Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Apr 1962, p. 17

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l2 TENDERS COUNTY 01 SIMCDE ROAD DEPARTMENT Tenders for BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION Sealed Tenders plainly mark ed as to ccnlents will be re ceiied by the Engineer of the County of Simone until 00 oclock noon EST on WEDNEDAY APRIL lm for the construction of 65 foot clear span rigid frame rein forced concrete bridge over Bailey Creek on Simeon County Road No 10 The work In cludes detour construction movai of existing structure un wstcriag constructing the new bridge and Madhod approaches and all other work necessary for complete lob Plats specifications and form of tender may be obtained at the Simcoe County Engineers office or at the offices of the Consulting Engineers In Port Credit for the sum of Ten Doll ars $1000 which will not be refunded Each lender must be accomp anied by marked cheque for an amount equal to of the total tender and the successful bidder must provide contract bond for 100 of the total ten dcr The lowest or any tender shall not necessarily be accepted McCormick and Rankin Limited Consulting Engineers Stavcbank Road Port Credit Ontario CLARK Eng Simcoe County Engineer County Court House Barrie Ontario 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday April i4 12 pm Sharp Audion sale of 55 head high tztade Holstein cattle dairy equipment modern form mach inery hay grain and straw etc for MEL JAWESON Lot 17 Concession Om miles north of Highway 11 at Guthrie ANDERSON PLOWIIIAN and COLWILL LTD Auctioneers Bulialo May Lose Tonnage BUFFALO AP serious loss of overseas shipping via the St Lawrence Seaway appeared possible mesdny for the port of Buffalo ns lines connecting the Great Lakes and Mediterranean ports made Buffalo surcharge purl for cargo loadings The surcharge to shippersout of Buffalo will be 10 per cent above the steamship lines pub lished rates effective June Buffalo is the first v5 Great Lakes port to be placed in surcharge category by interna tional shipping lines Several Canadian ports operate under surcharges The extra rate for loadings was announced by the Ameri can Great LakesMediterranean Freight Conference represent ing ll lines Shipping agents here fear the move could lead to similar sur charges by other conferences for cargo headed to other over seas areas William Townsend of the Lan caster Steamship Agency said such development plus possi blo surcharges on imports as well would further cripple the port Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 TONIGHT ONTV THE PRIME MINISTER THE RI HONDURABLE IoIIII IIIEFEIIIIIIIIEII CKVRTll Channel CARRIER MISS YOU if your carrier has loot arrived by span please phone EA 842433 And Copy win as Delivered To you Home THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS Directors Resign Syd Matthews both of Toronto l3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE 0t High Class lsrm ninehtnery Cattle Piss lily Straw Greta and llotuohold Effects In undersigned has received Instructions from R055 JARDINH to sell by public auction at the premises rm CON NOITAWASAGA TWP llaif way between Neu Lowell and Cmmorc on nowallne miles straight south of Hiya way as SATURDAY APRIL ll AT 30 Pl SHARP CATTLE Holstein COW years fresh optn calf at foot Durham Cow years fresh open call at foot Holstein Cow years fresh open call at foot Holstein Heifer years fresh open call at foot Hol stein Heifer years fresh open calf at foot Holstein Cow years to freshen by date of sale Holstein Cow years fresh call at toot Hol stein Cow years milking well bred again Hereford Heifer years old bred Here ford Steer years old fat Hereford Heifers years old open Holstein and Hereford Hciters years open Hol stein Heifer years old bred Durham Steers in months old Durham Heifers 20 months old Herefords heifer and steer rising year old Holsteins heifer and steer ris ing year old Holstein Steers year old Holstein Heifer year old Hereford Heifers baby beefs Hereford Stecr baby beef Hereford Hol stein Calf months old PIGS Yorkshire Pigs around IIIII lbs each 11 had race Pigs around 175 lbs each 10 Yorkshire Pigs months old HAY GRAIN AND STRAW Quantity of Hay 100 Bales of Straw 200 Bushels of Mixed Grain IMPLEMENIS ANDMISCEL LANEOUS MII lhactor 55 completely overhauled Pulley for MH Tractor Sawing Mach ine John Deere AH Tractor good condition New Holland Baler 66 good as new Set of Scales New Holland Tractor Manure Spreader new Cock shutt tractor seed fertilizer drill on rubber 15 run good as new Fanning Mill Front end loader for John Deere trac tor John Deere sidedellvery rake good condition John Deere tractor cultivator 16 tooth Al Cockshutt 7ft trac tor power mower like new furrow John Deere tractor planar McDeering Binder 6ft cut working order Oliver Red River Threshing Machine 22 36 Al wort Threshing Belt good condition Set Waterloo tractor disc 28 disc good as new Waterloo tractor tlller tooth electric fencers Steel land roller drum Hot water heater 1953 International ton truck good condition John Deere rubbertired Wagon roll er bearings and rack compete 28ft Bale Elevator Al Set sectinn drag harrows drawbar Scrap Iron Wild Oat Cleaner aott new extension ladder Lit tle Beaver Hammer Mill Chop per motor Surge Milking Ma chine motor units outlets for 12 cows new electric molt tors Viking electric cream sep arator good as new Grind Stones Steel Drums Colony House Set truck racks for Chev or GMC Plastic Hose Forks Chains Shovels many other ar ticles HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Gurney Cooking Range coal or wood Burner electric range heavy duty good oven Cole