chou raid the armed iorch must be strengthened The pol icy oI Ireedom oi religious be lIoI must also be carried out thoroughly Chou aald msuasara Acautv nu humor naqul 4s HARRY MURDOCK Let Us Check Your Car Now WHEEL ALIGNMENT WHEEL BALANCING SHOCK ABSORBER SERVICE COMPLETE FRONT END SUSPENSION OVERHAUL PA 82202 27 TORONTO sr THMBLYN saves YOU MONEY SPECIAL VALUES FOR THIS WEEK EASTER CHOCOLATES Smiles Chuckles cfllaalrs Llama VaIb 1001Ib 185 Asmara 1Ib 125 pursue Box 1I1r 150 2lbs 300 ruarus 04513015471 185 Chocolate Coated Nuts 6Oz 95 12 175 ROWNTREES BLACK MAGIC VHS 90 1Ib 175 IVslb 350 DAIRY BOX SUPREME 175l GOLD Box 14 100 15 200 EASTER GAMER SPECIALS BROWNIE FIESTA CAMERA OUTFIT Outbio CAMERAFILM ATTACHABLI FLASH BATTERIESBULBS AND NECK STRAP SPECIAL 399 YARDLEY TO MAKE YOU FEEL KODACHROME FILMS 395 MM MOVIE 25 It exomsns ONE FREE TABLET mm runs VaIh 80 1Ib 150 NEILSONS ESPECIALLY FEMININE Red Roses Cologne BONUS SOAP PACK Rso roses on LAVENDER PA 60206 211 295 TREASURE BOX 150 Ivrav rircs DIHERINT 1111 125 2112 250 BROWNIE SUPER 27 OUTFIT EASIER HANDLING SHARPER PICTURES INDOOR OR OUT NIGHT OR DAY SHARP ELEMENT COLOR CORRECTED LENS CONTAINS FILM BULBS AND BATTIRIB 175 225 335 EXOTIC 51 LOTUS COLOGNE $5653 225 350 NIUMLGIA YARDLEY mu ASPIRIN 4101115 59¢ TAMBLYN TISSUES SOFT AND STRONG PINK OR WHITE its 2175 1995 CAMERA NECK STRAP BAYER rssr Muss usaoacflss cotos FREE DELIVERY

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