Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Apr 1962, p. 16

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WANT AD ARTICLES For SALE FARMERS MARKET PERSONALS 10 HELP WANTED SPRING SPECIAL FUIINAIVS FDICld air new all or Silflfl 33 FINANCE RATE Used Oil Burners tor sale PHONE PA 60391 NEED NEW STOVE OR FRIDGE Buy em with louumsl lllelnsured SCOTLA PLAN LOAN The Bank of Nova Scolia Barrie SECONDHAND STORE Has all used goods plus new slighili damaged Items way iwlu original cost We also buy llltllpnl lols 55 DUNLOP ST Phone PA 2427 DEEP firemen Ior sale is cubic out six months old WIll sell reasonably Telephone PA 8439 Nuns TY uniIorm Ior sale Twopiece Tele phone 5er alter aAnN ron sun 21 Irct la and lumber Selling reason Telephone cookstnwn too In LIVESTOCK iicirzh culi Ior sail can It tool llererord Hellers All bred nv ni ths Telephone Elmvale 7511141 usmn Pics urelrs old cookslotsn or ult Apply Garnet telephone us nccisruuzn Lsndraee Bonn and Salts Ior sale all iln iroin good sllxk Disease tree and guaranteed breeders Apply to am Timmons creemore Telrnhone zuws Cm more FEEDVSEEDGRAIN TIMOTHY SEED Good supply of power cleaned Climax Timothy seed at moder ate prices PHONE YOUR ORDER CRAWFORD AND SONS CALL 1910 0R0 sInAlv Ior sale 00 balcs ihresh rd on straw Telephon ivy IIRL Yonlt nAnch Ior sslr cleaned and graded plump bright sample treated to order vili exchange or calves or plix nert Maw liline sing telephone 32 Gun oAxs nussell oats Item hurle cleaned and treated Chane rellor peas tlmolhy drown trom Climax also lead wheat Ruse uli slur Vlineslng 12L POULTRY CHICKS LA ENS one year old or sale sac rsch Telephone noun stroud GOING 10 Award around April in Room Ior lvm or three Stun expenses Teleaa mart ftuam your mum told by ends it so telephone PA L000 tor spotan meat anytime WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Governmenl Chartered School Waugh training in all bran ches ol beauty culture DERIVIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 12 VORSLEY ST APRIL SPECIALS 25 OFF PERMS $850 AND UP Quickie Shampoo and Set Cream Rinse $150 RUBYS BEAUTY SALONS izi Dunlap St npa suit 17 Essa RoadPA $9811 No appointment nccessary PAW nizAun silOP Caldwsvet sin by certllled hairdresser in your own home Phanl tsemles at PA asssz LOST 8t FOUND nL nzAsi VACUUM Clranrr tor sale lIa hp molnr listII less than one month Telephone 51482 sALEATIION Singer Vacuum cleaners Special price Ior thls cck Singer Sewing Ccnirc VIII lie Telephone PA nasso FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Rrown cas mausssoo 12 per Realty Farmvliquipmcnt remix Nursing 17 BURTON Mm PA azarr no ww CASH TRADE TERMS WANT srsHsi iivi WW SALES AND SERVICE SI lliecctillieess ligafric llllkcrs Vacuum Pumps Dhunv PA 960 Wash Tanks Separators Parts anAlt rah 00 or any milkcr 7nch lolpsi lhncllg lpnsisin hrActi HANh BROWN 55 RR BARRIE iHOLLY Qu til wood Gordon PAlgflzylu PA 60338 BURNER Ith rid at i5€all MINESING MOTORS Il rl lsikzifi°l$ éiefnminyi TcIc Ford Tractor and phone PA 56358 ui ment TYIEWRITEIKS bought sold rcnlt ed repaired student rental ratcs Ask about our nent Try then any Plan Stnr Typewriter ro Mary Street PA 66595 hioTOnclCLt Ior sale 200 cc Francis Blrncii in good working condlilon also in hp Mercury motor vllh controls Telephone 14205 alter pm coalanrl Electrical panel iron out aluminum land In nlro mil pains and cross arms arresln Ior quick sale Apply scou RR Ora Station north at Illgnwsy ll Ith Linc Orn is FOOT GLENNEIIE sleeps tour toilet waicr Propann rcrrlruralor Propane stovc and awning Only used two necks Brand ncw Can be seen at in Wellington Strcci West Phone PA n7as7 evenings oni