Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Apr 1962, p. 13

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ARTICLES For SALE FARMERS MARKET SPRING SPECIAL FURNACES Forced Air new oiK or gu $1100 interest up to 1157 from 351 buy now before further increase Used oil Burners for sale PIIONE PA Will OR STRDUD HRS IT SPRING HOUSE CLEANING TIME GET CASH for useful items stored in your attic garage and cioseu if you dont want it some body does USE FAST ACTING BARRLE EXAMINER WANT ADS PA 8lt2414 PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner if you would like to have re prints of any news pictures taken by our staff photogra phers please call at our Busi ncss Office We are sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints $I00 8x I0 $125 plus tax NlIIlBl MATERNITY uniform for sale size 11 hlnplere Tale phone PA 6697 alter p111 nAlle sAUNA Rock Steam gain opanldally am to pm roauona message by oint ment Tciepbona PA c7111 nAltN roll sALE 27 feel at as ccI 00d lumber Selling reason lzbgloy Iclaphonl Coohtown 68 IUNREAM VACUUM Cleaner or sale hp motor uaed iua than one month Telephone PA all so rowma creams attached in pairs Very reasonable price Tele hona PA use during office ours cunsnusszD Suite for sale two pieces muahroom shade modern style in good condition Telephone PA 06251 or further dataiis cAsD LOANSSIM at or month Telephone PA as areszant Finance so Dunlap at as llP unions as stratum garden tractor leinon Rotaruler can be reduced to 21inch lalnch disc Sulky Trailer on rubber sale or trade ielephone PA H085 us uELLwooDs Fraczcr for aaic 17 cubic feet chest tyne presently selling for 3489 Will take unit cash Telephone PA 117917 alter pm riGllT sToltM Windows for sale various sites Can be seen at 155 Clnpnartnn street or telephone PA 547114 PASTURE TO RENT in scan LAND to real cole eeuson l1 Township ol lnnlrai Telephona PA not or PA was LIVESTOCK but sun of RemandDurban Swollen lor Isle Afply IL Errrte Cooxatou when Aw FEED SEED GRAIN TIMOTHY SEED Good supply of power cleaned Climax Timothy seed at milder PHONE YOUR ORDER CRAWFORD AND SONS CALL 1910 0R0 10 rows or good heavy Iced Oats Contact Mr Lucas balmy Ont DAT emAw to is baled also Mixed Iiay for Telephone sit Mlneslnl GARRY lJArs for for seed lfllhl Harold nreiley lrpnone Ivy Lot 22 Can IO IlaIa GARRY and Russell ea barley cleaned and treat han ecllur plll timothy grown from Climax also feed wheat illu sell Maw Mlncsing 121 RODNZY seal or cleaned and treated also Allalta Ind Timothy iiay well cared baled Holstein ate prices If producers Reasonable PA c9407 evenlrlll FARM MACHINERYI CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Brown Beatiy Farm Equipment 17 BURTON AVE PA 2373 CASH TRADE TERMS AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE See VIAU For RAMB LE VIAU MOTORS LlMlTEl l7 GOWAN STREET PA 66488 222 BLAKE ST PA 6132I WANT TO BE HAPPIER DRIVER Buy new car now with lowcost lifeinsured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN Telephone TRAILER for boat or could he maria into box bark axic or trailer complete uiih good llrca Reasonable Tele vhniic PA Hm WALK1N llefrigcr er and Corn prossor for sale Si ropune Gas Grill 24 30 Deco Fnt Fryer 75 Mrs Altrcd Malchildon telephone 31M Lnfonfalrlc iioroRcYCLe or sale zoo cr Francis Barnett In Band working condition also 10 I147 Mercury motor with controls Telephone PA szzoe after pm nsmlcenarnli apnrtmcnt aizc very clean sea slotiai Electric arose McCiary Gas Range Washing Mach ines ale and up lonesome Oil Spars Heater sen Robinsons Hardwm telephone PA 34431 nms wru an accepted by the un daralgned for the purchase of 15 wooden brrreia size 29 high by 17 opening diameter earrcia have light machine oil coating on the entire Inside surme and are in excellent coadiioa