Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Apr 1962, p. 8

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Classified The Peoples Market Place in your own home PA ANNOUNCEMENTS BAYSTAIRS LODGE MIN Ts POINT FROM DOWNTOWN BARRIE Wedding Receptions Beautiful grounds tor pictures youll cherish Ample parking for guests con vehlencc We assume the responsibilich while you enjoy yourself Facilities nr dancing etc SATISFACTION ASSURED at PRICES TIIAT PLEASE Call PA 85198 anytime BIRTHS HAPPY OCCASIONTho birth or your child To tell the good newr to fflcndr and neighbnrr The Dalrte Intminer Cllssifled staff no as near as your iele The dry or birth lust Phonr fibula PA lulu The rate ir only DEATHS PERRYMary At the home of her daughter George Ayrei Stroud on Wednesday April tool ary slcourir be loved wife of the late George Rob on Pcrryr Ind dur mother of Reginald or Port Arthur lira Irioronre wnite Mfr Adeline coui son uiidred lltln Thomu tenden and John all of or Pearl Mrs GcorKc Ayrerl rnd Jilyrue thin Lewis Irvingl bath of Strand In her 07m yc Rellw trig at the Jennett Funcrn Ilomc 152 nradiord Streot uarrle Fun errl service on Saturday April at pm Interment oro Sta non Cemetery SIIARPIPFIOICIICL At this homo of her daughter In Cornu 71 North Oval liamilton on Thurs dry iprtl 1901 rloreaca Inflr linrn brIovcd wife of the late Vllla lam Sharpe formerly of Thornton in hor aotn year pear mother of Illuricl Mrs Corner of iIarn liton thn Mrs Irelonl of strand and Kathleen Mrs llIncPhdycn of New Toronto cloni lnndmpthcr of lJrrhara Mrs Hiscyl oI Don hllllr and petty Illrs noyat Johnson of Califor nia llcsllrix at the Siccklty Pun eral iiome io Vorrley Street Bar rie for scrvlcc on Saturday April at pm Interment Thornton cemetery TINNESDelyn suddenly at the Royal Victoria Hospital aar rle on Thursdly April 1m Eiclyn ncmhardt or lut name beloved wife of Mathew Tlnnol door daughter of Mrs Ierslo nern hardt and the late ttonry nem Itardt Iormcrly of Preston dear airter of Louise Julie and Course of Toronto and Robert of Paris Hosting at tho Jennctt Funeral Home narrie until 10 pm FH dry then to the stagerbarthel Funeral Home Preston for Iunerrl rervtce Shiurdl April at pm Inlcrmcnt Preston Cemetery IN MEMORIAM YOUNGIn loving memory of dear wirc Nellie who pured away April In mo often think or the drys gone by When we were all together lhc iamtty chnln ls broken now put mcmorlcs will ltvo fonvor To me she has not gone awry silt has not travelled far Just cnlcrcd Gods etcmnl homo And left the gate nlrr Evcr rcmcmbcred by her ltw lng hurbnnd Nell YOUNGIn loving memory of dear mother and grandmother Nellie Young who parsed away April to lose litany lonely heartache Many silent tear nut rlwryr loving memory or one we loved so dear Ivcr rcmcrnbcrsd and nrlly missed by daughter Helen grand chlidren Gwen and nob Edith and Dick Mario and Neil great grandcbildren Jim Neil John Jude lth and Junior COMING EVENTS RUMMAGE SALE True Blue Hall High Street SATURDAY APRH AM Auspices 6th Barrie XII and Scout Auxiliary For pickup coll PA 06103 or PA 06323 Articles may be left at 94 Sophia Street West DAN NG EVERY SATU RDAY CABARET STYLE COUPLES ONLY PINECREST $250 couple For table reservations PHONE ELMVALE 757m RUMMAGE SALE Saturday April am ESSA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Lots of good bargains Student OKd For 08 Stay BUFFALO APl David Ebeoglu Turkish student who expects his doctorate in nuclear science and engineering in June was granted permission Thurs day to remain in the United States permanently Ebeoglu student at Rensse Iner Polytechnic Institute in Troy NY will be able to ap ply for US citizenship in three years The 115 immigration and naturalization Service waived provision under which foreign students who come to the US to go to school must return home for at least two years after