OVER THE TEACUPSThe above trio exchange hat tricks following yesterdays roundup of the luwecks course in mil lincry altered by the Barrie YMYWCA Wearing their own creations are lrom the loft Mrs George Livingston Mrs Murray Veitch and Mrs Russell McLoren Mrs Liv lngatons cioche design is made at white straw cloth trimmed with while straw hrald Mrs Vcitchs chapcau which cost less than four dol lars to make is high plllhox style covered with white straw braid and trimmed with three tiny roscbuds Mrs McLarcn who has made three hats dur ing the course is wearing white rough straw cloche mo do Examiner Photot MI11II1€IY Class Learns Special Trimming Hats are yearroqu concern ol most women but with Easier right around the corner thoughts are propelled to what fashionable chapcau mllndy will don lor the popular yearly par ado Yesterday was the linal class at lOWeckr course in millin ery uttered by the Barrie YM YWCA And Judging by some at the creations modelled by the students at this grand tinnie Barrie women will be outstand ing in any Easter parade More than 50 housewives and business women attended the alternoon and evening classes and created hat fashions in cur rent vogue ranging from petals to straw braids in strictly tal lored designs to the flattering wisp ol veiling and flowers Classes were instructed by Mrs Cecil French of Elmvale assisted by Mrs Eric Simpson ol Barrie HAT TRICKS According to their students the instructors have an endless source of ideas and gilt lor knowing just what hat needs to give it that finished look bow here luck there delt touch to the satin trimming or perhaps liower placed at Just the right angle The instructors help the rim dent select the correct shaped hat form lrorn wide selection available at nominal price They also advise the student what material or straw braid would be best suited to the chos GIVING NEW LIFE to re tired chapenux is one ol the many tricks taught at the weekly classes Above Mrs Tricks Cecil French centre sprays the hat with lacquer while Mrs Donald Stewart lcit and Mrs Fell look on KEEPING IN TOUCH By SALLY LOU AHERN Regina Saskatchewan ANN LANDERS Bride Doesnt Borrow Father For Wedding Dear Readers Well lrn in the soup with it special segment ol American womanhood The National Society lor the Proteo lion ol Second Wives This weeks mail produced anguished screams lrnm band of indig nant women it all began when advised Quandary to give his daugh ter in marriage sit beside his lormcr wife in church and stand at her side in the reccitv lng line lurlhcr told Quan dary that ii his second wile was noble and wise woman this words she would not only encourage him to go but she would stay home since Wile Number One was bitter and hostile talso his words second wile wrote as fol lows Dear Ann Since you are un doubtedly Holler Than Thou lirst wile you dont know what its like to be married to man who has been torn apart and cast nsidc May tell you We live on strict budget so his First Family can have the best Iicr kids get whatever they wnnt Mine cut corners and do without its not easy to accept this injustice in si lence when MY husband pays the bills lor both households Not long ago you advised woman against loaning hcr hus band to lricnd who wished to impress relative Why then would you ask second wiio to loan her husband to ltlrs First for her daughters wed ding lIow heartless and cruel for you to suggest that the second wile volunteer to stay home Why should she hang back in the shadows and give scllish ex wife and an inconsiderate snip of daughter three hours at gloryespecially lien llElt husband is looting the bill TIIREADBARE Dcnr Thread Retract your claws sister youre assuming great many things which may not be true First not every First Wile tre the guy apart and threw him out Sometimes its the hus band who does the tearing apart and throwing out And occasion ally the second wile was part of the wrecking crew And not all First wives get the financial lrostingns your predecessor does Some First Wives get nothing but exhausted from begging Pleading crying and suing They give up out of sheer desperation and go to work The kids are plopped on Motheror paid housekeeper Not every First Wile is hostile and bitter toward her replace