Stainless On Cars 13 Distinct Trend The automobile metal of ths future 13 here now The chain acteristics of stainless steel which make it so dcsirable on 1961 cars are expected to be errn more important in the future These characteristics of stain lcss steel include great strength tolerance of high temperatures resistance to cor rosion land gleaming beauty Whether stainless steel is used functionally or decora tiveiy its good qualities over lap each other For instance in automotive trim stainless stccis main attraction is its rich gleam which cant wear off and needs only the wipe of damp cloth for cleaning stainless stecls bonus in trim is that it rcsists dents and scratches that would damage other materials Looking to the future angin cs may follow several trends from refinements of todays satinM no Aflmit reciprocating types to gas tur bines Whatever the type of en gine the trend is to lightness and more power Stainless steel seems sure to receive increas ing ura because of its strength and its resistance to heat and corrosion One example of stainless steela exciting possibilich an experimental engine with thin strong wells of stainless steel which has produch one horsepower par potmd of weight You will get motor value and satisfaction if the accas orics you buy for your oar stainless steel Soma which come staini lcu steel wheel covers auxiliary lamps car top car riers licence plate frames mir rors and sunshades Rapid Changes In Cars And More Are On The Way In the past 15 years ncarly everything about automobiles has changed There is still motor certainly but it has nearly doubled in horsepower There are wra vamund wind shields of tinte gloss power steering and power brakes flick of onca finger puts the car in gear Another touch turns on air conditioning heating or de frosting equipment No more inner tubes to be inflated the tires are tubeicss and much less prone to blow out at undesirable moments There are those who credit women with considerable in fluence in the design changes that have occurred others say these design changes were in evitable Despite the various arguments there are areas where womens influence is unchallenged Exterior and in terior colors and interior furnA Ishings have changed in dir ect bid to influence feminine choice GAY IN AND OUT Interiors and exteriors are as gay as mosaic tile dis play something that an out door parking lot very much rescmbea from the air Uphol stery fabrics are easily clean ed and dont cling to coats and suits Seats are more eas ily adjusted to suitable reach for the shorter driver Floors are flatter and doors are wider both boon to the woman in narrow skirt And floors are cushioned less apt to scuff the back of trim leather heels Glove compart ments and ash trays are loc ated in easiertoreach places Inevitable or not its fact that manufacturers are making it easier for women to operate car itfany cars have all weather coolants good for two years Better gas economy savings on maintenance costs by longer periods between all change and lubrication are plus factors that appeal to women traditionally the family budgetecrs and frequently the persons delegated to deliver the car Into the tender hands of the repairman The 1962 model changes re flect squaredup simplicity of design more fundamentaUy the taste of fashion conscious woman than of the average man Many of the new car col ors deep reds browns and pale neutrals may also be round in the glittering world of womens fashion Interior colors are subtle shadings com patlbla with the exterior color not always the case in the past WOMEN PUSH SAFETY In the field of safety women are credited with pushing the installation of safety belts and being less sheeplsh about using them once the device is instaIA led Women enjoy feeling of safety when strong steel bumper exists between them and the next car in line Women drivers get the nod for fewer accidents than men drivers Whether you agree that women influence car design one thing is certa What she sees in car wont be what man sees in it One prestige fashion magazine estimates conservatively they state At least 39 per cent of the driving in the USA is done by women and that seems like arousing good reason for Women Drivers Pile Mileage But WonderHow Car Works There was time when the lord and master of the house hold was themost liker occu pant of the drivers seat when the Family Car left the gar age That was back in the days before World War III and the twocar family Nowadays the chauffeur chef choregirl club member mother puts on more mileage than any dad except travel ing salesman That being the case it might be helpful to know what makes the our fun ction as it does The engine operates on pow er produced when the proper proportion of air and gasoline mixed in the carburetor enters the cylinders and is set to burning by electricity