$5040 My Wellington Anne Streets Rhodesian Prime Minister Facing Spectacular Fight LUNDUN lCPlAt age 18 he was heavyweight boxing cham plan of the Rhodesian bat tling enginedriver who was soon to find himself on the rails to power Today at 53 he is prime min Isler of the Rhodesian Fedora tion and Sir ftoy Velensky is still in the ring facing Brit nin and the Negro nationalists in what may be the most spec tacular losing fight of his life Vclonskys vendetta against the UNs Congo campaign and his recent refusal to have their observers look into allegation of Rhodesian armsrunning to the Congos Kntanga province have deeply embarrassed the British government which is still responsible for gtRhodesian foreign policy His support of Katangas se cession it is said in Rhodesia rcsts largely on his fear that unified blacknationalist Congo might conceivably go Commu nistright on his northern door step Some of his critics believe this is covervup for his real ambitionto link the copper rich breakaway province with the copper belt of Northern Rhodesia Whichever is the true reason SNiZZY HIMrent dainty pumnnn mu ImlAtr £499 BARRIE PLAZA Brownie Starflosh Outfit Complete with EASTER BATTE RIES FLASHBULBS FILM Instruction Reg SPECIAL $1345 Roll0n BoosterHt 5125 79= Wosh Cloths Torry 12 12 gang for 25¢ the federal prime ministers pugnacious stand against all corner is essentially declara tion of independence in effect he is saying as he has been saying to Britain ever since he look office in 1935 Stop inter fering kno hat is best for our country KNEW PREJUDICE Roland Welonskyitoy was boyhood nickname that stuck grow up in tough teeming household of 14 children of Polish Jew and his Afrikoner wife who had trekked up from South Africa by ox wagon His PARTYPET Splil slurp arrrlo milr old main turtle Wellington and TOTEM amid mun ripplrrole 499 father kept boardinghouse in the poorwhite district of Pio neer Salisbury You cant tell me anything about race prejudice he likes to tell his critics slapping them on the back with saloon bar bonhomie During the Depression Vclen sky worked in the Northern Rhodesian copper belt and saw European and African unem ployed compete bitterly for jobs lie become union leader and by 19 had founded Is bor party aimed at safeguard ing uhite employment Today alter 15 years in na tional politics Welenskys ideas about African economic ad vancement have mellowed lot Now he says his goal is fed eration in which the best man for the job get it whatever his color But African political advance IIIP H0 Ha hr potionrd Mali ppsol Anne Sis v1 lb JENNY LIN ASSORTED Home Permanent R09 $200 HEAVY ionn Roll any 35 Solid Food Satisfaction In Anniversary SALE ment is something else again On this subject Sir Roy likes to quote Cecil John Rhodes the founder of Rhodesia Rhodes wanted government to remain in civilised responsible bonds WANTS LIMITED VOTE Says tclensky dont say the responsible hands in Rh0lt desln are only white But what he does say Is that the one man onevote franchise leads to irresponsibility as events elsewhere in Africa have shown in this he has the backing of probably 95 per cent of white Rhodeslons who would like nothing better than to see inlt dependent dominion status for the federation This towering 230 pound frontier politienn is not at all like Hendrik Verwocrd of South Africa Even the leftwing New Statesman which published probably the most hostile pro file of Velensky yet seen in the British press says He to cop nhle of close relations even friendship with few Africans whom he knows personally and accepts as the near equals of white men But he does think that no litically the natives still are childrenabout where the on cient Britons were at the time of thoRoman landings Adult suffrage myth he declared during the federal elections of 1558 and as long as am head of the federal government it will never be given any consideration what ever What will happen when this tough fighter comes to blows with Britain over the Northern as constitution this spring Colonial Secretary Moudling will likely force him back to the original draft pro viding Negro legislative mo jorlty rather than risk repeat of the violence that greeted Wclenskys own cautious self intcrested proposals last sum mer CANCER TOLL in 1960 23131 Canadians died of cancer Although long con sidered womans disease more men than women now die of it due largely to rising rate of lung cancer in men OPEN FRIDAY TIL SHOPPINGS PLEASURE AT BARRIE PLAZA Myth Of The Thunderbird Not Taken Seriously Now BELLA COOLA BC CF The mythical thunderbird weird looking eagle that is the mascot of coastal lndihns appears headed for extinction creature standing stop many totem poles the thunder blrd has been symbol to the outside world of the native com munity living on the shores of the Pacific whose people long ago mastered the art of making dugout canoes Lawrence Pootlass heredi tary chief of the Bella Cools indinnskccpers of the thunder blrd legendsays his people no longer take seriously the myth handed down through the gen erations Once the main ritual of tribal initiation ceremonies tho thun derbird dance now is enacted at community concerts to raise money for the ParentTeacher Association or hospital SEEN AT CHRISTMAS Each Christmas in this town 250 miles north of Vancouver the pagan thunderbird mingle with Santa Claus on the stage of school auditorium The performers have under their arms soft drink bottles filled with water which is sprayed on the audience if the show starts to get dull dont know how long the thunderblrd dance wlll lost said the 31yearold chief who works at nearby sawmill My kids only see it once or twice year hlrs Pootluss and the six chil dren live here while her 31year old husband works at sawmill about 20 miles down Deon Charo nel Natives once used to make their living as employees of coastal cannerics but most of those have closed in recent years The children born in United Church mission hospital here attend the some school as white children and like other natives are accepted in community ac tivities BUILT OWN ROAD Until recent years Bella Coola successfully kept people out and kept others in group of Norwegians who travelled by sea first settled here in the 19th century and no one could make his home at the townsite with out permission of Norwegian community leaders There wasnt an overland route to the interior of British Columbia until 1954 when mem bers of Bella Cooln Board of Trade who said their plcas met no rcponse from the depart ment of highways built road thomelves The route through the Coast Range involved construction of 50 miles of road 10 through mountains The most famous person to walk through what now Is Bella Coola wos Sir Alexondcr lilac kenzie who mode the historic Journey from Fort Chipewyan on Lake Athnboska to the Pa cific Coast in 1793 About 15 miles from town there is rock on which Sir Alexander wrote his famous in scription in rerrnillion and grease From Canada by land 1793 It was 133 years later thlt Cliff Kopas then living near Calgary decided to follow tho explorers route on horseback lie and his young bride settled here and raised family lllr Kopos who owns gen eral store has been member of the Board of Trade since it was formed 10 years ago and has become unofficial mayor of the community He organized townspeople into work crews which built the road through the mountains and cleared 3400 foot aircraft landing strip out of timber POPULAR FURS More than 03000 dark mink pelts and 70000 pastel minks were sold at the 1962 Oslo Inter nntional fur auction You two depend on me too much If somethingever boppened to me whod empty the garbage BEST LOOKING HAIRCUTS IN TOWN n9 JV ALL TYPES OF SPECIAL HAIRCUTSI GALLS BARBER SHOP BARRIE PLAZA New WAFERS Spice Flovnw Package of so 900 Calorie DUTY WAX PAPER 27 Rain $129 99¢ LIQUID Ready to Drlnlr 15 clbrin 8D Tin Carton of $169 TABLETS Gnh room 17 gorettes ALL POPULAR BRANDS Carton 09 OPEN TUES THURS FRI TO mm ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL 20 OFF ON ANY PHONE PA 61112 45 PERMANENT Personalized shaping ex ert colouring softlook permanents Cal todayfor an appointment VENUS COIFFURES Barrie Plain