AROUND SIM COE COUNTYl MIDHUBST srn By MM MONTEITE Sunday guests oi Mr and Art Herb Palmer were Mr snd Mrs Powers at Craig huist and Mr and Mrs Leo mandala oi Richmond Hill Weekend vis rs at Mr and Mrs DAngios were Mrs at Fairiax oi Tottenham and Mrs Colbom and Larry Coleman oi Beeion Bait oi Midland called on Brown on Tuesday Mr and Mrs Herb Palmer spent Tuesday with lriends in Bracebridge Weekend visitors at Mr and Mrs Sam lilltz were Mr and Mrs Stan Hilts oi Barrie and Mr and Mrs Bldwell and family oi Edgar lirisn Hiltz spent the week end with his cousin Garry Dixon oi Edenvnle Cedar View Home and School will hold their meeting next Tuesday April 10 at pm Miss Molly Brown of Barrie library will be the speaker All mothers of pupils are wel come CROWN HILL By DUNSMORE Peter Huyer Ph of Eind hohen South iiollpnd spent two weeks here with his parents Mn and Mrs Jacob Buyer ni icr being on lecture tour in the United States ior iour weeks Other members oi the intriin were irom Montreal TELEVISION Beachville Tren ton and Grimsby Beads WOMENS INSTITUTE Mrs Lorne Handy will be hostess ior the meeting on April 11 st pm Roll call payment oi lees Mrs Evelyn Gough will comment on the motto Do not walk this year in last years rut Conveners oi standing committees please bring reports as this is the annual meeting Mrs Stan Ev am at sparrow Lake East Slmcoe Womens Institute pre sident will be the speaker Topic election oi oilicers DIV ment oi lees Hostess Mrs Viola Aconley Visitors in the community last week were Miss Joan Part ridge Reg Toronto with her parents Mr and Mrs Partridge David Edgerton oi Toronto Mr and Mrs Bart Jonker and son of Downsview at Mr and Mrs William Edgsrtons Mr and Mrs Wil liamson with Mr and Mrs Hamid Switser PRESENTATION Many neighbors attended iarewell tea ior Mr and Mrs Charles Robson and their grandson Carl Moore at the home oi Mr and Mrs Nor man hick on Sunday niternoon Ernest Partridge read an ad dress to Mr and Mrs Rob son altar which they were pre sented with two end tables and coilee table also pair table lamps Cari was the re cipieni cut links Mr and Mrs Robson have sold their form to Harold Drury and are going to reside in Shanty Bay PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE MONDAY APRIL Vflmlfll Show Friendly Giant stur runs Around ltsuis amt aopsyss rv rsrtv Facing Puts Farm iisrxsi Report News Weather Sports lelI Grey Theatre Don truism uhilae Danny Thomas Ava narrowed Lin lionm For One Mon Festival Camera Canada Acsdmy Awards Tucson APRIL to THE Pattern Romper Room Papaya and Pals Nooudsy aupm News Weather Farm is art Corning sun hitle nun The Spam Open House School Telecast Verdict is Yours News Womens Show Adventh oi stinky Flowerpot Men aaizio Dania Mike Mercury Three Stooges Farm Market Report News Weather spotu CFTO CHANNEL siosmnr APRIL Prolcssors Hideaway £311 From Cochise Spam Father Knows Best Top Cat Whiplash inspector Mlllm Take Chance To kTeél Tun Truth Jsc antiv 1100 Nsws lyemar Sports 1115 anttsi Lats 1275 Focus TUEDAY APR 10 030 Language In Action 1000 Free and Entry 1030 News BAYCITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN Beautiisll Samples Free Estimates FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY PHONE PA SJ BARBIE Upholstcring is Our BusinessNot Just Sideline 65 Hradiord St 1100 30 MD 1000 1030 700 Ben Cut 000 NHL as 1050 Kins oi Diamondl 1100 CBCTV ans 1tta wathar sports News 1110 Charlla Chin wannaonY span is Test Pattern ltornper toons Papaya and Pain Noondly nepon New Vostherpnrts rsrm Report Program mvisw Movie outrun Mile as Paris Music Break Verdch is Yours News The Womens Show Friendly Giant titrm stuntru nuns Dluls Huckleberry Hound Nations Business FIlm Market Report News Weather Sports Flam Barton The Law and Mr Jones Bachelor Father Background American Landscape News Mullins Cmsds was can TV News The Weatherman Today in Sports Community News mrnwsy moot TORONTO and am Kin To Win Channel Theatre The Foreman Went To mum News Prnlesiorl Hideaway Ililrl mm CnChlu SPOT weather Nm Bachelor Father Rollin 66 Naked City Checkmate Showdown News Weather Bette LII Focus WEDNESDAY APRIL 11 rs the Theatre Free Ind Ell rm an uy icon Kiss To Win Channel TIMIth Storm The Nil NEW Prnlcssora Hideaway Mill From Cnï¬hfll Sports Weather NW5 Wagon 1an 71 Sunset SKID Eight Playhous Arizona human The Detuctivee 3mg 90 anx Jim Coleman BELIEF Ll Focus sssssunesasossszss Epeusreaemapewauw === 582 1110 toss 130 100 aoaogagsg sports ï¬g 95 FFEFF pearls99999 eusssh 888233332 AUTOMATIC wssrnrnconrnousof DEIIVERIES assure unfailing oil Ne calculate your rate of use and eoselully check against day40gtqu temperatures We need all and make deliveries have to worry about your fuel aï¬dï¬ to HIATINO OIL know when you uulomaileally You never oil supply The SARJEANT CO LTD Mary Street PA 92461 CARRIER MISS YOU If your carrier has not arrived by p121 please phone PA 82433 And Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Home THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS GUTHRIE By MRS GMHRIST RUSSIANBORN SPEAKER Guthrie United Church Wom en held their Easter thank oi iering supper meeting in the Sunday School room with about so ladies and teenage daught ers in attendance Guests in cluded Ihe speaker oi the ev ening Mrs Zarins oi Canning ton Mrs Allan Corrigan Pres byterial representative and Mrs Gibson 0i 011 Station guest soloist The tables were