man oil burner Al Rocking Chairs Kenmore Oil Burner automatic brand new Chester field with chairs good condi tion Dining roomsuite round table chairs buffet Antique writing desk Linoleum 10x13 Triiigit Antique Hall Stand Chest Drawers Beds Mat tresses and springs complete Antique chest of drawers gal lon Churn Kitchen Cabinet Ex tension Table Dishes Pans Philco electric radio good con dition Quantity of effects too numerous to list Terms Cash Definitely no reserve as farm is sold Nothing to be removed until settled for Owner will not be responsible for any accidents day of sale Buyers from distance must prove their identification with the clerk Albert Culham Frank Webb Clerks JERRY DUGIEIN Auctioneer Phone Barrie PA 85449 Miss Canada Show TORONTO CHTwo direc tors ottbe Miss Canada Pag eant Limited announced their resignations Tuesday Fred Hooper and said they had resigned over matter of policy ss 9399FP99 bassasaaszsss prGPF CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER East dealer Both sides vulnerable 758 oxen anon on nosf 103 no an can assess The or Booth 1m IN Opening lead six of spades it is perfectly normal for any one who reads books on bridge to follow the advice contained in those books Presumably the author must be credited with knowing what he is talking about and the principles he enunciates should be generally followed How ever the trouble is that the general principles set forth in these books are often taken too literally The player should learn to govern the rule and not permit It to govern him For example take the propo silica that when you have nine cards of suit and are mis sing the Qxxx It is better to cash the ace and king and hope to catch the queen than it is to finesse against the queen This is sound enough principle to follow in most hands but the declarer should not close his eyes to the pos sibility of housing when the circumstances can for it ln this band for instance where West leads spade and dummys jack wins South should certain not follow the general rule dealing with the club suit At frltk two he should cash the king of clubs and then play another club and finesse the jack when East follows low South should not feel par ticularly concerned that the Jack may lose to the queen the reason being that even if that happens be can still point to ten sure tricks to the actual case with the finesse working South winds up with eleven tricks but that is not the point at all What is important is that by taking the club finesse he guarantees the contract whether or not the finesse is successful But lets say that South comes from the school that ways plays the AK when he has nine of suit Then in the present case he will go down if he continues with club and East takes it into his head to shift to the jack of hearts South takes the club finesse as protective measum He can afford to lose club trick to West but not to East Tomorrow Bridge on high level MOSTLY RAIN An average of 325 rainy days annually is recorded at Bahia Falls in southern Chile TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE NBaDItY 1mm 11 The Womens snow Friendly Giant Manl ungain nnxio mule Huckleberry Hound Nations Business Farm Market Report News Weltbu Sport Plem Berton The Law and us Jones Earhelor Father Bar und Arne can Landuapo News Mlllllno Canada At war one TV News The Weatherman Todly In Sports Community New Highway Patrol THURSDAY APBu is 1045 Tut Pattern LIIII Romper Ran ism Popeye and Pan 1230 Nepalis R9170 News either Sport Farm Re ort Comlnl cull Mflvlu 85hr Married An Aron pan Hour School 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Arizona Mission The Detectives New Sports Weather nm Coleman Better Late Focus assassg THURSDAY APRIL Free and Easy News Free and Easy News Free and Easy cont Kin To Win Channel Nine Theatre tTony Draws Horse News Professors aideway Mao Frans counts Sports Weather srlsPs erFESS Séngl 3258238 News Leave it To Home sing Along With Mitch The Etna McCoys Channel Theatre Sen Hornet Peter Gunn Ne Weather Sports Better qu Focus mmav Artur ls 1000 Free and Easy News Marlo De NW Showcase Kin To Win Channel Theatre News Professorl Hidemy Man From Cochise sports Weather By Finn Berton News Donna need Show it r51 2i on Have Gun WLLI Tunl Country Sty Zlne Grey Theatre News Weather sports Better Late Focus Epsomfisher 9539 22283835338838 DAILY CROSSWORD AGNES Cut whiskers 47 Fragment Newa carats Fundn collectively mental 1More skilled DOWN 12 Greek letter Posed 13 Former Elmo Russian author rulers Initials and Radio surname detecting wagon instrument Actual 15 AMAmpt 531tter vetch 16 Hesitation Taking but sound rewriting 11 Conclusion Wine Cup 18 Amerlmn Passover moth festival 19 In the put Guam 20 Sugar capital 10 Containing Robinson pork fat fituplshsno birds Gold Cast iron etc 28MIchtgun cormty WJArgelt Shetland 32 Precious stone 35 Dust cloth comm gas 37 Wullaba tree BrazJ aBPreposltton 16 cm bolt 18 Doc trine 19 Versa Lite 22 Close to 28 Escape along 34 The sun 21 Symbol natrlum 28 Buys ntnnltl 29 Any fruit drink John in Gaelic 32 Sharks 88 Etc 34 01W official Han IZHIIII In noon Icz vmm fiEfldfllfl Elfiflfi any glean Iaana ml at VACIll IIIVA MUGGS ANn sxesrsn BLONDIE LARRY BRANNON JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK THE MERE MINER WEDNESDAY APRIL 11 199 Kso we unamo am is soususb wnaT WWWTHE PEOPLE WHO OWN THE DOG ARE HERE COMPLAIN ABOUT ADDS LIPTDIM comm MAvaa BIENAPOHEN JULIETALKTDMY answm LOOK AT THAT PAIR MAKE DIVE FOR THE THETOOK ME To MOVIE RE NEITHERONE woum Go moment MOVIE 5urmev HAve mAND 50 LADIES OF THE PTA JOIN You IN THE wthW MEN OF Manners BUZ SAWYER SHES 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