Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Apr 1962, p. 2

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FLOODWAFTERMATlf Rushing flood waters dcpos iting huge ice cake against the side of this car it is flaw small example of the millions weekend floods in the Mari of dollars damage caused by timcs CF Wirephotoi Expect To Have Hospital Services Second To None The Barrie area will soon have ahospital offering services secs and to none building commit téc chairman lfosscr told the annual meeting of Royal Victoria Hospital Board last night During the year Mr lins ler said we have seen the completion of approximately 75 per cent of the expansion to Royal Victoria NEW WING After completion of the con tract for the new wing llr Rosscr said the committee had dealt independently with the purchase of sterilizing equip ment hardware elevators laundry and kitchen equipment Thc building chairman said tile committee had decided in buy three new boilers for the hospital instead of adding to the old equipment The new boil els could burn either gas or oil and by using an extremely heavy oil would materially re ducc annual heating costs Mr Rosser said an appropria tion of 5100000 had been madc for the purchase of furnishing requirement in the new and renovated buildings 11c noted that space for the new path ology department and laboratory had been allocated on thetop floor of the old building and that the addition to the nurses residence had been opened on Feb 10 TO NEW FLOOR Patients from the first med ical floor of the old building and from paediatrics are nolv located temporarily on the top floor of the new building llr Rosser said and maternity will soon move to the other new floor The new cafeteria will open this week and kitchen at tcrntions will begin immediate Mr Rosser told the board his committee was now considering plans for the renovation of the old building but no final deci sions have yet been made In total the building chair man concluded the old bulldv ing will finally house adminis tration emergency xray pathology morgue laboratory and ladies auxiliary It will no longer be in use for hospital bed patients hlr Rosser praised all con cerned with the building pro gram for their cooperation and especially noted the contribu tions of administrator Helen Shanahan and business adminA istrafnr Donald Cameron EAlberta Is Putting Order Into Rural Town Growtli EDMONTON lCPtAlbcltas regional planning system gives the province framework for orderly growth Noel Dani provincial director of town and rural planning says the provincial gove cnt is the only one in the western hemisphere with statutory con trol over regional planning AVhat it means is that projects undertaken by one community are planned with those of its neighbors in mind Legislation passed in 1950 and 1955 gave the government power tt set up severalfragional plan ning districts Local govern mellis within the districts co nidinate their plans Lime town and rural planning division of the municipal affairs dEpartment en ti ed by Mr Dent administers the planning districts through joint planning commissions difr Dant said the success of flit commissions may he jud ed by the fact that though the prinvincial government has never enforced the legislation requiring local participation ioa nicipalities with 75 per cent the population voluntarily set up seven districts cnis Cots former director at the Red Deer joint planning if mission outlined the work over three years by com mission in an area he described 55 typical The district com prised one town and three rural ifilinicipalities and had atotal pbpulation of about 2000 TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flynn as Dunlap st Barrie mammal 111 sear Dom Found Dom Store Mbestos Aoitlbi Algoml Steel Aluminium Alberta Gal tJIA 05 mi 2714 am pom Tar Gt Lakes Aerial photographs and con tour maps were prepared for the town and its surrounding area Detailed nd use studies were made of the district eluding age and conditi buildings floor space and use being made of buildings as well as assessment on developed and undeveloped land Population distribution and growth trends were studied and the area affected by the ln omy of the planning district was analysed Financial posi tions and tax structures ot all local governments were probed Consulting engineers drew up plan for future development of sewage facilities Parking and road facilities were analysed and plans made for expansion Finally draft general plan and draft zoning bylaw vere dralvn up for consideration by local governments all of whom WEATHER Synopsis Winds are from the south over much of Ontario and temperatures are forecast to climb into the 505 this afternoon in southern Ontario and to near 40 in the north Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron region Windsor London Sunny and warmer to day but clouding over this after last 15V 1411 2N1 18 Nor Ont NU filoarl colp axctn Pore Dsnsw Pulse Fete Recommendations also were made to local governments on their capital works budgets for the next five years