Bids will be accepted until 12 noon Thursday April as by Mr Farweli Pur chasing Agent Greening Wire Rope and CableCm Po Box 50 Midland Ontario FRUIT 8r VEGETABLES anePaenllv PLANTS Laibam Viking caict Taylor use per loo Strawberry Plants Premier Temple Harvesiating Senator Dunlap Pnymuter Redcoat Spar kle Eariidawn Cnvnlier shso per loo 31o par 1coo Certified Seed Colors uirdioli auibs $225 per 100 no per 1000Certlfld Seed Potatoes Kcswiek Sebago other Potatoes for rate Huron Chippe wa Wuhn Pontiac Art Wright Valley Gardens PR oaaoa cu rord RR DOGS 8c PETS DALMATIAN PuPPics nicely mark ad Telephone PA More WIREHATJLBI Fox Terrier Pupv pies reglatcmd ready for radar Mrs Ref lrwlri RR Mull Telephone Fatrvlew +71 BOATS 8i MOTORS BOAT latent Dcicrart Boat motor and trailer tuiiy equipped In ex cellent condition Telephnnc PA Meta CARTDP RonTa Fibergliu Aiu niinum tut Fiberglaa Canon 10 hp Johnson 1111 12c Nee Boat Trailer Sell sepnrately AV ply Agnes St Barrie IdFom KEEN CELT1 EcluAlr 35 1117 lflhnsoll Electric MsoTcov Net frailer Tarp and accessories Only used about is heurr in test New condition Apply 21 Campbell Avenue narric ARTICLES WANTED homemade aiae 1954 PLYMOUTH Savoy automatic transmission mo Tole he esoaz 1952 CHEVROLET Good mechani lcai condition Body rough 860 Tclcphone PA 66904 after pm 1952 METEOR Coach for sale very good condition Priced reasonably grivnle Telephone PA 38009 after Inn less PLYMOUTH our door black cylinder radio 8750 or but off er For turther information tele Phone PA 37757 dition also 1954 Ford rough com dition 5135 Terms or cash Blake street Telephone PA an 1950 MGA In guild EDnditlon $1550 or terms mangcd Telephone PA 247 or see it at 99 Gunn Street 1955 Dance four door sedan in good running order No down lpay mcnt can arrange finance ele phono PA M195 PIP VOLKSWAGEN black 15000 miles radio while walla with many extras Telephone PA 58782 after 17111 195a CHEVROLET Sadln or sale new tires rebullt motor Al condition Must be seen to be ap pmiated Telephone PA W194 att er was latavrorin CAIi cylinder in good running condition with new tires and battery Telephone PA mesa days Arid PA $6551 even 1352 less AND last Ford rront ten ders brand new atlil in wrapping less than we price $22 each Sprouis Supertcst Highway 27 one mile south or Thornton Telephone Ivy 111111 TRUCKS 8i TRAILERS 1355 Palm uroN Truck for sale Raclts and tarp Included Tale phone PA about 1947 Dump Truck in good condition Reason for selling no further use to owner Telephone mm Stroud PERSONALS RIDE WANTED Monday to Friday train Barrie to Highway No and 400 daily Arrive am leave pm Please telephone PA H804 alter pm WOMENS COLUMN BEAUTY anoP Coldwaves etcr by certified hairdresser In Your mmhome Phone Bernice at PA iNTERNAnoNAL CHANDELIERP Wanted preferably brlsg for use in large older home Telephone PA 85212 FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed free For fast service phone BARBIE PA 775 colleen or ask for ZENlm 9413 NO CHARGE been day1 days wealr NICKS DEAD STOCK an Formead Ontario Licence No 172052 Nick Montague Prep WANTED in to so loadr nora ynrd Manure will pick up Tele phone HE 96072 awfi Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA Gram LOST FOUND FOUND0n Little Lakaurvice road ladys Fur Jacket Owner please call PA 51040 alter is pm I0 HELP WANTED MALE HELP SINGLE MAN wanted Experienced In general dairy farm work An Ply living full parlicIIIIle to Box 49 Barrie Examiner MAN REQUIRED or well digging steady employment Between do and so years did Apply 13 Brad lord Street Blnia after pm EXPERIENCED Married Men for dairy and Good wager separate house hydro milk auppiicd Con tact Grant Jemcy Hawkeatone Telephone Ora 1319 YOUNG algmaslvc help wanted tor work In scrvlcc Matters of an expanding business Good wager