AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY UTOPIII By MRS WILLIAM GOLLOP Mrs Joseph Jennett visited at the home ol Mr and Mrs Borden Jennett and Mr and Mrs Fred McCann Sunday Wallace Black Thornton also visited with Mr and Mrs Bor den Jennctt and Ruth Jennett aim is teaching in Oshawa was home ior the weekend Visitors with Mr and Mrs Exell were Mrs William Denney oi ilorncpayne last Meek and Mr and Mrs Genie on Crockiord and family Sun day Mrs Jock Ellis who has been patient in Royal Vic toria Hospital is improving and expects to be home this week end Mr anrl Mrs Jack liirons and lamily were at the home of Mr and Mrs Jack Ellis for the Weekend Mr and Mrs llarold Iruax of Hamilton visited Mr and Mrs Lou Truax and Mr and Mrs ll Brownley Mrs Truax Sr returned to Mr and Mrs Brownicys alter spending the winter in Hamilton Bill Truax and Ken Miller were in Toronto during the weekend to visit Russel Gib son Mr and Mrs Lou Truax visited Mr and Mrs Allan Gib son in Alliston HILLSDIILE By MRS GORDON ROWAT Mr and Mrs John Grange Sr returned home alter spend ing two months in Toronto with Mr and Mrs John Grange Jr Mr and Mrs Alvin Drennan were in Fergus recently visit lng friends Mr and Mrs Plain returned to their home here alter spend in the winter months in Ham ilton MR STONE SPEAKER The WMS Easter thankoller ing meeting was held Tuesday evening at the Presbyterian church with Mrs William Richv ardson presiding She welcom ed guests trom Elinvale the United Church Barrie Wyevale Craighurst Wyebridge and Fer gusonvale Devotion was con ducted by Mrs Tyson Rowat Miriam and ireae Stone ae eompanied at the piano by their mother sang The Holy City Mrs Alvin Drennan in troduced the speaker Mr Stone who took as his mes sage ls Mission work worth while He spoke ol some of his work on mission ï¬elds Lunch was served with Mrs Stone presiding at the testable which was decorated with spr ing flowers Mr and Mrs Jack Nix at Toronto were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Ron Thom pson iiillsdale Womens Institute meeting was held Thursday evening at Mrs Alvin Dren nans home Mrs Wally Robertson Elms vale and Mrs Allan French with Brian and Christine ol Waverley visited Mrs Olser Copeland Wednesday Mr and Mrs Roy Jamicson Barrie called on Mrs Jain icson Sunday Mrs Paul iiolmon Mrs Tex Watson rind Mrs Douglas Ran ald were in charge of the rummage sale for YMCAYWCA held at Barrie Saturday Mr and Mrs Earl Johnston at Orillia spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Herbert God dard BELLE EWIIBT By hiItS ROSE NEWLOVE Mr and Mrs Torrens have returned from their vaca tion in Daytona Beach Florida and NassauI the Bahamas Christopher Diplock returned to hospital or lurther surgery on his badly burned hand Patricio Lewis is in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie otter being badly sealded Bell Ewart Vi recently an nounred they will award $5 Scholarship to the boy and girl with the highest marks in Belle Ewart public school The Ladies Auxiliary oi the lloyal Canadian Legion held the ï¬nal cuchre oi the series The mens grand prize was won by Ferrier and Ladies Mrs Farrier SCOUT NEWS First Lotroy Scout Troop were honored by viist from the provincial field commissioner Walter Hnrpur He spent some time with Cubs and Scouts He later had meet ing with the group committee thanking leaders and members or their work More leaders are urgently needed Anyone interested in scout work con tact Ken Moilat or Mrs Rose Newlove GUIDE NEWS First Belle Ewart Guide Troop are well established There are now over so guides and brown ies They hope to hold nim mage sale and bake sale in the near future Leaders Mrs Duncan Coutts and Mrs Ken Ferguson attended training course in Barrie CRAIGHURST CASTON Mr and Mrs Currie Bold win were in Peterborough dur ing the week Mrs Eroy has returned to her home niter spending the winter in Orlllla with relatives Funeral oi Mrs George ilealsy Clowes took place to St Johns cemetery Mondayv April Mr and Mrs Fraser Carr and Susan of Toronto and Mr and Mrs ilnlph Lnlonde and tamin of Big Bay Point visit ed Mr and Mrs Lewis Carr at the weekend CROSSLIIND By MRS ALLEN Mrs Lorne Archer attended the luneral or her uncle Wil liam Conn Friday at Fever sham Mrs Sam Allen and her aunt Mrs James Smith Elm valc spent Friday with Mrs William MeQuarrie Barrie Mr and Mrs Joseph Strath and Mr and Mrs Charles Hall Allenwood were in Orangville Friday Mr and Mrs Norman Barnes spent the weekend in Sheliield Mrs William Bell