Most of these were followed Mr Cole said the work is done at fraction of the cost of private consultant Private con sultants find it ifficult in short time to take the history aspirations alld character of community into account But the commissions could provide professional advir over long period The seven planning districts each covering about 10000 square miles operate on total budget of 5324000 year paid by participating local govern ments Mr Cole said Mr Dant said the commis sions have both regulatory and advisory powers They are em powered to approve subdivision plans but have only advisory powers on zoning FORECAST noon few brief showers to night Thursday partly cloudy with little change in tempera ture Winds southerly 15 today tight Thursday Lake Ontario Niagara Hali burtou Georgian Bay Timag ami regions Hamilton Toronto North Bay Sudbury Sunny and warmer today but with increas ing cloudiness this afternoon Cloudy with few brief showers tonight and Thursday morning becoming partly cloudy ThursA day afternoon Little change in temperature Thursday Winds southerly 15 today light Thurs day Algorna Sault Ste Marie re gions clouding over this morn ing Warmer with few brief showers this afternoon and early PRICED Union Asks Certification For Employees 01 CGE Plant The United Electrical Radio and afaetiine Workers of Amen ica made application today to the Ontario Labor Relations Board for certification as the bargaining agent for hourly rat ed workers at the Barrie Can adian General Electric plant The movl followed last nights meeting of the UECGE organ izing committee In making this application for certification the union is requesting the Ontario Labor Relations Board to order piehearing vole Under recent amendments to the Labor Act this provides for the holding of vote without the necessity of hearing and so speeding up the date of obtain ing certification he said OVER NINE MONTHS In Barrie this campaign has been conducted ovchherpast nine months by an organizing committee comprising so men and women from the plant The union will do everything pol sihle to facilitate the specdy conclusion of the vote said Mr Sullivan Previous attempts have been made to unionize the Barrie plant by the United Electrical workers but they failed The Barrie plant is the only one of several CGE plants in Canada that does not have its workers represented by either the United Electrical Workers or the later nationol Brotherhood of Elec trical Workers he said The United Electrical Workers already have eight plants under one master agreement with CGE These include the cam panys largest Canadian plant at Peterborough the transformer plant at Guelph and six plants in Toronto CGE says it pays wages at ANDS BUTS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OB YOUR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED SMART FLATTIE PUMPS 0F ELASTIC IZED LEATHER SPECIALLY LOW BUY NOW AND SAVE REG $699 fhe Barrie plant comparable to other CGE plants but local com pany officials refuse to divulge wage rates They claim they pay higher rates than any other plant in the district Employecs fringe benefits are also better than those given by any other local firm and comparable with any other CGE plant according to CGE official Union officials say Barrie plant workers would be paid more under union agreement and their fringe benefits would be correspondingly better Union officials say the hiring rate for male labcrer is 5135s an hour under the United Elec trical Workers agreement with CGE at the Peterhorough and Toronto plants Under this agreement female laborers and youths under 13 years start at 5175 An apprentice in his first six months of indenture receives $170 and $199 an hour in his last year fool and die maker is paid 3286 an electrical maintenance worker $257 and female inspector $199 an hour Rates at the Guelph plant are five cents an hour less in every category We know of one female work er at Barrie CGE said union spokesman She is earli ing $154 an hour after 11 years service This is 21 cents less than girl is given when she starts at an organized plant OPENS PHONE LINK HAY RIVER NWT toomile microwave network linking this south shore Great Slave Lake community with Peace River Alta and the rest of Ihe world was officially opened Monday by Northern Af fairs Minister Walter Dinsdnle DEFICIT EXPERIENCED Mitchinson Heads Board Of Hospital John hliichinson was reeled ed chairman of the Royal Vie taria Hospital Board at the an nual meeting last night The hospitals 1961 finance re port showed operating revenues of 31110101 and operating ex penditures of 31061121 This compared with 1960 rev enucs of 3990636 and expendll tures of saline Finance chairman Lee RosE ser said that of the increase in expenditures of $8933 an amount of $15571 was accounted for in salary and wages an increase of 12 per cent over 1960 other operating expenses increased by 513762 is four per cent increase over 1980 Revenue from inpaticnts last year was 3986897 and revenue from outpatients came to $64 166 WILL HOLD vorlil AS SCHEDULED Barrlcs