COLLINGWOOD SAILOR IN CARIBBEAN Petty Officer Russell Hodg son of Collingwood and Ldg Sea George Hunt of London 0nt catch up on some work in the torpedo shop on board liliCS Algonquin during ex ercises in the Caribbean Twentyfive Canadian ships CHAMBERS ATTITUDE Opposes Proposed Site For Wasaga Sewage Plant The possible site of soacre sewage disposal plant for Was ago Beach is under fire from the president of tho villages chamber of commerce The site being considered said chamber president Gene Langevin is on 55 acres of prime tourist area half mile from the waterfront The site is in F105 Township and was bought last October by land developer who intends to use it for cottage sites Thereare 2000 acres of cheap undevci opcd land available which could be used for the sewage pleat Mr Langcvln said the citi zens of Wasnga and Flos were not aware of the proposed rate on prime tourist land NEED PLANT We certainly need sew age plant he said but there are better and cheaper loca tions available Using the land for cottage sites would bring considerable revenue to the beach area Reeve Anthony Beck said he knew nothing definite on the choice of site We have bylaw befora tho Ontario Municipal Board now he said asking for approval of the sewage plant but the choice of site is up to the Ontario RETIREMENT NOT FOR HIM story in yesterdays Ex aminer referred to Barries Citizen of the Your the Rev Sherring as the citys most retired person Tile original story refer red to him as Barries most unretired person but mechanical Gremlin re versed our meaning The only retiring thing about Mr Sherrlng in fact is his reluctance to talk about the record of public service which brought him the Barrie Leginns William Wright Memorial Trophy and Citizen of the Year Award ExCavalrymcm Retiring Today CAMP BURDEN DBLA for mer Western CanadianCavalry trooper will retire from the Regular Army today after de voting 30 years of his life to the service of his country Sergeant Major Frank Elliott 52 CD Roy al Canadian Army Service Corps clerk in administration and court reporting has been with Camp Borden headquarters since his promotion to warrant officer second class in 1956 His Army career began in 1926 in Calgary when accord ing to Frank he enlisted be cause thats where all my friends were at that tilno He joined the Cavalry 15 Ca nadian Light Horse Militia Frank remembers well the days when in the Cavalry the horse was the soldiers conveyance and the sabre was an integral part of the Amy rnans equip ment SABRES His first Militia summer camp proved to be quite eventful Says Frank On one night in particular we went to bed our saddles and personal equipment including sabre was piled neatly outside the tent with tarpaulin stretched over it to keep out the rain The next morning we went on parade as usual It came time to practise sabre drill an command was given to remove swords from their scabbards To the amazement of everyone all swords which were ordinar Plastic Bombs Rocking Algiers ALGIERS Reuters Tera rorists of the Secret Army Or ganization set off five explo sions at threesecond intervals in Algiers during the night de stroying four Moslem shops but injuring no one The explosions were the only terrorist incidents after day in which 19 persons were killed and 25 wounded All but two of the dead and two wounded were Moslems Ten Moslems were killed and six wounded Tuesday when Secret Army commando unit urst into hospital and sprayed the helpless patients with submachinegun fire then exploded plastic bomb which destroyed part of the building SEEMAJOR ELLIOTT ily over three feet long had been shortened to about six in ches W0 Elliott still blames troop of Lord Strathcona Horse camped only short dis tance away who had probably wt their devilment throughout the night OVERSEAS SERVICE to Dec 1939 he enlisted in the Calgary Highlanders He went to Aldershot Eng with thts unit for coastal defence duties in 1940 As staff sergeant he became the chief clerk of Canadian Infantry Brig Headquarters in 1941 Frank transferred to the Corps of Military Staff Clerks in 1842 and served also in Aldcrshot with the Headquarters of Can adian Corps and later with the Headquarters of 2nd Echelon COURT REPORTER Frank Elliotts attendance at Commercial Collegevin Winnipeg paid off in late 1942 With his ability to take Pitman short hand at about 200 words per minute he became an Army Court Reporter with the 2nd Canadian infantry Divisional Headquarters He later served