Federal Budget Pro Business Expansion Likely Growth Should Create Jobs OTTAWA CP to main objectives stand out in the bud get speech Finance Minister Fleming delivered night One is to give new incentives to Canadian business to expand create new jobs and more prosperity and work harder to meet foreign competition The other is to give Causewa tive party campaigners handy pocket sized summary of five years of Conservative rule in Kind Of form suitable for use in the election expected in June it is generaily conceded among politicians that an elec tion year is no time to increase taxes Mr Fleming did not increase domestic taxes At the same time he had little elbow room in his proelection budget to re ducc the tax bite appreciably Altogether the cost to the treasury oi Mr Flemings list of tax changes added up to Budget It Just Depends UliAWA CPD What kind of budget was it That de pends on which side of the po litical fence you sit good budgetan expane sionist one Finance Minister Fleming said Vote now pay later was the label of Opposition Leader Pearson in refcrence to the estimated deficit Flemings flop snapped Herridge the CCFANew Democratic Party groups par liamentary leader beekeepers budget came from Robert Thompson national leader of the Social Credit party The political reactions were typical as well astopical Mr Fleming told posttbud got press conference that he is proud of his budget and sees it as important contribution to economic expansion The Liberal leader speaking in the Commons after the fi nancc ministers speech noted that the announced benefits to individuals total $40000000 which came to $221 per head when divided into population of 15000000 PILLS TO BE NEEDED You get $222 per person said Mr Pearson And 222 is the name of wellknown heads ache tablet which the taxpayer of this country is going to need when he is confronted with deficit of $745000000 Mr Herridge had no oppor tunity to speak before the Com mons adjournment But outside the House he said corporations would benefit rather than indi viduals and we all know there are more individuals than cor parations The budget is good for one per cent of the population only Mr Thompson whose party US Steel Ups Price PITTSBURGH AP US Steel Corp which usually sets the price pattern for the rest of the USi steel industry an nounced price increase Tues day The prices going into effect today will average about 35 per cent more than the old fig ures or about mochacent increase pound The average increase would be about $6 ton President Leslie Worthington of us Steel said the increase was catchup adjustment made necessary by profit squeeze between rising costs and declining prices He said that since the last general price increase in the summer of 1958 steel prices have remained stable even do clining somewhat Costs be said continue to rise without taking into consid eration increased costs under new labor contract that goes into effect July This situation he said in the face of steadily mounting production costs which have in oiuded four increases in steel worker wages and benefits prior to the end of last year has been due to the competitive pressures Erom domestic producers and ram imports of foreignmade steel as well as from other ma terials which are used as sub stitutes for steel Naval Ofï¬cer Is Charged Digby ms or navy petty ofï¬cer from the nearby does not hold seat in the Commons said Mr Fleming will go down in history as Can adas greatest debtmaker He called it beekeepcrs budget because it removed the sales tax from containers for unprocessed honey but held lit tle honey for the general tax payer Tariff Changes lire Minor OTTAWA CF filhior tar iff changesall reductions or extensions of freeentry provi slons due to expire shortlyare contained in the budget deliv cred Tuesday night by Finance Minister Fleming Mr Fleming also said no fur ther action is planned at this time on the royal commission on the automotive industry re leased in June 1961 The only step taken then was the elim ination of the flippercent ex cise tax on autos He said two new tariff board examinations are plannedfor wire and wire fencing and ma chinery and equipment used by the Canadian printing industry This includes presses engrav ing machines bookbinding mas fliigos and printing plates of all REFERS TO TEXTILES He noted that the tariff board had made racommendntions on tariff rcvisfon in coated and impregnated fabrics miscellan cous textiles and hats and coats implementation depended on adjustments within the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade These were in progress and if completed before Parliament approved the budget the rec ommendations would be dealt with immediately Mr Fleming said he receivcd an Extensive response to his in vitation for comment on the farreaching proposals of Dean Vincent Bladen of the Univer sity of Toronto who conducted the royal commission on the auto industry They included proposals to permit dutyefree imports of autos or parts to companies ex panding exports of other ve hicles or parts with the objec tive of integrating the Canadian industry with the industry abroad However number of practical problems had been ex posed and these would require more study lMPERlAl STARTS THURSDAY national product 3130000000 He expects part of this to be covered by increased revenues resulting from his forc oast of seven percent in crease in gross national prod uct this year The net effect was to increase the expected deficit by 0000000 to $745 000 TO HELP Au His problem was to spread tax concession where they would have the most impact He chose incentives to busi ness and modest increase in personal income tax exemptions for dependents Repeatedly through his speech Mr Fleming referred to the governments desire to stimu late Canadian enterprise to new effort and new peaks of achieve ment His theme was Whats good for business is good for Canada with last years deficit of $791400000 the government has accumulated deficits in the last five years of s2192400000 in the same period Mr Fleming emphasized the gov ernments increase in contribu tions to provincial trensurlcs and payments to various insti tutions in the provinces