The 15000ton Empress of Britain steam dawn the St EMPRESS SETS ARRIVAL RECORD Lawrence River few miles out of Montreal The arrival €lFood Lead Deal Sparks Protests WASHINGTON CP The United States government is op erating on extensive $19000000 lendforlood swap with Cana dion and Australian firms that has sparked protests among mldwestern mining centres and raised hasty accusations that Were quickly withdrawn Unde the deal signed last year and now in the status of being performed the US ag riculture department has agreed to accept 55000 tons of lead from the Consolldatcd hilning and Smelling Company In British Co lumbla and 50000 tons from an Australian firm for stockpiling purposes in cxchangc these firms were to get control over the export of Scertain US surplus agricultural products including wheat wheat flour feedgrain and tobacco to ba shipped to other nonComma nlst countries in exchange for cash or other products to he shipped and sold in Canada and Australia while US mining interests complained that the American metals sto pile is already bloated the agriculture deport mcnt argued that taking the lead surpluses from Canada and Aus ltrnlio would ease pressure on tithe world lead marketand be sides it costs less to store load than it does surplus food which could deteriorate CITES STORAGE COSTS One agriculture official esti mated that including deprecia tion and other costs storage of the surplus foodstuffs amounted to some $5 ton year while the lead would cost only 12 cents tan annually The agriculture dpartment made clear that none of the bartercd American agricultural products would go to Canada or Australia Shipments would move direct from the US through American agents to the nonCommunlst consuming coun tries in exchange the importers could provide the lead exporting firms with the cash equivalent of the agricultural products or other goods which could be sold in Canada and Australia and the proceeds turned over to the lead exporters OFFER 55000 TONS For the 55000 tons of lead the Canadian firm was to get the proceeds from American sur plus agricultural products val ued at 59085000 The US Is providing $9020880 Worth of these products to the Australian exporter in cxchnnge for 50000 tons of lead An example of the deals made is 51600000 worth of wheat wheat flour and feedgrain shipped to Peru under the Cona dian barter deal Another is 5665000 worth of US tobacco shipped Portugal Other countries which have agreed to accept the surplud commodities Japan italy 1reland Costa Rica and lsrael Still to be completed are deals with some countries in the Latin American area Amid the confusion consterna tlon and worry caused particu larly in mldwestern mining com munities the agriculture depart ment appears to have reached one definite conclusion once this experiment is completed there wont be any more land torfood swaps Senate Told us Is Obligated To Purchase Unwanted Nickel WASHINGTON AP Senate stockpile investigators were told Tuesday the United States gov ernment is obligated to buy nearly $20000000 worth of un needed nickel at premium prices from Canadian com PaHY Under 1953 contract with Falconbridge Nickel Mines Lim ited of Canada 16200000 pounds of nickel at 41 cents pound above the market level remain to be delivered General Serv ice Administration official testi ie Louis Brooks deputy assistant comptroller of the GSAs credit and finance division said he ex pects the full amount will be de liIndians Peel ï¬Reports 1er Exaggerated OTTAWA CWResidents of Rho Prophet River indian reser yatlon in northeastern British Columhia are concerned about recent publicity attending sick near there and feel reports have been exaggerated Health Minis ter Monteith said Monday in the Commons The ministersald examination of the situation will continue but that his latest information came Monday in telegram based on information from the head of Jthe Peace River health unit vwho visited the reservation Sat gurday Dr Ray Marcli was treated Jnembers of thehaud of 59 In dlane said Sunday they suffered Ifrom hepatitis and were emacig nted from hunger He called their plight an indictment of our civilization Monday Mr Monteith told lW Pickersgiil LBonavlsta vaiilingate there was no evi dence of starvation found and that three Indiana had been dis charged from hospital after an lattackof infectious hepatitis There also were numhcrof jinifliuema cases Mr Montolth 1a livered before the contract ex pires in June 1904 Brooks presented chart showing that the government would have to pay $340500000 rials under contracts now in force even though the stockpile objectives for these materials all ready have been reached He said the government estimates that actual deliveries will be less and the probable cost will be $104900000 He said these contracts were entered to encourage the expan sioh of production at time when the materials were in short supply Besides nickel materials cov ered by the contracts are aluminum beryl cobalt cop per manganese metallurgical grade and mica WANTS PROTECT ATHETSTS UNITED NATIONS AP The Soviet Union Tuesday da manded that United Nations document calling for guaran tee of religious rights should also protect atheists The de mand came in the UN Commis sion on Human Rights it will be debated later GIANT REMODELLING sALE CONTINUES SAVE UP TO 50 5er WRINelNe spouse is 79° ALLANDALE HARDWARE ESSA ROAD for nickel and six other