Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Apr 1962, p. 17

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13 aucrioN SALES AUCTION SALE so Grade Hereford Durham Lottie High Class Fann tllch Inery Hay Seed Grain Straw Pigs and some Household Effects The undersigned has received lnnructlons from ELLIS 51 HUTCHINSON to sell by public auction at the premises LOT CON 0R0 TWP miles straight north of Guthrie off Highway No 11 SATURDAY APRIL AT 1200 SHARP the following CATTLE Red Durham Cow years fresh Call at foot Hereford Cow years to freshen by Sale date ADurham Cow years fresh Calf at loot Durham Cow it years fresh Call at loot vDurham Cow years to freshen by Sale date Durham heifer years to freshen by sale date Hereford Heifer years to freshajn by Sale date Herelord Iicllers years old pasture bred Holstein Heifer years to freshen Sept 291h HerefordDurham fat teers 1100 lbs each Hereford Heifers around 800 lbs each fat Hereford Steers around 900 lbs each fat Registered Ilereford Bull years old Rodanz breeding Stockcr Steers la months old 10 HerefordDurham Slacker Heifers in months open Hereford Steers in months old Hereford Steers year Hereford Heifers 13 months old 10 stockers Here fordDurham steers heifers year PIGS ll Yorkshire Pigs around no lbs each York shire Pigs around no lbs each Yorkshire Sow io Pigs weeks old Yorkshire Sow Pigs weeks old Yorkshire Sow bred months York shire Plgs 10 weeks old HAY and GRAIN and STRAW 50 bus Wheat too bus liodney Seed Oats 400 bus Garry Seed oats Quantity Ensilnge Large quantity Loose Straw see so Bales Hay bus Red Clover Seed clean bus Sweet Clover seed cleaned IMPLEMENTS and MISCEL LANEOUS Ford Diesel Dex tra Tractor brand new 600 hrs New Pulley for Tractor 120 it Threshing Belt A1 Case Tractor overhauled with rubber Cockshutt tractor Spreader on rubber new New Holland Baler 66 with motor good as new lnter Thresher as grain thrower shredder tractor Binder cut on rubber like new Sedore Man ure Loader Snow Bucket ncw John Deere Power Mow er cut good condition Inter SeedFertilizer Drill 13 run Tractor Hitch Cutters New Snow Thrower Inter 4bar Delivery Rake Steel LandRol lcr John Deere tractor Culti vator ft hydraulic it hyd FordFerguson Cultivator 160 rope Set Ferguson tractor Disc Horsedrawn Scuffler furrow Inter tractor Plow ace bottom years Dearborn disc tractor Tiller MH potato digger 5sec Drag Harrows FordFergson Buzz Saw Inter pln tractor manure Spreader Set of Scales Fanning Mill motor Beaver Chopper motor Milking Machine for 12 cows units piping etc Viking electric cream separator colony house broodcr coal stove ele ciric brooder stove electric fencers heater house for Ford tractor truck chains dual x20 Pile of used Lumber tarps ext Ladders 36 New calu wheelbarrow Pile ash rails mton barn lack Tractor jack Pr logging tongs Sugar Kettle Snow Fences lD rods bog wire Electric clippers let castrators 12 single Curd lard maple dry in stove lengths Collie Dog real Iiccler Logging Chains etc 36 baleElcvator new Otaco rubbertired Wagon hay rack complete Forks Chains Shov els many other articles HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Bel Piano Bench in excellent condition Wingham Clipper Cook stove good as new Good Cheer Space Heater Rankin Chairs Grahametta Rangette burner Odd Chairs 19 cu it home Freezer Frigidaire unit good con toilet seta anti que hall rack Steel Bed Bedroom ui complete Wasnstand Chain Couch Dishes Pots Pans Sealers Etc Many Other Articles too numerous to list LADIES WA 0F EDGAR UNITED CHURCH WILL SERVE LUNCH DAY OF SALE Terms Cash Definitely no Teserve as farm is sold 13 demon SALES AUCTION SALE Monday April 23 12 Noon Sharp for KELLS At Lot 45 Con 11 Noiuwuus Township 21 miles straight west of Collingwood on moun tain road off Highway 26 Sale of Farm 55 head of Hol stein Cows heifers fresh springing full flow high class fsrin machinery Grain hay straw Milking equipment one ton stake GMC Truck Terms cam No reserve as Mr Kelli ls working for the Depart ment of Veterans Affairs and is giving up farming JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer l2 TENDERS mm GENERAL TRADES SEED EXTRACTION PLANT ANGUS ONTARIO SEALED FIXED SUM TEND ERS properly endorsed on forms supplied by the Depart ment will be received by the Tenders Secretary Room 6630 East Block Parliament Builde lngs Toronto Ontario until 330 pm EDTi WEDNESDAY MAY 2nd 1962 for the General Trades