Bonus Advancement possibilities Apply Gord sliwnod Park Motors IO HELP WANTED MALE HELP ACT NOW ARMOURIES OPEN THIS WEEKEND EARN As YOU SERVE FOR SIX WEEKS IN THE MILITIA If you are between is and 50 and meet nrolment standards you can Iier Canada and your sell by taking part In the ciai Militia Training Program oar hundre thousand addition al men are needed as soon as possible to help the Canadian Army Militia carry out Nation al Survival Operations in the event of nuclear attack Six week training courses are being held In yeul community begin Springrra and fresh cowl good hing January Later courses start February 26 and April l6 I962 During the course you are given allday training five days week You receive the same pay as regular soldier you will live at home and receive livqu allowance Get full details without obli gation from your Militia lic cruiting Officer at the address THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA nannams lBSZIPontiac good con below that is nearest to your flame ARMOURY HIGH AND PARK STREETS BARBIE ONTARIO Baum YOUNG MAN WANTED as apprentice to learn all phases of the printing trade at Thu Barrie Examincr Same know ledge of typing preferred This position offers secure future and all employee benefits Apply in person to MR SHEPHERD IHE BARRIE EXAMINER to pm daily FULLY QUALIFIED MECHANIC for shift work APPLY MANSFIELD RUBBER CANADA LTD Barrie FUTURE lN ELECTRONICS YOU can become medalist Train at RCC trusted name in Electron Icg Irllnlnl since 1928 Automa tion TV Radar etc Free Booklet Act now Day cluxel ltlrt May II Toronto Montreal or Home study any time RADIO COLLEGE OF CANADA Kin St Toronto Ont MARRIED MAN wanted for dairy farm write giving references to Box Blrria Examiner smGLE MAN expriencrd in dairy farm work Start trnnicdiateLy AD pU Hughes strnud Ontario amGLE MAN required for gen eral farm work References Apply to Box 45 Barrie NW enema mm Wanted or men presently employed who wish to earn an average or $75 per week in their spare time Training and use or equipment ta at our expense nxpanriea to tell time lob 1f utlltactory Telephone Harry Young It PA 717 tor ay polntmerit FEMALE HELP ATTENTION What section do you live in Do you have an AVON representa tive call on you regularly If you dont Delilaps it is an open territory which could offer you good earning opportunity If you would like to sell AVON please call PA 66551 WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE If you would enjoy working or hours day calling reg ularly each month on group of Studio Girl Cosmetic clients on route to be established in and around Barrie and are willing to make light deliver ies etc write STUDIO GIRL COSMETKS DEPT CM 30 840 Lafleur Ave Montreal 32 Route will pay up to $500 per hour WOMAN WANTED to help in me tel perttime Ailendaia area Telr phone PA HIM MWDJEZHEERARVPEF with conce arson lean Garrick agil Stylftyt as Ma ple Avenue HDUSBKZEPEE required for email country home One adult Children welcome Apply to Box in stroud Ontario EXPERIENCED Waitresl required tor the toil Grill Apply or talc Phone PA 04 for further Eli ticulars GIRL WANTED ior general office work in small office Ability for mathematics and pleasant per sonality an asset Apply in own handwriting stating education and experience to Box Barrie Ex aminer CLERK ITENOGBAPHEII required or City of Barrie Public Works office Plvcday week lldshnur day with full employee benefits salary schedule In effect Apply City Man ngtcrs Office or telephone PA 51479 for an appointment for In tervlew P191 to train as teletype deb tcr pcrforator Must be able to type minimum 50 words per Inilp lite Apprenticeship training nar iod with good advancement vnsl Iioneer to reserve bid Dated this 14th day of April hilliics Apply between and Com oaing Room