Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Apr 1962, p. 16

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Classified The Peoples Mdrket Place in your own lo THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDA AP IL 196 ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BAYSTAIRS LODGE SIINETS POINT MINUTES FROM DOWNTOWN BARRIE Wedding Receptions Bcautllul grounds ior picture youll cherish Ample parking or guests coo veniencel We assume the responsibilities while you enjoy yourself Facilities at dancing eic SATISFACTION ASSURED PRICES THAT PLEASE Call PA 85198 anytime BIRTHS NAMES ARE IMPORTANT Choc In name tor your child should be tell plrasure sud otbm will want to know your choice Nam your child as quickly possible and use the individual dam in llarria Exsminer birth Announce mtnt last call our ciarsuied Dev nsrtmeni give the acts tncludins the name and we will pubUsh birth Notice in the next edition tor only 3150 Telephone PA bult or this Clmlned setvice ARrrAt the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Tuesdsy April lm so Mr and sits Prod Arii so Codrlngton street asrrle son eM loimsToNAt the Itoysi vic toria itosairai limit on Tuesday April rm to lir no sin Don io Johnston RR barric son iKavin Alls brother tor Dc ilrer Dawn SUTTONMr and Mrs Ilsney Sutton Shanty Bay Ontario are happy to announce the birth or their daughter Nancy Lynne on Tuesday April 1962 at the Royal Victoria Hospital rrla sister or Chfls and stid DEATHS ga McARTltUll Aiersnder smes At Edlhl Ontario on Saturday March ii mz Alexander lsmes McArtbur in his 73rd ycsr nost ing at the stecklcy Funeral Home In orslcy Street Barrie Scr vice on Thursday April st pm Interment Guthrie Cemetery Rlrcliir Cccll Suddenly at Toronto on Tuesday April 1961 Cecil Ritchie dio Keelc street Toronto beloved husband or Grace Ritchie lmcd brother or Emcrsnn oi Laicniord Morgan Milton Vera ilils Pcscockl all or Toronto Mrs Margaret Ito bins oI Pcnctsng Hazel Illlrs Vcr ncr at Hamilton lilrs lva Tyne dsll or Miami Florida and the late Mrs Wilson and Mrs George Mason in his 52nd year hosting at the lcnnctt Funeral Home 152 brxdtoro street bsr rte hincrat service Thursday April st pm Interment bsr rie Union Cemetery STDWARTchsrler At Re gina Saskatchewan on Sunday April 1952 Charles Stewart beloved husband or Mabel Coultcr dear lather of billie of Regina and grandtsiher or Lynn loved brother or Willer and Harry oi Letroy in his 71th year Puncrsl Saturday April irom Lathsnguc Funeral Horne bradiord Friends mu cntt Friday evening Inter mcnt sixth Lina Cemetery at pin srawanr PurlMrs stcwartl Passed away on Monday cvcninr April 1962 at her home Indian Grave Tor onto Pearl Ball iromerly or narriol betovcd wire or Richard Av Stewart dur mother or Dr rtichnrd Stewart or hair alo NY grandmother or urine David and Robin Stewart nest lnr at the Turner and Porter cnapet us Roncesvauer Ave To route mm ram Tuesday Pun erai service 11 oclock Tlrursdsy morning interment St Johns Norway Cemetery CARDS 0F THANKS WILKINSON and McKNICIIT We wish to thank the people or the village or Angus tor their kind assistance at the time of our reccnt tire Special thanks to firefighters ot IJX Angus The wuklnson and McKnight tamuics COMING EVENTS RUMMAGE SALE Friday April I0 am to pm TRINITY HALL COLLIER ST Forpickup call PA mail Auspiees Trinity Evening WA SQUARE AND ROUND DANCING Midhurst Township Hall Friday April 27 1962I SPONSORED BY OFU Pattcndens Orchestra ADMISSION 750 EjRUMMAGE SALE Nearly New Rack FRIDAY APRIL YMYWCA Owen Street A30 TO PM Auspices Dalston United Church Voinen MIXED DANCING dvv ORANGE HALL Friday April 930 am Paxtons Orchestra Lunch Counter ADMISSION 75c ANNUAL Missionary Convention at thc Alliance Church Steel and Cook Streets tonight Thursday and Friday at prn Sunday It llam and prll Missionaries train The Congo and Indonesia Kodachrome slides ITCS EASY TO PLACE BARRIE EXAMINER CLASSIFIED AD 0533 one of these three convent enifways PHONE PA 112414 and say til want to place Classified Ad MAIL it to The Barrie Exam iner Barrie OoL TELEPHONE PA IMAM BRING it to The Barrie Ex