has amounted to 32560500000 The enormous increase in assistance to the provinces had helped them and their munici palities The cumulative in crease in these fodcral contri butions to the provinces in the last five years had givcn rlsc to federal budgetary deficits and had in fact been grcatcr than the cumulative budget dcf cosrouzgomsx Income TIlX Personal income tax con tinucs to give the federal government the largest por tion of the budget revenue dollar This was indicated in the 106263 budget presented to Parliament income tax is BITE BIGGER of every revenue dollar Graph compares major sourc es of the revenue dollar for selected fiscal years ending March 31 1939 1547 1855 1962 and 1963 white bars The income tax bite has been getting bigger over the oils by $370000000 expected to return 309 cents years CP Ncwsmap Vote Now Pay ater Pearson Says Of Budget OTTAWA CF The budget delivered by Finance Minister Floating Tuesday night on tho eve of an election should per haps be described as vote now pay later Opposition Leader Pearson said in the Commons The sixth deficit forecast since Mr Fleming assumed the min istry means total deficit over five years of $3000000000 the Liberal chief said in the first apposition reply to the budget address He called the forecast of sevenpcrcent rise in the gross exaggerated Even on such shaky assump tion by Mr Fleming the dell cit in the current fiscal year was estimated at $745000000 and might well be higher Not long ago the minister had had song dcdicated to him called Brother Can You Spare Dime Dimes will be scarce in Can art1 at this rate Mr Pearson sax Noting that Mr Fleming had estimated individual tax bene fits to Canadians would amount to some $40000000 Mr Pcur son said there are about 19000 000 people in Canada and that meant you get $222 per per son Thursday Night Is Kinsmen Bingo Night FELLOWS All Thurs llpril 128 pm 20 GAMES SHARE THE WEALTH GAMES $23000 JACKPOT 20 Numbers Called $2500 Consolation Prize HELP KIN HELP KIDDIEH sarsouano Younruas in wmcnrs REFRIGERATED STORAGE VAULT Barries Only Refrigerated Storage FUR COATS of fair valuation minimum $200 CLOTH COATS of fair valuation minimum $100 Sales Tax Exemptions Expand Into Electronic Fish Fields OTTAWA CF The federal governments sales tax caught up with the electronic age Tues day night Finance Minister Fleming announced that tape recordings and materials used in their manufacture now will be ex empt from the llpercent tax when they are authorized for use by provincial departments of education in the teaching of tho mgilah or French lang nose The exemption previously ap plied only to disc recordings Effective Dates Budget Changes OTTAWA CP Effective dates of changes announced in Tuesday nights budget Jan 1062 income tax de ductions for dependents in creased by 850 Jan 1m Nonresident iron are companies exempted from special istperccnt tax on in como of branches of nonresi dent corporations Jan 1952 Federal tax ercdit for Ontario and BC log ging companies equal to two thirds of provincial tax up to 10 per cent March 31 1902i incentive rc bntcs as high as 50 per cent on tax resulting from increased sales by manufacturing and pro cessing firms April 11 1962 Tax deduction of 150 per cent allowed on in creased expenditure for scien tific research in industry April 11 1002 Deduction on all proproduction expenses al lowed oil companies April 11 1002 Minor tariff changes Jan 1901 Douhlo depreci ation for investment in new products extended for one year to Jan 1904 MClARYEASI 30 RANGES PRICED FROM Model Illustrated Abovc slightly Higher Exciting new beauty Exciting used in teaching the languages ilr Flemings budget con tained few income and excise tax changes affecting the pub lie at large but cioriflcd ex emptions on such things as printed pages for ioosclcaf books balcr twine when used on or off the farm barrels and boxes for fish lobster crates and traps and scallop bags and drums or cans for honey One provision excmpts pipe for sewage and drainage sys tems and materials used In their manufacture from tho sales tax whether or not they are bought by municipal coun oils The budget also cloriflcd the law governing motor vehicles tractors and machines which may be bought free of tax for one usesuch as in agriculture and converted to another use in which they are liable to be taxed The new law states that the STRANGE NEW stï¬f vides IncentiVes purchaser seller manufacturer and licensed wholesalcr may all be held liable for the for But it also says that the tax collec tor cannot pursue them for more than five years after the machines are diverted from an exempt use to taxable use HURONIA DRiVElN THEATRE mxnstevm Watch For Our GRAND OPENING DEBORAH KERR CINKMAMBBE mamahflresmmus MICHAEL REUGRAVE ummr Tumimxujxwi arms BE FOREWARNEDl In infants in in Recommended In DUI DlTDIWNMDB will Tum me my mammg the mm mm mu Feature Times 725 935 T490 Automatic Roastguide and EasyMastic Timer or perfect roasts everytimel Automatic Rotisserie makes new exotic dishes simple and fun to prepare SenseTherm Element prevents boilovers and Comwaliis base was charged frymg pan mom Tuesday with shooting with in tent to wound after town police and the RCMP staged five bour siege at his home Monday night PO Kenneth William Broken ahirc 30 was remanded until April 17 for hearing Police were called by neigh bor to his home in Dlgby to break up row Police Chief Webster Dunn said four shots were fired from the home but no one was hit Mrs Brokenshire went out and talked to police and later gave her husband sleeping pills She carried out rifle when her husband fell asleep and police walked in and arrested him as he slept Your precious furs are fuily insured at your valuation against firc damage and theft We will pick up your furs deliver them when youre ready to enjoy them again in the fall rrnewvfeaturesI automatic e5 thinOne Oven Broiler adjusts for use in baking Exciting broiling and roasting new value Removable Oven Door and hiftOut Elements take the work out of cleaningupl AVAILABLE FROM CHECK POINT gt WRIGHT CLEANERSLTD AllAND 1A5 ROBERTSON JUSTICE Barrie 88 DUNLOP ST TONIGHT ONLY BARRIE APPLIANCES burrow mg PERFECT FURLOUGH