Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Apr 1962, p. 4

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Terrie Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited is Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher WEDNESDAY APRIL ma Brian Sleight General Manager Pu Britain And France solve Power What with the Algerian situation and the resulting turmoil in both France and North Africa France has trouble in pleu ty Nor is the United Kingdom free from trouble with the Commonwealth frown ing on the European Common Market and telling Harold Macmillan in effect to go jump intthe channel But as between France and Britain there is peace As Father Divine used to say Peace aint it wonderful An ekample is the AngloFrench pow er situation For some ears England and France have expe enced power shortages though at different seasons of the year In winter Britains power stations fed by coal were pushed beyond peak pro duction The demands were greater than the stations could handle In summer the situation for some strange reason was reversed Britain had power to burn if the pun can be forgiven while France was desperately short Build more power stations in France to handle thesummer load and more in Britain to handle the winter peak Such would appear the obvious solution But Britain and France having been around considerable number of years hit on an even simpler and more econ omic solution Problem Government representatives from both countries got together and suggested why not string twin cables across the Channel and trade power When in the summer Britain has an excess ship it over to France And when in winter the French have more power than they need shoot the excess back to Britain In late November the Queen pulled the appropriate lever and the first ex changahbegan from France to England It is pleasant to contemplate two gov ernmen speaking different languages and separated by 22 miles of salt water able to find an amicable solution to common problem even if they find their individua problems baffling It should be added that these old slow okes across the Atlantic issued the fol owing statement on the day the first flow of power began So far it is not known how large quantity of electricity can be economic ally transferred between the two coun tries but calculations suggest that cable five times the size of the present pair might become necessary decision on when and by how much the link should be enlar ed will be made in the light of opera ng experience In other words those wily old French men and Englishmen faced problem set about solving it immediately and theyll work out any difficulties as they come along Impeding Flow Of News There is one struggle going on in Vietnam that Americans are losing It is that between newspaper correspon dents who are trying to find out whats going on and the Vietnamese govern ment which lets them know very little There are side skirmishes with Amer ican military authorities who arent help ful when it comes to handing out news either the Milwaukee Journal says Malcolm Browne Associated Press reporter quotes fellow correspondent as saying that the Vietnamese govern ment is against us they figure were all spies or Communist propagandists The United States side wont tell us much be yond the broad outlines of policy and we cant even be sure of that After prying for weeks to get story from an un official source we may end up being blocked by censors Reporters are trying desperately to get the story on Vietnam because they feel that it might become the arena for larger war The Vietnamese governments lack of looperation with the press stems in part from resentment of President Diem of press criticism Diems sisterinlaw and first lady Mrs Ngo Dinh Uhu bit terly assalls stories about Diems failure to undertake basic reforms and to instill loyalty in his people even though they are true She argues that western corres ondents all act as if you were just spec ators here Dont you realize you are with us and we nee your support Correspondents find it difficult to get to where the ting war is being fought They arent bar ed from travel but dan er from the guerrillas poor roads the an uage barrier and the lack of clearly def ed battle lines make meaningful tra vel difficult And if they write anything the government thinks is too critical they face censorship and even orders to leave the country The full story of what is goin on in Vietnam is not being told either are or In this country the Journal says And eonsiderin the money and effort being put into etnam by the 05 the Amer icans of all people have right to be in formed Other Editors Vievvs SCHOOL WINDOWS Detroit News The decision by Wayne school to board up its windows so that its pupils will not be distracted by the world out side is practical scientific and pedagog ically advanced and were against it Even as an experimentwhich it is it wont work Children dont needwin dows to daydream and in the upper classes blonde seated next to the black board can outdistract any robin singing in schoolyard tree And boardedup pupils will be denie one of the delights of childhood that day in school when all of just like that it is spring outside Reconsider this decision Wayne be fore it is too late FOR LIVELIER POLITICS Ottawa Citizen Freshfrom capture of the Liberal nom ination in the federal riding of Toronto Eglmton Mr Mitchell Sharp has issued achallenge to the present incumbent Finance Minister Donald Fleming to de bategovemment policy with him on public platform Nowadays Quebec is al most alone in carrying on the tradition of the contradictory meeting when the candidates trade arguments and in sults amid the cheers of their respective The Barrie Examiner Authorized or second class mail Post Office Department Ottawa Ind for payment of postage In cash Dally Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted KENNETH WALLS Publisher IIIIIAN ELAIGHT General Manager McPBERSDN Managing Editor CHARLES WADGE Business Manager HARRY WILSON Advertising Manager JOHN nornm Circulation Mons21 Subseti udn dun Ifllovyenpr Single 1175 dfliu all SIRE515 700 year 400 IL months $250 three months 010 month Outside enterinsane year Ontrido Cm eds mm your cram Univmuy Av Toronto no current siroi Montreal mo Wm Georgia street Vancow Member of tho Canulna Dolly Nflwspnper Pub 11mm Association The Canadian Pren And on Audit bureau of circulations 1th