SCUBA Eqnlwrnerlt or so ten se only months like new Single Ilnc iiiu hose rcgulatur Adul Lung lnnk eonslant rcsorvu valve Dsc Pan with harness 14 ohm Neoprene not suit complcte size medium Pins snorkcl mask weight bclt 17 pounds or wclchts dlvcrs all and one prorcsslonal dlvcrs kniIc Qilltc reasonable Phom pA seam atlor pm or call or 47 Marcus Slreot FRUIT VEGETABLES APPLE BARN McIntosh Spy Courtland and pther varictlcs grads Macs 3150 per bushel Fresh cider Phone PA 59201 nAsPBennY PLANTs Lalham vlking Cnlcl Taylor on per inn Slrawborry Plants Premier Temple HarvestKing Senator Dunlnp Paymssinr hudcoal Spar kle Earlidawn Cavalier $150 per ion sia per Limo CerLIiidd Scedi eoiors Glodioll Bulbs $225 per ioil $20 per 1000 Cortin Sccd Potatoes Kcswlck Schago other potntocs Ior sale IIuron Chime ova Varba Pontiac Art wright Valley Gardens Pit Mood Gil iord an DOGS PETS BARRIE HURONIA OBEDIENCE CLUB Will Be Holding Classes Starting MONDAY MAY 730 pm For further information contact Mrs Rosalie Harvie RR Barrie PA 643936 gnEADTiiUL Purebred White Sam oyed friendly and Iand or child ren Good companion Sell tor best loiier Telephone PA 63874 oNn POODLn PUPPY iett Black male excellent quality Apply Childs Nurscry School telephone PA M704 Yes we have an obedi ence class or dogs too and clip poodles in our spare time BOATS MOTORS poAT 16foot Deicrait noat motor and trailer iuliy equipped in ex ceiicnt condition Telephone PA Mm ARTICLES WANTED may cnnluACc Clip and High chair wsnted Must be in good elesn condition Telephone pA emu FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Eighest prices paid for dead or jcrippied cattle and horses ASmali animals iremoved free For fast service phone BARBIE PA 7751 collect or ask for ZENITH 94130 NO CHARGED 24 hours day days weal NiCKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxmead0ntarlo Licence llo 11772082 Nick Montague Prop TODAY Is GOOD DAY TO PLACE YOUR in the dltlon Telephone PA sessi aticr PA EllBZl BARRIE EXAMINER DA RZ4i4 SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 103 MINESING AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE See For RAMBLER VIAU MOTORS LIMITED 17 GOWAN STREET PA 66488 222 BLAKE ST PA 6l32l HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH and STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes DMi and NAL Towing i5 BAYFIELD ST PA tHlliS lass CllEV or sale in good con pm lass ILYMOUTII Iour door black cylinder radio 5750 or best oli er For further lnrormiltlon teler phone PA 37739 nAnGAINs 1952 Pontiac Sood con dition 5160 i954 Ford rough con dition 5135 Terms or cash 77 Claire street Telephone PA 58371 isss MnTnou two door hardtop with automatic transmission cus lom radio white wall tires and saroty paddcd dash This car is priced right at $1295 PA Moos 1m PONTIAC Coach in gleaming black automatic transmission sorely padded dash safety belts all deep tread tires 550 down and 550 per month PA Moss 1951 cONSuL Sedan Ior sale One owner car This one in spotless condition $25 down and $3975 per month Telephone PA nllllia tor iurthcr details 1951 FORD Palrlane hardtop aulomatic tires This car as new Take over payments or $50 per month Tele phone PA Mons i056 PLYMOUTH our door sedan automatic transmission custom radio In gleaming two tone green and white sills at swan monthly Telephone PA 37083 1958 PONTIAC or sale our door station wagon in good condition Can finance am down 5350 week ly Telephone PA 6473B alter pm isn nILTRITI Travel Trailer fully equipped with 1954 Meteor nanoh Wagon recently overhauled and in top mechanical condition wired and hooked up or trauer Also liIt car ton Pram vIIh oars detachable sail