WIIILE one of the is local Special Militia Training Course men goes through his paces in the armoury yester day Heber Smith QC ALR 1lt flanked by Captain How ard left and Captain ii Hodges look on 50110 The rescue men show how an injured person is bound securely to stretcher and removed from wrecked basement through hole either chopped in floor or through the existing opening left after stairway has col lapsed Rescue Specialists Shovv Skills At Barrie Armoury Eightyeight rescue specialists displayed their skill yesterday mat the Barrie Armoury while iieber Smith MP North and group of wives and sweethearts watched atten tively Members of the third national survival course some of the Simcoe men who will enter disaster areas and bring out the trapped and wounded in the event of war or holocaust were showing their audience what they had learned in the past six weeks The men will take written ex aminntions today and receive their ofï¬cial certificates Friday TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flynn 93 Dunlap St Barrie mums Asbestos Abitihi Aigomn Steel Aluminium Alberta Gu Alta Nat Gas nti steel Iik nr Mont Bank of NS Bell Tel nnzuian nA Oil 30 Power Cdn Bk of Com Odn Brewer can Cement Can Chemical no on cairny Power Con Mtnsm can Paper gonsumeis nu Home Home on find any Oil Lshltt Lnkoisnn Norsndn Dis Ses Dom toun Dom store Dom Tax Lake Cm Pow Huin isnns Pit imp Tobacco rm In Accept Inland NG lulu Nickle nerprov Jockey Club also Pow iiimy Fore Norl Ont Mean Carp Mcln Poiu Oshawa Eloise Pat Pein Pipe eu Hersey Qua Not an lion Rothmlnl Royal Bank Salads Shirrlff Simpson Shawtnigsn Stool or Csn TorJJnm Bk Trans Can Trans Mt Trad Fin Texaco Union Gas Walk GhW Min Riv hmfl 05$ 195 590 720 127 11 170 56 Devonian amp Chih en mi nio Upper Hand nn Hail enlsnn Mines Sullivan sioonbridgs Bolling LamQue Londo Normetal Northllto nowqucs an TORONTO dawn 60 Golds down 00 assumes vansci Gnnad on companies Geco hiinel Gunnlr at KerrAddison Maritime as Mnmy Min 33 Mo ziti 855 also LIZ 75 Las 275 620 Chemist Quemont RID Allbin Sher Gordon Steep Rock United on Ventures Wiiroy Wiiuey rtvn MOST ACTIVE srocns NorthgoldCres¢ Northgnte Raglan Wayne Wiltuy roan AVERAGES Industrial up 49 Rolls down 30 Utilities up in EXCHANGE INDEX Metals down 700 Oils down r06 DIVIDEND DECLARATIONS common 10c payable May ex dividend Apr 11 EXHIBITION or WORK The fourth and last course commences Monday and the becnuse of transfers to other nrmouries by some and drop outs by others who got jobs elsewhere The ambitinus aim to train 100000 Canadian men how to perform such seemingly imposs ible tasks as removing man with broken back from coil apsed building out third sto rey window over mounds of rubble several miles to medi cal aid WINKll killing him The course is proving vastly successful despite comparatively low pay regimentation spit and polish and uniformpressing and its short duration Why Probably because of appeal of leamlng something useful which will benefit fellow Canadians while another is the realization that war could be right around the corner Another reason for the success of the courses was mentioned yesterday by Mr Smith As long as we choose to live in subarctic climate we will al ways have winter unemploy ment The militia training course coming in the winter has provided employment for those men who would otherwise have been without Barrie quote is ioo men Only do finished the last course here mixture of reasons One is the THE EXAMINER THURSDAY arm 106 Tourist Bonanza Not Exploited The government has failed to exploit the annual tourist bon anla Arthur Evans MP for Simcoe Centre told the Ontario legislature yesterday Mr Evans said Canada has poor record of attracting vis itors from the United States There are 35000000 people within days drive from On tsrio They present challenge to the government to do some thing about it The MP said that in 1060 Americans spent 3365000000 in Canada while Canadians spent £000000 in the States In recent speech In Barrie to tho Georgian Bay Develop ment Association Mr Evans said tourist operators in the operation at tho service level and needed stronger local pro motion organizations We have hare scratched the tourist potcn al in this area commented Willard lie chairman for was three of the GBDA Faced By Mail Amusing incidents encountered in the mail order business were related by Garnet Pratt at meeting of Barrie Ys men Some orders contain all