cantm Classified The Peoples Market Place in Your own home PA 82414 12 BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY APRIL 11 lacIs ANNOUNCEMENTS BAYSTAIRS LODGE MINIYrs POINT FROM DOWNTOWN BARRIE Wedding Recepllons Beautllul grounds tor picture youll cherish Ample parking or guests ood veniehccl We assume the responsibilities while you enjoy yourselll Facilities for dancing etc SATISFACTION ASSURED at PRICES THAT PLEASE Call PA 85198 mittInto BIRTHS NAME All IMPORTANT chaos in name tor your ehud ahould ha real Manure and urban will want to know your choito Name your child as quickly In possible and uu the individual blind in Parrte atamlper Birth Announce ment lust can our Clusllied DD pmmebt livl the acts Including tb name and we will publish Birth Notice in the next edition tor only 1150 Tclcphopa PA Mud or thin Clmlaed Iervlco nowcnorrTo Mr and Mn IIarry Holdcmlt on April lo 196 Ion weight IN 15 ounces Tlllnsx air and allL Gary Think iii Grove Street Karrie are happy to announce the btrth of their son Ricky William John on Monday April 1962 than We on aoitbail haperul DEATHS GkAlroN Dr Hartley an April In Kamloops oc anr Iiariley Grslton beloved inn hand ot lranccs son or the late nev and Mn Prcd drama and brother or Marla lalrs lloward gang Nealon Avenue Toronto PncocKery Adelaide lnnlxwood Private Hospital on Monday Aprtl 1962 Mary Adol aids Brown beloved wile ol the late David Peacock our mother at Mabel Marsha in her 99th year nesting lehhctt Puri crll Home 152 Bradrord street narrte Ptlneral service Thursday April 11 at pm interment Crown Hill Cemetery IN MEMORIAM HRPPLESTONIn loving mem cry or dear husband and rather nlrnard Hepplcston who parsed sway April 11 me The ycars go by but memories rtay sadiy missed by vldlo Gertrude daukghtcrl Nora and Alice and son lsc COMING EVENTS RUMMAGE SALE Saturday April 14 to 12 noon COLLIER UNITED CHURCH FELLOWSHIP HALL NEARLY NEW SECTION Ausplca United Church Women SQUARE AND ROUND DANCING ltlidhurst Township Hall Friday April 27 I962 SPONSORED BY OFU Pattendeas Orchestra ADMISION 75c RUMMAGE SALE Saturday April 14 am ESSA ROAD IRESBILVIIzRIAN CHURCH Lots of good bargains RUMMAGE SALE Friday April 13 Doors open pm TRINITY HALL COLLIER STREET Auspices Church of St Giles WA BAKE SALE WELLHNIGTON ST PLAZA SATURDAY APRIL 14th 2pm TO HELP FURNISH HOSPITAL ROOM Knights at Columbus Ladies Auxiliary RUMMAGE SALE Saturday April I4 l0 am to pm ODD FELLOWS HALL COLLIER STREET Auspices Ladies Auxiliary to Lions Club of Barrie RUMMAGE SALE Friday April 13 DOORS OPEN AT PM Allandale Orange Hall v3 N0 ARTICLE OVER 25c Auspices of Golden Star Lodge No 55 PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner It you would like to have re prints of any news pictures taken by our stair photogra phers please mail at our Busi ness Office We are sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints $I00 8x IO $125 plus tax lls wonderful the Way Classified 1Ads get re sults Phone PA 82414 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY For SALE HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Realtors so BAYFIELD sr PA sect ANYTIME SPRING SALE Three bed rooms panelled otlicg Entire home tastclully decorated Land scaped for privacy Carries or $8690 moathLv including taxcs Inspection by appointmentswitb Maryann Smith PA 66453 eve nings PA am ALL SERVICES TO BE PAID BY THE BUILDER IN BAR RIES NEWEST SUBDIVISION Iilcmber ot Barrie and District Real Estate Board HENDERSON REALTOR ll COLLIER smzlrr PHONE PA 02678 DALSTON 0N HIGHWAY SJ Gracious country living with all city conveniences Lovely home and setting in trecd lot convcn lent