ARTICLES For SALE FARMERS MARKET AUTOMOTIVE noun llAhLu for nail Tele pnone xtiu scroud or further d¢ leits nors pitch tor aaie Selim cheap It sew Apply ll 16 Collier Street harm in mutant Tv good condition Telephone seen for further information cAn nADlo Io lair push button 511 Custom hunt in load condl tlnrl Telephone PA easel after Pm non for sale Wired for olL Pipes oil tank suit eumnlrr chl taxr Reasonhie Telephone PA ow mnPicAl nsll Tenlu or sale and Air Pump le motor viii operate numerous tank and orn Imenu Telephone PA seem nAltflllCUE tune for role Cook to in chickens at once in ex cellenl condition Telephone 11 for further inlonnnllon GARAGE noon for sale rneul Berry olernead new uili sell for run price Telephone PA as untvlno MACHINE console mo dcl lor rate also on railway cut in toad cpndIIlon Reasonmln price Izso pm 1i Ansonbedroom spur dnunl hcd mattress and sprints dressr in tehln with mirror and chrst or drawers and night table Tele phone PA dill llorottoLA Push huttan custom oar ltadio tor mm nulck Brand or tale in PA PA Telephone PA use eltrr FEED SEED GRAIN costlltlitcul Na ninhursl Telephone PA nus ouAsrlnr or Hey for sale in square hates clover Timothy and Alralle mixed wtii deiller ply to Ed Aidenan Ailiaton Ht AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE l957 BUICK Rnadmasler convertible power equipment antenna automatic and yours for only 799 with down and 30 month to pay for those who qualify BAY CITY Motors Limited 45 BRADFORD ST Telephone PA E7033 Garry Seed Dela ior sale Apply Russell with all the fine car appointments This is real beauty with full including steering brakes windows seat transmis sion custom radio in gleaming white with contrasting genuine leather interior Its just the car for the sunny days ahead i961 METEOR interior steering power brakes rubber humpereltes This is low mileage one owner car Owners name on request You can own this nearly new car at $1200 off the original list price As low as lost down and up to 36 months on the bal ance BAY CITY Motors Limited 45 BRADFORD ST Telephone FA $7063 lsss PLYMOUTH two door Cul tom radio In perrccl runnan eon dillon This Is In onlslendlog nuy ll only SHE with only 10 dgln to those who qualify Telephon PA Mont is in nuletending tom rndlu two lane paint unite wail tlres Owners name request Take nver myments Hoes MOTOR CARS FOR SALE Montcalm hardtop Tim is just like new black finish with red Equipped with power dual range transmission custom ray die and white walls Complete ly equipped right down to the PERSONALS IO HELPWANTED IO HELP WANTED WOMENS COLUMN APRIL SPECIALS 25 or PERMS $350 AND UP Cream Rinse RUBYS BEAUTY SADONS Quickie Shampoo and Set 3150 124 Dunlop St EPA 61731 17 Ease RoadPA Hull No sppoIanent necessary FORTUNE TELLING like your ronune told by cards rn please telephone PA bone ler appointment eoyume LOST 8r FOUND LOSTBaseball Park AIiIndIle len name on ll Reward Telephone PA was Would you Glote in she itchry Verhnl lest cllswtouzl Deluxe seden nndlllon cut 53150 per month Telephone PA IO HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP no or ehll or rcn while molnrr works Live Telephone PA nwl nuuADLt GIRL to ca szznlnNclzD waitress wallle MALE HELP GM DEALER Requires LICENSED MECHANIC AND LICENSED BODY MEN APPLY Service Manager DEAN MYERS lImRS I45 Bradford St OFFICE MANAGER Good opportunity for the right person Must be experienced and capable of taking full re eponsibilily Apply in person to BRISTOW LTD DUIYLUP ST WEST BARRIE BROOM WINDER For well established Broom Factory in Toronto RIUSI have expcrlence In this type of work MALE HELP Grade in education and drivers licence Imlcdxe mechanics capabi or working on own Tele Pnoue PA met for WWhltmenL SINGLE MAN or married nun till mall mill lm modern IIoI Iteln ferns Hus be good mllker Good wares Apply Cenwell oond nerd GOOD MAN lo Ll memberth lor optno stator hone Can adae oldest motor club Comme Ilml 1le hill of pmlet Con Iltl Norman Ctlfll Box vale om Telephone lesw rouse with commercial ed ncelion kmuud to lrarn cost