KITCHEN GOSSIP By EILEEN DIXON TWIST SET if your house isconstantly invaded by the twist sci then you Mom are all too aware of appetites this dance creates Whats more when those twisters want food poor Mother has to be prepared or else Heres few new twists for qbuiclt and easy foods for the gang They call them Milk iates because all of them go along so nicely with tall cold glasses of milk The first recipe is for doughnuts with an easy twist Called Cinnamon Doughnut Balls they begin with packagedbiscuit mix and from there on the re cipes cinch Its very likely that youll have most of the ingredients for this recipe right on the kitchen shelf or in the refrigerator and you could have the doughnuts ready for the gang almost before the first twist record is finished CINNAMON DOUGHNUT BALLS Makes Dozen Doughnuts salad oil or shortening cups packaged biscuit mix V4 cup sugar 14 teaspoon nutmeg to cup flaked or shredded coconut ess cup milk 1A cup sugar teaspoons cinnamon In deep heavy saucepan heat salad oil or short ening to depth of 1inch to 37511 Meanwhile mea sure biscuit mix into bowl add and mix in the 14 cup sugar nutmeg and coconut Make awell in dry in gredients and add egg and milk beat with wooden spoon until batter is smooth Drop dough by teaspoons or at time into heated fat As soon as bottoms are golden turn over with slotted lifter Fry until dough nuts are golden about minute Carefully liftout of fat drain thoroughly on absorbent paper Combine the 11 cup sugar and cinnamon in paper bag While doughnuts are still warm place or at time in the papkel bag and shake to coat with sugar Cool on cake rac EASY TO PREPARE Pizza is always favorite with the teenagers and Penny Pizza has nice new twist because of in place of the usual pepperoni or anchovies it features sliced wleners Once again packaged mix adds to the ease of preparation and with milk makes light tender pizza crust Canadian processed cheese oregano tomato paste onion and green pepper all contribute to this wonderful Canadianstyle pizza PENNY PIZZA Makes Servings cups packaged biscuit mix 33 cup milk toot 12 pound wieners cut in thin slices tables oons finelychopped onion 14 cup inalychoppedgreen pepper teaspoon oregano slices Canadian processed cheese 6ounce can tomato paste Va cup water grated Parmesan cheese Preheat oven to 4251 Measure biscuit mix into bowl stir in milk Mix lightly with fork until just combined Turn dough out onto floured board or canvas and knead lightly 10 times Roll out dough to 13inch circle Carefully transfer round to large cookie sheet Roll dough all around the outside to form an edge Sprea sliced wieners on top of dough sprinkle with onion green pepper and oregano Arrange cheese slic es over this Combine tomato paste and water Spread this over all then sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese Bake in preheated oven 20 to 25 minutes Serve hot ARMY GIRLS tory Two captains of the Wom Her clothes are illfitted In no big for that type of shoe and GAMBERLEY England CF The army staff college here is taking women students for the first Lima in its looyear his we Theyre all wearing Springs short flaring skirts are made for Phantoms the luxurious nylons that highlight your legs as the most enchanting scenery of the season Knitted to smoothskin perfection they smooth on like sheerfllm of flattery conform at the top for ease of movement Nylons as lovely as Phantoms have no ignr to wear as long as they do But they do And thats the host surprisa of all Treat your legs to the fresh beauty of Phantomsand be fashionably covered for Spring Seamless or fully fashionedmash or plainlatest Spring shades ens Royal Army Corps will be the first to enrol taking the same course as the men ex cept the outdoor military the tics Venture Club Instal Members At business meeting of the Barrie Venture Club held Ncs day evening at the Holiday Bowl Misses Linda bailey Mary chermott Lynn Wells and Barbara Goodwin were ins stalled as members by Presld ent Margaret Goodfeliow call to conference for the Eastern Canada Region of Van ture Ciubs annual conferencs which is to be held at the Sea way lfotel in Toronto April 27 to 29 was extended num ber of Barrie members will be attending HeartWarming letters Chol Myong Soak the lZycar