Work which Includes the Mechanical Trades Electrical Trades Fin ishing Hardware Seed Process ing Equipment etc in connec tion with the construction of the Seed Processing Plant for the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests Angus Ontario Bid Depository procedure as specified shall be followed for Mechanical and Electrical Trades Plans Specifications Tender forms Tender envelopes and Contract Requirements may be obtained from or viewed at Room 704 Tower Depart ment of Public Works East Block Parliament Buildings Toronto Ontario Telephone No 3651079 and may also be viewed at the Builders Ex change at Orillia and Barrie and also at the Toronto Con stnietlon Association $1200000 Hid Bond and 100 Performance Bond will be required as specified Tenders will not be considered unless made on forms supplied by the Department of Public Works Ontario in accordance with the terms and conditions as set forth therein Deposit of $10000 CASHor CERTIFIED CHEQUE made payable to the Treasurer of On tario will be required per set of tender documents which will be refunded if documents are returned In good condition with in thirty days of above closing date otherwise forfeited The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted MILLAR Deputy Minister Department of Public Works Ontario Parliament Buildings Toronto Ontario March 30th 1962 TENDERS WANTED Tenders for four classroom school at Marchmount Ontario for the Orillia Township School Area Board will be received not later than 500 pm EST THURSDAY 19 APRIL 1962 at the office of Salter and Allil son 29 Clapperton street Bar rie Ontario Plans specifications and form of tender will be issued to gen eralcontractors by the archi tects on or after Thursday April 1962 accompanied by deposit cheque of $2500 Plans and specifications will be on display at the Toronto Construction Association and Orillia and Barrie Builders Ex changes The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted SALIER AND ALLISON Architects 29Clappertan Street Barrie Ontario KILLS FIREMEN NORWICH Conn AP truckload of chemicals ex ploded outside storage plant Tuesday and killed four firelt men The blast touched off fire and series of explosions that destroyed the building 13 AUCTION SALES 12 restores ONTARIO WATER RESOURQE COMMISSION Project No SlWn Contract TENDERS NR TIE CONSTRUCTION OF 11 DIAMEIER WATERMAIN for the PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF BRADFORD Thu may qualify as winter works project Tenders sealed in the eovel apes provided which shall bl clearly marked as to contents will be received by the Secre tary Ontario Water Resources Cornmisslon 6th Floor mi Bay Street Toronto Ontario until 12 noon EST on WEDNESDAY APRIL LS 1962 for the construction of 12 Diameter Watermain in the Town of Bradford and In the Townflilp of West Gwillimbury 0n the some day commenc log at 230 pm EST the tenders will be opened and read publicly by the Commis sions Tender Committee In the Conference Room 5th Floor at the above mentioned address The work consists generally of the supplying of materials and equipment for and the construction of approximately 18700 lineal feet of 12 Dith ter Watermain either cast iron or asbestos cement and the supply and installation of valves hydrants valve chambers and appurtenances Complete tender documents may be obtained from Proctor and Redfern Consulting Engin eers 75 Eglinton Avenue East Toronto 12 Ontario on payment of deposit of $7000 per set Each deposit shall be in the form of two certified cheques payable to the Ontario Water Resources Commission in the amounts of $1400 and $600 Upon the return to the Consult ing Engineer within three weeks after the closing date for ten dcrs of complete sets of tender documents in good condition cheques will be returned as fol lows Both cheques will be re turned in respect of one set of documents only to each general contractor who has submitted bona tide ten der but the cheque in the amount of $1400 only will be re turned on the receipt of each other set of tender documents Each tender must be accom panied by tender deposit In the form of certified cheque in the amount of 5900000 pay able to the Ontario Water Ro sources Commission Tender documents may be studied without payment at but may not be removed from the following premises The Consulting Engineers Ot iice address below The Bradford Public Utilities Commission Barrie Street