liquor vote will be held May as schedul ed The clerk of the house in the Ontario legislature in formed city officials today there is no legislation pend ing that would affect the vote Alderman Charles Newton had raised the question that possible provincial lcgisla tion might make Barrica liquor vote unnecessary JOHN MITCHINSON nvn administrator had showed an increase of 571 patient dayr The hospital beds have been filled all year Miss Shanahan said and there has been Helen lishanahans rcport said that 1561 long list of patients unable to get accommodation Statistics for Ilfil showed 117 admissions 1101 births in cluding stillbirths 534 Pa licnl days 11479 outpatient Vil its 211272 meals served and 11000 special diets served Miss Shanahnna report noted an addition of pathologist to the staff and that the hospital was now doing pathology for Pcnetang Midland and Colllng wood The School of Nursing report showed 29 students in the and uating class of 1961 26 students in the intermediate class and 22 in the junior class for total of 77 students class of ti preliminary was admitted in September 1961 The report expressed thanks to the Simcoe County Health Unit and the Victoria Order of Nurses for their assistance In providing field and public health work for students DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS New York Benny KidI Paret 25 former welterweight boxing champion of brain in uries suffered in knockout defeat by Emile Griffith March 24 Wolscley SnskT Edli MONTHS DOWN SavirigsrPriced fashions for Girls and Boys Sim mil Special youcsavr $21 SISSY STYLES AS SKETCKED Shell be the smartest YoungvMiss in the Easter Parade and through the warmwarm 88 Reg Special BOYS WEAR SHIRTS 227 991 WashnWeal Cotton Broadcloth weather too In these crisp and washable Arncls and Nylons and shell love the fashionable feminine Colours Blue fun DASHING YOUNG STYLE TOWN8rCOUNTRY COAT If 3599 Special SIZES 714 SUEDINE FINISH Pink Hot Pink detailing Special Sizes 2435 White Buy Now AMI Save 24 slm lillii SLACKS 327 SinglePleat Style RayonNylonVollfcd Finish Greys Blue Brown Loden Green Reg $399 You Save 17 Scriier 81 dean of Canada weckly newspaper men and pub lisher of the Wolseley News since 1007 San Franciscohisgr Joseph Gilmore 69 Roman Catholic Bishop of Helena Mont for 15 years of heart attack TorontoDavid Jackson 25 onetime star player on the Tor onto lilarlboro Juniors and Unl versin of Toronto hockey teams TO PAY NO MONEY tonight Mainly sunny with little change in temperature Thurs day Winds southerly 15 today becoming west 15 late tonight White River Cochrane re gions Mainly sunny today in creasing cloudiness Thursday with little change in tempera ture Winds southwest 15 to Alta Nat Gas Alis Steel 31 of Moot Bank of N5 n11 Tel nrniilsn BA 011 EC Power can Bk or corn Cdn Brewer can run In to all on 7d 563 Gat Paw aw Hudl fnrml or Home PIL 15 Home on 11 llurl Bay Min 53v lmp Tobacco lsv Imp on mi lad Accept solo Inland NG 511 Inter Nickel Mt lnterprov rip mi Jockey Club 350 Labatt we leellnd rso lilac Pow luv 19 All F011 IIflh Norlnda saw Fem Pins Page Hersey qua NIL an Ron notnmnns Royal Bank sma stillriff Simpson Sbawhlgan Steel or Can TelJam Bk Trans can runs in Trad Fin Texaco Union Gas Walker GW HURRY PieEaster Value pric ed to save you $102 Perfect for the chill thats still in the air Featured in red antelope gold laden greenqmt SEAMFREE NYLONS 79 AND 818 SAVINGS TO 287w 340 needle micromeshin smart new sheds Thenrats size BIA111 17 la salt 1W 2W Cement lzlé chemical Forecast temperatures Low tonight High Thursday Windsor 35 50 St Thomas 15 50 London 35 50 Kitchener 15 43 Wingham 15 40 Homiltnni 35 50 St Catharine 35 50 Toronto 35 50 Pcterhorough 32 411 Trenton 12 48 Killaloe 02 45 Muskoka 45 North Bay 32 45 Sudbury oz 45 Earltonv 211 40 Kapuskasing 25 35 White River on Moosonce 10 10 011 oilsw Power Con Mtn5rrl Con Paper SUPERNALUEl SIZES T0 6X LITTLEBOY SHIRT SET white dress shirt mercerlzed cotton broadcloth aanfoflled Complete with bow tie and cuff links Reg $159 Special let SIZES 49 Reg $299 Smart Dominitablet Soft Supple glove leather foam cushion insale spectra heels Black camellia green mist wild rose srone hoops Mom Tum Thun Sat 15 can 1530 pm 15 12 Noon MINING Gecu Mine Gunner ll Houineer KemAddlrnn leauue Lolldn Julitunic Murray bfin 132 Nolmetll Lao Northgnte 050 nvl MOST Ale amen amidn Cdn Breweries Northrsts Torment Wayne ii wJoNEs Now Yuan avzlulalta lndultrldll up 55 lutls down 14 Utllltle up 17 JIORONTO slucll EXCHAch INDEX ylrldustrinll down 711 Goldl down loa Mapl up 0a all gown 127 Dyna lanky en Devonian Camp Chlb Del Rio opacr Rand Can Hall nlson Mlnel auiiivsn 1conbltdge Opemlska Quemcnt Rto Algenl Sher Gordon sleep Rock no use 20 21 850 aso Lee 75 LITTLEBOY DRESS SLACKS reg $199 of washable cotton lharkeklu Brown green blue United on size 36 Save 26 Special Venturel wuroy Vlltsey 511m LITILEGmL BLOUSEANDSKIRT SET of fine quality woven cotton tn lofttoned pastel plaids Shoulderstrap style Slua 36 Rel $299 SPeclnl

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