completion of their school lng Earlier this week Ebeoglu said he had been offered po sition by Dalhousio University In Halifax One factor may have Involved his marriage to on American girl and the approaching birth of the couplcs first baby MINUTES REAL ESTATE PROPERTY role SALE HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Realtors 98 BAYFIELD ST PA 66053 ANYTIME INCOME AND BEAUTIFUL LIVING TOO The whole house needs paint butch this pricel Asking $14000 and you can more right in Downstairs you have living room with fireplace dining room don with fireplace kitchen bedrooms Upstairs sellconlalncd Apt off Druly Lane Call Doris Nuttycombe PA 66453 FARMS WANTED loo acre farm SI2000$I5000 with $3000 down within 15 miles Barrie Our buyer is randy willing and able Contact Anrn Klooster mun PA 66453 or evenings PA 86035 Member of llarrle and District Real Eslalo Board HENDERSON REALTOR lo coLLICn sTRm PHONE PA 02670 CODRINGTON Sl two storey brick home Four large bedrooms threc baths dcn inmin room sepnrntc for mal dining room fireplace dou ble garage broadloum NHA terms For details cull Ritn Scondrott I99 WELLINGTON ST $I2700 Three bedroom brick bungalow large kitchen Alum lnum storms and screens NHA terms Carries for $90 monthly including taxes Coll Rita Scan tire ST VINCENT 51 One and half storcy brick home with Iorge kitchen living room and three bedrooms mort gnge Good family home Call Pcrcy Ford EVENINGS CALL RITA SCANDItm wt was DOROTHY WILcolt PA frost PERCY roRD PA aorta EMERSON SWAIN PA oasos Member or barrio Ind Dlstrlct Ind Ontllln Estlta Board CQICITTS Real Estate Broker Owen Street Barrie OWNER MOVING TO ENGLAND $13900 $2400 will buy this new biped room bungalow in the east end of our city which is convenient ly located to Shopping Centre and within minutes of public and separate school This brick bungalow ls featured on 65 lot with attached garage and has added features such as exhaust hood fan with light ceramic tile bathroom with vanity and colored flxtu as aluminum storms and screens etc etc etc Call Gordon Coulis $11200 DUPLEX VILLAGE OF STROUD Each suite consists of four rooms with bath private ent rance Lot 132 165 This would provide economical living for two families in area close to transportation and stores Call Alice Worthington phone Stroud 211128 DOWN PAYMENT $1500 Full price $13500 lbsdroom bungalow built three years ago Has many features sudh as div ided hasnmcnt storms and screens Lot 51 x157 within reasonable distance to schools and shopping Fine selection of comparable homes may be seen at your convenience Call Wal ter Coutts 94 ACRES LEVEL CLAY LOAM FARM Sunnidale Corners under crop fall wheat and clover Bank barn 65 52 good condition steel roof lightning rods con crete floors electricity stabling for 22 cows boxstalls pig pen 52 25 hen house 12 18 im plement shed Twostorey dwell ing at 40 painted last year in good condition 3pc bath hydro pressure system 20 20 garage attached to house This dwelling is overlooking fresh water pond of approximately acres Good water supPlY wells creek and pond Call Norman Wood Minesing 32 EXECUTIVE TYPE $16500 Modern equipped bungalow six spacious bright rooms Finished recreation room attached gar age aluminum storms and screens Terms arranged to suit purchaser Call Walter Coulis BUILDERS $5000 EACH For wooded lots 50 150 Iocated on Puget Street Bean tiful surroundings Call Gordon Coutts Member or nanlo or District Real Estate Board PHONES affloo PA 5le Evenings GORDON CoUlISPA $727 WALTER COITrSPA Mall SANDY camsPA Hm 1er An Examiner Want Ad Overlooking the boy Beautiful TIIE BARRIE EXAM EII FRIDAY APRIL 1962 PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL MRS uooRBPA In RoomsPA sun smith Campbell rA Hm rergu Garvey Moss DUNLOP ST for Longun PA sons Dllrsll Shelaell Oro tail Keith Marshall nw STAT nnom PA 82592 ll CLAPPERTON