old Korean orphan supported by the Eastern Canada Region through the Foster Parents Fish were read Myong Sook expressed gratitude and hoppi ness at receiving grants of money and gifts She also ex plained school subjects studied and school conditions motion was passed donat lng funds to the American Coun cil of Venture Clubs to assist in the sponsorship of an ex change sludcnt from foreign country The Exchange Stud ent Program is under the has plces of the American Field Ser vice The club is continuing its pressnt project of covering and selling colored dripvdry hang crs which may be obtained by contacting any member Soroptlmlst advisors attend ing the meeting were Misses Flora McGrcgor and Vllda Cul from bert 0M BAND MOTHERS WORK BEHIND THE SCENES Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes before rummage sale Well theres plenty of hard work for the organiza tion sponsoring the sale Mom bers of the Barrie Bond Mo thers Association have been gymsz THE BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY AJRIL 1962 Designer Says Jackies Clothes Are IllFitted And Too Short PHILADELPHIA APiThrea fashion designers who met Tuss day to discuss what makes best dressed woman decided that Jacqueline Kennethv doesnt have it The presidents wife who has twice led the worlds best dressed lists could learn lot about being elegant from her sister Princess bee Eadziwlll designer John Moore told women attending the third an nual Fashion Forum The forum was sponsored by the Philadel phia Museum College of Art Moore said Princess Radzi will ls always immaculate She frequents French dress houses and bet clothes are welllined They hang beautifully Her hair is flatterineg styled for her face and her shoes suit her legs About Mrs Kennedy he said photographs have seen they are pulled and twisted which would not happen if they fitted her figure properly Her skirts are much too short her feet are she has big face for too much hair Clare Potter veteran fash lou designer added agree Kenneth Lane shoe designer for Christian Dior said Mrs Kennedy dressed well But he believed she should forget some of her own style preferences such as short skirts and bow SOLD IN STORES EVERYWHERE Iuoouor or rmurou mnusrnrzo LinMmumnunsns or ousurv ollzm MRIPm rmurnoou flown to public preferences while she Is the presidents wife Princess Margaret is much better dressed for her position he said Mothers Meet To Talk Peace GENEVAIReuters The chief Soviet negotiators at the Motion disarmament confer ence Valerian Zorln and Sem yon Tsaropkinn talked Tuesday night with British and American mothers at reception given by the wife of Canadianborn Cleve land industriullst Cyrus Eaton But their American and Bril ish counterparts Arthur Dean and Godbcr did not attend The mothers the American Strike for Peace group and the British Mothers Against War arrived here Monday to bring some feminine antianus pres sure to bear on conference dele gates Since then they have been joined by number of mothers from Norway Sweden East and West Germany Caschoslovakia Bulgaria and Russia The Americans will travel to London Friday where they hope to meet Bertrand Russell and Canon Michael Collins two lead ing figures in the British ban the bomb campaign preparing for their Saturday morning sale all week Yes Show Hydro Film lit Craighurst WI The March meeting of Craig hurst Womens Institute was held at the home of Mrs Bert Custon The convencrs of Agriculture and Canadian Industries Mrs Ellsmcre and Mrs Pedlingham arranged the program Speaker for the evening was Mr srlgley from tho Ontario Hydro He showed two lnterestlt lng films of the St Lawrence Seaway and how electricity is supplied to our homes question and answer followed Mrs Pcdllnghnm thanked the speaker on behalf of the mem bers Roll call was answered with the name of an Irish town and what it is noted for Mrs thou htful comment on the mot to Is present progress too rapid buveners are asked to have reports ready for the annual meeting in April The April meeting will be at the home of Mrs Ilattou Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 5424 period Beck gave Very terdny afternoon group of members met at the home of Mrs lack Dyck on High St for an ironing bee Shown above from the left are