Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Apr 1962, p. 4

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arrir Examiner Published by CanadiIn Newspapers Limited 1o Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher Brian Sleight General Manager SATURDAY APRIL 1m Puol Canadians Must Work To Attract US Tourists Arthur Evans MPP Simcoe Centre has joined long list of thinking people who assert that Canada has failed to ex ploit the annual toprist bonanza Figures help to support Mr Evans con tention Two ears ago Americans ent $885 million it Canada while Cana lane speht $462000000 in the us On per capita basis this works out to approxi mately $25 for Canadian expenditures in the U5 and $2 for American spending in Canada Canadians know why they are attract ed to the US They are drawn to the big cities and the winter resorts They revel in the multiplicity of highways which stretch north south east and west to glamorous places and excitement Fbeyond the horizon And they spend their money at lavish rate on food mo tels and hotels clothing and entertain inent They take rather smug pride too in the belief that they know much more about the US than the Americans know about Canada They are probably right and the reason is not hard to find The US is one of the worlds great powers with po ulation in excess of 180 mil lion The merlcans are so interested in themselves and their own tremendous na tion that they have little time or in clinatlon to give thought to the froz en North or the bot South Mexico robobly fares much better than Canada mm tourist standpoint largely because of balmy winter imste Tourist experts say we can attract more Americans if we provide better eating places and topflight hotels and motels They believe we must make the visitors feel at home and give them something to do when they get here The government alone as ExMayor Willard Kinzie suggests cannot be held solely responsible for betterment of the tourist industry He believes the great est amoun of effort should be put forth by the tourist operators He contends that the operators must not settle for less than the best in eating and sleeping facilities and that they must take maj or role in helping the tourist enjoy relaxing holiday Every happy US tourist is good will ambassador for Canada Conversely disgrunted one who is served badly cooked meals and is given the cold shoul der could keep many prospective visit ors away from our borders We can increase our tourist business but we must work at it The Americans should be made to feel that Canada is their happy hunting grounds where they are always welcome VA Persistétit Hoax Today We have on occasion felt it dutyto warn our readers against swindles and hoaxes of one sort and another The Spanish prisoner racket is case in point Another is the widely circulated and persistent falsehood that this that or the other tobacco firm stands ready to pro vide artificial limbs eye operations or host of other benefits free of charge for the return of so many cigarette car tons It is surprising how this hoax has spread for it nothing but hoax It is encounteredand believedin ev ery port of Canada No one seems to know how it started It has been investigated and always the chain pinches out But the hoax re fuses to die It is indeed amazing how many prom inent and sulpposedly intelligent individ uals have is en for the cigarette carton hoax In many parts of Canada ssslduous people have piled up thousands of cartons yet strangely enough no one ever seems to have enquired of the companies concerned before starting the vast labor of carton collecting There have been repeated denials in the past and still the hoax persists In case anyone thinks that project like this has some foundation we would suggest that he approach the tobacco company concerned for firm commit ment in writing before undertaking the collection But from what the companies have said in the post the answer is in the negative Other Editors Views QUEBEC ONE OF TEN Halifax ChronicleHerald As the second largest of the 10 prov inces Quebec naturally exercises larg er voice inthe affairs of the country than the smaller provinces It cannot claim however to have influence equal to the sum total of the others simply be cause in its own view it comprises one nation and the rest of Canada another nation YAWNS THE FORUM Chicago Daily Tribune Around the years 36 to 30 30 Rom an gossip columnists were peddling lot of scandal about Mark Antony his wife Octavia and an Egyptian glamor girl named Cleopatra who had proved quite home wrecker It was pretty complicated business as later recon structed by Plutarch and Shakespeare with two CaesarsJulius and Octavius in addition to cast of thousands plus elephants and wasps in baskets The general effect was like scene in on old Marx Brothers comedy where Harpo periodically emerges from behind the set chasing babe Harpos quarries by custom were blondes whereasCleo is brunette and herfrizzled hairdo is furrliishing lots of business to the beauty par ors gt It is something of puzzle despite the certainties of Louella Plutsrcb whether Cleo has ditched Eddie who had me vipusly ditched Debbie and whether Dick is gomg to meet his Actium fore runner of Waterloo But even with and yros Skouras plot tli1 dozen press agents thickening up the ey are yawning all over the Forum The Barrie Examiner Authorized Incond clIsI meu no Office Department omwi no for anymore of nous In curb gully Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted more warns Publisher am seasons Gennrli Manager McPEImSDN Manning editor cosmos wanna unsiners lllInnger nanny meson Advertising innm mm noznnn cucnnuon Muffler Suburlption me daily by carrier 35 weekly stun your so copy 7c By man to Ontario zoo ur no months use three months and groan odious OntIrio 3900 