Bradford Toronto Builders Exchange 1104 Bay Street Toronto Metropolitan Toronto Sewer and Watermain Contractors Association 1470 Don Mills Road Don Mills Ontario Tenders are subject to for mal contract being prepared and executed The Commission reserves the right toV reject any or all tenders and the lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted ONTARIO WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION Dr Berry General Manager MacDonnell Commission Secretary CONSULTING ENGINEERS Proctor and Hedfern 75 Eglinton Avenue East Toronto 12 Ontario wan appeal Days Sentence PORT ARTHUR CP The Crown will appeal the oneday Jail sentence of 29yearold Mrs Maria Gutta Fort William mother of five children found guilty of manslaughter in the rifleslaying of man she said tried to rape her Defence counsel Alfred Pe trone said Monday he is counter appealing her conviction by jury on reduced charge of man slaughter The appeals an to be heard next month iZTENDERS ONTARIO WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION Project No slWtn Contract TENDERS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF DEEP WELT UMPHOUSE for the PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF TIE TOWN OF BRADFORD this may qualify as winter works project Tenders sealed in the envel opes provided which shall be clearly marked as to contents will be received by the Secre tary Ontario Water Resources Commission 6th Floor 801 Bay Street Toronto Ontario until 12 noon EST on WEDNESDAY APRIL ZS1962 for the construction of Deep Well Pumphouse in the Town ship of West nglllmbury for the Town of Brad ord On the same day commenc lng at 230 pm EST the tenders will be opened and read publicly by the Commis slons Tender Committee in the Conference Room 6th Floor at the above mentioned address The work consists generally of the supplying of materials and equipment for and the construction of deep well pumphouse and the supply and installation of telemeterlng system Complete tender documcols may be obtained from Proctor and Redfern Consulting Engin eers 75 Eglinlon Avenue East Toronto 12 Ontario on payment of deposit of $2000 per set Each deposit shall be in the form of two certified cheques payable to the 0ntnrioWater Resources Commission in the amounts of $1400 and $600 Upon the return to the Consult ing Engineer within three weeks after the closing date for ten ders of complete sets of tender documents in good condition cheques will be returned as fol lows to Both cheques will be re turned in respect of one set of documents only to each general contractor who has submitted bona fide ten der but bi the cheque in the amount of $1400 only will be re turned on the receipt of each other set of tender documents Each tender must be accomv gt panied by tender deposit in the form of certified cheque in the amount of $200000 paY able to the Ontario Valer Re sources Commission Tender documenls may be studied without payment at but may not be removed from the following premises The Consulting Engineers Of lice address below The Bradford Public Utilities Commission Barrie Street Bradford Toronto Builders Exchange 1104 Bay Street Toronto Metropolitan Toronto Sewer and Waiermain Contractors Association 1670 Don Mills Road Don Mills Ontario Tenders are subject to for mal contract being prepared and executed The Commission reserves the right to reject any or all tenders and the lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted ONTARIO WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION Dr Berri General Manager MacDonnell Commission Secretary CONSULTING ENGINEERS Proctor and Redfern 75 Eglinton Avenue East Toronto 12 Ontario Able To Pav Should Trade TORONTO CPIRobertwin ters former resources minister in the St Laurent government said Monday Canada should trade with any country that can pay for goods Mr Winters now president of the Rio linto Mining Company of Canada was addressing the annualy convention of the Groc ery Products Manufacturers of Canada see nothing cscally wrong in trading comm ties with China Russia or other Commu nisi bloc countriesor aoy coun try that will trade with us in good faith and can afford to pay for our goods he said Swing to first ship into Lake Huron this Detroit River Iree Vessels On Move DETROIT lAPlA dozen lake vessels were on the move Mon day with the Detroit River free of ice and lower Lake Huron ice reported fairly clear on the American