mate of the mpassenger liner shared week from the prev ious April in record for the ar rival of passenger liner in Montreal day She arrived hlcs 7Spligï¬1 Active Wear for ACtIVQBUYS lw Boys Knitted POLO SHIRTS Short sleeves to self or plain knit fashioned collar styles Sizes 48x Each 99° Sanforired BOYS DRILL JEANS Stripes checks or solid colors Values to 198 Reinforced for longer wear fully cut keeps sizes washing after wash ing Grey Loden Antelope Double knees to size 12 an Sizes 812 Full Boxer Waist Waist DB 294 sizes 816 amtBoxer Regular Waist pr 294 SOYS HALF BOXER STYLE UNLINED coaouaor rams With self belt Washable cuff bottoms olive charcaalhbrown and navy Sizes 812 STORE HOURS Mon Tues Thur Bat 915 mm 500pm Wed 915 as 12 noon Fri 015 nan pm Hong Kong Agrees To Restrict Export Wearables To Canada OTTAWA CP Hang KM has complied with Canadian government reopen to restrict the export of cotton slacks and shorts to this country to prevent disruption of th Canadian lam bet Finance Mlnlstcr Planing said Tuesday Mr Fleming gave details in the humans of the voluntary quotas imposed by the British um salon following discus sions here last week between Canadian gawrnmuat officials Ind Angus director of Bong Kongs commerce and In dustry departman Mr Fleming said then was noticeable increase in Hong Kongs exports of cotton slacks Law Enforcement Not ll Game Between Police find Offenders HAMILTON CPI Law forcement should not be game between the police and tho traf fic offender magistrate told the Ontario Safety Confucian hero Thready John Robinson of Hamilton said he does not was with ralt dar traps speed trap or any other method which makes in enforcement game but rug lested that more unmarked cruisers should be used to air force speed limits Mr Robinson noted that lines for the most common traffic vio lotions range between $10 and Boyc Short Sleeve BANlONSHIRTS Completely washable with ll hutton front fashioned collar cuff sleeve Assorted colors Siz es SMvL Each 399 Washable Cotton BOYS PANTS Plain colors in fancy pattern Ful ly sized guaranteed washable regu lar waist cuff bottoms Sizes 816 259 $500 aovs POlOSHIRTS Interlock knit two button front two tone or solid with embroid ered motif on the chest large so lection of colours Sizes 814 $500 and suggested that if the gap between the two figures was narrowed it would result in penaluex great deal more uniform than they are now Sgt William Watson of St Catharine told the conference it swirl be easier for police to catch hltandrun offenders if 11 conca plates were issued to Bis instead of cars Some ve cles change hands as often as Iix times year he said Earl registrar of motor vehicles for the Ontario trans port department said the de garment would consider the en THE BAR munm WEDNESDAY APRIL and shorts early this year giving every indication that exports would rise rapidly and cause lather disruption in the Casa dian market The new arrangement pro rides for itong Kong to ship no more than 55000 dorca cotton slacks and shorts in the period ending Oct This figure in cludes mens 70000 dozen womens 55000 dozen and chil drens 130000 doren The agreement was made unlt dcr one year international shorteterm arrlngemcnt on trade in Cotton textiles negotiated in Geneva last July and which took diaci last Oct new longterm arrangement designed to expand the export opportunities of lcssdevelopcd countries while preventing dis ruptlon the domestic markets of importing countries Ls ex pected to come into force next October 10 RETIRE N505 TORONTO CPIThe last of the RCAFs Cnnso amphibious aircraft will be retired at 230 pm Sunday at the Downsvlaw RCAP station iust north of here More than 100 wartime members of 162 Squadron which flaw Cansos on antlsublt marina patrols are expected at the ceremony Black Watch Tartan SPORT OOATS 429 Boys lino quoléty wool blend made with button front notch colloi two lower patch pockets bc and expertly tailored Sizes 46x All Wool Seeks To Create Permanent Post For Speakership UTTAWA lCPA coastlin tional amendment should be passed creating special eon stitucncy in the House of Com mons for its Speaker sad re moving him from the necessity of seeking reelection in poll ticai contest government backbencher said Tuesday Frank McGee PC York Scarborough proposed roson tlon asking the governmentto consider the amendment to the British North America Act it passed he said it would pro vide the vehicle for creating permanent speakershlp by agreement among the political parties Mr McGees proposal is that once Speaker is elected by ths ilousc he becomes an extra MP holding seat in the Com mons for nominal constituencyv comprislrlg Parliament llill OCEAN DOT Jarvis island covering only one square mile in the Central Pacific is on the air route from Hawaii to New Zealand SPORT OOATS 988 Dress your boy smartly for East er in this Italian imported all wool tweed and wool Black Watch Tartan Expertly tailored and half lined 3buttoned front notched oollorSizes 816 Reg ulorly 1198 Long Sleeve often SPORT SHIRT for EACH Completely washable 129 in bright spring patterns and colors Permanent collar stays Sizes 8l6 Usually 149 each Boys Commando lath DRESS PANTS Guaranteed to wear times longer Grease from regular semi boxer or full boxer waist styles Zipper front cuff bot toms Grey charcoal laden Sizes 312 SemiBoxer Wlst sizes 40 Full Boxer Waist Sim Regular Waist 50 DUNLOP ST PA 6022I