rudder and keel Prefer to sell as complete ItrllL PA 36358 CARS WTD TO BUY two white door wan Two sArLTv Deposit no Keys lost somewhere In filrfle Finder please contact Mr Addison at Simeoe iiotel phone PA wait Try All Examiner Want Ad I0 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP AVON There is tremendous dcmnnd ic AVON We have attraciive opclings in the viclnitics of Thornton Churchill Bell Ew art and Shanty Bay PHONE PA 66551 lvANTeD Experienced dress It lsher Apply at Nuservlce Clean us it rush Street nanls nxPErrANT llIothci required as mothers helper Live in Light dul ies Telephone PA Him or lurths Or plrliculnn llAlpnucssnn rcquircd with On Ilrio licence Apply in person to loan Garrick Hair Stylist so his pie Avenue iiousnusnezu required for small country home one adult Children welcome Apply to Box lo stroud Ontario WOMAN WANTED to work in More Study employment Married woninn prolerrcd Apply wright Cleaners EXPERIENCED Woman wanted Ior gencral other work Must have run knowledge of typing and shorts hand Apply by letter to Box nurie nominee rtIzLiAaLr naby Sitter wanted to look attur one child by the lily Irom 510 am to sun pm 11 suit able possibility or living in PA 54237 TYIIST Io Illn EIOUPQ let ter pcriorstor Must be able to type rnlnirnurn so words per min lite Apprcnllcrshlp training per iod with good advancement possi bllitles Apply between and Composing noom Foreman The Barrie Examiner MALE OR FEMALE RETIRED on Semiretired or anxv lous losuppiomant your Income II you are responsible person you can augment your income and build permanent business that will pyramid and grow No investment Our records prove over $300 per hour taking orders or new and renewal subscriptions or all magazines Every tsmiiy potential customer You represent largest Agency of its kind in Can ada For rull particulars write box 552 London Ontario MALE HELP YOUNG MAN WANTED as apprentice to learn all phases of the printing trade at The Barrie Examiner Some know ledge ot typing preferred This position Offers secure future and all employee benefits Apply in person to MR SHEPHERD THE BARRIE EXAMINER to prn daily ROUTE SALESMAN steady position or man on esto lished route Must be married Age 25 in so with Grade in edu cation Apply to MR BROWN SUNSHINE UNIFORM SUPLY co 148 JOHN ST APPLY AT lea JOHN STREET FRIDAY MORNING APRIL 13 FUTURE rN ELECTRONICS YOU can become specialist Train st nCC trusted name in Electron ics Training since 1913 Automa tion TV nadar etc hoe Booklet Act now my classes start May Toronto Montreal Or Home study any time nADio COLLEGE OF CANADA 461 King St Tomato Ont ORV HARDY MOTORS BARRIES NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES USED CARS TRADE UP 0R DOWN WE WILL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRSENT CAR 176 BRADFORD STREET PHONE PA 84272 cAin lOlt your car Liens paid on We trade up or down Allan daie Motors 21 Essa Itoad Barrio PERSONALS GOING To hioNTnnAL and Que bec April 2n Room or two or three shore expenses Telephone PA 55100 LAWSONTl Mr and Mrs James Lawson irormerly or Blake street do not claim their he lonsinga within 1t days same will be sold NEW MONEY Ior Oid Coins Wantcdto huy loin Dimes Will PARM HELP wanted Single nun Ior poultry farm Must be able to operate machinery Apply Don Wice teicphone Stroud isms YOUNG MAN to learn retail rur niture business Usual company benefits write has so Harrie Ex amlncr RAWLEIGH Busmss now open in Townships Ora hiedonte and Harrie Trade well established Excellent opportunity Full time Write Rawleiuh Co Dept 11125 199 4005 Richelieu Montreal AllinITIOus MANI or woman to take over established Watkins business No money to