accounting with opportunity to tun complete control ltcpiy liet lng age education experience if any to Box Barrie Examiner EMPLOYMENT WANTED DATcart for prosenooi child reri In my own item ï¬rst end Telephone PA 32753 or particu Ian YOUNG LADY desires position In housekeeper or wlll trke charln DI children Sleep in COMIC PA em for runner inrormelloo IS THE EARRE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY APRIL IO HELP WANTED II LEGAL NOTICES EMPLOYMENT WANTED LADl uiil so light hotnele in cxrnsnrc for hoard room and companionship Central Telephone PA 11 YOUNG htAnltlxn in ii experienced tn stock control in side aies mus typing and par chutng is rers experience to quire permanent position ncrer encu PA Mots mu RCN SIIIPS LEAVE YIIAWA CPI Three de stroyer escorts of the Canadian Navys PaciIic Command leit Hong Kong Monday on their way home from month of workouts in the Pacilic with other Commonwealth ships Navy headquarters said the As siniboine Ilargaree and Ot tawa will make goodwill stops at Japan and Alaska before ar riving atEsqttimalt 50 April ll NOTICE TO cusolrors All persons having claim against the Estate of IOIIN MELVIN RIICHIE late of the Village of Eimvalc in the County of 51mm Re tired who died on the 2nd day of January 1962 must forward some the underxlgned on or before the 16th day of April 1961 after whidl date the 35 sets will be distributed amount the parties entitled thereto and the executor will not be liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then have notice DATED at Barrie Ontario this 23rd day at March AD 1962 BOYS SEAGRAM AND ROWE Barristers and Solicitors l3 Owen Street Barrie Ontario Try An Examiner Want Ad Downtown Store Only wootwonrnvomw Hours from 745 am to 430 pm Fiveday week Please ertt giving full particulars age previous experience to BOX 27 BrtRItIE EXAMINER YOUNG MAN WANTED as apprentice to learn all phases of the printing trade at The Barrie Examiner Some know ledge of typing preferred This position oifers in secure future and all employee benefits Apply in person to MR SHEPHERD THE BARRIE EXAMINER to pm dafly APPLIANCE TV SALESMAN Required by well esiablishEdL company in Barrie Must be aggressive and be capable of producing with minimum of supervision Reply by letter stating age general back ground experience and present occupation All replies confid enttal Liberal fringe benefits Man with financial investment preferred but not essential APPLY TO BOX 26 BARBIE EXAMINER MAN nuqumzn for general dairy plant work Must be in good physi cal condition and ahln to do simple anthmcuc Apply orllcc ercvicw mily namc Ontario nonre ncllvcry Man required lilust hsvn excellent driving record and references Married over 25 years old Study employment Ap Ply Cullican Water Conditioning 19 Pelletpg Stml Barrio RAWLBIGIIS work on their own capital Ve can help you to bctlcr future you are good mall Ind do well as ltnwlcliln Dceler Permanent No layoffs stocks available on lntercstdrcc credit Company Reprcscntatlvc may be vbitiittt next week to In telview suitable appllclylLr Vrtto immediately for particulars The Rawlelgh Co Ltd Dept l1 imsA 4005 Richelieu Montreal Try An Examiner Want Ad Uniform supplied Catt Roy Lernl Restaurant PA H119 ror runner information sALEsLADlu required for local huslnm Hours ill Llfl Ali replies strictly write Box rlie manila llAtrtnltEssER fully experience required for ilarloric Heir stytill nipple Leif Scrvlccs shopping Cen ire Cam Borden Telephone in or all Clmp Borden MOTHERS transit required for June Live in prcrerlhlc Experi enced wltn children Lilht house work Refclences required Tele phone PA Men TYPIST for generni office work Varied duties to include niing telephone and some dictepnollc work rivedy week Apply in own handwriting stating are edu cxperlence if any to Box lrte Examiner SALES HELP AGENTS coMnnssloN seiesildy or Sales man to work full or part time selling newspaper auhlcripttons car is necessary Attractive unl incs Apply General Manager Barrie Examiner Picrss telephone PA $5531 for appointment MALE