sorts of Information even family news but lack the essential details he said As one cus tomer put it realize you have nt mudi idea of what want but neither have Some of the difficulties en countered involve orders enclos ing money but no address re quests to change mailing address without information as to the old address and mailing labels getting mixed he said In dealing with difficulties customers have with language Mr Pratt recalled the request WEATHER Forecasts issued by the Tor onto weather office at am Synopsis air and mild weather is forecast for most of Ontario today and Friday Lake St Clai Lake Erie re ns Windso Variable cloudi ne and mild today Chance of fe brief showers this after rrexeaigg Sunny in ritoMnï¬finoitl with ioudy intervals cont nulng mild today and Friday winds Ighi Reptile Gallery In Gala Opening TORONTO CF Lifelike reptiles leered from their glass display cases at minkclad gathering We sd ay night when the Carling Gallery of Reptiles was officially opened at the Royal Ontario Museum Culminatfng five years of painstaking research and metic ulous attention to detail and au thenticity the 150 specimens represent every major kind of reptile Participating at the opening ceremonies were Mrs Del ton wife of the president of Carl ing Breweries Limited Spanner lands and forests min ister and Dr Swiaton head of the museums lifonnd science division Original live material for the displays came to the museum Irom many parts of the world including Mexico British Gui ana Malaya and the United States The nervous visitor to the gel lery should be warned of work ing model of rattlesnake which rattles into action when the beam from an electronic eye is broken by the viewer area needed to improve their Trenton NOW Operated by CAIN STROUD FEED MILL OPEN MILLING COMPANY Custom Grinding and Mill ing at the mill However do not think it Is entirely up to the government to promote tourism Mr Kin nie said The greatest amount of effort should he put forth by the tourist operators it is up to us when the tourist gets here to provide him with the steam modation eati facilities and range of sctivi as which hl is looking for Above Ill must make him feel weloorn agree most heartin that the whole tourist industry needs attention from the government standpoint Mayor Lu Cooks of Barrie said The provincial government should recognise tourism pl In industry it is also necessary to place challenge before the tourist industry itseli Ameri can tourists have come to this are and have been disaypointld in the eating places wh eh they have found We have lot of good restaurants In this area but the tourist often looks for more and better eating Pisces than he finds in the srsa Recalls Amusing Incidents Order Firms from prisoner for guilt buckles and the confusion caused for recent European arrival by the words friends and frames New officers were slap stalled at the meeting Ken Colliers was inducted the president of the club by past president Ernie Runham other ofiicers are first vice president Bill Evans second vicepresident Dali Nesbitt secretary Mike Miller tress urer Neil Taylor and directors Gord Watt John Nutbeom Glen Widdifield and George Henderson ien Barrio Ys Men will at tend the District Convention at Owen Sound this weekend FORECAST Georgian Bay Timagmni Ai gomn regions North Bay Sud bury Sault Ste Marie Cloudy this morning becoming sunny this afternoon Mainly sunny and continuing mild Friday Winds southwest to White River Cochrans re gions Sunny and mild tod Partly cloudy and continuing mild Fridsy Winds southwest 15 25 Westan who ark Mostly cloudy nndymll todayMINDS night with ratio ers developingl High around cooler in counr ties close to Lakes Erie and 0H tario Low toni £3540 Windy and warmer Fr day with show ers in Forecnst temperatures Low tonight High Friday Windsor 35 St Thomas London Kitchener Wingham Hamilton St Cathnnnes Toronto Feterborough Ktilnlne Muskoka White River Moosonee 3$$SS$SS$S when you buy GINGER All RECUED BY llhEN Mrs William Daniel 71 left and Katie Sprackett 78 tell their story after rescue OBITUlIliY MRS SCHELL Mrs Elizabeth Scheli died at Stayner Born at Mulmur Town ship in 1881 she was the daugh tor of Mr and Mrs William Batesr She resided in Sunnidale Township and marriedNorman SdIell in October 1036 He pre deceased her in November 1951 Surviving are her four bro thers Oscar of Thornton lifel vilia of Sunnldale Corners and Fflnest and Wesley