ment Sometimes the two ladies get along well in which case theres no problem Number Two gets invited to the wedding and everything is hunkydory When had blood exists be tween the ladies like in 90 per cent of the cases say the 1m HARM EXAMINER FRIDAY APRIL TM leaves lamily to make new tile tor himseli should do what eicr he can to make up or his lack ol physical presence Giv ing his daughter in marriage should be privilege not bur den Heres another point of view irom another battlescarred vet eran Please rend on DIFFERENT VIEWPOINT Dcnr Ann As second wile of divorced man wish to applaud your advice to Quan dary was invited to my step dnughters wedding but know ing how her mother tell about me declined didnt wish to make uncomlortnble and frankly didnt wish to be uncomfortable myself could visualize the town gos sips rubbernecking in urch to soc how was taking They say Fools rush in where an gels car to tread lm glad decided not to be loo lily decision was one Ill be able to live with lorevcr STILL WATERS Charter Members Attend Reception Bayvicw Chapter Order oi the Eastern Star No 105 celebrated its ltlth birthday at an evening reception One hundred and iwcntyiive persons attended the reception threetiered lruit cake made and decorated by Miss Marg aret Caldwell Worthy Matron centred the ten table Eight of the 12 charter mem bers were present and received red rose corsage They in cluded Mrs Cheesman Mrs Albert Henderson Norris Webb Mrs Wes Stone ham ltlrs Arnold Spearn PDDGM Mrs Gultlaxweli PM Burgess PP and Spcnrn PP Among the guests at the event were Associated Grand Conductress ltlrs Grnydon Kohl of Barrie Worthy Patron Douglas Watson Collingwood Mrs Burgess Worthy Patron Newmarket and guests from chapters in the district Mrs Harold Walker was pre scntcd with herzsyear service pin from the Chapter pinned on by her sister Mrs Lorraine Coutts During the social hour candy was sold and draw was made or the prize winners of the card parties which were held during the winter Winners were Mr and Mrs Waller Gigs Mr and Mrs Bruce Nes bltt Mr and Mrs Ed Norman William Pratt Mrs Roy Bishop Mrs Ernest Thompson Mrs Arthur Rockliil Mrs Lorne Jackson Mrs Reg Garrett Mrs Gordon Forbu and Miss Marg Kempenfelt Division News Of Canadian Girl Guides bus load of 21 guides and brownies from Kcmpenlelt Div ision travelled to Tomato Wed nesday where thpy had the opportunity of meeting World Chief Guide Lady Oleve Bad cnPoweli This is the most exciting and stimulating experi ence lor those in the girl guide movement At 73 Lady BadenPowell pcrsonilics all things most guid ers wish to have burning seal unqucnchable enthusiasm and stubborn determination Her presence kindtrs anew the spirit of guiding in each heart as she tells ol the mir acles wrought by the move ment in such strifetorn areas as Kenya and Pakistan or the obstacles overcome in cosmop olitan Beirut Lady BadenPowell is gen tle humble soul with warm altcctlonote greeting for all her family of guides With twinkling sense of humor and radiant personality she held her audience spellbound Although due to heart at tack in October her Canadian appearances have been limited Kempenleit division is lortun ale to have had the opportun ity to send 27 delegates to see her Division Chairman of training Mrs Ivan Gracey attended dinner in her honor April and Division Commissioner Mrs Frank Carter and DivisA ion Public Relation Secretary Mrs Robert Martin attended tea at the Maurice Cody Hall The only sad note to Lady BadenPowells visit is that all members cannot meet her and experience the surge of love and devotion to duty that she arouses in those she meets ALL ROUND CORD First Barrie Girl Guides honlt lured three girls oi their com pany with special evening March 29 when they received their hard earned all round cords Joy Winger was presented with her cord by Division Com missioncr Carter and Madge Pearce by Captain Sclwood Sandra Graecy received her cord from her mother who is Barrie Central District Guider as well as Kompenfelt Division Chairman of Training litany other badges were aw FENDLEYS FLOWERS 74 BLAKE 51 PA 35915 arded by Mn Carter Mrs Gracey Mrs Seiwood Lieuten not Arnold and Division Public Relations Secretary Mrs Martin One year service