to Barrie and Edgar Our son Swain 101 RODNEY ST 313300 In excellent location Close to Cod ular Lshaped living and dining room Three bedrooms Randi brick bungalow Carries for $88 monthly including taxes Must be said For full details call Rita ScandretL DUFFERIN ST $9500 coly ienycarold twobedroom homo with garage Lovely fenced yard with garden Semiï¬nished room in high dry basement Terms Call Rita Scandrctt EVENING CALL lter scANnrtm PA alasa oortorlnl Wilcox PA saw PERCY FORD pA aIvlo mllntson SWAIN PA 68505 timber or Batri and District and Ontarlo rtcal Eltnta Uaards Stoutt Agencies Ltd CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS 10 COLLIER STREET PA 5590 50 ACRES IOI hardwood bush and cedar V1 milc lrom Lake Simcoe on 9th Concession oi Dro Several building lots Asking $4000 Parcel at l2 building lots Sun $6500 Member or the Barrie and District Real Estate Board EVENINGS CAIL ERV GOULD 0R0 251 izann GOULD one 2515 HARRY sLassoR PA ooala DRCA dnown PA 255 LLOYD HOCKLEY PA m1 EVERETT LOUGHEED STAYNlZR 109w CARRSDON Next door to the Imperial Theatra 45A DUNLOP ST PA 66481 Member or Barrie and District Ron Estate Board Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Tiffin St PA 61881 EVENINGS CALL Karl Marshau PA 59911 ioa Palmer PA was hoary Miller PA 5055 Momhr or the Barrie and Distrch Real Estate Board Keith Marshall REAL ESTATE spam PA 82592 15 CLAPPIznroN sT PA azian Don PA soaps Member Barrie spa District Real Estate boasd REFRESHINGLY DmFERENT $1950 down Large bright six room solid brick ranch bunga Ioiv with attached garage on private treed lot in excellent residential area One block to school shopping and bus Three years old Aluminum storms and screens NHA mortgage Air conditioned all heat Telephone PA 56783 MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage at any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 6180 113 Dualop St OWNERS thl bedroom Dunll low map your old Sin1 down payment Telephone PA M535 or mrthll ImomlUDn CHANCE OF Litetilnn In Barrie East Dad income property Duplex nicely trced lot Garago About sum will handle Telephone PA RARRn sign on property See the line features at this one Call Emgr rington Stone fireplace in pop nidale Road and 8th Vespra REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL REALTORS MES it IL MOOREPA tn ROGERS PA use smite Campbau wt cm Flrgu Garvey IA am DUNLOP ST barbecue Attached garage loo Longun PA atma marIt shahell 0m mp CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone IlZAIB 93 Dunlop St MADE llAltsiiALLPA out COREYPA ulna IIIUIIIEL JEFFERYPA sou ROSE REAL ESTATE outan 7a lllPIN sTRElrr RArtluE CALL pay on EVENING PA 89379 CENTRAL 310900 full price Bungalow containing living room with open ï¬replace kitchen small den bedrooms bathroom full basement hot water oil heating garage back yard enclosed with cedar hedge Good centrally lo cath home for couple or small family ALLAN DALE 510900 5yearold bungalow throughout including aluminum storms and screens lull base merit Iorced air all heating large lot 66 165l HOLGATE ST 510800 Open fireplace in living room bedrooms lull base ment all heating storms and screens laundry tubs This home is in excellent condition outside and inside Fully land scaped lot APARTMENT HOUSE Codrlngton St Older building completely renovated contain ing onebedroom apartments showing good revenue on very low rentals Call Ior lull infor mation Hembox or the name and District Real mate Board New three bedroom home Large living room kitchen with large dining area lots at cup boards and storage Oil heated Colored bathronm Iixtures van ity divided basement Large lot