your outside can up when your Offices as Unlverzf vs oron CItbcIrt 5mm ifonmsi 1m on dental Street VIncmxo zr Member of on Canadian Dally Ncwrpnper Pub fishers Association The Canadian rm Ind udit Bureau at Circulation Thn ConadlIn Prsn exclusively entitled to RUPERT iui€li°iinllif or limit Ind smooth ioeIl um ouauiasa cumin regulation and along the Appian Way for the script is couple of thousand years old Maybe if the asp gets in his lick and Mark falls on real and not rubber sword and Ed die drowns in the Tiber it will be news but us Romans couldnt care less THERE ARE NUMBER OF PENSIONS From the Winnipeg lribune Its becoming difficult to keep various government pension schemes sorted out Here is rundown of the principal pen sion programs now ineffect Old Age Security Plan This is the federal government scheme that pays $65 month to all Canadians at age 70 with out means test It is supported by three percent sales tax and three per cent tax on personal and corporate in comes The increase from $55 to $65 went into effect on February and is shrtiwn on the cheques now being sent on OldAge Assistance This is joint Dominionprovincial scheme that gays maximum of $65 month to those etween 65 and 70 years of age after means test It is paid for 5050 by Ottawa and the provincral government It is ad ministered by the province under federal These pensions have also been increased this month The scheme was mentioned in the Manitoba Throne Speech in order to get funds to cover the increase Blind Pensions This scheme pays blind persons over 18 years of age pension of $65 after means test It is paid for 75 percent by the federal gov ernment and 25 percent by the province It is under provincial administration Disabled PensionsThis is Dom inionprovincial scheme that pays max imum pension of $65 month after means test to persons over 18 years of age who are totally and permanently dis abled This scheme is also provincially administered Veterans Allowances This is for needy veterans and has no direct conL nectionwith war disabilities It provides for mammum pension of $144 month to married veterans and $84 month to single veterans after means test Male veterans are eligible after 60 female vet erans and widows of veterans after 55 It is federal scheme and administered by the department of veterans affairs Judging from this list government is already deeply involved in pension plans Studies of need and cost is certainly in order before any further major schemes are undertaken TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Husband Threatens To Blow Out Bra By JOSEPH HOTNIB ILD Deli Dr Molnar My buIbInd has threatened suicide for thI int three monthI Recently he said he will blow both our brains out Then he scrum that he cant take it Iny mom and runs into the bedroom rc mnining there for him He is 60 and holdI responsible posi tion vao tried to humor him but Im new at my win and Any suggestion that he go to doctor iI futlis0 liumortng isnt going to help such serious situation To be some pooplonu threats to get their own way but too often especially in ma FOUNDATIUN FORMULA AT THE LIBRARY Vacation Houses Becoming Popular In This Country Vacation Houses By William Hennessey Vocation houses are becom ing very popular in thlscoun try because of more leisure and highways making vocation areas easily accessible The main purpose of this type of house is to create an atmosphere of relaxation where our problems can be forgotten at least temporarily Vacs tion house can also be used for retirement home or an extra source of income when the owner isnt using it The leisure house of today can be of almost any concelv able shape size and price with the emphasis on bright siry rooms with large windows This book shows forty vaca tion houses and there is plan pictures and short de scription of each Most of these houses are of very modern de sign There is also section telling of new building materials that can be used in the con struction of these holiday hom ES Techniques or Painting By Henry Gasser NA This comprehensive book on techniques of pointing deals in concise manner with eight aspects of painting and illustlt rates each clearly First the author shows the various ways subject can be interpreted and stresses the importance of seeing subject in more than one way Then he explores the approach to the subject wbctbl or it is to be interpreted in detailed manner or handled freely He followsthis with chap ter on the importance of the figure in picture making and the use of photographs as an aid to the artist Mr Gasser also discusses the handling of oil watercolor casein char coal pastel colored inks and lesser known mediums The author hopes that this book will help students to pro duce well organized picture and through organization and design establish an expression of personal mood He also encourages pointers to cultiv ate serious approach to their art and the mediums they use Mr Gasser succeeds in get ting lot of good instruction into brief and attrac tive book The Modern House USA to Design And Decoration By Kate Ellen Rogers This well illustrated book cov ers all aspects of the modern TODAY IN HISTORY By THE 7CANADIAN PRESS April 1932 The last spike was driven at Nechako River Crossing 80 48 years ago today wln 1914 completing the Grand Trunk Pacific Rail way later to become part of the Canadian National Railways The first train reached Prince Rupert 375 miles from Nechako the fol lowing day leesThomas dArcy Melt Gee one of the Fathers of Confederation was assassi nated in Ottawa by mem ber ofthe Fenian Brother hood l941Auto pioneer Henry Ford died of acerebral hemorrhage at 83 house from the basic plan to the furnishings and garden The author points out that the pur chase of house lI an im portnat investment and that house is durable but inflexible