Foreman The Examiner BARBIE HAWKl1 SATURDAY APRIL it Us 10 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP mailman Woman Iantcd tor Xenon all work Iltui have full knowledge of typing and slim hund DI by Inter In Box Barrie unincr SALES HELP AGENTS EMPLOYMENT WANTED on cAnx given to children my own bent Monday In rnday will call Teireneea PA Mud II LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE OF CHAITELS BY AUCTION UNDER THE MECHANICS LIEN ACT WHEREAS RICHARD STA DON of at Cleve Loop Camp Borden Ontario is indebted to Sargs Garage Angus in the sum of $42611 plus rala ex pensesl for repairs and stor age of 1956 Plymouth Station Wagon Serial No 95542036 1961 licence plates No $3493 and three months have elapsed since the said sum ought to have been made in payment thereof NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Wednesday April 25 1961 at the premises of Sargs Garage Angus in the Town ship of Essa the said Plymouth Station Wagon described above will be sold at 10 am by public auction Jerry Coughlin Auc Terms cash Subject 1962 SARGS GARAGE BOX 87 ANGUS ONT I2 TENDERS TENDER Scaled lenders will be received by the undersigned up to pm Tuesday April 24 for the sup ply of ready mix concrete crushed gravel pitrun gravel and chips DH0 prime and emulsified road bitumuls Spec ifications may be obtained at the City Clerks Office and must be returned in the tender en vclopee supplied Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac cepted STRAUGHAN City Clerk ANGUS By lens nucxwoRTn The annual meeting of Angus Union Cemetery Board will he held April 14 at pm in Angus United Churcn base merit Cfn Grierson Ottawa was home for the week Mr Grienson was transferred to Ottawa from Camp Borden and expects to move his wile and family in week Mrs Helen Henderson retum ed home to Winnipeg last week after visiting her grand mother Mrs Farley Mrs Albert McCuIligli Jr has returned home from Mount and Mildred Reive 3rd Lloyd Forest Hospital Mr and Mrs Smith Dun can visited Mr and Mrs Cameron McRae April Mr and Mrs Gordon Bush have received word that their nephew Morley Ross Irv ine Jr Oak Ridges was in stantly killed in car accident on Highway11 at Aurora and his father Morley Irvine was badly injured and is in Tor onto General Hospital Mr and Mrs Bush and Mrs George Bridger spent Wednesday at Oak Ridges with Mrs Irvine Mr and Mrs Frank OCon nor spent Sunday in Guelph with relatives Lloyd Jardlne and family Barrie spent Sunday evening With his OConnor Lt and Mrs Roland Sand ers and son Gregory Camp Gagetown NB are visiting Mrs Sendcra parents Mr and Mrs William Davidson William McQuny is pati ent in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Cpl Westover and char lie Clark are patients in Sun oyhrook Hospital Toronto Ross Wilkinson Richmond Hill spent the weekend with his mother and visited his father at Stayner Nurs ing Home Mr and Mrs Cecil Coulson Barrie visited with Mr and Mrs William Davidson Sunday after their return from Florida There will be an Easter cau tata The Living Redeemer narrated by Mrs Eric Coker in Angus United Church Eas ter Sunday at pm Mrs William Durniun is home from Royal Victoria Hos pital Barrie much improved in health Her sister from Detroit is visiting her Mrs Fanny Snow Toronto visited her brother and sister inlaw Mr and Mrs Edward Brown April ll Mr and Mrs William Farrel Toronto and Miss Betsy Ann Brown Elliott Lake ware also guests of the Browns Mr and Mrs Jack Aikcns Camp Borden visited Mr and Mrs John SDuckwnrth April aunt Mrs Frank COOKSTOWN gtBy DAUREEN ANDERSON Special music Easter Sunday Kin St Jolina Church will be presented by the Sunday School Easter centres will be conducted by Rev Har pur Palm Sunday services will be conducted by Rev Greg eon Holy Communion will be celebrated