sT Moon FRANK NELLES Malabar Blmn Dirtriot Rn ntrto board INCOME PnoPSnTY for rain on plex Dominion Store area Garage Nicely treod lot see this Ilrrt then mrka us an offer Tollphbnl PA 06603 Next door to the Imperial Therm 45A DUNLOP ST PA 6648l Member of Barrio and District Real Estate Bond aArtrtIC PA 51350 PA uses Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Tiffin St PA 61881 ANGUS $350 DOWN Sixmonthnld bungalow with three bedrooms living room kitchen utility three piece bath On large Int close to new school $75 per month carries mortgage Telephone PA S1331 We have other homes in Angus from $500 down payment and up FIVE ROOM BUNGALOW With garage Hot and cold wa ter Lot 104 212 Located one mile south of Brentwood Two miles from Angus and Camp Borden Coll Joe Palmer PA 60863 EVENINGS CALL Kart Mrrrhuu PA 89917 Joe Palmer PA sass Emory lluler PA $0561 Membar of tho Drula and District Real Estto Board 1205 REAL ESTATE Bnoxzn 7B TIPllN STREET BARBIE cam DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member or the nunlo and District Rnll Esta Baud CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Pbono 02419 03 Dunlop St MABEL MARSHALLPA 63341 COREYPA Duos MUREL minkPA Moss WHITE BRICK SPLIT LEVEL Mountbatten Road Quiet resi dentinl area Lshaped living and dining room Norden kit chen bedrooms Tile both with vanity Lower level fin ished hall room roughed in rec and bath Full basement One NIIA mortgage One block from Codringtou School and bus Telephone alters pm PA 89928 New three bedroom home Large living room kitchen with large dining area lots of cup boards and storage Oil booted Colored bathroom fixtures van lty divided basement Large lot In good residential area close to stores and schools TELEPHONE 84281 MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 61301 113 Dunlop St mills BEDROOM Houre all con venlenoes low down payment Lev outed one mile wort of Barrie on Highway 00 Telephone PA on melfimfll after pm for further Norman REAL ESTATE BROKER ONE DUNIAP STREET EAST First In Barrie Home SalasForemost in Quality of Sonic PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL rosrmPA mu IL CONNELI PA ms MEMBERS BARR Ar DISTRICT REAL ISTATI Ilaml CLIFF BROWN REALTOR HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA 50241 PA 6024 Msmbonof tar artno Real Litrtr Board Joan LingPA um Charilr ReadPA um Shelswell PA E9961 PA 68702 First Mortgage Funds Avnilnble Interest 607 of Value No Fees Charged evenings can Jun Willrua PA Moll Norman Shahs PA IrMI Howard Nontr PA Hm HENRY ELRICK AND MICHIE I5 Owen St Barrie PHONE PA 35583 MEMBDI OF THE BARBIE AND DISTRICT REAL ISTATE aoAnD CLOSE TO SCHOOLS Modern brick bungalow living room large kltchcn with lots of cupboard space Three bed rooms Iour piece tiled both New garage 24 13 This pm perty carries for $7924 includ lng taxes Priced for quick sale $13500 Will consider ex change for property in Burlinge on OAKLEY PARK AREA Brick bungalow Living room kitchen bedrooms piece tiled bath Newly decorated Must be seen to be apprecia tcd Owner transferred Price $2200 NOTE We Arrrigs flrlt mortgages for Victoria Ind Gray TnuHfl oi uluc Phonl PA 55503 alter hours phonn Bob fluvialUM PA 965 or Plddy Mtles PA H100 OWNERS thru bedroom bunge low on year old Small nown payment Telaphons PA 00503 for further Information RANCII STYLE an three bedlboms large Cnlllofl 100 schools Telephone PA was sor full plrtlculnn FOR SALE OR RENT noun nooni lIousu rt Isinatr Point with time plecr bath fuu silo basement with Iurnacr Low down payment may terms Trim phone PA Hm Amosr unw Bungalow rlx roonu Ind batn printed walls tile Iloorr Very modern clnnn gap age atorrge asphalt drivo Largo lot Central neat sioo monthly PA WI PROPERTY WANTED riln FOLLOWING ctlonta are waiting for homcl in the wart End Client with $2000 looking or rtorey brick home close