HELP ENROL NOW Port THE FINAL MILITIA SURVIVAI COURSE This is your last chance to take advantage of the six weeks training offered by the Canadian Army Militia The final course will be held from April is to May 27 You will be given all day train ing five days week You will live at home and receive the same pay as regular soldier lf you are between 13 and 50 and meet enrolment standards you have the opportunity to help on vitally important job and ea it while you serve RE ITING OFFICE OPEN Mon to Fri am lo pm Slit am to pm The Armoury Barrie SALESMAN for dry cleenlnr route Experience preterm out not nec essary Telephone PA elm lerltrttnn on sirloin naily Herds man Good wages and working enh dltiolls Telephone Bradford PR 53580 HIPPO OIL New Speed Seal COATS IN DAY new still in original canon aria fuel price W135 Sacriï¬ce for was Phone PA 15250 nanlttThlts nought will not ed rcpalred Student rental rates 1551 DODGE our door Relent sedan ve automatic deep tecad tires Law milere One owner car licdlum blue This one is steal at $195 with down If you quality For further plrticulnn telephone PA Moss HAROLD JORY MOTORS TnluzllPll and STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes 03 and MM Towing 191 OLDSMDDILB tour doorh 75 BAYFIELD ST PA 84165 op Autnmeiic custom lo to wall lircs sliver pray and hiack with matching Interior An I962 GALAXIE outstanding buy It down and 4Door Sedan take over payment HI pu Demonstrator month Telephone PA wool in Donor two door co One owner cur Very clean and In good condition with custom radio This one is real buy at $311 Call PA Moos for rurtnnr per Custom radio window wash ers while with gleaming red interior Carries filll 12000 mile warranty This is your opportunity to save on new 1962 Gnlnxle tlculers 1955 clrnvnoLnr ltedlo 1m 10 Yours for only $2548 with 10 down and up to 36 tires lust nodre engine mo to months on the balance lose Pord hllnos No 27 stock BAY CITY oercomplete cxccpl for engine 5150 sproulr Supertest lllgnwey MOTORS LIMITED 45 Bradford St 27 one mile south of Thornton PA 8793l Telephone Ivy llï¬ll See For TRUCKS Rt TRAILERS RAMBLER telrow roltn mom for rate mo pltltup model ms Telephone VIAU MOTORS LIMITED GOWAN STREET PA 58085 PA 66488 mo DODGE Juror Pickup TullI or sale Good rubber lso Tele phone PA mulor further Infor 222 BLAKE ST PA 6132 lass 311ch for sale Al condition mation 000 original miles nnwly paint WANTED or ilian Pickup Truck Must be in good candi cd Telephone 15th Stmud for further details Lion and in good running nrttr 1351 PONTIAC Telepnnne PA mil car Automatic transmission Very CARS wro TO BUY Kflnd condition Owners name on ORV HARDY MOTORS EARRIES NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES USED CARS TRADE UP OR DOWN WE WILL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRSENT CAR 176 BRADFORD STREET request use Telephone PA 3108 ms DODGE ror sale to runng condition Radio hcntel tender mirrors whlto walls wheel discs $15 Apply at 161 Center Street 1m hIONAlzcll Hurdtop Two tone prim custom radio This car is In exceptionally good condition PHONE PA 272 cAsn run your car Litor id only 5395 rar appointment to ice cell PA Miler all we trade up or down Alan deln Motors ll Bu Road Barrie lass FORD Pnlrlann two door with automatic custom radio and white PA all walls in gleaming black and white PERSONALS wlth matching Interior Take over TitANsPomATION wanted to and tram camp Bordon Arriving nar naylnents of 51315 per month Telephone PA Moss Gigantic Clearance Sale Continues Ask ab ut our nrnt Try inen eluy Pia star Typcwriter Cp ltllry st PA soles PLAY PEN Ind Pad lloyr navy hlu mantailored hiazer she pink coat and hat site Hoyl twccd coat and net alle Maternity clothes size it Good eandltion Telephone PA new CAMERA mm Keystone Turret model with teicpnoia wide angle and normal inns euioma eico rlc eyo focus wtth gadget up and light bar Also complctn set or Junior Encyclopedia nritemlice like new Telephone PA solos scunA Equipment for only months like stage two hosts regulator Aqu Lung tank constant reserve