aminer oliice boytleld Street PROPERTY FOR SALE HENDERSON REALTOR is causes srRirr PHONE PA Mm DUFFERIN STREET only tgnyearold twobed room hamc with garage Duver fenced yard with garden Semi ilnished room in high dry base ment Terms Coll Rita Scand rett DUNDONALD STREET 513600 You wont be disar pointed in this home if you are looking for aiwo storey brick Three bedrooms large living room family size kitchen Car ries or $82 monthly Including taxes Call Rita Scandrctt INVESTMENT INCOME lvo modern liveyearold semi dctached homes Good central location Both leased Owner go in to Western Conadu Relt quires $5000 down Terms to suit buyer Cull Emerson Swain EVILVINGS CALL ltiTA SCANDIIETI PA use DoROTiIY vlwok PA asst PERCY Palm Main utERsoN SWAIN IA woos Member at Dkrril and District and Ontario Real Estate boards HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Realtors 98 EAYFIELD ST PA 56453 ANYTIME $1200 DOWN Best East cnd location It you can pay rent you can own lhls home room brick View at parkland and buy Call Norm Hcsketh for your appoint ment to see through this port and pretty bungalow on Nelson He can get you the best buy youve ever dreamed possible PA S6453 days or PA 37015 evenings Also ask about this weeks special at 23 Steel Membcr oi Barrie and District Real Estate board Keith Marshall REA asTATa oRom PA 82592 is ELAPPERTON 81 CENTRAL Lovely our bedroom home EARRIE close to downtowanull basE solo located in Lisle Pour apart meht garage paved driveway This home is in immaculate con dition Only 511000 Easy terms SEE IT TODAY Its home youll be proud of every day of the week Three bedroom bungalow close to schools on paved highway just outside city Largo living room dining area kitchen bathroom full basement Forced air oil heating 0n extra large treed lot or only $10500 Easy terms itoona PA hue FRANK NuLm PA crass Member Burl1c and District Real Estate board ROSE REAL ESTATE BROKER 7s TlFIIN STREET bAquE CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member or the aortic and District Real bstata board CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 82419 93 Dunlop St MARI MARSHALLPA daut CORbltPA 35468 IIIURLEL JmRYPA $6351 CARSON Next door to tho Imperial Tbcam 45A DUNLOP ST PA 66481 Member at barrio sad District Real Estate board OUTSIDE TOWN LIMITS Two bedroom house for sale Kitchen dining and living room bathroom completely finished basement garage and work shop on lot 60 232 Mort gage can be arranged Very low taxes Owner leaving country For further information call PA 68444 MOVING For complete moving servica safer and easier Cali COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LEVES AGENT 43 Essa Rd Barrie PArkway 85575 INCOME PROPER Modern trip lex st Vincent street Puliy oc cupled Over $200 monthly one Edward Lysowakhézdroamf $17500 as an own PA dasta Wham Try An Examiner Want Ad Bad with beautiful BUS OPPORTUNITIES REAL ESTATE ROGERS PROPERTY FOR SALE CONNELL ONE DUNmP STREET EAST First in Barrie Home SalemForemost to Quality at Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL DOORSPA um MRS ROGERSPA use MEMBERS DARRIE or DlsmICr REM Norman POSTERPA um CONNELIrPA is mAr noun Shelswfel REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST First Mortgage Funds Avallnblc PA S9981 PA 68742 alarm out at Valuo No Fees Charged za Joe Lolirtln PA SirId marett shelawsll Orv ml Hosrd Norrll CLIFF CI mar IA roomi crroao PA sum ROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA $0241 PA 50242 Members ot tbs barrio Bu raisi board Smith CampbellIA S1389 Fergus Gsncy iA Mm Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Tlffin St PA 60476 EVENINGS CALL Karl Marshu PA sum loo Painter PA soils Camry siiiicr PA M56 Member at the narria and District Real mtatn board New three bedroom home Largo living room kitchen with largo dining area lots of cup boards and storage Oil heated Colored bathroom fixtures van ity divided basement Large lot in good residential area close to stores and schools TELEPHONE 84281 MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 64801 OR PA 64502 113 Duulop St do ACRES or Gravel and Fill