invest Oldest and largest Company at its kind Products nationally adver tised No iyoris Opportunity or promotion write immediately to luias Gauthier 350 St Roch Street Montreal is Oil Palm HELP wanted rried men Ior spECIIIIzed turkey tam should have poultry experience and be good with farm machinery and general farm work Capable of taking charge when necessary Modernircd farm house provided suitable wlgu nennansnt piaca nay slum Ouch Clean shinpissterll 3150 iota Nickels zuc Barrie stamp and Cain i1 anyneld st or couple who will take real in torest in operation it Lanth ter RR Erldtnrd telephone Cookatown loo453v MALE HELP ENROLL NOW FOR THE FINAL MILITIA SURVIVAL COURSE This is your last chance to take advantage at the six weelu training altered by the Canada lan Army Militia in connection with its National Survival role In the event nuclear attack The final course or the remain ing new citizen soldiers needed by the Militia will be held in your own community Irom Ap rIl is to May Zland vacancies are limited During the course you will be given allday training live days week You will live at home and receive the same pay as regular soldier plus is living allowance it you are between is and 50 and meet enrolment standards you have the oppor tunity to help on is vitally Im portant job and earn while you serve To be sure of vacancy you should not right away Get Iull detaiLs NOW without obliga tion at the address below that is nearest to your home ARMOURY HIGH AND PARK STREETS BARRIE ONTARIO E824Iil EMPLOYMENT WANTED my WORK by mlilble wornhf Own transportation Rnlclcllcu Write Box 13 DIEM Examiner WAan Masonry brick and moon work chimneys built and rcpalred Telephone PA omit mining and bookkeeping experts cncc wishes rcceptionlstr position In dcntlsts doctors or similar Milne Telephone PA soon WOMAN living out ot nsrrie ex perienced typlst desires home typ lng envelopes copy work etc It lnieresled write to inn Prid hlm RR Dari1c LOOK IN YOUR ATTIC CELLAR 0R GARAGE Is there anything there you can sell tor cash Hundreds at people use Examiner Want Ads to sell articles they no longer need want or use PHONE PA 82414 ll LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate at JOHN MELVIN RITCHIE in the County of Simcoe Re tired who died an the 22nd day of January 1962 must forward same the undersigned on or before the 16th day of April 1962 alterwhizfll date the as sets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto and the executor will not be liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then have notice DATED at Barrie Ontario this 23rd day of March AD 1962 Barristers and Solicitors 13 Owen Street Barrie Ontario I2 TENDERS TENDERS BUILDHVG FOR MUSEUM PURPOSES FOR THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE Sealed tenders for the Gen eral Contract to construct onestorey building or use as County Museum will be receiv ed by the undersigned no later than 12 oclock noon Barrie time on nlesday April Mth 1962 The building will contain at prox 3400 so it Plans and specifications will be available at the Treasurers Office in the County Administration Building Barrie or at the Architects oitice alter pm Friday April 13th 1962 deposit ot $2J00 will be required for each set This money will be re turned when the set is returned in good order 100 Performance Bond will be required therefore each contractor must submit let ter from the Bonding Co with his tender stating that they will bond the said cnntractor if he is the successful tenderer The building will be placed on the County lot on the High way No adjacent to Spring Water Park and more particu larly described as the south west corner Lot