in good residential area close to stores and schools TELEPHONE 84281 mlltllanlaTE Possession Angus $8500 rull Price 32000 down Five room home double garage picket icncc as as root lot close to modern school Apply Vernon lt Angus Telephone N444 Tartan nanuoolu House all coir veniences low down payment Lo cated one mile west or Barrie on Highway 90 Telephone PA Mesa weekends after pm or runner details NEW THREE bedroom brick bun galow Large kitchen storm wiri dawaattaehed garage oil heated sodded North district close to public and high schools Telephone PA 170 LOTS FOR SALE RESIDENTIAL AREA Two loLs overall size 5699 220 Bylaw allows apartment building Close to shopping and schools lnwest and area Must be sold owner leaving country PHONE PA 68444 L0 111 ansr at lsrock and Searorth streets sham For in rormatioa telephone Pa onso hInuIll rooms with bedrooms modern ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First in Barrie Home SalesForemost us Quality at Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINW CALL roamPA ulu CONNELL PA nus MDIEEILS aARali nlrnucr ml ISTATR BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR HIGH STREET EARRIE PHONES PA 60211 PA mu HeirbuI or the name lul nut loud loan hillPA Charlie ReadPA um Norman Shelswell REALESTATE BROKER PA E9961 PA WU First Mortgage Funds Available Interest 60 ot Value No Fees Charred BRAND NEW HOMES BUNGALOWS with attached garages $1400 down payment SPLIT LEVEL with Iull basement BUILDING LOTS available tor custom built homes COMMERCIAL Double house on Worsley St Asking $29000may be purchased separatelycompletely duplcxcd portion $15000 modern bedroom home with attic asking $14000 EXECUTIVE HOME Modern home with every convenience Stove trig and dishwasher all included in the purchase price Basement has recreation room with bar bar chairs rug childrens play room Patio with $1495 down payment Spacious and can Jack Willson PA Mm Nnmlln Sbcsteil PA Moat Inward Norm PA oats FOR SALE OR RENT ALlIosr NEW Bungalow xix rooms and bath painted walla Illa Iloora Vcry modern clean gap are storage asphalt drive large lot Central Rant $100 monthly PA moi PROPERTY WANTED URGENTLY require small house In central or west end at barrle Customer waiting call Gerry Mallory representing ll Carson Real Estate PA owl evenings PA 51072 MORTGAGES MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation of Bills Home repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $l549 at $56 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly Up to ssnoo and so month to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT l4 Dunlap St PA 66477 IMMEDIATE Ist 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all properties WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILORED TO YOUR BUDGET IF YOU NEED MONEY Tn consolidate debts ay nit existing mortgages mortgages coming dun 0mg lmpravcment ny worthwhile cause PA soon Mortgage Funding CIVCI SimpsonsSears MORTGAGESlat and and bought laid and arranged Commercial and residential moasva loaned on existing mort ages Barrio More gage brokers was lat AND 2nd existing mortgages bought tor ready cash Alla money loaned on present mortgages Call Mr Kent PA 50931 BUS OPPORTUNITIES LUNCH 300M for rent at Super test Ltltlon In Cookstowo For inr tber details telephone Cooxslown 4554472 GENERAL STORE with post orrlea tor sale ohlllghway on Waver ley including rtoek and equip ment immediate possession Phone CL 50319 Toronto or laimvale lulu 2H RENTALS Low COST SPACE or rent Clean modeln buildingt Suitabl tor Commercial or light industrial Telephone PA 66575 NURSING HOMES artlt spun NURSING Hours aqu