from the spark plugs The carburetor gets the gasoline from the fuel tank via the fuel pump and air enters from the air cleaner IT TAKES SPARK The spark plugs get their electricity from the battery Within the Cylinder the piston pushes down compressing the airgas mixture add spark of electricity and whammo the engine begins to purr like kitten Now if you want to back the car out of the drive you have to desengage the clutch either manually or automatical Iy With the clutch disengaged the gearshift tells the system of gears called the transmission whether you want to stand still go forward or reverse The transmission is connected to the drive shaft which goes back to the rear axle except in Americas one rearvengine car of course In the rear axle system of gears allows the rear wheels to engage SOMETHING NEW You could still turn the wheel and engage the gears but go nowhere if you had no generA ator or something now called an alternator and no battery The generator is driven by the engine and feeds back power to the battery to keep it charged so the car will start The generator also supplies power to the ignition system lights radio and other electri cal units Even if the generator and battery are in topnotch con dition there are two other important requirements for smooth operation of your car cooling and lubrication Water is circulated past the cylinders to cool them and the heated water goes to the radi ator where it is cooled by the outside air passing through broken fan belt becomes crisis because the fan helps the radiator cool the water that keeps the engine from overheating Your car has reservoir of oil in the crankcase pump forces the oil to bearings and other rotating parts of the en gins so that thin film of oil is deposited between each part limiting the effect of friction and heat as the parts mesh or pass one another Its easy to see why it is important to check the dash board gauges The engine tem perature gauge indicates whether radiator fan or oil systems are functioning praplt erly Separate gauges indicate the functioning of generator and oil pressure Everybody understands the gasoline gauge but sometimes we for get to check Thats one place where is good mark Last but not least the brakes There are four one in each wheel special fric tion material lines each brake compartment These shoes rest against the inside of metal drum which rotates with the wheel system of tubes filled with liquid runs from the brake pedal to each broke The liquid transmits pressure from the drivers foot to the brake shoes When the shoes may have gotten wet it is good idea to check your brakes to see if they function properly Like your own shoes they may tighten or stretch The manufacturer provided an operating manual for your car If you have read this far you wont find the next man ual quite so terrifying Dont hesitate toask questions of your dealer he and everyone in the automobile industry want you to be more knowledge able safer driver designers and manufacturers listen to all of the Dosignin Women Ft Safer Trips lire Prospect The odds for Is safe trip highways in the United States weigh more heavily each year favor of the careful motor ltn army of educators re searchers engineers and traffic safety specialists work con stantly to increase the odds for safe driving and records show they are making rapid gains in the battle against accidents In fact it is three times safer on mileage basis to drive today than 25 years ago Traffic safety specialists con sider the achievement astound ing in the light of increases in the number of vehicles which has almost tri led in the lost 25 years and the number of drivers which has than doubled Norman Damon vice pres ident of the Automotive Safety Foundation and veteran camp aigner for highway safety ranks advances in traffic acci dent prevention among the most important social accom plishments In the history of the country Automotive engineers are de sigmng vehicles with builtin safety footures Manufacturers have Improved tires brakes headlights visibility Safety belts door locks steering wheels and dash panels are engineered for crash protection Mr Damon points out that four out of five drivers drove an average of 10000 miles each last year without mishap This is due in large meas ure he said to the rapid increase in high school driver education courses now provided by 71 per cent of the public schools This is our greatest in surance that coming genera more tioas of drivers will be better than their elders M0thers Car Bears Brunt If yours is twoltcar family chances are that one of the cars is getting harder use than the other And contrary to popular belief its the one mother uses for her short trips around the neighborhood that gets greater wear and requires greater care Here are rules to keep the her car of the family in good