val nac Pan with namcss foam Neoprene let suit complete size medium Fins snorkel mask weight belt 17 pounds of weights dlvrrs flair and on prnlrsslonai dircrl knife Quite reasonable Phone PA 3911 Iltcr nm or sell rt 51 cut Street BEDROOM sulrlz netenport Armchslr Coffre Table Nest or wrought Iron tables ulrd me Next ol stools Hind hooked rug hug and me mrlchlnc pelr Painted trllho storm on hands Fair at ps Garden Gil der Power lilo Floor pollsher Sliver tea lervIc odd stools Thor electric range with griddle deep rat poll timer rneclunlsm Ind three of drawers Tlle phone PA 56158 DOGS 8e PETS kmrsTsitnn alack Lehrsdor Pupil ror rule Chlmplonship stock Telephone PA dosao for fun titer intermutton FLOWERS PLANTS STRAWBERRY PLANTS ror ink 15 lol $100 Enquire for prices on larger quantities at PA Mm FRUIT 8r VEGETABLES APPLE BARN lllclntosh Spy Counlapd and other varieties grade Macs 150 per bushel Fresh cider Phone PA 39201 Econ sEuAtio Potatoes for sale Field inspected and clean of dis ease AP ly Allan nonncy lilld hunt Te epilono PA 87665 ltAsPnniuu PLANTS Latnltu viking Chief Taylor $450 per loo strawberry Plants Premier Temple HarvestKlng senator Dunlan Paymaater Rndcont Spar kle Ehrlidnwn veiicr also per ion 10 per 1000 Certiï¬ed Seed colon Giadloii Bulbs $215 per loo no per 1000 Ccrtlnd Seed Potstocs Keswick Seblzn other potatoes for sale Huron Chipne wa warha Pontiac Art Wright Valley Gardens PR Mam Gli Jold an ARTICLES WANTED Wm PAY 5200 each for me dimes Cash on receipt Apply to Box 2i Barrie Examiner Plcltlitn PnAlulzs all sizes want od Also old Oil Painting Telee phone PA 34594 WANTED mm Bell at Howell Projector Monieray model Must be reasonable for cash Telephone PA 56207 FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed free For fast service phone vBARRm PA 87751 collect or ask for ZENITH 91130 INO CHARGE 24 noon tiny7 day week NICKS DEAD STOCK Stock Must Be Cleared Before Moving To Our New Location BUY NOWV and SAVE on Drapes Slippers Jewellery Skirts Skirt Lengths Ladies SWetilers Ludies Nylons Purses RecordsLumps Mens and Boysv Shirts and many more miscellaneous items wontwoltnls lie um and leavinl at pm Telephone Conlp Borden collect 22m NEW MONEY 1dr old Colu Wanted to buy 1968 Dimes Wlll Pay 5100 each clean shlnpissters $150 me Nickels 20c Barila Stamp and coin 11 aeyneld st WOMENSCOLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Government Chartered Schonl Through training in all bran ches of beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 12 WORSLEY ST Scd One owner PA 83962 Regularly 23995 EATON SpecIal Price each RR Foxmead Ontario Licence No 172062 mmmwm tt germanar Pros ror rele eight weeks uldA1pIy Craw CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service 1EQKTO$ETM Our lowest Price Ever for 13 Cu Ft Freezerwilh these Nick Montague Prop 10rd and Sons telephone 1910 cro Case New Holland CASH TRADE TERMS Features SAVE WAYS Buy foods In quantity when prices are lowasll lessrocx FARMAMACHINERY David Brown VMINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment theyre lifeinsurer too SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 103 MINESDIG DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE ltlilkers Vacuum Pumps Wash Tanks Separators Parts for any miiker HANK BROWN RR BARRIE HOLLY PA 60338 nlAasElrrulmls to Senior Trad tor with good rubber and in fair shape Apply Douglas flupner Cï¬lllllflllll Ont Telephone ulrlly on Save time fewer shopping trips Save money BUY Nowaf this low If you are wanting to mduovan MY PT imponcim purchase without stretching your 3Mmmm Designed with features usually found only on higherpriced models Has spacious 23 cu It Fast Freeze compartment that holds up to 91 lbs of food Temperature adjustable to 20F Special Tattle Tale safety signal lights give visual warning in the event of power or mechanical failure Capricious portable storage basket Reinforced tra hinet finished in Lcoal Bonderized baked enamel About 51 36 27 Budget too for sea ï¬le people at your neighbourhood at branch PT EATON com