ll Con acres Township of Vesprn There will be no time exten sion on this tender The owner reserves the right tenders For further particulars please contact the architect MR COLEMAN Treasurer Slmcoe County Administration Building Barrie Ontario Architects Bdigon Assoc 1596 Ave Rd Toronto RU 14953 LADY with Grade in cducstlonl BOYS SEAGRAM AND ROWE late or the Village of Elmvale to accept or reject any or all Smaller Babies If Mother Smokes WASHINGTON iAPA US government researcher said hiesday recent study shows that women who smoke during pregnancy are more likely to have smaller babies whose health is Impaired Dr Richard hipsland head ANN PAGE 15 VARIETIEG BEANS WITH PORK 2BFLOZ TINS FrancdvAmrican In Tomato SPAGHETTI Cauld Choico Halvol AaP PEACHES ALP Choice Columbia RASPBERRIES nfleBAVE Do the National institute at Nearer llogical Diseases and Blindness told Senate appropriations subcommittee about the results He was supporting his agencys request or $71206000 in appro printions He conceded that some per sons have questioned whether smoking is the cause but said the study shows that the woman who smoker Is more 16119 BARR EXAMINER WEDNESDAY APRIL Il I981 likely to have small baby to the extent that the health at the baby Ix impaired He said study at 1500 preg nancies this yearpart at longterm study at 50000 ex pcctant mothers and their HUGE BIRDS babieshas linked prematurK The albatross sea bird oi ity to smoking during prep cold regions has wingspread nancy Prematurity which of about it iect has long been recognized as an important factor in prenatal problems is usually defined in terms 0i birth weight AIP FANCV QUALITV TOMATO JUICE 4m99 TiNS Rog tin 27d SAVE So Stock Up and Save During AkPs Canned Foods Sale mm ms Blues Ron ZIinI WeSAVE 11o 615Ilsozlinx 99 Rap tin fitsSAVE 7e 20Hox tins Reg linl WisSAVE 1D all iiris 9c CHOICE QUALITY AaP TOMATOES 85c Reg tittl IAVI 90 28FLOl NS Halliy Chain HOD tin AgoSAVE 9o BLACK CHERRIES 4lsnoznn89r Gruh Giant Rug tin ass31w CORN NIBLETS 514Iozlins89r SXDERKRAUT 33333373313 AP SuperRight Qualify Government Inspected Meals STEA Pozterllouse Wing or Sirloin Lun Should Out GROUND CHUCK SuperRial Erown SAUSAGE Ill 59 Servo All Meat aas Net PATTIES pig 9s Smirkd Cooked Picnic Style PORK SHOULDERS A391 Clinic Gullity skinless SLICED BEEF LIVER i539 Shoplyl Mild Cure Vac PI CORNED BEEF lb 79 FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES Rea spams N° aaaui JUMBO PINEAPPLES Lorie Grown grmolphoro Storm ancy GM 89 controlled APPLES McINiosti 3lb all Lu eran Californil No Gradl ICEBERG LETTUCE Calilornia Snow Whitu Cello Wrapped CAULI PEI No Grade California Garden Sup ad Bush15 Ind oaths Fortillu No Grade AspARAGUS LOWER Tnbl Stock pOTATOES New Crop N° FRESME plln lo SDIinn pi la29t esch19 ands aach39 Na Limit soil ba9119 29 Run Llrll shrub Helld Lsrpl 3i on 12s Grad 2oz cnIIC bad Pen Rm Mon or ROASTS CANADAS FINEST QUALITY £503944 355 Liver anti Blcnn BURNS CHUBS MIDII Loaf Purl Skinlul PORK SAUSAGE Swiltl Premium WIENERS Allaood Smoked Slitd Rindllll SIDE BACON llbpks 59 Snowbird Brand 16h HADDOCK FILLETS M37 lb 49 lb Mb cello pkg 47¢ flame panicl Bilm SPECIALS Jane Flrklr Largo Rep 559SAVE 15c ANGEL CAKE Juno Parkr eatll Rep ErgoSAVE 10c CHERRY PIE 2401 PIE our 49 Jana Parker Han loll ZiaSAVE 7o BREAD CRACKED WHEAT 24Ozlaaves 5e SuesII Krystal Kinll 9° Doll RIB BSDSiva an Extra KING SIZE CHEER lake 43 Libbyl AEROWAX Hep assSAVE so FLOOR WAX noun 16Ilrozlin 59¢ 27 an W119 VAltlmrs VEGETABLES MIXED 215floztins37cl Hm pinnin49¢ Eiieu WHIZ 59 Altthieu ehewn In TM Ad Guaranteed Thrauol astralday Aprilnsth 1962 yfwfi

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