Canadian Press is exclusively entitled to too ma tar republication of All news on Itched In this lfllf Lladlkfl Io It or TI MIOC filed P15 01 mm and me loos am published sands artisans That such an affair can stimu ate public interest even in these days of radio and television is shown by the response few years ago when the then CCF Premier of Saskatchewan Mr Douglas met Mr Ross Thatcher now provincial Liberal leader These things should be done more often They make forlivelier politics andmay evenshed illumination as well as heat TELEPHONE CHATTERERS Brantford Expositor Many old folkand others like to chatter over the telephone social as well as communications device some however resent intrusion by this means as indeed did Inventor Graham Bell himself since as hennce told an Ex positor reporter he wouldnt have one of the damned things in the house In similar class is British Actress Ada Reeve One of the few things resent she says is when people ring me inviting themselves for chat about times dont feel old enough to be inter ested in the past lm interested in the resent and indeed Im quite looking orward to the future Miss Reeve is mere 90 TWISTED FRENCH Halifax ChronicleHerald Where could one find better illustra tion of the adaptability of oral communic ation The twrst latest dance sensation has brought about the introduction to the purists despair of two new phrases to Frenchlanguage Montreal Twisttu is the invitation and the acceptance Je veux twister DANGEROUS RECORDING London Daily Mail James Gostling former Scotland yard inspector and founder of the Phantom Brigadehas made longplayingrphonoo graph record for bankers and business men that recounts the tricks of gangsters and swindlers The price is $30 but the record can be bought only by those who gravide proper references and guaran of good faith REPORT FROM UK Must Show Proof Oi Vaccination By MelNlYRE HOOD Special hndon England Correspondent for The Barrie Examiner LONDON Canadian who are planning to spend holidays on the confluent of Europe during the coming summer would be well advised to make sure that they carry with them at all times their lntemetional vac cination certificates Since it is necessary for them to have been vaccinated within the previous three years to ensure their readmlttence into Canada on their return Canadian tours ists coming over to thls side of the Atlhntic will of course have these documents not because restrictions on entry differ from country to country they would be wise to see that they always have this important document available for inspection when it is demanded British travellers going to Europe are finding conditions in this regent very confused and confu ng They find it difficult to ascertain which countries demand recent small pox vaccination certificates and and which do not Because of this confusion many people who intend to visit the continent are being vaccinated and having their certificates stamped by the medical health officers Others seem willing to take chance that these will not be asked for by immigration nu thoritles in European countries CONFLICTING REPLIES After making inquiries from officials who should be able to give an authoritative reply find the situation ls still con fusing An official of French tourlst office in London said It was not necessary to be we cinated unless the lndivldual came from South Wales where the most recent outbreak of smallpox in Britain had occur red But at the French Em bassy all persons planning to travel to France were advised to be vaccinated before going One of Britains largest tra vel agencies is advising all clients going to France to be vaccinated continental travel official of the British Reilways told me that he had to show his vaccination certlfle cats to the Immigration officlt ers at Calais Yetn health of ficial of French airport gave assurance that only people from South Wales were required to have recent vaccination certi ficotes OTHER COUNTRIES The situation regarding other European countries is on par with that prevailing for entry into France Italy has placed restriction on travellers en tering without having vaccina tion certificates Belgian health officials at port and airports of entry have decided to de mand these certificates only from people from the Rhondda Valley and the Llantrisant areas of Glamorgan At the Swiss Embassy in Lon don spokesman said no or der requiring vaccination certi ficates had been made about people from any part of Britain entering Switzerland While there is no requirement that Canadians entering Britain need to produce vaccination cer tificates the position in Europe is so fluid and so liable to he QUEENS PARK Municipal Scandals Would Be Curbed By DON OEEARN TORONTOThere is one key section in the amendments to the Municipal Act which applies pertinently to the municipal scandals which have hit so many areas in the province This is section 32 of the Amending Act If it goes through the houseand there is no reason to believe it wont it will require every local mu nicipality starting next year to publish certified financial state ments and the auditors report thereon This change is significant first of all because it requires pub lication The treasurer must either publish the statements in newspaper having general eirculatinn or mail them to each and every rntepnyer Secondly it is significant be cause it covers the auditors re port And thirdly it is important be cause it encourages munician ties to publish other information authorizes them to do so with out ordering them HOLDING BACK This amendment can be far reaching There has been growing disJ position by municipalities to hold backJnformution And to some degree or other this fig ured in every case whichhas hlt thehead lines lnreccnt years Enstview at least it was in formation which should have figured in auditors reports Compulsory publication will not only mean that councillors will pay more attention to their auditors In many cases they havent even been reading the reports it will also mean that auditors generally will pay more attention to their jobs No Checks This step of compulsory pub lication is apparently the gov ernments alternative to full checks or extensive spot checks of municipal finances While suchchecks have been widely proposed there have beentwo strong objections to them One has been that they would represent excessive interference by the province with municipali