for solo Closo to bsrrle Apply to box It barrio It sminor INCOME PROPERTY or sale du piox Dominion store area Garage Nicely trccd lot See this first then make us In otter Telephono PA 66503 MODERN Apartment Hausa tor merits and store $9500 lull price Reasonable down payment write box 22 Barrie Examiner Low DOWN Payment Contact owner Two bedroom house its at as root lot picket Ionce surrounde ing property close to modern school double Saran Aluminum doors and windows On community water system Heating cost low $8000 Telephone HI 96444 PROPERTY FOR SALE OWNERS thrcu bedroom bunga low and year old Small down payment Telephone PA dusss for lurthor iniormation Eh FOR SALE OR RENT POUR ltooM House at lliinnts Point with Ihloo piece bath lull silo basement with Iurnoce Low down payment busy terms Tele phone PA SSW FARMS FOR SALE 150 ACRE FARM Choice soil good buildings 70 acres sugar maple bush farm orchard close to Orillia priv ate righiolway to Lake Sim coe Immediate possession Terms APPLY BOX 24 BARRIE EXAMINER Its wonderful the way Classified Ads gel re sults Phone PA 82414 MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lst 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all properties WITH Low MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILORED To YOUR bUDGLr IF YOU NEED MONEY Mortgage Funding OVCI SimpsonsSears MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation oi Bills Home repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $l 549 at $56 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly Up to $5000 and 60 month to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT I4I Dunlop St PA 66477 moRToAGastrt and and bought sold and arranged Commercial and residunuhl moneys leaned on existing mortgages DflflI Marta gage brokers Will DARDER SHOP or rent or IEESEV ln barrio gbod location Excellent potential for right man Telephone PA 50717 or further iniorrnstlon Joan LootPA moi Charlie ReadPA Mair BUS OPPORTUNITIES SHOOT TO HIGH PROFITS Wiih Canadas latest amuse mcnt machine Hes allvel talking shooting mcdtanieal gunlighter located by us in Super ltlurkets Shopping Ceil lrcs Amusement Parks and Travel Terminals While youre at the olticc the beach or bowlinghave him working or YOU High profits start im mcdlutcly with no personal at tendance necessary Compaii will assist with liberal linonca lug on low investment of $3000 Be the Iirst to say Have gunlightcr will profit and call Mr lek Draw at Canada at the Park Plaza Hi tel Toronto from April 2nd to April 7th or write Mr Robt Fleming National Marketing Direclor Executive Ollice 71 Bank Street Ottawa RENTALS LOW COST RPACD or rent Clean modelo buildings suitsbls Ior commercial or light industrial Telephone PA H575 NURSING HOMES ARK EDEN NURSING HOLE Built lor till work Scull Ina levnto rooms kind much can good and TV rooms lutan wa soo tor outings Toldphonl HERA Stroud OFFICES STORES RENT MODERN Office Building downtown Bar rie has limited amount of space availablewill alter to suit Telephone PA 82293 0T PA 60865 APTS HOUSES T0 RENT BRENTWOOD TERRACE Sell contained two bedroom apartment Living room kitch en full basement Central loch tion $85 per month Telephone PA 849238 The Garden Terrace Corner Queen and Duckworthi Modern home two bedrooms large living room tiled kitchen with dining area all heat with air conditioning tull basement serviced landscaped grounds bamboodrapes $66 month PHONE PA 52740 mom Beside Lake One and two bedroom apart ments complete with stove and refrigerator Use of washer and dryer Redecorated annually PA 61068 55 MONTHLY Tam room heated apartment Conveniences Parking lacilitlea Telephone PA 56669 or lurther1n£omstlun FURNISHED three room lapart ment or rent Available Ap lL Adults may Apply on John street or telephone PA assoc after pm THREE BEDROOM bungalow for rent Modern conveniences located on Ioth Line lnanbl Vlne Sts tlnn $56 Dion Tellphone 15 my VERY CENTRAL Two bedroom apartment in new budding stove and reirlgerator supplied Laundry facultlcs also parking Avutllblo May Telephone PA $2508 THREE DEDDOOM spsruneot or rent in new building wssher