at this time Mr and Mrs Elwnrd Spind loe and Mary Lou and Mr and Mn Harvey Spindloe of Toronto were guests on Sun day of their mother Mrs Wil liam Spindloe Airs Dick Coulis and Mrs Grace Ncy were In Toronto on Friday Mr and Mrs Alan Green Sherry and Shelly of Fergus VI5lt ited Sunday with the lattcra parents Mr and Mrs Norman Baker Mr and Mrs Ronald Mc Comb of Sirnlferd spent the weekend with the farmers par ents Mr and Mrs Ed Mcr Comb Congratulations to Lambert Wilsons rink of Margaret Dav is Wally McAmmond and Jean Hughes on winning the Bill Milligan Trophy This trophy was put up for competition this year for the team with the highest aggrcgate score in the afternoon mixed curling Miss Mabel Jennings Toronto visitcd this weekend with Mrs Sum Cole Mrs Grace Ncy and Mr and Mrs Dick Cautts Mrs Daisy Millignn Is patlt lent in Stevenson Memorial Hospital AIllslon BOWLING CLUB Tenm standings pin Busters fBetly Coburn 126 Bcan Pots Doris McKillican 101 Sliver Bullets lrn Wilson 93 Betlcr Late Lena Nicholson Hopefuls Dee Coburlit 91 HapPY Gang Mel Bray manl 86 High singles men Frank Webb 301 ladies Lena Nicholson 251 High triple men Dee Ceburn 667 ladies Lena Nicholson seo High average men Dee Coburn ladies Lena Nich olson and Ruth Pinkney I74 Tealn scores high single Pln Busters 1133 high triple Hope fuls 3380 MENS OPEN EONSPIEL Saturday April Cookstown Curling Club held mens open bonspiel with 16 rinks entered from Barrie Bradford Churchill Fergus Grand Val ley Nobelton Shelburne stay ner and Cookstown Winners of nine oclock draw were let Campbells rink Barrie 2nd Bob Waltons rink Nobel lon 3rd George Thomasa rink Fergus Winners of eleven oclock draw were lat Welter Beattys rink Cookstown 2nd Jim Pattons rink Bradford 3rd MecColemans rink Steyncr HUGHES TROPHY BONSPLEL Wednesday April mix ed bonspiel was held at Cooks town curling club to end mixr ed curling for this season Win ners of nine oclock draw were lst Lambert Wilsons rink of Margaret Davis Wally McAmmond and Jean Hughes 2nd Walter Bennys rink of Susan Stein Russell Draper vHughes rink of Jackie OCon nor Les Currie and Barb Edney Winners of eleven oclock draw were lst Earl Carrs rink of Harriet Kirby John Robinson and Isabel Rowe 2nd Don Browns rink of MarlonHughes Tom Mayea and Mary Chantler 3rd Ken Crawfords rink of Elsie Cole Norman Kirby and Mirna Bee stun The Lloyd Hughes trophy was won by Lambert Wilsons rink Winners of lucky draw were cushion Delores Fildey cake Betty Hart plant Hector SmithA lucky draw was held for curlers with Mary Ram say winning blanket and Doug Hopper blanket de iiclnus baked ham supper was served 1H CLUB large group of 4H mem bers of Cookstown area held their first meeting Friday ev eninglfipril at the town hall Two films were shown the first onebeing Wheat Country This fihn depicted weather conditions prairie farm ere must conewitli Second film was on Judging Interclub Competition at the OAC Guelph Group was divided IflIA respective clubs with each holding electinn of officers Dairy Clubs officers are Lead ers Sam French and Peter Yandcrpost president John French vicepres Ken West sectreas lla Donnelly Press Bill Lainson Swine Club Lea der Chantler pres Ron Cooke vicepres John Mayes sccytreas Doug Campbell press Ken West Beef Club Leader Don Harvey Pres Anne Beatty vicepres Ralph Corrigan secvtreas th Bcatty press Bruce Currie HARRY MOORE Harry Moore for many years well known figure in weekly newspaper field in Ontario and resident of Pembroke for several years died in hospital here in his coin year Hisdeath followed short Illness Born at Doug laa Ontario Mr Moore was son of the late Henry Moore and the forlfner Margaret Dry sdalc During lung career in weekly newspaper field he pub lished papers at Cockatown Desemnto Arnprlor and Teen ton and