TEE BARRIE EXAAITNEK THURSDAY APRIL 127 KENNEDY llDDS EMPHIISIS President Kennedy his fist clenched emphasizes re mark at point inhis news conference in Washington Much of the discussion can SHospital iCosts To TORONTO CPIThe cost of nta rlos hospital insurance plan will leap some $100000000 by 1905 the chairman of the hospital services commission said Wednesday gt Dr lan Urquhart told the legs islaturcs standing committee on health and welfare that im proved patient care and in Iereased salaries and iringe hen elits for hospital employees will account for the anticipated in crease in costs to $355297000 in 1965 from the $255597000 hudgeted for this year The increase will have to be met almost entirely out of pro vinclal revenue since premi cerned new round at price increases in the steel indns try which he termed Ichtl ling and irresponsible defiance of the nations interests tAP Vircphoto Plan Blossom ums are expected to be frozen at their current rate until then Each year the cost of caring or patients in hospitals in creases and each year we are giving more days of care in hos pitnls to patients under the plan Dr Urquhart said llcalut Minister Dymond told the committee that 47 per cent oi Ontarios hospital beds are occupied by the mentally ill and the cost at treating such patients will rise to $120000000 Itom $85000000 last year Despite the increase Dr Dy mond argued against launch ing into extensive construction of large institutions which could be completely useless Organized Labor Will Wage War VANCOUVER CP Organ ized labor Wednesday declared war against outcast unions that are corrupt Communist or com panydominated By an overwhelming vote more than 1100 delegates at the policy conference of the Cana dian Labor Congress rejected attempts to label the United Steelworkers at America CLC pirate unions They approved an omnibus resolution that Maintained an opendoor policy toward all unions out fReject Plea For Joint Inspection TORONTOVICPThe Ontario government Wednesday re jected plea to negotiate with the federal government to set up joint meat inspection sys tent in the province Ken Bryden tNDP Wood bine had called for is suggcs tion to be included in the amended Dead Animals Disprr sal Act now before the legisla ture The act was introduced fol lowing the recent outcry over the sale of contaminated meat in Ontario It provides for all meat from dead or fallen ani mals to be discolored with powdered charcoal Agriculture Minister Stewart said under the present federal inspection system healthy car cass is marked in four places with stamp two inches diameter Meat the housewife buys scl dom bears even portion of this stamp he said gt Under our identiï¬cation sys tem the whole piece of con taminated meatwiil be black CONSTRUCTION LTD Barrio PA 93Iiitl side CLC ranks that are pre pared to accept the CLC con stitution principles and policies Commended the big 33000 member Steelworkers union without specifically mentioning it for its campaign to liber ate workers in Sudhury and Port Colborne in Ontario and Thompson MartV from the left ist International Union of Mine Mill and Smelter Workers Ind Pledged CLC aid to work ers belonging to outcast unions to help them get back in the free trade union movement UNIFIES MOTIONS The resolution was watered down version of nine other mo tions submitted by individual union localsmost of them con demning intervunion raids as threat to labor unity The convention also made first step toward new method of dealing with jurisdictional disputes between rival unions It endorsed resolution in stru the congress executive council to make comprehen sive study of the problem of jurisdictional disputes and their solution by arbitration and other methods The council was told to con sider establishing new machin ery to resolve quarrels between unions over their jurisdictions Convention approval at the two resolutions represented defeat for Redvtinged union lo cals that contend labor unity is threatened by attacks on unions outside the main stream of la lmr such as the MineMill un ion WOMEN WORKERS The proportion at women in the Canadian labor iorce ranges from high of 262 per cent in Prince Edward Island to 114 per cent in Newfoundland Burns HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 LAWN RAKE WNW USE YOUR CREDIT gtwwwvw no FREE PARKING Automsilo Windrblold WASHER touch at Ills rt tlpl isms Inn at solution onto slndshllld tor elnr rlslon Complete spoonful in ts pro at water No E=lt wlpln oil Lloum Sllztlor 34 12 than POWDER Jet IAWItiililiAtilt MWI ï¬fIAW LAWN MASTER FAST ACTING GLENDALE REPAIRALAW GRASS SEED LAWN DRGANIG GRASS SEED Grass Mixture For good looks and to For ruusdiny bsrl Ilsrd wolrlng quslilio mkk Wm 55m spoil Condlllonl it without special on ouhhmnnl or wk momle tosdsths culmProvldos Highly vigorous tor rm mm mm ammumm lush groon growth to ormsnnnr surrsrlvs an limp 285 to it 122 iii4 175 4Ib vks LAWN Thu any way to Iprssd nod ls ltxor on your Iswn Essyscr control dlsl accurately 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