stars were received by Susan Barr Lynda Palmer Brenda Mills Joan Graham and Janice Perkins two year stars by Margaret Winger Sharon Kelly Janis Cormlcr and Bonnie Fildey Second Class badges had been earned by Joan Corkan Helen Bell Margaret Winger and Bonnie Iiidcy Shirley Hunter received four proliclcncy badgeschild nurse swimmer pathfinder and lire brigade and Janis Cormier was presented with the knittcr and laundrcss badges Rosemary Pearce was award ed herpioneer badge Joy winger Sandra Gracey and Madge Pearce all received pathlinder homemaker and ï¬rst class badges as well as their little house emblems Sandra and Madge both wcre presented with the pioneer bad gc and Joy and Sandra with the knitter badge In addition loy had earned the woodman leundress and tire brigade badge and Madge the child nurse and hand woman badges The girls presented hum orous skit to entertain the par ents attending and conducted guessing contest using snuplt shots of the guides and lead ers as young children Following campfire rclrcsh ments were served by the girls working for their hostasa badge SEVENTH BARRIE AWARDS Brown Owl Mrs Cole held an award presentation lor live brownies of her pack when Debbie Young and Margaret Jones received their golden bar badges Janice Sinclair her gol den ladder and Valerie Burden her golden hand Debbie Young also received skater badge and Stephanie Way had earned writer badge The Innislii District local as sociation met March 20 at the home of Mrs Hunter in Stroud The most important Item dis cussed was the urgent need for unilorms and the import ance of assisting the new packs and companies in raising funds EERESCRIPTIONS always live you prloile prompt cutlme service Ask your doctor about our phlrmlcy run time he writes prescription tor you Prescriptions pickeddlp Ind delivered tree of charge CUSDENS PHARMACY Dunlap PA 959 Collier at PA ewe Instructors and testers were chosen for prelicicncy and lint class badge work Innislil will hold their cookie day May as elsewhere in the division Innislil District LA will hold bake sale April lrom 24 pm in the lormar Youngs Grocery Store in Stroud DIVISION DINNER The annual dinner meeting at Kcmpenlclt Division will be held June 12 at River Gerd ens to begin at 630 pm Tickets will cost $2 and ev eryone is welcome to attend if they have an interest in the growth at guiding Guldcrs please remember to compile your year activity T91 port and submit to Wour com missioner immediately so that leaflets may be prepared TRAINING The music training held Mar 31 for Georgian Area was decided success and everyone reported most beneficial day Campfire songs singing gam cs or brownies and folk den cing were the training phases covered This was an all day session with lunch served at noon by the ladies ol the Evening Cir cle ol St Andrews Church LA members from through out Kempeniclt Division served coffee and donuts prior to the sessions and tea and cookies at the close Congratulations from Kemp cntelt Division to Mr and Mrs Belts on the birth ai their son Mrs Bells is Division In ternational Adviser AllANDAiE DRUGS ITD Prescriptions FREE DELIVERY Store Hours MON TUESu FRI 100 11111 to 930 pan WED mm pills pan 830 pm car nun no pan SUN 12 noon pm pln 830 PHONE PA 82823 THUR Im really up in the air about flying As far as Im CHINE concerned there is nothing like air travel for ease convenience and pure enjoyment Actually since am living in Regina and home is half continent away flying is the only way to go unless of course want to spend my four days off getting there and back boarded the TCA Vanguard flight 500 out of Regina Wednesday afternoon in the midst of rag ing gale One hand was occupied keeping my spring chapeau on my head while the other was variously occupied with purse and shoe box and keeping my coat from billowing out around me like parachute COMFORTS OF HOME Inside the aircraft is decorated in pastel shades with indirect lighting and all the comforts of home The 96seatVanguard boasted foureharming stewardesses who were both helpful in answering all questionslfrorri this curious reporter as well as inquiries from other passengers One stewardess filled in one male passenger on the shows playing in Toronto at the OKeefe Centre and the