later took up rcsid ence in Pembroke Although no longer active in the publishing field Mr Moore continued to write and had written for the Egamllle leader recently Mr Moore had written words and music of several songs which tied been published He played lacrosse In his youth and con died lacrosse hockey and base beil teams Mr Moore is cur vivrd by his wife the former Mabel Colemln Cookatown They celebrated their golden wedding few years ago There were no children Sur vlvlng are one brother Moore Pembroke and three sisters Mrs Charlotte Still and Mrs Grace Cameron Douglas Out and Mrs Eve Forsyth Regina Sesk miscellaneous shower was held on April at the home of Mrs lvrl Wood In honor of Mrs Maurice iladill recent bride Visitors from out of town for this event were Mrs Wright 011k Ridges the brides grandmother Mrs Fred Warwick Aurora Mrs Mac Donald Barrie Mrs Cole Mrs Cole Mrs Duffin Mrs Brendon Alilsion and Mrs Johnstone Toronto BEETON Mr and Mrs Cecil Reynolds spent the weekend with rela lives In Plcton Mrs Herold Pearson of Al iisotn visited Mrs Wig gins hlesduy Mr and Mrs Edgar Ritchie were in Fergus Sunday Mrs Harold Pctugrcw visited friends In Brampton Sunday Mrs Cecil Reynolds wag In Barrie Monday attending an executive meeting of United Church Women Presbyterial in Central United church Mrs Rae spent Wednes day in Toronto Miss Georgina Burton return ed home Friday fro two weekn visit with frends in Florida Mr and Mrs Swinson Alliston visited Mr and Mrs Nichol Friday Mrs Harold Ellison Miss Car ol Ellison and Rodney Ellison spcnt Saturday with friends in Toronto Mrs Cecil Reynolds attended the executive meeting of the Womens institute in Cooksluwn hall Monday CANCER CANVASS meeting of the Beelnn unit of the Cancer society was held in council roani Thursday even ing March 29 with large number present Mrs Butt presided and Mrs Buck nell was elected secretary to replace Mrs Baker Celi vess is under the Direction of chairmen Mrs El Holmes and 20 canvassera were ap pointed for various sections of town Mrs Pettigrcw spent Sat urday in Toronto Mr and Mrs Elwood Nichol and Bruce Nichol were guests at the BrettCarr wedding in St Johns United Church Al liston Saturday Mr and Mrs Swiilaon of Alliston visited Mr and Mrs Nichol Friday Mrs Lonsway was guest at the BrettCarr wedlt ding Alliston Saturday Mr and Mrs Roy Devall returned home Tuesday from twoweek visit in Florida Miss Linda Brown of Peter horough spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Mel Sed Eowick Mr and Mrs Murray Pom eroy of Ottawa spent the week end at the home of Miss Aida Robson Miss Beatrice Christian vlait ed friends in Toronto Monday Mr and Mrs Straffold and Mrs Hawton visited relatives in Grantee Tuesday MIDHUBSI By NASH On Sunday April in Mid hural United Church baptisc mal service was observed when Daniel Key son of Mr and Mrs John Key and Peter Dingle son of Captain and Mrs Dingle Kingston were baptized Captain and Mrs Dingle and Iamily spent few days with Mrs Dinglcs parents Mr and Mrs Smith prior to leaving for Germany where they will be stationed for three years missionary rally is being held in Minesing United church FridaY April 13 Everyone In terested in missions ahould ab teud this rally BRIDETOBE SHOWERED On Friday evening in st Pauls Parish Hall very pleasant community gathering was held in honor of Miss Barbara Holloway Easter bride Barbara received many useful gifts Best wishes go with Barbara and John when they establish their new home in Toronto Barbara is on the Toronto teaching staff On Sunday April 15 Com munion Service will be admin istered in the United chmch Good Friday service will he held in Midhurat United church There will be Spring Tea In MfdhurstUnited church an Wednesday April is to bazaar table will be set up in the basement