to Queuis Park for approximately stow Client with $5000 lDoldnl or older house with to room does not mind making reprln Client with sooo looking for home on rdga ot town can pay 565 month would one or rooms condition unimportant Cali Carson Real Izrtate PA owl aveaingr PA Mist FARMS FOR SALE 150 ACRE FARM Choice soil good buildings 20 acres sugar maple bush farm orchard close to Drillla priv ate rightofwny to Lake Sim coe Immediate possession Tetrm APPLY BOX 24 EARRIE EXAMINER FARM ron BALE close to narrte with good milk contract with or wlthout cowr Telephone PA 5052 after no pm FARMS WANTED PAHan WANTED to rent I00 acres or more good land and bulldlngl preferred have good stock rna implements wnte pox 20 narrie nxrminor MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lst 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere On All Properties NEW LOW RATES PA 60981 MORTGAGE FUNDING over SIMPSONSSEARS DUNLOP 51 Is MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation of Bills Home repairs etc N0 BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $I 549 or $56 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly Up to $5000 and 60 month to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT l4 Dunlop St PA 66477 MORTGAGESIn and find bamt roid and arranged commercial and relldbntlnl monays loaned on axlnllnl mortfll Burrll Mort slgo Brokers Meat REAL ESTATE MONEY T0 LOAN PRESCRIPTION FOR PAYING arms Pay em all with Iowwst lifcinsured 500m PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCUflA BUS OPPORTUNITIES LUNCH noon for rent at Supen iert riauon in Cookrtovrn iror fur thrr ceiriir telopnoo Cookitowa ass1 sNAclr DAR oar Pumpr Caolnr north of Orlllll Will accept homo in exchange Robert vv semen Realtor Box 130 oruiir um er Dim NURSING at Illa Well Wulppfld Showinl Mill annual Dmfll Foi plnlculln contct Ber nice Wlllllmson Caldwltcr lltnf or Darwin Broker IIARDWAIus Modeln beautiful stars doing 0000 rater annually Loerted in thriving Georgian any town For information who or telephone no Llnlovln Broiler Winn Belch RENTALS now can IPACI for rent cieaa modm buildings Suitable for onminrrclrl or light industrial Trioohono PA 15 FA 82414 RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT ADJOINING PixRt Beside Lake One and two bedroom apart mum mmpleto with stove and rctrlgerator Use of washer and dryer Redecorated annually PA 54068 Titnu nsnnooM tin or rent Lam double llnge Near West but Plrrr Teirphono PA 5701 after no fun us IIoNTIILIf rarer room heated Iplftmcnt Cooveniencu trlns frciiitirs Tclephnnn PA so for further tafornutloa vuansllnD Apartment four rooms and bath All uuuuer nip plied Avhlllblo now For further information telrpbonr PA Hm anan tflrol room unfurnlrbrd apartment for mac Siova and frigerater ruppiico Close td but In east end Telephono PA sdlol UNPURNISIIID ApIrtlnept two bedroom rtovo refrigerator heat and water supplied Lillidry fa cilluer Ind parking hat end Adultr Telephone PA Mm CLITRAL Roomy two bedroom uprtlln apartment for rent Water and but Included Privatr entv rrneo $00 monthly Apply Peel street Apartment TIIRCI anan bungalow for nut Modrrn conveniences Located on loin Line Inairfil Vino Sta lion monthly Televhom Ivy inns OFFICES STORES RENT MODERN OIIIco Building downtown Bar rio has limited amount of space availablewill alter to suit Telephono PA arms DI PA 00065 NURSING HOMES ATLK EDEN NURSING HOML Bqu for till lurk 50ml Ind Drill rooms hind nurllnl GIN good Iood TV rooms rtatioa vu ron tor ouLthL Tclophnno mu strouo APTS HOUSES TO RENT BRENTWOOD TERRACE Self contained two bedroom apartment Living room kitch en full basement Central loca tion $05 per month Telephone PA $9238 EAST END PLAZA Modern ground floor three room unfurnished apartment overlook Ing bay Private entrance frigerator stove and draperies optional Laundry facilities