bright with yellow candles and vases oi yellow and mauve flowers bountiiul salad luplt per was enjoyed Mrs Gough president welcomed visitors and conducted short business per iod This included reports by treasurer and supply secret ary who reieired to the dis play oi quilts ready ior over seas rellei and the steward ship secretary Mrs Pear sall led in an Easter worship service which included sinip lure reading train Cor Hi two heautilul solos by Mrs Gibson and the receiv ing and dedication oi the ol iering No appropriate hymns WETG sting Mrs min the speaker gave moving testimony to the Joy at her personal Christian iaith using incidents lrom her own harrowing experiences dur ing internment in Rusaisnoc cupled Latvia her escape and journey to Canada to illustr ate the neverailing care oi Divine providence in response to believing prayer She chal lenged her hearers to deep or personal dedication to Christ so that the triumphant joy oi songs in the night might be their possession also Mrs Mason thanked the speaker and soloist Mrs Gough pronounced the benediction to bring to close an evening off inspiration and good iellow ip SHANTY BAY By WORTLEY We welcome to Shanty Bay Mrs Harold Brooks Mrs Brooks has purchased the Ross Simpson cottage HOME AND SCHOOL The April Homo and School meeting was held Monday April Tits speaker was Dr Speario Barrie who spoke on Childrens Pets an air nllht will be held in the school Saturday April it The card party held in the community hall last Wednesday was well attended All prizes were donated sndthe Horns and School members with to thank the hall committee for use at the hall Sympathy goes to Mrs Miller Gloria and iva in the death oi loving husband and lather Also to Mrs Keir dali and liesvie in the sud den death at their sister Mrs Howard Robson Bradlord Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Harvey Sutton on the birth oi daughter April It Royal Victoria Hospital Esr rs Misses Annie and May Al len Toronto woro recent vis ltors with Mr and Mrs lilokiing Congratulations to the senior hockey players who won the Ore cup this year To the inn iors better luck next year Conlirmation classes will be held in St Thomas Church ior ages i2 to 17 every Wednesday commencing April st 4230 pm special meeting will be held in Zion United church May 815 pm Miss Helen Lawson one oi two Canadian representatives to Kenya will tell oi her trip This is story oi interesting changes in community pattern and iiie oi the people The Anglican Stewardship Mission mecting held in the hall Thursday March 27 was well attended Ladies oi the Church Guild served cookies and coifee Mr and Mrs Prince and iarnily have sold their house and have moved to Minesing Taylor is enjoying holiday in Florida RETAINS TITLE INDIANTOWN GAP Pa AP Mrs Judy Devlin Bush man at Oxford England re tained her womens 15 open badminton titlo Saturday do icating McGregor Stewart oi Baltimore 119 111 Ferdinand Sonnevllia of The Netherlands won the mens championship defeating Tan ioe liolr oi In donesia 1715 iEi7 CONTRACT BRIDGE ay JAY BECKER NORTH 55 QAJma +AKQ3 EAST you QKQIHS 45432 SOUTH 10 £8 Doubledummy South to make Six Hearts West lends the tea at hearts This is iamous doubledum my probiem composed many years ago The idea is to make twelve tricks against the open ing lead of heart As usual in doubledummy problems you are allowed to look at all four hands cl lake advantage of what you see its by no means easy to make the slam The key play comes on the opening trick Declarer wins the heart in dummy with the queen being careiul to drop the jack on it He then plays the jack of diamonds East covers with the queen and South ruiis with the king He enters dummy with club and returns the ten of dis monds East plays the king and declarer ruiis with the sea South now loads the seven WEST Axon vio ¢9872 411097 problem of hearts and overtakes it with the eight The purpose oi the high dia mond plays is to saddle West with the burden oi guarding the diamond suit in addition to the spade and club suits which West already has to guard It does not matter whether East takes the eight of hearts now or later but lets assume he does and returns trump Declarer takes it in dummy with the iive whereupon this becomes tho position West AKQ 3543 Nouns AAIOBIGII Dummy caches the six oi hearts and West who had three suits to guard must relinquish control oi one oi them Lets say he discards diamond no other discard would ailect the result Declarer than cashes the as of diamonds and West is squeezed again Whatever hs discards dociarer wins the rest of the tricks There Is no cape Tomorrow Tactics DAILY CROSSWORD apnoea US Naval PM In flunnlold armrum flm cines 21 Stinging insect Music TIME so Auditory targun Wfllflm ï¬Aï¬lcati nudist trap 2310 i558 Illl llzï¬aal BLONDIE LARRY BRANNON JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK mre NOT THE WORST WOBLEM rue waves CANT 6AM ALTITUDE FATHER new wens outcasts we GET it nuownuirs BITTER me mums wiii FLYME ucx uses up canvas av VARACMUTE web annex HURRYWERAB otizzARo XCANTSEZINTNEIR weLanu HAVETOSTAND WINDQN NHEN HUNDRED VEHlCLES NJD FEE 1AM STUCK WITHOUTA RIDEIDTHE STATION IRDNIC No1 GONG wwssvs nor PICKING ETTA UP FOR CLASS FLAT LET ME our HITCH mos wnH THE WESEARE SOFT EATIN PIES TBE SolDAT TH FNOTTHROWIN PIES Illi DEAUS 07F SUMFIHING 7m wrnrwam mommmusts vassewctg roe oauux scamto ASK QUESYIMITELL Minute scaAMl