tor this work Semi and private rooms kind nursing care good and TV room station wa gon or outings Telephone seat Etrpud OFFICES STORES RENT MODERN Office Building downtown Bar rie has limited amount of space availablewill alter to suit Telephona PA 82293 01 PA 50865 APTS HOUSES TO RENT ADJOI NING PARK Beside Lake One and two bedroom apart merits complete with stove and retrigerator Use of washer and dryer Redecorated annually PA 61068 FARMS FORRENT oa RENT VALVABLE FARM lot lnie or rent 220 acres dairy or beai Plenty of water Good buildinxa New tIIrce bedroom house Apply Box 57 Barrie Examiner Try An Examiner Want Ad been PHONE PA 82411 The Garden Terrace Corner Queen and Duckworth Modern home two bedrooms large living room tiled kitchen with dining area all heat with air dondltionlng full basement serviced landscaped grounds bamboo drapes 336 month PHONE PA 52740 RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT OVERLOOKING THE BAY At Dominion Shopping Plan bedroom apartman Stove and retrigerator laundry tactil ties own thermostat Downs vicw Drive phone PA 60659 MODERN newly decanted two bedroom bungalow Central clcu to bus stop Very reasonable rent Sailhie May Telephone PA rwo BIDROOM seucoetathed artmcnl or rent lieted untur asbed garage Chlldkn welcome monthly Allaodala district Tellphone PA em 111nm LARG Room and bath tarnished laundry Iaeiunes Parl Ing Centrally located Telephone PA 60981 or PA alou suntan It UNPURNISIIID retr rootalned apartment round rtoor Three lug rooms ear school Parking Private entrance monthly Telephone PA Hus uuGt bngbt three bedroom apartment Central IoclUUn Recs aonabla Mult be seen to be up preciatcd Telephone PA soul or PA L71 roult Ruoll runslsbad apartment licated retrigerator and heavy duty stave hardwood noon three piece batb Availabla April 11 Apply Armstrongs lindwlrl pa Dunlap Street East runs ROOM unturnlshed apart merit for rcnt SLIWC Ind Kiri erator Ule oi washer and dryer central location newly actorted rslepnoae PA wall for runner lalomnloa UNrUnNIslth three bedroom roomy duplex all modern convert lencci Freshly clean and decora ted Large lawn and garden Pri vate entrance ltelmnlble AVIII able immediately Telephone bull UNrUnNIslilln Upstaln Aphrt mcnt separate cnlrnnce lteat water rerrlgerstar and parking lacllltles vicinity at West had Plan Available immediately Tole phone PA 61151 or tuttir pap tlculars Iv mun thnnt ROOM partment uniurnished heated sellcontained play yard Available April do two small children welcome 10 monthly ALiD Ibreo room apart meal Adults only PA or in landlord Street LARGE modern thrca room up furnished apartment Spacious grounds and swimming pool Also brick bungalow two bedrooms and garage Two aroam tarnished apartments All central Telephonl PA aaoaz EXCEPTIONALLY largo in room rtmont available immediately in new modern building Automa tic laundry matntenanco service stove and rcrrlgcrator optional Paved parking larilltles For lua thtr intarmatlon telephone PA Mass or PA Boast anrnALLV Located new mod trn apartments now renting shaped living and dining area two bedrooms lone hot water heating stove and rerrlgcrator supplied also washer and dryer One bed room apartment also available Im mediate posseulon Apply Egg at Co PA C2455 or PA TELEPHONE DIRECTORY FOR UNLISTED NUMBERS SUPERIOR PROPANE New Phone Number PA 61861 Hwy 11 South By ALICE BROOKS COSTUME NEWS By itself this sleeveless scooped sheath is treasure in company with the jacket it goes everywhere Printed Pattern 4532 Misses Sizes 10 12 14 16 18 Size 18 dress takes yards 35 inch jacket takes yards fabrics FORTY CENTS 40 cents in coins Ontario