in the some capacity with tho 4th Canadian Armoured Divi sion and with the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division Frank land ed in Normandy in 1844 and was repatriated to Canada in 1945 Frank says of the Army Theres no life like it lots of security good fellowship and cooperation among all now back in Halifax look part in Winter 62 along with ships of the United States Navy and the Royal Navy National Defence Photo Water Resources Commission who would buy the land and pay for the plant Mr Beck said the site which had been mentioned on River Road East was swampy land and could not be used for any thing else anyway lt would not be suitable for subdivision Mr Beck said Mr Langevin said therehad been discussions between Was nga Beach and Flos in October last when loacre site had been mentioned IN FAVOR This has now gone up to 50 acres he said and no one has informed Flos There is talk of raising petitions in Ftos and going to higher levels of government if necessary to stop the project when last talked to Flor they were in favor Reeve Beck said but now hear they are screaming about it dont know why Deputy Reeve Lorne Graham of Flos Township said Wasoga was calling for lagoon in the township He explained that since he had been elected to council at the beginning of the year there had been no meetings between Fins and Wasaga to discuss the project Mr Graham said he under stood the land in question was owned by Toronto developer believe the original area discussed he said was 10 acres This has now gone up to 40 or so acres Arrange Trip For Students Oi Stayner The teaching staff of Stayncr Collegiate has announced they will sponsor awards to 15 of the schools outstanding students The teacher said they would like to encourage all students to make continuous and en thusiastic effort to attain ex cellence in studies This year those students who win the award will be taken on trip on June 27 to the Strat ford Shakes enrcan Festival to see the malnce performance of Macbeth After special dinner at Stratford they will attend the evening performance of The Taming of the Shrew Any one of the award winners if he prefers may choose as his prire book from pre pared selected list It is intended that each grade should be represented by at least three winners and that both boys and girls be repre sented asequally as possible preliminary list of candidates for these awards will consist final overall nverageln all sub iects of 75 per cent in grade 70 per cent in grade 10 and 55 per cent in grades 11 and 12 The final selection of the 15 winners will be made by bat lot vote of the entire staff The following students attain ed first class honor average at the recent term examina tions Grade 1X David Atkinson Suzanne Dobson Robert Haw kins Susan Iieslip Lorna Jon cs lllorny Mitchell David Rib chic Grade Ron itlurch Eldon Smith Grade XI Ben Carruthers June Dunlop Donna llicNabb Bob Miller Sandra Sinclair Florence Webster The following students of Grade xn obtained an average over 70 per cent Alex Bosse Sharyn Daley Marlo Maltas Marion Webster Jilrn hfacKinnan Trudi Pettinger Sommervillc Murray APPEARS MAY Alec Templeton will star at the closing concert of the Barrie Community Concerts Association Mr Templeton was slated to appear here to night but because of circum stances his appearance has been postponed until May The Community Concerts campaign for new members will kick off May Essa Council Turns Down Farmers Claim An Essa Township farmers demand that the township pay him for water damage to his property met with curt relt fusal at monthly council meet 111g Earl Hubbart who said his 6th Concession farm was dam aged by runoff waters claimed the township was responsible Councillors decided the flooding had been caused by extreme weather conditions and they were not responsible They in structed clerk Harold Bell to inform Mr Hubbart of their opinion To prevent problems before they start council instructed clerk Harold Bell to prepare amendments to the subdivision agreement and building bylaws to provide theinstallatlon of en trant culverts by the owner be fore building permits are is sued Road superintendent Truax will attend the Roadside Weed Control Conference at On tario Agricultural College Guelph on April 25 He was given permission to take one spray operatorwlth him Mr Truax was alsoinstructed to call tenders for delivery of crash and 20000 cubic yards of gravel The tenders will he opened at the May council