EL GANT VARIATIONS ON The Garment Industry Separates Men Boys By STAN FISHER The garment industry has finally decided to separate the men from the boys Fashionwise that is And the result is completely new line of clothes styled and manufactured especially for those who are not still boys but not quite men Until very recently there were only three main divisions in male clothing They were boys youths and mens styl ings The gap between youths and mens fashions was wide as it was noticeable Very few individual attempts at catering to the late teen ager were made and they con sisted mainly at larger sized boys wear and scaled down mens wear From stylistic point they offered little origin ality at all they merely imi tated This was contrary to the female fashion field where every age group was lavishly looked after and individually catered to young lady grad uated from one class Junior Miss Deb etc to another with no breaks in between The young men simply stood around with their hands in their pockets waiting to grow up Manny Abrams of Montreal one of Canadas leading male fashion mamrfacturers traces the new interest in young man stylings back to the crea tion of the Ivy League look in New England He sums it up like this Before the Ivy League there was almost no one interested in separate young mens fashion line Before the Ivy League blazed trail the he meodous potential of the older teen market was unknown as step out in the softe and the styles were mostly lapovers from youths and mens stylings Then came the boom and the market was open Statisch quickly showed two outstanding features in the new fashion field First there were more than 600000 males in the 15 to loyearoldbracket in Canada and their number would increase by 55 per cent by 1965 further 80 per cent increase was forecast 10 years after that and by two nearly half the male population would be 20 or under Another study showed that 80 per cent of the buying in this market or at least the selecting was being done by the young men themselves Parents might keep an eye op on for quality and price but the styles were largely select ed by the teens This meant that an al ready large market was duo for tremendous expansion and the market deserved and would demand special stylings and fashions of its own And how do you go about designing clothes for the late Abrams has this to say To the young man nothing not even girls is so important as his attire Fashion for him is the first requirement of ac ceptance He will spend more time and money often his own on clothes than on al most anything else He is extremely sensitive to status and all it entails He will strive to keep up to and strictly within the fashion boundaries accepted by his own group of friends There are few fast general niles that apt to male teen atylings Variation in itself on oi the requirements and the teens are never against break ing mle to try something new Their market is much more daring than either the boys or adult field But comfort is prime con sideration in all their clothes The easy to wear casual look is obvious in even their more formal dress and while sloppiness ls frowned on they lean strongly towards the comfortable to this respect they have had strong effect on the mens market and may well show growing influence in the future Mr Abrams is very careful to avoid grouping the young men as single unit Their tastes vary from group to srou in the same manner that adult market does he insists What one particular section wears what styles they establish depends largely on the location financial and environmental factors pre sent What is tops in one part of town or in one clique is strictly out somewhere else But while groups vary within city they seem to follow pattern on national scale For example what the young college student or rocknroll fan wearriKMontreal is us uaily closely patterned on what his counterpart is wearins in Tomato or Winnipeg Most of the etyles are im ported from the 115 particul arly from New York Mr Abrams reveals In news release fromNew York those styles are described as Cool Cooler and Coolest Cool are the traditionally classic clothes like the natural shoulder suits trim but belted slacks and button down shirts Cooler which bridges the Just arrived afahulous selec tion of Easter shoes in styles youll love at prices youll oheerl SE DUNLOP ST st leathers and loveliest colo °$ COLORS Bone Antique Nuance Beige Black Patent Navy Blue Widths fromiAAAA Sites to ll Priced from995 to 1895 714th 57 BARRIE PA $2397 BRAND This style is brand new Flattering new shapes in hats for men make news One of vast gap to the coolest are the hip styles such as washnwear plaid sports jack ets or doublebreasted sports coats with extreme details and side vents Coolest are thaway out styles Stocks are bought slim as possible and then taken in more Doublebreasted sport shirts are in black as well as flaming colors and the shorter and tighter the jacket sports aoat or raincoat the bet Anyone who doesnt fall into one of these categories in strict ly nowhere NEW the real innovations in mens hat styles is the introduction of geometrically shaped crowns with smooth un creased surface in colors to complement spring fashions for men these styles are called the Advance Silhouette comman cvnrous CALGARY CP Calgary Stampede officials say cowboys throughout North America are stampeding to try for share of record 382755 in prize money at the Golden Anniver sary eventin July Top competitors are sending many inquirigs about registration for the slxvday show Craig Sons Establisth 1894 FAsmnN Fma VAiyE lï¬ï¬‚i FortyNo Dunlap st PA 135197 Shop iri Barrie Exciting allnew upothl minute fashions Seiee lions unlimited mad the lam of Service Mens sportswear for spring 1m offers tremendous var iety of styles and themes from which the male at leisure can select his casual clothes According to the American institute of Mens and Boys Weencolor sets the pace in sportswear Blue for instance comes on strong in navy blaz ers Combinations of blue and while also show up frequently in such varied items as made ras sport jackets walk shorts and of course is the most wanted combination in seen suckers and cords Frosted ver sions of last years hot colors introduce those vibrant shades modified by the addition of grays and whites in the blends other muted pale shades in clude tints of the beige and sage families The soft famil iar camel shades makea strong comeback in iackets sweaters and car coats Melon tones are popular with the young set andprobably more important than ever white us ed either as an accent color or as the prime hue in many outfits fits into the very salty Nautical Look like marlin spike in pin rail With most of Canada afloat and the rest of it mooching rides the Nautical Look is natural for Sunday sailors The new Nautical Look takes its style cue from actual sails lag gear and embodies the features needed by crewman in fair weather and foul STYLINGS BY Shifter Hillman roman can iiir Styles Feature Sportswear For Males Of course stemming from last years very well accepted signalling shirts that incorp orate the vuricolored blocks and stripes of the international Code flags there are updated versions in stickertype jackets sport shirts swim trunks and cabana coats The seagoing outfits also in clude sailing denim white ducks and hooded pullovers with deep pockets that are fiapped to prevent spilling out their contents when crawling aimrtlt the deck or climbing in tailored sportswear the nautical theme shows to good advantage in doublebreasted blue blazers and washwear white slacks that can be worn without worry as to cleaning problems Aside from the salty influ ence spring casual wear keys many of its models to other active sports Golf tennis camping motoring and other warm weather activities have all contributed some of the in herent style details of their particular garments too Laminated jackets created by the bonding of polyurethane foam bookings to various shell fabrics look as though they will repeat their popularity of last fall Ideally suited for spring wear the laminates of fer maximum warmth with minimum of weight Worn on chilly mornings and evenings they present little encumbrance during the worm hours of the day For summerthere are shirt jackets and shorty shirts both meant to be worn outboard Many of these are styled with Continental collars which are experiencing welldeserved resurgence of popularity Polyester and worsted blends of tropical weight lead the field in sperm Jackets However there are multitude of other fabrics in sport coats and they include wash and wears linen types and lightweight tweeds and ahetlonds For the most part the threebutton models rule the roost but there are novelty cardigans and other offbeat treatments as well And dont overlook the hand some spring sweaters the many many comfortable good looking knit shirts and the rugged work shirt look in top grade casuols EXPAND POWER ST JOHNS Nfld CF Newfoundlanda rural electrifi cation program has provided electricity for about 3000 more families since it was launched four years ago The provincial power commission estimates between 3000 and 4000 homes are still without electric power INVEST IN HEALTH donation to the Canadian Cancer Society is an investment in health and happiness hi as 5191 IN MENS FASHIONS Step out in the Easter Parade this season knowing youre well suited in the finest quality and iatestktylos impeccably tailored to express your specific per sonality lGood fashion interpreted in al tasteful manner 736950 Prieed from The StoreThei Quality Built sons