dryol and Janitor servlwruppllerl Available immediately Telephona PA 32352 for Iurtber Lolormsuon UPsTAIRs unfurnlshed apart ment or rent Sepsrsio entrance private bathroom parking Avallr able immed tely Telephone PA 52770 or PA 7342 New RANCH STYLE three bed room house breezewsy and gar age Modern conveniences Duca ted on Highway 11 south of stroud Available May Tele phone 73th Stroud or apply Shakells Garage TELEPHONE DIRECTORY FOR UNLISTED NUMBERS SUPERIOR PROPANE New Phone Number PA 61861 Hwy 11 South BOX 428 RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT DELUXE APARTMENTS Conveniently located near schoob shopping and bus and within walking distance at downtown Done and two bedrooms Balconies lbamboo Drapes Stoves and fridge Olndivldual thermostats llncineratorl IFreo washing and drying Iacilitles Olilany other line appointments Children welcome Sample suite may be seen by calling PA 83I 86 lein YOUR last month rent irrc Ono snd two bedroom sportmtnll Imlwr lervlze Rents rob per month Tcldpbono PA aura Ior Iurthrr wormtion mks on Palm furnished or uamruished rooms stove nilig lntor and Darklnl Adultl only Clo to AMI Telephone PA Mada erURleIIxn Apsrtmeoi two bedrooms stove nlrilerltor belt and wster supplied Laundry ls elllllcs and puma East 0nd AdultI Telephone PA Hub CENTRAL Itoorny two bedroom upstairs apartment or rent Water and best included Private ent rance no monthly Apply Peel stmt Apartment out CONTAINED iurntshed sps meet or rent two rooms and prt bat Retrigersior and stove Prlvs entrance Available now Teleph no PA Mini tor lull particulars LAltOb brtsht apartment Central location lies aonablo Must be seen to ho Iplt preclated Telephons PA ml or PA 31101 15 ONE DLDROOM Apsrtroeot stove and retrlgerator supplied Also two 1bedroom lblrmelitln Lsundry tscllltles In new spart ment building Telephone PA H514 thch bedroom PRIVATE ground iioor one bed room apartment Lsundry iaclll ties Central Water sud best In cluded its monthly Available Msy ll Apply Peel street Apsrtrnent NEWLY Decorsied two bedroom apartment in modern apsrtniant building Reirlgcratnr and stove Laundry and parking Iscllitics Avsllsbla immediately 3100 par month Telephone PA M092 TIIRB ROOM tarnished spart ment in quiet home suitable ior business or Air Force couple Ab stslners Np children Pukinll space Near West End Plsu PA 75 FURNISHED three room modern spsrtrnent bath nowly decorstcd cloln vary Central uleflllLlIfled heated Bound floor psrklng Army or Air Pores preterred Telephone PA 34861 uNPUltNIslIbD three room no merit close to West End Pl Lsundry Isctlliiea heavy duty wiring private entrsnce smplo parking spsce Available lmrnedb ateiy Phone PA adios after pm LARGE three bedroom on heated Ittlchcd home for rent Four miles north at barrio st Crown Hill next to Radar bus route Lsundry tubs snd dryer Across Irons school snd church Heat hy dro and water mppllod Possep slon May Telephone PA D7737 UNIURNISIIED Upstairs Apart ment iepsrste entrance Heat water retrtgerator and parking lhcllltlcs Vieinlty or West End Plaza Available immediately Tele phone PA 157 or turtber psr ticulars Two BEDROOM Apsrtment with living room and good size kitchen private bath unturnisbed bested private entrance refrigerator snd stove supplied it desired Central location Parking provided Reason sbia rent Immediate possession Telephone PA Add or site phi PA sales By ALICE moons VACATION PAIR SEEWORTHY playsult with colorstriped sailor collar gayest sun fashion Wrap skirt completes outiit Printed Pattern A710 Misses Sizes 12 14 ls 18 20 Size 16 playsuit requires yards 35inch fabric skirt yards FIFTY CENTS 50 cents In coins Ontario residents add cents sales tax no stamps please lor this pattern Print plainly SIZE NAME AD DRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS care of Barrie Examiner Pat tern Department 60 Front St Toronto Ont SPECIAL Summer Pattern Catalog More than too styles sun sport day dance work travel All sizes Send 35c rnatle laundry tacilltlcs szucoxrsmo himlslied spam mroi uvtor rocrh kitchenette and piece bathroom t6 moathlyTrlrphon PA sues or PA amt HEATED