Little Melvin Wright has hcen patient in Royal Vic toria Hospital tor week GILFORD By MR5 EAWYER number of Gilford ladies attended the delightful Swing Banquet luncheon held at Bond Heed Wednesday Mr and Mrs Owen Bell and family visited in Toronto on Sunday April with friends CHURCH SERVICES ere was large attend ance at Gilfoid United Church Sunday when Rev Jackson Stroud conducted Communion serviceuliir and Mn Douglas Hughes prclenied their daught er Angela Jean for baptism at the service John Ledlle Gllford was In charge of scr vices In chroy and Simud Un Ited Church Mr and Mrs George Coutts Midhurst were Sunday visitors at Mr and Mrs Doug Hughes and attended church service at GIIfard Miss Margaret Sawyer Tor onto was weekend visitor with her parents lilr and Mrs Sawyer The April Gifford Womens meeting will be at the home of Mrs Herbert Hughes has dny April 17 This is the ant nual meeting and election of officers There will he plant sale Ladies from Gilfard uttcnd lag the District Workshop at Cooketown Thursday were Mrs Chute Mrs Kell Mrs Todd Mrs Weaver Mrs Hughes and Mrs Nes It 1H CLUB GIRLS The +H Club girls met at the home of assistant leader Betty Ann Dales Saturday morning April Each mem ber brough loaf of fruit bread Frances Sawyer gave demnnstration on banana milk shake This was Ihc last meeting for this club BOND llEliD Sympathy Ia extended to Norval Young in the death of his brother Wilbert ef Tor onto Mr and Mrs Young at tended the funeral Mr and Mrs Macskcr and family moved to Mllver ton last week Mr and Mrs HcrI Lander kln of Toronto spent the week end with illcir soninlnw and daughter Mr and Mrs Robert Kerr Arthur Young and Miss Olive Young of Toronto Mr and Mrs William Young Billy and Cathy of Aurora visited Mr and Mrs Norval Young Sunday Girl Gide and Brownie com panies of Bond Head and New ton Robinson and Boy scouts and Cuba of Newton Robinson attended service in the United church here Sunday morning BOND HEAD WI The regular monthly meeting of Bond Head Womens Instit ute was held In Bond Hend community hall March 248 with 35 members and visitors pre sent at pm to enjoy dinner served by three ladies of Fisher Corners WI Mrs Steers Mrs Hodgson and Mrs Steers They were the ladies who lack the course 143 pounds of meat With president Mrs Brown in the chair roll call was answered by an item for the lweedsmuir his tory book District annual will be held May 14 at Churchill Arrangements were made for the cancer canvass Committee on Histarlcal Research Mrs McLean and Mrs James Batcman had arranged pro gram Mrs McLean read an article concerning Mrs Fea therstone Ellen Osler at Bond Head 1837 Speaker was former Bond Head girl Mrs George Terry nee Mildred Averill now living in Elmvale She gave splendid talk and showed pictures of her trip through the far East Mrs James Bateinan conducted contest won by Mrs Smith and Mrs Knacsbaw The Fisher Corner ladies served lunch Annual meeting will be held April 15 program Mrs Reynolds and Mrs Amey hostesses Mrs John Lloyd Mrs Bretbet and Mrs Stoddart NEWTON ROBINSON By LEESON Mrs Walter Andrews attend ed shower for Ruth Presser Monday night in Churchill Sim day school room Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Lawrence Copeland on the birth of baby girl pleasant part of the Sun day church aervice was the christening of Debra Mae daughter of Mr and Mrs Al lan Houghton Mr and Mrs Ward of Huntsville and Mr and Mrs Ralph Hougbton and family of Markdale were wack end gucsts to attend the christ cning Mr King of Golden BC visited Friday with Mrs Conneil Mra Roy Spence and daught er Dianne visited Mrs Spences parents Mr and Mrs Wilson on Tuesday prior to their trip by plane to the British Isles and France to visit relatives and friends Newton Robinson Orange Hall was the scene