Prime Minister Outraged By Soviet AntiSemitism MONTREAL CPI Prime Minister Dielenbakcr expressed alarm and outrage lednes day hint at recent mnriifesta Lions of antisemltism in the So viet Union Addressing about 1300 per sons at the annual Histadmt dinner the prime minister said religious institutions in Russia are under continued harassment and oppression hlr Dieienbakcr spoke alter Categories 0f Licenses Are Suggested HAMILTON CF three category driver licensing system that would call or special quali ï¬cations by operators of heavy trucks was suggested Wednes day to the Ontario Traitic Con Ierence Police Chief Thomas Living stone of Waterloo Township sug gested one type of licence ior drivers oi passenger cars anlt other Tor truck drivers and third for drivers of tractor trailers The convention approved the Idea in principle and relcrred it to the directorate for further consideration Outside the conference ChieI Livingstone noted all that isAre quircd of driver of the heaviest trucks is an ordinary chnuiicur licence dont know about you but when truck carrying up to 40 tons of freight approaches my car on the highway like to know the driver is qualified The convention approved resolution calling for low re quiring special stickers to be al iixed by the investigating police man on all cars damaged in ac cidents Garages would not be permitted to work on damaged ears without stickers Robert Richardson Oshawa ticld engineer Wednede was Iiccted president of the cooler ence Delegates elected Port Arthur as the site of the 1963 annual meeting Oncoming Traffic Should Stop For School Buses TORONTO CPlRay Ed wards Wentworth sug gested to the legislatures atandlt lng committee on highways Wednesday that oncoming traf fic should be required to halt when school bus is discharging children on highways with artisanhour speed limit Mr Edwards was commenting on an amendment that would re quire tralï¬c to stop behind school buses when the signal lights are flashing on highways where the speed limit is more than 35 mph Transport Minister Rowntree laid the piling up at traffic and the resulting roarend collisions would make it undesirable to halt oncoming traffic Robert Nixon tLBraot lug tested the government should establish set at rules to keep order aboard school buses He said he had heard oi cases where school boards had told bus drivers to put troublesome children off the bus and let them walk the rest at the way home or to school DeGauIle Fanfani Call For Unity TURIN italy Reuters French President de Gaidle and Italian Premier Faniani Wed nesday night urged the rein iorcement and eompiehon of European political unity communique was issued be fore de Gaulle returned by air to Paris alter talks held here under some of the most string ent security precautions ever seen in ltaly The two leaders reported themselves pleased with the progress made by the countries of the European Common Mar ket in the field of economic co operation especially With the adoption of common agricul tural policy The security measures were designed to protect the French president from an attack on his life from terrorist opponents of his Algerian policy Will Face Trial For Sex Offences TORONTO CPLAn 18year old immigrant Wednesday elected trial by jury on sex crimes that two months ago led to the arrest of Rabbi Norbert Leiner Julius Patrick Mayor of sub ban York Township was re manded to April 11 on charges at rape attempted rape rob bery assault with bodily harm and indecent assault All the alleged oilences took place in or near the Cedarvale Park area of York Township while looking for sex deviate in the area police picked up Rabbi Leln 27 of Brooklyn NY on suspicion and ended up charging him with creating disturbance and assaulting po lice receiving the 1962 flistadrut flu maaitarian Award from Ber nard Bloomfield president oi the Canadian Association for Labor Israel Histadrut is the popular name for General Federation of Labor Israel mpmrmemher organ ization engaged in economic dc veiopment educational and re habilitntion and manufacturing enterprises in is rael Among previous recipients of the award have been former VieeprcsidentAIvin Barkley of the us former president Tru man Justice William Doug las and Mrs Eleanor Roosevelt VISITS COLLEGE Mr Diefenhakers capped whirlwind ailerncon andevening visit to Montreal during which he also looked in at lrqgrossive Conservative ladies tea and visited Loyola College where he was given lively reception by 500 students who remained after classes The prime minister in his best campaign formthough he still hasnt announced the date the elcctiloook hundreds ol hands and chatted with hun dreds oi people during his brief visit lie was accompanied by Mrs Diolcnbakcr They flew back to Ottawa early today in his dinner speech the prime minister indicated he has received information that Soviet authorities are prohibiting Hus slan bakeries from making on leavened bread for the coming Jewish least oi the Passover Why should powerful na tion stoop to deprive its citizens at their religion and of the tra ditionol symbols used in relig ious ohservances he asked What justification can there be to deprive Jews of unlcavened bread matzot at the Pass over Mr Dlelenbaker said Specula tion theit corruption and brib ery are apparently so rile in parts oi the Soviet that authori ties can find no solution but the death penalty SUPPLIES covaas snares coms DOCUMENTS ALBUMS WANTED TO BUY Coins old Letters Old Maps Old Post Cards BARRIE STAMP AND COIN l7 Boytfeld SI narrle TENNESSEE WIlllAMS ONLV NOVEL PRIME RIB SWEET PICKLED WING STEAKS THE BIZARRE STORY OF MODERN ROME insmum We rumorso FEATURE TIMES THE BARRTE EXAMINER HILRSDAY APRIL ISO British Courts Order New Trial LONDON Reuters The Court oi Appea Wednesday or dered new trials or two British verdicts totalling ETIOOO $607 $00 The court found the libel judg merits wholly unreasonable The Daily Telegraph had chal Vlenged High Court awards of £2500 $70000 damages to John Lewis iormcr Labor party newspapers mum in be Court judge and another jury at member of Parliament and £75000 6210000 in Rubber im protcment Limited of which Lewis is chairman Associated Newspapers pub lisher of The Daily Mail 11 pooled awards by the High £I7000 $17600 to Lewis and £100000 meow to Rubber improvement Limited The libel actions arose from reports in the two newspapers that police were investigating the afiairs of Rubber improve ment Limited and subsidiary companies FRIDAY TOM CROWE SATURDAY ADMISSION 75c thPERIA CHARLTON HEsSTON OLOR and TECHNIRAMA DANCING ODD FELLOWS HALL COLLIER ST EVERY FRIDAY SATURDAY TOM PATTENDEN Stroud N0 SLACKS OR JEANS PERMITTED Old Tyma and Modern Dancing and his Quintet REFRESHMENT BOOTH NOW YOU MAY THINK ALL MAKES OF WASHERS ARE ALIKE BUT LOOKATAI You in mum Flilfilllllllit You getunprecedentedreliabili ONLY FTIIGIDAIRE WASHERS tythflnksto the15Year Life OFFER CHOICE time Tat in which Frigidaire OF ALL THESE FEATURES LS Washers are run day and night ombfjlgpï¬gwflyc 1°12 aw $511 to equal 15 years of home use clothesmndtho onlywnytownah minutely Every engineering develgpment Somcmnult washing actiondun clothes is watched for wealmess that EEï¬Ã©siiiiï¬v Kimleahifizhig might leadtobreakdown during the test and corrected when BIG COUNTRY at 700 THUNDER ROAD at 950 Yes weve been in business for one full decade now Since our beginning in 1952 we have al ways endeavoured to offer our customers the ulti mate in service and ward to serving youl quality Were looking or ARE FEW OF THIS WEEK SPECIAL ROAST Short Cut BACON ROLLS SHORT RIB ROAST RINDLESS SIDE BACON RUMP ROAST If MEATY PORK RIBS Lean onesoo coconou ALL OUR MEATS 0N DISPLAY Weve got no secrets weve nothing go to hide We believe our customers should know what they are buying and see what theyre getting Our meat is on display and open for inspection anytime Talk about convenience Well deliver your whole weeks supply of meat ght to your home We give 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