whereas some Antilles are sub feet to expansion As families grow older they may have dif ferent requirements Since the hullse is the centre of family life it should reflect the familys interests and acts Ivlties The author tells us which aspects of house plan ning and interior design are constant in any period and reliable basis to usein ak ing decisions concernidlgn house Space of course is first consideration Any home new old or rented should pro vide adequate space for family needs Dr Rogers suggests ways to plan for this The author wrists from ox perlence as decorator and as teacher of university classes in house planning and interior design Introductory Foods By One llughes Osee Hughes the author of this book has taught Home Economics for many years and talks as an expert Her book begins with study of basic nutrition First of all she de scribes the various nutrients in food the carbohydrates proteins fats minerals vita mins and water Then she ex plains the usc of each nutri ent in the body and gives the food sources of each The author discusses specific foods such as fruits and veg etables She also discusses the proper methods of preparing foods to keep their good qual ities Other matters she con riders are the eyeappeal and tastiness of foods Finally she tells how to preserve foods and how to plan and serve meals QUEENS PARK AttomeyGeneral Is Man Of Contrasts port OEEARN TORONTO Attorney Gen ernl Roberts has been man of strange contrasts in the House this session At one moment he has been sweet reason itself The next he has been fire brenthing fury One of the big arguments during Mr Robertl estimates was over obscene hooks and magazines The Liberals charged that present controls aren working that wealth of obscene material is on the bookstands and getting into the hands of children At one stage the attorney general blasted like an angry child that theGrits were only playing politics But then be made the mature and reasonable statement that control of obscene literature was difficult question that it couldnt be effectively stopped overnight and that he was de lng his best Nobody could disagree with him on that as they could with not too much else when he was in his reasonable mood There was one deep point of difference between Mr Roberts and the opposition He believes he should carry out his responsibility of admin Istrations of justice through trust in Crown Attorneys and other appointed officials His opponents think he should carry more of the responsibility on his own shoulders But even with this difference it was more evident than ever during this debate that the bulk ufMr Roberts troubles are personal lle so much hates to lose Or perhaps he so much wants to win His dedication to his job has always been unquestioned But when his manner of carrying it out IiHI been chal lenged he has been incensed into silly attitudes silly state ments and silly actions There 1is little question that hi regime has been very politi An exceptional number of his appointments have been Con servatives There is good reason to be lieve that behind this in the fact he feels there can be no stranger recommendation for men that Conservative Is at least shade better than anyone else And you cant blame him too much for this he himself is the staunchest of staunch Con servatives And why not believe in his fellows But when he is challenged on it be can go into wild evalions which of course make biin sus pect At that however the House is getting fond of the attomey genera You cant really die like anyone who hies as hard as he does ture people such threats are not die ones Tell your OWN doctor the story and let him help or range such measures It may be needed to see that your husband geu immediate nomination Ind treatment Deu Dr Molnar am girl 14 have acne on my face Now it is starting to clear up but havs coarse dark en larged pores They look terrible What can do to get rid of themll Nothing You can expect the pores to become smaller and less obvious as time passes You are of course fortunate that the acne is clearing in some skins the pimples leave smell scars These also tend to shrink and become much less conspicuous If after the end of adolescence the score are cosmetic problem consult dermatologist or plastic surgeon about smootlr ing the scars But Id certainly wait several years DeIr Dr Molner in your opinion is it advisable to give tablcts to high school athletes to help them gain weight and build muscles th5 The drug you mentioned is humane and do NOT think it should be given to healthy young adults The weighth body should weight He now carry an be retrieved by whole IumI balanced diet adequate rest and judicious training These will build strong mus cles Weight in not necessarily musclI For many sports and for many Ithletu mere oddi tionol weight is not necessarily essential if It is essential 1m crease the calories in the diet but dont tinker with the bodyl metabolism Dear Mr Molnar My hus band is as and of avers as BITE ill lot of gas on his stomach around the heart He has always drunk boutdm lcups of coffee day won or this could be cousin ItIIIRG it could be that the coffee fl nsliy lI catching up with him Thats pretty heavy coffee drinking If hsd cut out coffee for few weeks it ought to give an Indication of whether thats the trouble Drinking only coffelnremoved types of coffee might help if the iron ble still persists Id have the doctor check him over it could be gall bladder heart or any of several common troubles and some treatment now may both make him more comfort able and overt greater discom fort in the future Dear Dr Molner What causes ingrown Iocnnils he pointed shoes have an influ ence doubt if Sioux lndian ever had an ingrown toenail because he never were shoes Nor have noticed any trouble with in grown fingernnlls Why Be cause an