Availablo April 15 $00 per month PHONE PA 811475 six ROOM Hours for run Grng orchard gardan Conveniences 35 pa month Telnphbn Imus Elin TELEPHONE DIRECTORY FOR UNLISTED NUMBERS SUPERIOR PROPANE New Phone Number PA 61861 Hwy 11 South By 51103 BROOKS SEW IT SWIFTLY TWO main pattern parts whip up this basic beauty in an afternoon No waist seams cinch with belt Choose print checks or solids Printed Pattern 4035 Misses Sizes 10 12 I4 16 IE 20 Size 16 takes ynrds 39inch fabric FIFTY CENTS 50 cents In coins Ontario residents add cents sales tax no stomps please for this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME an DRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS oareof Barrie Examiner Pat tern Department 60 Front St Toronto Ont SPECIAL Summer Pattsm Catalog More than 100 styles sun sport day dance work travel All sizesl Send 35c APARTMENT to rent Iour rooms heated piur runporob Ground floor Completely rlvrte Avail abla may Apply andan Hard waro PA sun LARGE brlght IIIninan Centr three bcdroom location Ru ronablo Murt bs reen to be ap prcclrted Telaph PA 506 or PA 01104 Tunas BEDROOM Irtment In rent In DEW hull wuhtr dryer Ind lnltor rervlea ruppllod Avdllblo Inmedlatdy Tnlnbhonl PA 31351 for luflhcr Information PUnMsIIBD aitrrctlve complsleb private one bedroom rulte Newly decorated Spaciour kltchon Near Eaat and Plan and bench Telu phono PA HIM PrimalInn Irrgc three room apartment newly decanted Rr frtgerrtor and heavy duty stove Heat and Ilgntr rupplled Allrn dala district Telephone PA NM TWO ROOM unfurntrhod ment for rum and birth 45 phone PA mi formation on Private entranc or month Tolu for furthrr in NICE AND BRIGHT thrco room uprtalrr apartment Lights hart Ind wafer lupplled $56 monthly Apply In Dueltworth street or telephone PA was ULTRAMODERN uafurntaned one bedroom rprrtment Private brl cony front and rear Refrigerator and on as ruppued Centrriiy lo catcd deal for ouag married couple Toiephona sun runNisnnn two room basement nplrtmznt Host hydro no water supplied Prtvnus entranca Close to downtown muonlhlf Suitable for oouplo PA Hull TWO BEDROOM suite extrr large vlnellod living room lpnclnug lilt cnen double cupboards to bed rooms tile bltb Near East End filing and burn Tolephono PA PARTLY nirnlrhod three mm apartment to rent Refrigerator and ranlotte Newly docorrtod Heat and lights Allandrlu div trict Telophono PA 002 or fur ther Lnlorrnltlon sahrconnmso two room fun nlshed heated npmmtmt with three picnn hath Front and brag entrance Suitable for bachelor or couple Apply Bayfield Strut or telephono PA solid 50 MONTHLY fhru room un furnished fluted sellncoritllncd apartment Sepnrnta wiring cen tral location lurking faeiittler Telephone PA 51591 after pm for furtbar Information uNPIJIINIsImD tirm room apart rnent close to West End Pirrr Laundry facilities heavy duty wiring private untrlnse ample Parking space Avlllsblc Immedi ately Phon PA $340 after pin $15 COMPLETELY solfcontrtned tiem apartment including heavy duty stove rrul refrigerator also Ilrcplm Prtvate entrance Very central Available immediately Telephone PA 66214 AVAILABLE Now Heated rpart ment living room kitchen big balcony two bedrooms private bath parking eiean Ind comfort ahle Np para 65 Per month Close to downtown toi qulcutar Street rent Telephone LARGE modern thrca room un furnished apartment spacious grounds and swimming pool Also brick bungalow two bedrooms nnd garage Two 310nm furnished apnflmontg All central Telephon PA 36062 an RANCH sTYLr three bed room house Breezewuy and gar rgo Modern onnvsnlcnccs Loca ted on Highway II south of stroud Avrllahlo May Tele phone mm Stroud or apply shakellr Garage LARGE three bedroom on If attached home or rent Four miles north Barrio at Crown Hill next to Radnr bus route Laundry tubs and dryer Across from school and church Heat hy dro and wlter supplied Posses