Royal Alexandra as well as the current motion pictures and would venture to say they are equally well informed on the best places to dine in most of the cities along their route ilTlllle latest editions olhthe po dulart magazines IIre ava le to passengers wou ra her read an ill ggrgegeeegflgagm look out at the earth 15 thousand feet below tired of or perhaps the style is SMOOTH FLIGHT ï¬ligidfme but to Md The trip both coming and going was similar to Materials used cover wide riding in car and hitting pot hole once in while range Straws and felt me 31 Coffee and cookies are served shortly after take off ways favorites and this year and after leaving Winnipeg bound for Toronto passeng there are allott oIl tulltrgnmed ers were served dinner ea Es we All announcements made over the public address flamdeesmsjmzflffï¬lgé zigmfl system were in both English and French giving an air velvet of the Continental to the whole flight In popularity poll the mun On the return flight again met the same four ary courseAonuldrate nigh wit stewardesses with whom had taken my first trip mcn ppmawn Landing at night is breathtaking experience Sï¬idycolï¬riiiiiedwiï¬ï¬‚aï¬iï¬r coming in over the brightly lighted cities which look later this year like millions of little fires landing on the multicolored air field while other planes land and take off in all dir ections around you The entire atmosphere during the flight is one of serene calm almost like library Fasten your seat belts no smoking WERE BLUSHING Mrs Jose of Toronto was weekend guest at the JACK OE ALL TRADES Women in offices are often called home Inf Mr and Mrs Hilliard male associates to perform many tasks Meredith Manic Avenue and Tomato sandwiches is passion with one of the nggrydï¬ ianfgiiveiggmimjnflwgg male members of our staff but as everyone knows gem mm lug tomato sandwich made early in the morning is in dan ger of running out the desk drawer by noun EUCHBE panrv The Ladlea Auxiliary lo the One enterprising wife bowing to the demands of Sergeants Me the Grey her loving husband butters applies salt pepper lot and Simcoe Foresters will hold tuce andmayonaise to the bread wraps it neatly and fucglre party at lg annuller drops it mto the Iunch bag along with tomato Come wï¬lfcxgzlfgéflght 8033535 lunch time the girls on the womens desk come to the Raymond Keilyis conven fore slice the tomato and earn theundying gratitude or um event of the tomatoylover en lorm Some straws are heav ier whenused as the main trim ming and tend to make it heavy Some or the class members who had previous experience in making their own chapeaux gained invaluable information on use at trimmings and in creased their knowledge in time saving points FOR THE BEGINNER For the novice the first step taught is the making of basic hat in simple style She learns the correct way to finish edges the technique of lining to give prolessianal look and the correct choice of trimmings buckram shape is the easi est to work on for the beginner the use at fine wire sewn to the edges allows the shape to be bent however the maker desires and remain that way Some ol the students were shown how to reiuvenate last years hat This knowledge will be used to save that favorite model from its retirement NEW LIFE Every woman has had hat children should be given every break Since when must daughter BORROW her father for wedding Hes not potted palm rented for the ing establishments in Canada in allalr you know lather who 1957had 30930 employees PRINTING EMPLOYEES The 773 printing and publish nrrves Finest 0quin First In Courteous Service 10 manual SERIEl waeoNssEaANs colv VERTIBLEI SPORT coupe GENERAL Morons nEw familysize ear MRS HELENA BOWLES is member of the OFFICE STAFF at REEVES Mrs Buwles has been with Reeves for just over two years and is in charge of detailing and filing all ring and watch repairs Mrs Buwles is also in charge of the Shop By Phone service which is becoming very popular Ail telephone orders are gift wrapped and this is just another of the many services provided by Reeves where you can always bevsure of the Finest Quality and Prompt Courteous Service REEVES iiiiiéiihiio 76 DUNLOI ST upon by their DEAN MYERS morons ltMITED I45 BRADFORD STREET PA 64885 SINCE 1890 PA 83745