spent the weekend in Toronto Mr and Mrs Joseph Strath and Mrs Sam Allan Visited lriends in Colilngwood Sunday RUGBY ny MRS JOHNSTON Mrs Len Herrington and her lather Frank Harvie visited triends in Voodbridge Guests at Mr and Mrs Wil lred Johnston were Mr and Mrs Elwood Johnstone Oro Station and Mr and Mrs Frank Clark Wasbago Rugby group of the Fedora tion at Agriculture will meet in Rugby school Friday even ing April is at 815 pm Everyone is cordially invited Mel Tudhope had the mix iartune to break number of ribs and Is in Soldiers Mem orial Hospital Orillia srrriiis corneas By MRS ERNEST DALE Those attending the Work shop ot Cookstovm Thursday lrom Hollows institute were Mrs Leo Delzotto Mrs Jack Rumble Mrs Ernest Dales Mrs Hartley Evans and Mrs James Smith Mrs Porritt spent last week with her cousins Mr land Mrs Don Eden at Whit Mrs Ernest Dales aecomp anled Mr and Mrs Randy James Sunday to the home at Mr and Mrs Elwood James Bolton meeting was held regarding Dalcs family reun ion which will be held June i7 at Hollows community hall Mr and Mrs Paul Knee shaw Toronto were weekend guests with their parents Mr and Mrs Everett Knecshaw and Garry Miss Mary Dales Toronto and friend spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mrs Earl Dales HOLLOWS By MRS BOWDEN Mr and Mrs Archie Bath gate Toronto spent several days at their cottage here Mr and Mrs Allen Bowden Kevin and Kim ol Midhurst visited at the home at their parents and grandparents Mr and Mrs Chris Jl Bowden Mr and Mrs Harvey Swit zer Coaksville were guests on Sunday of Mr and Mrs Jack Policy Earl Drown Eeeton was caller at the same home Mr and Mrs Andrew Hollie at Toronto were at their arm lost week Mr and Mrs Joseph Vernon and boys visited Mn and Mrs Sam Vernon at Holland Land ing Sunday Mr and Mrs Joseph were in Colllngwood one day last week HEATING FUELS Phone PA 66531 PLUS DICTIONARY IN 20 BEAUTIFUL VOLUMES 4w Colourful Library of Fascinating Knowledge YES THIS IS THE ONE SET OF BOOKS THAT EVERY FAMILY WITH CHILDREN MUST HAVE For it is the introduction in learning in dozens of broad subjects And EASTERSMART BUYS FOR FAMILY SiZES 715 Trim easytower slon with highfashion cocktail sleeves wonderltu roomy novelty pockets elegant detailing and ever so stun ning in red aqua or jade green Wool ZeiierrhrittPriclii SHOPPERS 299 BRIGHT COAT FOR DUll DAYS REG $I499 Willow Green Rose Aqua Canary Gold SPECIALI SLIMTRIM TWOSOME $397 03499 VALUE 088 Beige merry nonnater muonscanon Pom Maha conun EASILY corime mm IIIZEI 1M NOW OHMWITP N0 DOWN PAYMENT ZELLERS OWN SUPERQUALITY BRAND BANFORIZED TRUBENIZED osrzcs it To mi 32 T0 35 SLEEVELENGTH YOU SAVE Oi PRESHRUNK SHANTUNG Cotton and Viscose omcasrna some DECOR BEIGE TURQUOISE PEACH GREEN OSlZES 10 To 16 ELEGANT FUR NOW AND SUMMER HANDBAG cusses noon LINED 03199 VALUE YOU SAVE £111 PLASTIC PATENTS AND MELLOSDFA WHIIE BLACK NEW SPRING COLOURS GREAT VARIETY OF STYLES SPECIAL SEAMFREE throws it contains oneof the mostjlnportant aids to young per sons educationa Funk Wagnalls dictionary for can people built right into the set In thwe beautiful volumes of the STANDARD TREASURY the riptEd editors have selected onl FORTY broad subjectswhat we call DEPAR MENTSaach really book in itself There are two and departments in every volume PLUS portion of the dictionary placed befweentbem fortydepnrbnents cover subjects which are mourns reading for the boy and girl in your family Each department contains puny subjects each oi which would make separate article in an encyclopedia over such subjectitin 311 11 ed onarya iono ic isle in eve volume ENCOURAEES USE and thus is for more Important any separate dictionary could be Call at your nearest Dominion noon to get Volume for only 29 But act QUICKLY before the entire supply is gone TAILORED of highcount cotton broadcloth reach from styling White WashandWearand Harem bomb in the assortment at this Special Savings price REG We PR FIRST emum 40o needle todenier Micioroesh Smart new lADIES SKIRT SPY CIAI coco $399 ARNEL WASHABLE and fastdlyingi Boxpleated all aroimd Pleat permanent Sizes 1018 Featured in Cher ry Bud Bristol Blue Pista chio Black Washable BunIon Sport Shirts 299 SPECML VALUE sizns sis Ieatured in red gold Buy new at MoneySav ing Special Price Volumesito 20 only 99 each start Your Set Todayl err VOLUME Ar EASTER TOY SPECI 23INCH BUNNY SOFTCUDDLY and de htful Easter Gift for your favourite littlefolk in sitting position Exceptional Value at THRIFTY CANAIANS laden green Reg 399 LLER EILERS TO