of New Low Rev Jack Lindsay conducted the funeral service at Ma thers Funeral Parlor Burial was in Stayaer Cemetery Pallbearers were Dclmer Bates Ivan Bates Robert Bates William hates James Bates and Vernon Bates Relatives and friends attend ing the funeral came from Sar nia Wafford Camlackie Toron to Shelburne Alliston Midland Mansfield Orillia Hanover and iiinrrie DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Los Angeles Kyle Palmer 70 who spent much of his 45 year newspaper career as poli tical editor of the Los Angeles Times of iukemia San Francisco Pat ODea 90 former Notre Dame foot ball coach snd member of the Football Hall of Fame SEALERS SAFE ST JOHNS Nfid CPUAil seal hunters stranded off the northwest coast of Newfound land were safe ashore Monday by firemen from the second storey of private nursing home at Toronto early today Proposes Three women died in the blaze which caused 530000 damage to the east end horns CP Wirephoto Higher udges Salaries OTTAWA CF Progres stva Conservative senator who said he had to sell insurance to keep from starving when he was magistrate urged Wed nesday that salaries of judges be increased Senator Malcolm Hollett from Newfoundland joined Lib erol senators in urging in creases in salaries of county district and Supreme Court judges He told the Senate ho was magistrate for 25 years and know what it is to starve as magistrate Senators also urged an in crease in the indemnities paid members of the Senate and the Commons as they gave second readingapproval in principle to bill providing for nine additional judges in Ontario The bill already approved by the Commons adds two judges to the Ontario Supreme Court bringing the total to 22 and al lows for the appointment of seven additional county and dis trict court judges bringing that total to 7B The federal government pays salaries of $16900 for Supreme Court judges and $10500 for the district and county judges The bill also provides for the naming of chief judge of the county and district courts who will receive an additional $5000 annually Senatot Salter Hayden Ontariot said judges salaries which have not been increased since 1955 are totally inade quote in relation to the times we are entirely out of focus when we talk in terms of $16900 Senator Arthur Roebuck Ontnrto who described him self as the senior member of the bar of 0ntariol said the work an responsibility ot judges has increased in the an tomobiio age but their salaries remain in the horse and buggy era He said senators and MP5 are also very inadequately paid He quoted from newspaper or ticle that members at the United States House of Repre sentatives receive 522000 year and we get $10000 He quoted letter written by an unidentified judge to Justice Minister Fulton turning down an invitation to attend function at Kingston because he couldnt afford to go Reason Given For Applicant Turn Down OTTAWA CF immigrants who take part in the activities of suspected subversive organiza tions can be denied certificates of Canadian citizenship Citizen ship Minister Fairciough said Wednesday Since 1947 when the Citizen ship Act took effect 3317 applilt oants have been turned down for various reasons on the hosts of information available she said in written Commons reply to Herridge CCFNew Dem ocratic Forty House lender Some were refused more than once ARRIES AB ENTRE I962 THISTiE Bill CAR Here is an astoundineg new carriage youll be proud to own road to be seen with Its fea ture packed an loaded with all the latest con veniences for mother and baby Come in and see them todayi Just Arrived And Ready For Warm Weather Strolling RIAGES Friday April I962 730I030 pm DAY CLASSES AND NIGHT CLASSES 0n the farm grindingvrnnd milling with our mobile ieod mill 12 oz Bottles 72 OUNCES 41¢ more flavor moro sparkle MORE soanunMONIiv won These 1962 Thistle strollers are loaded with extra features and con veniences for both mother and child For example our single sea ter with the Hitchhiker conven iencewhen shopping bag is re moved second child can ride on the rubber padded footresti Many other exciting new features HOME APPLIANCE SHOP OF BRRIE LTD complete line of prepared feeds concentrates and other farm needs Displays Auditorium Programme DEPOSIT Gymnasium Demonstrations 795 Barrie District Central Collegiate gAdrnissionIOs Tickets from Students PICKth and DELIVERY PHONE smouo Collect PA 8557 24 Dunlop St encrosszasannsnrassumenanneesanxnnaann