rlon May Telephona PA 07139 wrumsmsn Upstairs Apart ment separate entrance Hcat wnter remgultor Ind parking facilities vicinity of West End Plrrr Availbis Immediately Tele phone PA 51107 for further pars ticulars TWO BEDROOM Apartment with living room and good also kitchen private bath unfurnished heated private entrance rofrlgerrtor and stove supplied if desired Central location Parking provided Reason nbla rent Immediate possession Telephono PA 01400 or after pan PA was ExcEmDNALLY large five roani apartment available Immediately In new modern building Automn tic laundry maintenance service Stove and refrigerator optional Paved parking facilities For fur ther Information telephone PA Mass or PA on DELUXE two bedroom apartment Is ft so living room plcturr win dow patio $05 monthly Two room apartment sso six rooln apart nient two baths 555 All large rooms Separate onlianccs Separ ate hrthr New trlwox overlooklnl Highway 11 bus stop at Hawker atono Telephone 523 am Station camRALLY Located new mod em apartments now renting rhrped living and dining area two bedroom song not water heating rtova and refrigerator supplied also wsrlter nrid dryer0ne bed room apartment also available In mcdlnis possession Apply Couttl ar Co PA Mass or PA RENTALS APTS HOUSES T0 RENT DELUXE APARTMENTS Conveniently located near schools shoppin and bus and within walking distance at downtown inns and two bedrooms CBaloonIes Omabco Drapes oStoves and ridges Olndivldual thermostats Ilncinerators Fre facilities OMnny other fine appointments Children welcome Sample suite may be sun by ciilling PA 83l 86 The Garden Terrace Corncr Queen and Duckwortbl Modern home two bedrooms large living room tiled kitchen with dining area oil heat with air conditioning full basement serviced landscaped grounds bamboo drapes 386 mesh PHONE Pm $1740 Two nznnooll heated apartment on bottom floor of modem Irfplex on st Vincent Street North Avau able soon as monthly Pbons PA 09201 TIIIuII nuoll rrlt contained rpartment In modern triplex with washing and parking frcllltler Central location Avauablo Apni Telephona PA 3400 15 ONE nmnooll Ap rtlnent rtovr Ind refrigerator ppllzd Afro two 1bedroom sprrtruentr Lrundiy facilities In new apart rncnt building Telsphonn PA 60014 Niswhlf decor bright trrctlve unfurnished tbreo room rprrtnient with private bath relf contained Toronto street distrtct filom to bus stop Tslcpbono PA washing and drying RENTALS APTS HOUSES T0 RENI ninu vwrCRleTiin nooar Apartment Private oath rno em rrace fluted Reaaoaanle tvrlp rhlo any Telephone PA um SELFCONTAINED furnished Iplfla meat living room kitchenette bedroom and piece brtbroorn $65 monthly Telrpbona PA was or PA bull LIBATID selfcgrullncd Tans noon ed rprrtrne tral location OilItml prrun Avrlirble now Telep no H000 for further inform uoa nunfoN vz Three room up lumlshtd rprrtinent to rent an heated but water stove and r9 ingerator Prlvhta hath Apply Collin st for further Informlion UNIUILNIIIIED lhreI fvnm rrIf contained rprrtmcnt for rent Three pleca brth Duper rupplleo Available my Telphonn PA unfunurhrd hub elkontr Nola eroY YOUR tart month nut free Ono Ind tvvo bedroom rpammanti llnllor service neon from sits per menu Telephonv PA 510 for further Informnon UNrunNIsnsb modern mgr room rpmneat with bath lint eo not water and rtovr supplied Located In Anrur Telephone Camp norden Ngw AND upoera one and two bedroom apartmeotr overlootlng male Kemreareit pry nut wa ter aririog rns laaitor norms inclu ed Autamruo warning to euiurs PA c2902 six noon Roma for font with runroom and Inn Oil heruhg Centrally located Available now 3100 per month ToIpnono PA and or PA Dam Nswnlf Pumirnad bright titre room apartment ouiot vcenic downtown locltinn New applian res nlo brth suit adult or busi near people sol Apply ur Mun rry PA coast PRIVATE gmund floor one bed room npnnmcnt