lcllltonulbcd Abutment found hm Tom Ihrgo room In ICth Psrklnt Pflvltl antr roller 55 mainly Telephons PA Hm Tim Roou unturnlabed besb ed spsrtme trsi locsunn oiistrcet psrklb Availabls how Telephom woo Ior runner ielormstlota UNrURNIhlILD upper duplex two bcdmoms bested newly decorated Lhroufliout Spacious rooms Lugs cupboard ado monthly Telephone PA Hus APARTMENT to rent Pour looms nested loo bl Ground Avail Hardr plus sunporcn nrpietcly privs usy Apply Alid ware PA b1421 Two DIDRDOM Apartment very cralrll unlurnlshod bested com pldtbly soil contained psrking spscc Avail April Tele bURToN vzz Tores room unr mrnlshed apartment to rent Oil bested hot wstar Stov snd re Irlgerator Privsio bsth Apply Centre st or Itsrtber LnlulmIIlon uNrURNIaHDD three room sell contsihed spsrtment or rent Three piece bsth Drsbes supplied Avsilabla bisy Telcpboru PA Nola PoUlt ROOM unlurnished Ipsrt rarni lies And hot water sud plted so per month Completely reticentmod Laundry room with drier Telephonu PA soon even insr only NLw AND ltodarn con and two bedroom IDsrlmohtl ovcrlooklnl scenic Kemvenldlt my ilaat wa ter aridog and janitor servic mcludm Automatic vvasbluz lav clutter PA Mm alx ROOM House tor rent with sunrooln Ind nrllc Oll hclunl Centrally located Avllllblo Dow 3100 per month Telephone PA Mass or PA Hm UNFURNISHED three room selI cohtaloed heated apartment Priv sla entrance and bath Close to school and bar route rcnccd yard Parking Newly decanted Tele pho PA 63561 LBTELY Punished Aunts rneni isrgo kitchen bedroom liv ing room tiled bsth lots or cup boards completely private biske Street near beach Avsllsblo soon Tellphonl PA 37134 FOUR ROOM Iurnlshed Heated reirigerstar so heavy duty riote hardwood Iioors three piece bsth Available April 11 Apply Armstrongs Hardware 93 Dunlop street East LARGE modem unfurnished three mum apartment on halted laundry Icpsrste entrance clubs groundl parking and Au rising pool Central Telephone PA 55082 MODERN one and two bedroom apartments east and barrio Bitm beo drspes Venetian blinda Auto Parking Telephone PA 8472 tor turtber lhiormstlon UNFURNISIIED heated upper spsriruent tor rent sellcontained Modeln kitchen heavy wiring Centrally lacsted Reasonable Telephone PA M181 tor lurthu lulorraatlon THREE IIDOM basement Apart ment heated soilcontained pri vsto bath Reirigersior and stove Partially tarnished Telephone PA 35828 or PA and or Iurtber io lomltlon MODERN nowly decorated one and two bedroom spsrtments or rent centrally located with water snd best supplied Telephono PA 52253 or PA Lam tor urtth in urination PARTIALLY Furnished lovely large two bcdroorn apartment Lots of cupboards Near East End Plaza raw blocks rrom beach Available April to Telephone PA Mill ULmAvMODERN unlurnlsbed one bedroom spsrtment Private bsl eony front end rear Refrlgcralor and dupes supPlch Centrally Io ested Ideal ior young married couple Telephone PA 63391 UNPURNIaIIbD selt contained apartmant Heavy duty stove rc lrlgerntor private entrance and bsth on heating hydro snd ter supplied Near West End rs Phone PA S7187 alter caNmALLY located apartment lor rent Stove and retrigerator supplied bedroom private ent rance ever Filter Queen ottiee Available immediately Telephone PA H452 VERY CENTRAL One bedroom sallmntshrsd hastcd spartmeot uniumished In new building stove and refrigerstor laundry isollitiu also psrklog Available immediately Telephone PA bzsod NEW POUR bedroom bungalow in rent is it sq living room picture window powder room plus bsth patlo95 per month Hidhwsy ll bus stop at Hawkev ltoD Telephona 5111 Ore Stallon Timur ROOM uolumiabad Apart ment or rent stova and retrib erstor Use of washer and dryer Central location Nuwly decorated Telephone PA Sfllil or tuxtbs information UNIunNIaiIDD modern iour mom apartment with bath Hest ed Hot water and stove supplied Located in Angus Telephone 159 Clmp Borden mar ROOM sellcontained un nuolsbed apartment Au utllltlcl including drapes blinds and lean dry iactutiu Redeeorstcd Grove Street area sad monthly sorry not suitable tor children Tele pbooe PA mu other NEWLY decorated bright and traettve unlurnlshed tinea