meeting Township engineer Beckett told council he has FIRST Baptist Church Ctapparton at Worsley Sunday Servicesnt It For Damages seated plans to the Ontario highways department asking ap proval of construction hill cut ting and thick run gravel on loLs one to 10 on Concession seven Suggests BBG Acts Too Soon WINNIPEG tCPThe Board of Broadcast Governors was asked Tuesday whether it may be trying to provide too much too soon by forcing specific amount of Canadian program ming into evening hours of tele vision The EEG offered no direct re ply to the rhetorical question posedand in effect answered With yesby the Canadian Associatlo of Broadcasters representing most private TV stations across the country But board vice chairman Carlyle Allison made it plain he and his to fellow governors dont like the idea of their 55perieent Canadian cont requirement being met on any stations by cramming after oon hours with local shows lea the evening free for importe United States programs of each student who attains MRS RONALD GREMO INQUIRING REPORTER ASKS What Is Your Reaction Today To Womens Hats This Year Spring has officially arrived and with itcomes new fash ions with emphasis on hats Barrie men and women were asked for their views on spring hats and hat styles in general Nary man would venture an opinion and even the women had to be prodded bit Mrs Ronald Gremu house wife favor the Chanel style with overvthceye look and the soft wide brim As for as spring hats are concerned think that flowers have been overdone It has reached the point that one flower hat is the some as the rest also feel that women should wear hat even when they go downtown Mrs Eileen llaukln director of the Sheltered Workshop When the spring hats come out they look so fresh and bright they make me think of every thing new Waitiug to see what the new style will be is always interesting Personally favor the flowered hats in pastel col ors Mrs Fred Long housewife like the fullness of the new petal styles this year am He Wins $147000 Still Eats Cheese MONTREAL CF Irish Sweepstake winners can prob ably afford more than bread and cheese for dinner However thats all Maurice Fagnan had planned to eat for dinner Saturday and he did not change his mind even after getting phone call from radio station The phone call informed him that he had won $147500 because his horse Kilmore took the Grand National at Aintree England In fact the first thing the 46yeareold bachelor did after hearing the news was to go out and buy the bread and cheese When he got back to his apartment newspaper men were waiting to see him and his phone was ringing inces santly Mr Fagnan machinistforc man at Montreal aircraft factory told them he was go ing out again shortly and wont be reached all week end He had no immediate plans for spending the money Nor was he going to leave his job not right away anyway be cause know that my empl ersv might have some dif culty making fast adjust ment to vacancy colortul think the styles are MISS IRENE WATSON glad the high styles are back in again this year As far as the color of hat is concerned prefer the pastel shades to whites and dark colors Miss Irene Watson Ontario Hydro think this years spring hats are especially colorful and cheerful feel that the cloche style is very becoming also like flowers on hat They tend to make it brighter Mrs Jock Duvnl housewife dont care for this years sty les too much think we are going back to the 20s but suppose that is the way fashion goes For myself prefer smaller hat Mrs Melaarea house wife think this years spring hats are very pretty and quite becoming prefer the larger but although do think the flowered hats are nice for spring with the color varying depend ing on the persons color scheme Mrs Robert Bezzant house wife find the spring hats this year very light and airy and tending away from the flat look and are becoming more com plimentary especially like the pastel spring shades such as the soft greens and whites Do You Know This Man Meet STEWART BELL District Sales Manager Nachun Plant Food co Phone Parkway Mon Bantu STEWART has been with the Company or years and during this time has made many friends In the area from the no results they have had from the use of NaChurn on tobacco grain and vegetable crops lmproved yields Higber protein content Eettu quality stew has somejoad news to you Call him todlyl Thetensionsandstrcssesoftuday fast pace of living can often bring on nervous headaches in per