residentsadd cent sales tax no stamps please for this pattem Print plainly SIZE NAME AD DRESS STYLE NUMBE Send order to ANNE ADAMS care of Barrie ExaminerPat tern Department 60 Front St Toronto 0am SPECIAL Summer Pattern Gaming More than 100 styles sun sport day dance work travel All sizesl Send 35c RENTALS APTS HOUSES T0 RENT DELUXE APARTMENTS Conveniently touted our schools shopping and bus and within walking dlxtuico at downtown cane and two bedroom OBalooniu OBarnboo Drape osmves and Iridges Illdividuhl tiltmortals Olhctneratora CPIea washing and drying Iacliltles Chiany other line appointments Children welcome Sample sulta may be teen by calling PA 83186 BRENTWOOD TERRACE Sell contained two bedroom apartment Living room kitch aa lull basement Central loca tion 385 per month Telephone PA B9218 EAST END PLAZA Modem ground floor three room unturnished apartment overlook ing bay Private entrance Re irigcrator stove and draperies optional Laundry Available April 15 month PHONE PA 87475 rimzit ROOM Icilcontllngd base ment apartment or rent heated $65 monthly Apply Suaaidala Road or telephone PA 5am AmAcnvs three main heated iurnlsbrd apartment with private entr nce Central location Adults able Apru Telephone PA FURNISHED Apartment three rooms kitchenette and bath Iieat and hydro supplied Available now For rurther inrormauoa telephone PA am THREE UNFUILNIAIIED room rtment private bath and eat cc Heated Reasonable Avalb able liay Telephone PA um or call at TlIItn Street NW nsnkoolil live room apart ment stove and reirtrerator bath laundry with dryer in basamet Garage Adults only Central too thin sad monthly Call PA ENJOY YOUR last month not rree One and two bedroom apartments Janitor service Rents rrnm 55 per month Telephone PA 510 lor mrtbcr inletmat THREE nEDROOM apartment or rent in new building washer dryer and Janitor serviea aupplled Available immediately Telephon PA oils or further taintInann CENTRAL Roomy two bedroom upstairs apartment ior rent water and beat included Prints ont ranee $80 monthly Apply Peel Street Apartment is alonlzrtN one and two bedroom apartments east and aarrlo Bun boa drapal Vcnatlln blind Auto math iauad Iacllliles Parking Telephone Mata tor tartar lnrnrmatlop l1 ROOM house bedrooms conveniences garden nice loca tion convenient to Barrie and Camp notden Utopia pm Apply IttcCInn Phone Ivy 5311 citcr lacllltics $80 per RENTALS APTSC HOUSES TO RENT rout llDlOciM aelrceotatocd house tor not month an owner at ll aeruy Strut bo iorn hunt not nut nova or not Om Line to thatsdl Park suood Apply Cecil Van Darlrooy and Son nsrata Tana Telephone mu stroud Tang bronco House or not Lug doubt ann Near West aid Piara ie aphoaa PA that alter no on Mariam tam room nilcoa ulnrd Iplrtmant or rent stove and rerrtgsrator Iupplitd CI to bus Telephone PA um 0N3 ammo unturnlxbcd apart mant heated large rooms hepnu cnt rm clean and um Ru acts in Telephone PAqbclbd mailman upper duplex or rent It so John Street New build ing two bedrooms laundry iac lien 390 month Parking sp Ivulabl Telephoaa PA Mm runNimln attrtcuva completely private one room with Newly decorated Spacious rliehea Nur Last and Plan and bush Tuto pboaa PA all aPAcIoua ona bedroom unrum lsbed apartment Earl 0nd loca tion Parking IIEIIItIal Clan to schools and atoms utiiluer iri eluded In renL Available now Thiapbonc PA oml UNYURNISIIBD bested upper apartment or rent nilcontained atodcrn kitchen heavy wirinr Cen trally located 65 per month Tele phone PA 54287 or lurthar th Iormltion TWO BEDROOM Apartment with living room kitchen dining arer Selicontalned heated Centrally located on Collier Street Availabl May