ingrown nail is simply one that has been under con tinued pressure so that as it grew it began to dig into the flesh instead of growing straight ahead in it should If we were shoes on our hands and walked on sm wed develop few cases of ingrown fingernails too be pointed toes of shoes have In effect Yes if we try to keep the shoes both pointed and short OTTAWA REPORT Prison Philosophy Undergoing Change By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWAThe philosophy of Canadas prison system is un dergoing Christian change from the brutality of the bear cage to the benevolence of Big Brother significant milestone was the recent opening by Justice Minister Davie Fulton of minimum security farm near the site of the incarceration of some of Canadas toughest criminals Montreals St Vin oent de Paul penitentiary This fioacre farm is the first of six planned across Canada It will house up to 90 prisoners who have earned minimum se curity by their good conduct There they will be able to earn maidinum rates of prison pay working as farmers They will sleep in dormitories eat to gether end even be able to take correspondence courses to im prove their postrelesso earning capacity Freed from the conoi of high walls floodlights and guns the farmprisoners would find es cape comparatively easy But this too is part of the new philosophy intended to teach convicts to discipline them selves TOWARDS THE LIGHT These camps are forward step in the organization of our new penitentiary system lays Mr Fulton Only one in every four Cana dian convicts is by nature the gun toting type dangerous to society But even the guntoters cannot be locked up for life so the best protection to society is to reform them Under our me LETTERS TO EDITOR CANADIAN PICNIC Dear Sir It was an extreme pleasure to be present at Lake Mag giore St Petersburg Florida on March 30 at the Canadian picnic sponsored by the Con adian Club of that city Lake Magginre is clear fresh water lake which the city has preserved in its original beauty The park is flowerbordered pahnstudded place of beauty quietness sunshine and shade The motto of the Canadian Club is Smile and speak first and that is just what everyone didYou could feel the friendliness interest and goodwiii from friend and str anger alike Over 150 Canucks from all parts of Canada sat down to picnic dinner at 1230 oclock in the large pavilion th The weatherman set temp erature of as degrees Later many games contests and sport events were runoff It was gremarkable how the senior cit lzens participated The major part of the attendance was in this class who demonstrated they are still young at heart We were proud to see Mr Clougb Strand ably perform his duties as president of the club which position he has fil led for two successive years No other centre in Canada was as well represented as In nisfil Township There were the Jewson Laird Clougb Hart Cochrane Nelson Pogue and Cake and Fisher The Reeve of our township brought home prettY green tie as reward for his pro Wess at list and second base on the winning softball team It was myvpersonnl pleasure to meet three old school fri ends now of Saskatoon but originally from rMulmur ship whom hadnt seen over forty years Where friendliness is more an word and where every one smiles and says Hello have never seen anything to equal Canadian picnic in is foreign land Yours truly Mrs Dwight Nelson St Petorshurg Florida dieval bearcage system young and old hardened criminals and first offenders sneak thieves and nudists were all herded to gether and treated the same way The contagion of criminal lty snowbalied with resentment against punishment to convert the oneshot offender into con sistent sinnerso the high rsto of recidivism has shown But our new system of placing more emphasis on psychiatry then on punishment is eliminat ing contagion and resentment Thus Canada it is hoped will be made safer and more lew ubiding country through the moral and vocational training offered to prisoners and hence through hugely increased rate of true rehabilitation We have changed the basic concept of imprisonment says Mr Fulton one of the most en lightened members of the pro gressive government instead of letting the punishment fit the crime we are attempting to shape the imprisonment to fit the criminal Despite all that has been done to help our old age pensioners our farmers our manufactur ers our Maritimers our unem ployed and other groups there are solid grounds for the belief held by some politicians that the greatest benefits of this govern ment have been conferred upon those who were formerly con demned to the biblical an eye for an eye type of revenge THE KAMLOOPS CRUSADEB For this all praise belongs to the man who has built himself in 17 years from young Oppo sition backbencher to minister of justice who in five consecu tive elections has increased his appeal in his native Ksmloops so that his majority has risen from mere 177 to staggering 10990 which forced all his three opponents to forfeit their depos its Now only just past his 46th birthday he is not young man in hurry and he has Prev ferred the prestige of the un heralded justice portfolio to say the rostrum in the Spot light which Paul Martin made of the health portfolio Simll arty he had judged that his po litical ambitions and his un questioned abilities would be better served as federal min later than as Conservative leader in the provincial Mr Fultons next big achieve ment on which great progress has already been mode may well be the final formality of Canadian independence the repatriation of our constitution BIBLE THOUGHT The day of the Lord so comelh as thief In the night Thessalonlnns 52 The Lord comes as unexpec tedly as thief but to Gods people He gives instead of tak ing away

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