side The steamer Crape of the Huron Portland Cement Company of Detroit became the year after leaving Detroit Sat urday She loaded cement at Alpena Mich Sunday and headed back for Cleveland bion day She radioed that the ice was considerable but not enough to delay her seriously Some heaiy ice was stiu on the Canadian side of lower Lake Huron and the US Coast Guard cutter Sundev reported she was encountering difficult going in smashing ice on the bay in northern Lake Michigan IF YOURE COMPARING 10 SEE WHERE YOU GET THE BEST FOODBUYS BE SURE TO FranceAmnrican In mate Sauce Ron tins HoSAVE iic SPAGHETTI Gum Giant NIBLETS Royal Irritant PUDDINGS DETERGENT AGP SuperRight Qualify iSfloz tins 99 an tins assSAVE 9c I4floz tins 89 an pkgo ZSHAVE 9e pkgs 49c 24 oz tin 49 ran manic mum mummy APRILl ms 11 Liberals Plan Money Limit OTTAWA CPILiberal party promises of ceiling on party election campaign expenses and payment of some of these ex penses by the federal treasury were circulated Monday in new Liberal party campaign pamphlet The pamphlet said the cost of elections is reaching altogether excessive heights and the partys purpose is to make it pouible for eiery candidate to have fair opportunity to put his case to the voters The policy declarations were approved at Januarys national advisory council meeting CANNED FOODS SALE ANN PAC VARIETIES PORK BEANS senor TINS 99 Regular Tin 27¢ SAVI Choice Halvsl AaP PEACHES AAP Choice Columbia RASPBERRIES Choicl Quality Rog tins ZSoaAVE 7n milextins Rug tine SHAVE 190 lSJchtins 99p Rep line ITOSAVE 9o AGLP TOMATOES 428Heuim85¢ AAP FANCV QUALITY TOMATO JUICE 499e Ric tin 2h SAVE Do GRADE OVEN READY YOUNG HENS 10 TO 14 LBS TURKEYS 45¢ BONELESS SOLID MEAT PORK BUTT Ram I153c SHORT CUT RED BRAND BEEF ROAST 1157c MealI Features Choioo Bhouiolr Cuts GROUND CHUCK lb 59 Supoeriinht Brown Servo All Mal SAUSAGE PATTIES sma39 Email Link Fur PORK SAUSAGES Choice Quality SLICED PORK Florida Full of Juico No 147 LIVER I523 Grail ORANGES 5Ibcenobag49c California No Grndo Long Grass ASPARAGUS 1539 California No Gradl Largl Original Bunch Choice Quality BEEF KIDNEYS a29 Schneiders Red Hots or Dutch Tu WIENERS Snowbird Brand sou nuns Cooked and Breudcd 149 isuzptg43¢ HADDOCK PORTIONS 47 Save Cash on Fresh Fruits and Vegetables at ASP CALIFORNIAFANCY GRADE RED EMPEROR GRAPES 39c Fioridl Fancy Grade Sweat Tender YELLOW CORN 6lt=bs49c Chillll Sweat Spanish No Grain Llrpl Nu ONIONS 2m29L PEI Hand Scidud No Grade ALP Label Owner will not be respons lble for any accidents day of Sale Buyers from distance must Prove their identification With the Clerk Frank Webb Keith Lees Clerks COUGHLIN and THORNTON auctioneers Phone Barrie PA 85449 Fairview 46761 Orillia Nothing to be removed unui settled for COMPLETE DISPERSAL smunwrcx GUERNSEY HERD good for at the farm youl COOKSTOWN ONTARIO WEDNESDAY APRIL 11 1962 100 PM 45 HEAD BROCCOLI mi 5c THRIFT LIQUID SOAP SAVE 10o OZ THRIFT LIQUID SOAP SAVE 43 1202 POTATOES when its Jane Parker Bakery Features APPLE PIE 2401 PIE 39 GERBERSBABY rooo Stnained and moslavo llle or swim or Your FncleR AT rina Low Pam Robin iisoa Deluxe CAKE MIXES 17 for 69 Jane Parker Rob may yo araowax mushroom moss JELLYo Millikan 29 mmuimmw Jane Psrku Sandwich on lost zzoaAVE as gt Super urlteis BREADW WW Zzwilwvs37t Vaccinated Accredited so Cows Grades Bred Heifers ts Calves and Yearlings Grsdu Bull The herd is in nice shape and is milking well Selling at 11 Noon Equipment as Follows Bulk Tank27 can DeLaval Milking Units Pi Ta for 21 cows Wash Tank Water Heater 1956 Ford m3 pllzw cul tivator disc front end loader McKee Harvester inower and side delivery rake Cockshutt rubber tired wagon section harrow disc International drill Grain Augur with 15 horse motor Scales Manure Spreader Stewart Clippers Small line of house hold furniture Also 75 laying hens 11 months old Sale will be held in Tent For catalogues Write GUERNSEY CATTLE BREEDERS ASSOCIATION 0F ONTARIO BOX Bil GUELPH ONTARIO 3rd LACOMBE SWINE SALE at STRATFORD FAIR GROUNDS APRIL 13TH AT 130 PM 1Catalogues from auctioneers Robson and Filson Denfield or bekburn Milliken See ietary Larombo Breeders Assoc Try An Examlher Want Ad rooms PA suu Special for limited time onlyl ONE FREE BOTTLE IN EACH CARTON off regular Price KIET BEVERAGES nanKoKA Phone FA 42112 ortula WWW an PriceShown In no as tinmums Through saturdw April 7thm

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