Laundry facul Hey Central Water eluded $55 monthly Apply reei Stru NEWLY Decorted two bedroom rprtlnent tn modaln IPlrtrncrit building Relrlrerrtor Ind rtove Laundry and parking frclutlu Available immediately sloo per month Telephone PA own MDDEILN bungalow for mt rix monthsraga oak noon til bathroom full basement laundry tubs Illiicrert School name out possession Telwhnng PA Hm UPPBR DUPLEX two large beg room and innrooru Heat and wa ter lupplied Near Lumber Adults preferred Avrllrble April I5 $15 monthly Telephono PA was Tim noon furnished apart ment in qulrt homo suitabla for business or Air Force couple Ab rtrlnerr No children Parking space Non Wort and Plan PA HM POUR noon furnished apartment Hutld refrigerator and hervy duty rtove blrdwood floors tbrro plem bath Avrllahla April ll ArpIy Armstrongr Hudwur 00 Dunlop street East FOUR ROOM unfumlsbcd Apart Irlcrlt Holt Ind hot water so blind 05 per month Complatcy tallrcoritnlned Laundry room with dryer Telephone PA coon oven Ifill only THREE noon unfurnished apart ment for nut Stan and refrlg orator Usn of washer and dryer Central location Newly decorated Telephone PA 50216 for further InformHon mtw noun nedraaln Bungalow for rout Is ft ru living room plcturn window powder room plus brth patio $95 per month Highway 11 bur rtpp at Elwsz Itonl Telephone 5113 on Slltlw APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service 147 DUNLOP ST PA 6l I42 ADVERTISING WARWICK WEBSTER LIMITED Matchedash St ORILLIA ADVERIISING OPROMOTION OPUBLIOIIY ORILLIA 3252752 RES 3254689 DRIVING SCHOOL Learn to Drive the Safe Way in Dual Controlled Car cox DRIVING scuooi PA 6050I For rates and Information Learning How To Drive CALL JOHNS DRIVING SCHOOL PA 61277 For Bates and Information EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Half yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Anna Street Barrio PA 2907 FOR SHOVEL WORK Excavating Backhoe Clam Drag line Cement Busting or raising steel 55 boom shovel front loading levelling or bnclrfilling Dozcr work and trucking phonn Stewart Con struction PA 07321 HAIRDRESSERS CLHFORD HAIR FASHIONS Individual styling Moderate rates FRED GRANT SQUARE PA 30491 nionskN our and two ballroom lplrtrricntl cut end earno palm boo drapes Venetian blinor Anna and lumide Irctituer Pnrkllil Tatephono comm further Informatiom UNFURNTEIIBD heated upper IPIrtniant for rent Sellemulnld Modaln kitchen borvy wiring Centrally located Reasonable Telephone PA Marl for further Information ms noonl Basement Apart ment hertcd rcIfcontaimdprl vate both Refrigerator Ind rtove Partially furnished Telephone PA 55318 or PA Hos for further in formation BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Law Rater By Month or You lslephono PA 8241 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD sulrn AND son Painting and Paper mum Spray Painting Service Since 1020 RR Barrie PA PLASTERING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRIK AND PLASTERING CEILINOS ROOMS ARCHWAYS PATCHES Free Estimates Budget Terms SIMCOE QUIKBRIK Phone Al Smith Lofroy 60M Collect FLOOR COVERINGS BARRIE FLOOR 8r WALL TILE Sales Service 24 Maple Ave Opp bus terminal OLInoIcum and Vinyl tile Sheet goods Ceramic tile oHardwood flooring OCsrpets OComplete line of samples FREE ESTIMATES DAY OR EVENHIGS WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED FREE PARK ING PHONE PA 85862 EVENINGS PA H952 Charles Lawson Propr RADIO AND TELEVISION SERVICE 24 HOUR SERVICE ALL MAKES 0F RADIO AND TV BAYVEW ELECTRONICS 19 Adelaide St PA 84160 REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 33 Clapperton St PHONE PA 34562 WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS msrauuap BY LICENSED DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES Coupland Drilling an BARRIE PA 87646 6695i

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