Mrs Lorne Orser Mrs Em bcrsou Mrs Noel Ste henson convener Mrs Juc Dyck and Mrs Frnlolgh Crowe president of the Band Moth ers Association The nim mage sale is the first prolcct the association will be on sorlng to raise funds to sip finance Barrie Ccutrnl Colleg iate Bands trip to Seattle Washington where they will perform at the Worlds Fair They hope to raise $1000 The sale will be held at the Odd Fellows Hall Collier Street and will commence at am All Work Guaramnd PA 01059 MONARCH REFRIGERATION PEOPLE AND PLACES Phons Eileen Dunn or Audrey Counco PA 66531 Notes are intended to cover the general social lbs of the city and district Weddings anniversaries birthdyl bridge parties and canals of Age putter visitors and trap sellers are all Item of inter ut to tho women readers of this page Your help In lup lbil new will be new appreciated WELLITA FOR TOMORROW Rely on your own efforts to gct tiring done now Dont do pend on promises of coopera tion from others no matter how sincere they may seemespo clnlly in the urn Dont make drastic changes in projects now running smoothly and do avoid launching new programs In other words stick to the famil iarand conscientiouslyl son run nmrnosv If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that you are now at pivotal point where realization of your for mediate goals is concerned espccinlly if you are engaged in work requiring originality of thought under executive abil ity Stellar aspects promise definite upgrading of your lab and financial status during the next twele months Romance travel and social activities will be under gener ous influences between late May and early September and mid 1962 holds prcmlSc of unusually fine business expansion Make cordlnllty and cooperntlveness your hywords in fire mouths to come since the good will of others will contribute materially lo your success GIANT REMODELLING SALE CONTINUES SAVE UP TO 50 SPECIAL PLASTIC LAUNDRY BASKET Rog 219 ALLANDALE HARDWARE ESSA ROAD hantom nylons only 29 P31 at am qu rmmo Stylus If MD an or EIMBRIJDK moss THAN too COMBINATIONS or HOME DESIGNS AND noon PLANS ro cuooscnzom RANCH Homes BUNGA tows mosrossvs spurism washroom AND SUMMERcorrAGEsi 48 Ann 51 Mr and Mrs Jose of Toronto and hllss Rae Dickey oi Regina Saskatchewan were guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Hilliard Meredith Maple Avenue Guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Dick Steels Coiling wood Street were Mrs Steeles brother and sisterlnlaw Mr and Mrs Edmund liiscoclr of St Johns Newfoundland Fol lowing their stay in the city Mr and Mrs illscock left from Melton by ICA for holiday in The Barbados BRIDEELECT HONORED Mrs Blake Underhlll and her sister Miss Kathleen Wlddlfleld Toronto Street entertained at nmiscellnnooua shower Friday evening in honor of MIL Anna Grant of Woodstock New Bruno wick brideclect of April 23 Presiding ut the cofieo tabls were Mrs Oliver Cameron and Mrs Alfred Shepherd Tho hostesses were assisted by Mrs Undcrhllis daughter Mrs Ray Grrsn Ottawa and daughter ioiaw Mrs Bryan Underhlll Miss Grant will wed William Empke of Ottawa son of Mr and Mrs Empire Toronto Street Mrs Ralph Green Toronto Street is the guest of her aunt Mrs II Taplln Brocebridge MAY BUSY HARBOR Some 138000 people live on junks and sampons in Hang Kongs crowded bnrbor exclusive freshbrewed flavour YOU CAN ASSEMBLE THIS PRECONSTRUCTED HOME ON YOUR OWN LOT mm in with liflkormdownpaammt if youre handy with hammer you can build your own home quickly and simply BAurtANINo nut BAll PIANING MILL SHOWS YOU HOW Yourfotpzolaabiy silosmostoftlsodown tons anions new home an yourself and quickly uncanmovafuwithncdogpaywmm lowmonadypayments We provide all the services and mileglob guidance tojsuish your home com Ietcly We prevhuild with prod machinery in our own mill comp be wall aechons gables tors trusses and we precut jolsts and beams ready for you to assemble and have your home under motif day ready for subtrades and ï¬nlahfn HIEBUILT WALL SECTIONS noncommunica SECTION ASSEMBIY Wall nations are joined then root all with out disthe SOb PIEBUILT TRUSES Also gables hardcor nices probuilt lot couriers HANS Home StillDING serum nuancmc narrows coming NAME ADDRESS cm understand there an no obligations uuumuu rAI 82496