Telephone PA ozrao alter pm PA 595 FULLY Furnished Apartment Live In room one bedroom kitchen and bathroom Downtown area Suitable Ior two adults 55 per month Telephone PA new or turthcr partlculan ONE BEDROOM apartment with stove and rerng erator Cast end loeIUoh Conve tent to aehools and ltoru Pa mg and laundry raclllties able May Telephone PA C1971 Two nsDRooM unrurnlxbcd up per duplex Itoted ricwa decor ated with apactoua rooms larg balcony Vicinity or new Domin ion store Telephone PA um rot lurthcr details ROOM 8t BOARD MARY ansar Vicinity Room and board available Gentleman preterrcd Will ruck lunches Home privileges Close to down town arse Tlieplionu PA 66665 n00 AND bonito available on El Rold In private home All home cooktng and lunches packed For urther iniormltlon telephone PA 151 R0 MS TO LET ROD ror rent downtown to weekly Apply to llaple Avenue NICE FURNISHED Housekeeping room with rsngetta and use or re Telephoaa PA unruralshed irigerator Central H082 or PA CENTRAL in quiet home Clean tarnished bedroom Has to be seen to be appreciated For further in iormatloll telophono PA o75a7 LARGE HodSitting Room or rent on ground floor Very central Parking Iactlltles Apply to so Mary Street or telephone PA 31111 UPPER DUILax two bedrooms living room and kitchen ruuy tiled Iour piece bathroom Oil heated Laundry racllttles Immed late possession Telephona PA 84209 CaNmALLY lacated Two bed room apartment lies water dro stove and refrigerator sup plied Immedlate possession Over the Filter Queen miles 37 Maple Avenue DISTINCTIVB rwo bedroom home equipped with stove and retrig erltor blinds and drapes over looking Shur parlr Immediate possession Telephonl PA Iml alter SUNNIDALB residential area Bright spacious newly decorated bedroom apartment stave re Irigarator laundry balcony Shad ed private groundl 85 monthly Telephone PA hum utter pm TWO BEDROOM Suite extra large panelled living room spacious kit double cupboards in bed tlle bath Near East End Telephoto PA Chen rooms Plan and beach Mind Two nCDnooM heated apartment on bottom floor of modelIt triplex on st Vincent street North Avail able soon 35 monthly Pbana PA 39204 SELFCONTAINED two room lur nlshed heated apartment with three piece bath Front and back entrance Suitable or bachelor or couple Apply 11 baydeld street or telephone PA no NEW AND Modeln an and two bedroom llllrtmuntl overlooking scenic usmpearalt Bay Rut wa ter kin and Janitor servica theta ed Automada washing fa clutter PA 32902 six Ronni Reus or rent with sunroom Indgarlfl Oil belting Centrally located Available now 5100 per month Telphone PA Mala or PA um BURTON Wan Three room un nmailhgd apartment to rent OII heated hot water Stovl and re frigerator PrIVltl hath APPLY Cent St or turfbar Information VERY CENTRAL Two bedroom apartment In new building Stove and remlorltor lull Hod Launde Iacllltles also park Avahablo May Telephone PA 51305 UNPURNIBUCD modern our room apartment with bath flute Located In Ann Tullptlono Camp Bordon CHOICE Apartment modela one bedroom unfurnished ellCone mined heated Laundry Ind park Illg facilities Near bill atop In nladilto Dollelaion Talophvnl PA $5461 rol lurthcr details sls one aanaoolu Apartment stove and retflgorltor lupplled Also two 1bedroom apartments Laundry flcttltlal In new apart gonlt building rsiaphoaa PA NEWLY ducarate lureml at traetivs unraralrhed three room apartment with private bath nll contained Toronto Street district close to bus stop Telephone PA owl pitrvan ground iloot one bed room apartment Laundry tacitl ties central Water and but In cluded $55 monthly Available May Apply Peel arrest Apartment NEWLY Decontad two