of social cv ening Saturday April New ROUND SIMCOE COUNTY ton Robinson and Bond Head YPU were hosts to sev eral neighboring unions ninth was served at the close at the meeting UCW SEND BALE United Church Women met In the church basement Tull day April An Easter pro gram wns followed Rev Jackson conducted Bible study and Mrs Jackson sang an Easter solo it was decided to send the woollen away this month also the halo of used clothing The usual social hour was enjoyed BAXTER By MR5 MAILY DENNEY Friends and neighbors of Mr and Mrs Bill Davie met in the hall Saturday night to bid farewell to Mrs Davie who will leave soon to join her husband stationed at Shaw Air Force base South Carolina Mr and Mrs McAfce and family spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Cal McAfce Duri hem Sacrament of the Lords Suplt per will be observed in the Church Sunday April 15 at I013 oclock Rev Mr Mchr rol Hamilton will be the min stci Sharon entertained grade and school chums at her birthday party April Billie Henderson Jr has re turned bomu from the west for short visit meeting of the 4H Club was held Saturday at the homi of Mrs Dickson The after noon was spent with fruit apoc lals Tile club had birthday cake for Sharon Denney and social hour was enloycd Phyllis McAfcc Durham ls spending few days with her grandparents Mr and Mrs Robert lumbull Mr and Mrs Elwood Gauley Mr and Mrs Bob Cameron and family visited Sunday with Mrs Don Cameron and family St Catharinea Mr and Mrs Ron Menary and girls Huddldt and Mrs Bella Robson visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs John Men nry and Mr and Mrs Harold Ruddick Cohtirg Mrs Elizabeth Gaulay has ran turned home after spending two weeks visiting her sisters in Barrie IVY By MRS WILMER WON Services at Christ Church ivy are as follows Good Fri day am Easter Sunday 1030 am sign spring Is here is the number of care going through Ivy especially weekends hand ed for the river and fishing Altar Guild of Christ Church Ivy will hold their annual Spring Ten May 30 Watch for further information Mrs Elwood Jennett and Mrs 2Wilmer Wilson attended the Deanery executive meeting at Bond Head Monday April Mrs Cunningham Toronto visited her daughter Heather at the home of Mr and Mrs Elwood Jennctt Saturday April Ivy Junior Farmers held their April meeting at Ivy school Monday evening with Alliston Junior Farmers al guests Ivy Junior Farmers have made arrangements to hold dance Friday April 27 at the Orange all Thornton with Paul Emma orchestra number from the commun ity attended open house at Bar rie Central Collegiate last Fil day Mr and Mrs Art Hayward and Debbie spent day in Toronto last week scnooL DEBATE Rev BHarper min later of Christ Church Ivy who teaches religious education In Ivy School held debate Tuesday April 10 Grades sev en and eight participated The subject was Resolved that the fifth commandment should sov ern our behavior tilday At flrmative side was upheld by Donna Walton Jane Berry and Patsy Hayward Three grade seven boys Bob Davis Terry Arnold and Allen Ellis took the negative side Miss Walter teacher of the Junior Boom announced the negative side had won May at 530 channd Popeye TV Party will have as guests children of the Junior Boom Ivy School FERGUSONVIILE By TnuRLow Mr and Mrs Henson and Brenda spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Henson Barrie Mrs Evenhuis is homevfroln hospital after surgery The WA oi Fergusonvele Church will hold an Easter tea bake sale and bazaar am Saturday AprIl 21 130 to phi cordial invitation is extended to all Mrs Strath Sr was taken to Peneteng Hospital Friday She has been quite Ill for some time Mr and Mrs Drady were Sunday vIsitorawith Mr and Mrs Dab Urry of Little Lake Barrie

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