ties The second has been that they would require large staff of highlytrained mena staff that probably would not be avail able Publication gives the taxpsy ersas well as our peoplehere the chance of making their own check And there are enough in formed ond responsible people in any electorate to spot mis takesif they have the figure be for them gt greatest restraint of all however should be that officials themselves now will have to take their figures more aeri ously TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Husband Gets Blur In Eyes By JOSEPH MOLNER MD Dear Dr Mother What does tld mean on prescrip tion And some of the other abbreviations Why not change to plain English TLd means for in die which translated lsthree times day Sometimes just Ld and tar die are used Several hundred Greek or Latin terms of abbreviations TODAY IN HISTORY By THE CANADIAN PRESS April 1962 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization formally came into being 13 years ago to dayin losewhen Canada and it other nations signed the pact at meeting in Washington It provided for mutual defence in the event of aggression against any member nation I933 The 115 dlrlglble Akron crashed off the New Jersey coast In an electrical storm killing 73 with four survivors 1987 Four schools and other buildings were de stroyed by fire In Sons of Freedom Doukhobor settlelt meats in British Columbia BIBLE THOUGHT Let us not sleep as others do but us watch nird be sob erI Thessalonians 56 The devil has his way when the glory of doing things for God is forgotten in drunken sleep Be alcrtl changed almost from day to day according to whether fresh outbreaks of smallpox occur that the wise traveller will al ways have his vaccination car tificate safely tucked in his wal let when going to Europe are used in prescriptions This custom started when these were the learned languages of ldiolm After all while the art of drugs and prescriptions has been for several decades in fantastic state of growth Xth mscy Is thousands of years old So suppose we Just kept on using terms which had come to be generally accepted among people in that phase of activity There are some good reasons for continuing to do so One ti brevity Tid is lot quicker to write than three times day Or bid for twice day pharmacist stands these directions The terms have become the language of his profession In turn he puts neat little label on the bottle with such directions as the po ticnt will need One capsule three times day or what ever Aq is the classic ob brevintion for noun or water Why change so long as every body understands Re is post clbos or alter enting OD has come to mean right eye or oeulus dexter and OL is left eye Sig means write or label And so on No doubt we could devise new set of abbreviations but this would take time and sus pect that it would have no par ticular advantage over the pres ent system It is the some in good many other things loo you know What about morning and for after noon We can Anglictu it to bn and for before noon and after noon but why should we And such abbrevia tlounlsd or 86 or we on dose per cent to per hundred We use such an ex ressioa as contra indicated meaning against the evidence we have because its short and clear But believe me as intricate as thsortgtof preparing drugs has become no pharmacist need do anything to make it any more esoteric It or ht be worth mentioning that there Is need for young people to take up the study or training for all sorts of technical or skilled pro fessions related to medicine We need people who have what it takes to learn these demanding professions Dear Dr Mother My hus band gets blur in his eyes Sometimes while driving he will pull over to the side of the road and wait until he can see better He is 72 but in good health except for overweight What should be done about thisf MRS This is potentially serious symptom and should be investi gated Causes may range from eye disease to heart or circula tory trouble So have him see his doctor Dear Dr Molncr find that can go to sleep easily If imagine am gazing at lot of green leaves and trying to count them or counting sheep as they jump over fence Also if count backward 99 98 97 etc Such simple measures often work Too many people brush them aside because they sound too easy UK Industrialisis lire Keen To Get In On The Euromart COVENTRY England CF While politicians and econo mists hesitate most British in dustrialists ore spoiling for frectrade fight in Europe Weve got to go into the Common Market thedireetor of light tool firm recently told group of Commonwealth journalists Its question or economic survival Weve studied their markets we know what sort of competition well be up against and we think well win That sort of reaction was typical in this Midlands city hub of the countrys machine and automobile industries Nobody thinks British manu focturers will find the Common Market easy going at firstor ever at all There are hopes however that leap into the icecold water of open competi tion will jolt Britain into new industrial revolution Already there are signs of new briskness and confidence pride in quality and an aware ness of real market needs that were difficult to find even five years ago Things will be toughest for the British car firms Their shore of world markets has been sliced to is per cent from slightly more than 35 per cent in 1954 To compete on equal terms with Germany where labor costs are higher but automation is more advanced British cor producers will nee to solve their chronic labor relations problems modernize assembly lines and design for continental as well as insular conditions FEAR BEETLE CARS What the countrys five big car firms fear most is swarm of popular continental beetle cars pouring into Britain and eating into the domestic mar kets British firms are preparing to retaliate One executive said his firm which has just com pleted fullyautomated tele visioncontrolled assembly plant here is bulldlng similar plant in Belgium Years ago Adams distilled 29 great whisldes each with its own distinctive characteristics and then aged them in special oak caske Now Adams has married these 29 rare whiskies to create the superb flavour of Adams Private Stock This custom blend is presented in its crystal decanter at popular price 5Private Stock Adams CUSTOMBLENOED CANADIAN RYE waistw am for

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