bedroom spmmept tn modern apartment hailalnrxerrireratar and atnvl Laundry Ind parking flCIIItIIl AVIIIIIIIC immediately 5100 par manta ratphone PA cm RR Barrio Two lUrtlemsD Bedrooms or rent In private home located two blocks Irom down town Business men preterred lor turthcr de tails telepbcha PA Han RENTALS ROOMS TO LET Door To Inn to quiet acme Sultlbh or busineu lady Apr ply to box as BanI nmater Lanna turniabcd heated room not numerator nuetu Iuh lag machine and linen auopiled Apply Ii Mary street SUMMER RESORTS COTTAGES WANTED mu ammo unfurnished cottage wanted to not for rail ule April to August Mun have inside traumas heated and iinplara Goad undr beach uh Ior two enlldrcn or Bay Point Write Box ting location description term WHERE TO GO CAMPINGI See our selection at 1th tents tor all on all teal ord an now Barrio Government sat on rs Dunlap Street Welt relo pbea PA mu ARTICLES For SALE SIMCOE DIST COOP APPLIANCES Used Stoves from $250tl Used TV from $2995 New Viscount Appliances ltlolfat RCA Victor TV 259 INNISFIL STREET PA 86531 COIN COLLECTORS Wu carry complete BLOCK or cold catalogues and coin elders PRICE LISTS FREE Cash For Your Coins THE HOBBY CENTRE 70 Dunlop St West Harrie FREE Year Guarantee on Used TV picture tubes plus 30 day warranty $49 AND UP McFADDEN ppl ia ca 128 PENETANG sr PlANo or rate Bell Upright with bench 5100 or best olier Telex phone Now Lowell and avonlngl alLvaR TRAY and tea render some tabla painted chest drawen Telephone PA was DAINES aAUNA noel steam Bath open daily ll aan to pm Proresslonal musage by appoint ment Telephone PA C7111 uncommon Singer rioor Pub abers Reduced no this weak sto er sowing Centn earrls rela phone PA anso an on singer swing in clslaes Special price on rowing machines singer Sewing centre arm Telephone PA aim smelt ItAcx la in long by wide mi reel nigh tall rater oak plauorm and rack rib tlag on two 5inch steel beams vawood around inside reel Li high clearace llgtitl tail lights equipped lol tarp corners aavie m5 Telephone PA was alter pm gt BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Tlephone PA 82414 APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service Ill DUNLOP ST PA 6l I42 ADVERTISING WARWICK WEBSTER LIMITED Matchedtsh St ORILLIA OADVERIISING IPROMOTION IPUBLICIIY ORILLIA 3252752 RES 3254869 DRIVING SCHOOL Learning How To Drive CALL JOHNS DRIVING SCHOOL PA 6l 277 For Reta and Information ed not water sari nova oupplted EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Halt yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Anne Street Barrio PA PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 PA 5695b Painting and Decorating Rates Reasonable Free Estimates EXPERIENCED PAINTERS GARRY VAN GENNIP Phone PA C7601 any time FLOOR COVERINGS BARRIE FLOOR WALL TILE Sales Service 24 Maple Ave Opp bus terminal OLlnoleum and Vinyl tile osbeet goods oCeramic tile Iliardwood llooring OCarpets OComplete line of samples FREE ESTIMATES DAY OII EVENINGS WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED FREE PARK WG PHONE PA 85362 EVENINGS PA B4952 Charles Lawson Propr HAIRDRESSERS CLIFFORD HAIR FASHIONS Individual styling Moderate rates FRED GRANT SQUARE PA 60491 LANDSCAPING RONLUNG landscape glrdelh IIIK nursery Stock Free estimatel Telephone thder PA 87188 RADIO AND TELEVISION SERVICE 24 HOUR SERVICE ALL MAKES OI RADIO AND TV BAYVIEW ELECTRONICS 19 Adelaide St PA 39603 REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION salmon 33 Ciapperton St PHONE PA 34562 WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED BY LICENSED DRIlulERS ram cameras COUpland Drilling an BARRIE PA 87646