operating condition Have all changed on time The American Petroleum Ins tute recommends changing all every 30 days in the winter every 60 days in the summer Have the oil filter checked at each oil change and changed every 4000 miles Have your car lubricated by time intervals not merely by mileage intervals alone Its wise to have your car lubricat ed once month during the cold months and at least two times during the summer Have the battery checked once month Take the car out at least once week on the open high way and run it at the max imum legal speed for 20 or 30 miles This will get the oil circulating properly help the engine clean itself of moisture and deposits that have formed in thevengine muffler and tail pipe ND HANDS Many traffic experts believe the day of the automated high way is near Test roads are being built with electronic de vices that take over the entire driving task MANY TRAVELLERS Eight million are expected to travel to the 1962 Seattle Worlds Fair by automobile TwoThirds Car Sales lire Made On It Time Basis Fifty years ago half mll lion automobiles pore sold nearly all of them for cash on the barrelhead This year car sales of upwards of sevco mil lion are forecast at least twothirds of them on time There are many prays to finance your new car purchase and used cars too Some dealers handle their own finan cing others have arranged VIAU with major finance companies to handle it for them At first banks were slow to offer financing to the car buy Ing public Now they handle upwards of 50 per cent of automobile time sales and are anxious to get more of this business Books will make loans dir ectly its potential buyers 0th er banks have working agree care of their time sales lnsur THE DARK EXMIINER TUESDAY ance agents offer bank fin Incing service to their custom ers and will assist them in processing the papers The automobile urers have done an amaring lob in finding out what oon sumers want and then giving it to them Todays lineup of cars featuring low cost low upkeep economical operation durability and sizes and styl ing most wanted should make this banner year Similarly financial institu tions have improved the qual ity and value of their service manufact Iticc of some banks of gain Hhe potential buygr line of credit for 90 days during which he can select car at his leisure There are methods of fIIInni cing to suit every buyer Go shop for the ner car of your choice select the financ ing terms best suited to your need and enjoy driving it POPULAR SPORT More than 300000 Canadians are registered in curling clubs meals with dealers in take recent example is the prac across the country Eon RAMBLER VIAU COMBINE TO OFFER YOU THE BEST VALUE IN I962 CAR RAMBLER THE BESI COMPACT VALUE AT THE LOWEST PRICE VIAU THE MOST PROGRESSIVE RAMBLER DEALERSHIP IN THE AREA TIIE BEST CAR YOU CANm AT THE LOWEST PRICE PS WHY NOT DROP lN SOON TO VIAU MOTORS AND GO FOR DE AMERICAN CONVINCE YOURSELF OF RAMBLERS VALUE VIAU MOTORS LTD YoUR RAMBLER DEALER APRIL I7 1982 i0 IIfIKE SilliIIBlIOG CfISnms 1300 construction unrkcts In the Eastern Tonnstnps ltnl un Istrike Wednesday night for Im prurcmcnts in uorking condi tions ILI STILL ADVISE WASHINGTON API Presi dent Kennedy confirmed 66 nosdny flint Gen Lucius Clay is stepping out as his per sonnl representative in Berlin but will be askcd to continue to advise him on Berlin policy RAMBLER BARRIE and DISTRICT INSURANCE AGENTS ASSOCIATION Sponsor of the Driver of the Month AworII MEMBERS LISTED SUBSCRIBE To THE Code of Ethics OF THE BARRIE AND DISTRICT lNSURANCE AGENTS ASSOCIATION BARRIE Walter Adair Insurance Agency Benny St Bentley and Co Formerly Flynn Insurance 11 Collier St Rose Btdweil Insurance Asency so Sophia Stacit East Coutts Insurance Agency if Owen 5t Bruce Dcmltroit 188 Bradford St nemy Elrlck and Mlchla 15 Owen St Malcomsons Insurance Agency 41 Dunlop St Mallory Insurance Agency 11 Creswicke Court Moore 57 IEhetangnsh Nixon 41 Sunnldale Rd Sarieant Insurance Agency Ltd 49 Dunlop St Slessor Insurance Agency 19 Collier SI III Stevenson and Co 113A DunIop St Tom Tattersall 24 Parkside Drive DISTRICT Lorna Arnold Cookstown Dunns Insurance Allistoa Peacock Insurance Agency Mldhnlst Slmpirln Stroud Any ANNOUNCES Iowrsr AUTO RATES FOR SAFE DRIVING Its true you dont need to deal with department stor es discount houses or finance companies to obtain insurance at low cost Local Agents local Adjustors sound Companies and personal professional service are an unbeatable combination Call one of our member agents and compare the prices Youll be surprised WHEN YOU NEED INSURANCE CONSULT ONE OF THESE INDEPENDENT INSURANCEAGENTS New GOVERNMENT LEGISLATION $35000 INCLUSIVE MINIMUM AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE lIMIT OUR MEMBERS RECOMMEND $100000 10 $500000 AT LITTLE ExrRA cosr gt YOUR INDEPENDENT INSURANCE AGENT