fectly healthy and welladjusted people When this happens to you theres no need to fret or let your day be upset For you can get dependable relief from that nervous headache in minutes with Asmara Simply take two Airinm tablets with water sit People who Suffer from Nervous Headache Can Get Dependable Relief in Minutes down or cw minutes and close your eyes And almost before you realizc it your nervous beadach will be relieved You can always take AsauuN with complctcconfidcnce For Asainmhasbroughtfastrdicffrom hcadachcs to millions morcpcoplc than any other brand of pain rc liever for over two generations So ncxttimc nervoul head ache threatens to spoil your day put your conï¬dence in Aseuim It will relieve that headache practicallynotimc so you can keep on the go sure you get go inc Asamm Look for the pack urmrrr age with the Bayer Effiefa com During March 131 persons mare placed into employment by the Barrie office at the Na bonai Employment Service According to statistics releas by office manager hraemcr there was decline of 35 in the number of unem ployed applicants registered for work The total number unemploy ed stood at 184s at the end of ilarch Classifications in which Report Thefts From Homes series of minor thefts from Barrie homes was reported to police last night transistor radio was taken from the Downsview Drive home of former industrial com missioncr Ernie Blrmann Aplt proxxmately was taken from piggy bank Six dollars in cash and tin en tablecloth were stolen from the Cook Street home of Mrs Rupert third break and entry ccv curred at 148 Puget Street but nothing was reported taken LOCAL AND GENERAL CHARGES WITHDRAWN Daniel II Currie Blake St Barrie hnd charges of careless driving and failure to maintain his traffic lane withdrawn yes terday in court He was charg ed March 11 following colli sion with Huntsville ambul ance making an emergency run to Toronto The ambulance pa tient was not injured in the accident but was taken to Tor onto in another ambulance GRASS FIRE Barrie fire department re sponded to call to put out minor gross fire at the rear of the Nixon Building Products on Tiltin Street KILIS WOLF wait was killed on Highway 11 five miles north of Barrie early yesterday morning when hit by car driven by Harry Porter of Owen Sound The animals body was taken to Owen Sound for bounty pay merit NATO EXERCISE ENDS LONDON Reuters More than 12000 sailors and airmen from five nations today were dispersing after mday NATO exerciseDawn Breeze Seven in the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean area NATO of floors from Canada France The Netherlands Portugal and Britain met at Gibraltar Mon day to conduct preliminary analysis BARBIE WEDNESDAY APRIL 0b Trend Brighter improvement was shown the male managerial and of tidal occupations clerical and kindred occupations seamen electrical skilled construction workers apprentices and um labor The number of unemployed males rapped from Februarys figure 1361 to 1301 at the end of lamb However the trend was in reverse in many female classi fications which show M1 un employed ao increase of as over Februarys total of 521 Clerical and kindred occupa tions service occupations and unskilled were mainly affected Indications are Mr Krae mer said that April will show an overall improvement as the job opportunities increase par ticularly in construction fores try and seasonal tourist open aliens The demand for seasonal rec tauraat workers and domestic is already lncreaslnlg he adds ed while single qua fled stem graphch are wanted by num ber of employers First class auto mechanics are in strong demand cnrpm so ONl one You Can Help By Supporting The EASTER SEAL CAMPAIGN DRIPPLED cm Dam Mail Contribution To KIWANIS CLUB OF BARRIE Drawn 0n Ballot Hawker 12 Albert St Finals Box 288 Barrie Nina Firman Minesing BURNS DAISY BRAND BACON STEAKS 23COLLIERSTJ Berna Livingston saanry Bay Vlcttllm 85 Wellington St Mrs Sutherland RR Utopia Mrs Ff Clarke ILR Barrie PM Matthews Mary St Barrie $447 Free Shopping Draw THEY SAY THIS HA5 SAVING STAMPS BEAT BY COUNTRY MILE WHY DONT YOU TRY IT T00 HERES HOW IT WORKS Just Fill Out Ballot Showing Amount Of Your Purchase EVE Weekend AI LEI $5000 Of These Ballots Will Be Winners Can SHOP FREE To Amount Shown YOU MUST SAVE YOUR TAPE Ind PRESENT IT TO WIN HERE ARE LAST WEEKS WINNERS ti $1344 95 sane $351 $1161 5168 Total $5073 nouns DELMAR BEG am MARGARINE TBONE WING PomEiiuousE smLoIN LBS FOR 73ers yiHAMnou HOME DISCOUNT Msboar