room spartmeot with private bath sci contained Toronto Street district Closes to bus stop Telephone PA 5565 AVAILABLE Now bested spatt ment living room kitchen big balcony two bedrooms Private bath parking clean and comiort able No pets 65 per month Close to downtown in Mulcoster street cuOIcz Apartment modern oos rtment RENTALS home PA 82414 ARTICLES For SALE APTS HOUSES TO RENT NKw Two bedroom Bungalow every convenience Excellent toes uco Apply Georss alcOiodrey Thornton Phone Ivy and Immo dlltd possession bedroom unlurnlahed sellcoo tained hosted Laundry and park lng Hilltch Near bus stop Im media possession Telcpbbbl PA or iurtbu details Tlinzb szRoOM uniurnitbed roomy duplex modern convent eoeos spacious lawn sardeo Prt vsto entrance Avsllsblo immedi siely otl heated Pleasant sun roubdings Reasonable Telephone Ivy amt ROOM BOARD ON on TWO GIRLS to share turn my spsrtment with same Park lng laundry and privste ehtnhu ror turihr details telephone PA uzos ROOMS TO LET FURNISHED bbDRODM Vlry cen irsl Gentleman only Telephon PA dinc NICE PURNtaiiBD llouwkcr lng room with rsngotte and It re lrigerstor Centrsl Telephone PA H061 or PA Most CENTRAL in quiet home Clean lumlkhcd bedroom Has to be seen to be spprcclsted ror lurihrr lu lormatlon telephone PA bml NICBLY himlshcd heated bed siiting room in quiet home Gena tlemln Preicrred Arcns location leephano PA 64007 WANTED TO RENT DURINDSS dint would like small sellcontained bachelor apartment uniurn hed with stovs and re Irlgors or ll possible Prelcrsbly in north end ares Telephone PA Hood SIMCOE DIST COOP APPLIANCES Used Stoves from $2500 Used TV from $2995 New Viscount Appliances Moflat RCA Victor TV 259 INNISFIL STREET PA 66531 COIN COLLECTORS We carry is complete stock at coin catalogues and coin totders PRICE LISTS FREE Cash For Your Coins THE HOBBY CENTRE Dunlop St West Barrio FREE Year Guarantee on Used TV picture tubes plus 30 day warranty $49 AND UP McFADDEN Appliance PENETANG sr NEED NEW STOVE 0R FRIIDGE Buy cm with lowcost liloInsured SCOTLA PLAN LOAN The bank of Nova Scotla SUMMER RESORTS CAhiPlNOi See our solution or 1962 tenu 105 on on all tent Ord ers now usrrlo Government Sur plus 25 Dunlop Street West Tole phon Flt coezz COTTAGES WANTED TltRbb DEDIIODM unlurnlshrd cottsre wsnted to rent tor lull su son April is to August Must have inside Iscllities bested iireplsce Good sandy beach tor two children sround lsc Point Reply to box 25 bsrria Examiner stating ternu descrip tion and location ARTICLES For SALE PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner you would like to have re prints of any news pictures taken by our stall photogra phers pleusa at our oust nesg Office We am sorry we cannot accept hone orders Glossy Prints $100 IOI $125 plus Two New aunoa iiilkcr Units used only nine months 7100 each Telephone 5173 Oro Station BUSINESS NEW MAPLE SYRUP Top Quality Produced In Ontario Priced Right SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP 259 lnnisfil St Barrie PA 66531 Barrie SECONDHAND STORE Eds llII used goods plus new slightly damaged items way below original cost We also buy content lots 55 DUNLOP ST Phone PA 82427 SPRING SPECIAL FURNACES Forced air new oil or gas $1100 FINANCE RATE Used Oil Burners or said PHONE PA 60391 CARD LOANSsow at month Telephone PA MOE giruflbt Finance Dunlap es Alllech tool quick change lstho with accessories ll Jonas Shlpmhn Prru drill blorrll Per adapter and drills id Atkins power hacksuw black and Decker Volvo rctacor Black and Decker valve seat grinder Sunncr plnhois hono machine wet Also combin stiou sink washing machine dish washer Apply bluewater Cara Wyevala Telephone Eimvs flown SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates Telephone APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service I47 DUNLOP ST PA 6l I42 ADVERTISING WARWICK WEBSTER LIMITED Matchedbsh St GRILLIA ADVERTISING OPROMOTION OPUBLICITY ORTLLIA 3252752 RESJ 3254689 DRIVING SCHOOL Learning How To Drive CALL OIflV DRIVING SCHOOL PA 61277 For Rates and Information Learn to Drive the Sale Why in Dual Controlled Car COX DRIVING SCHOOL PA 60501 For rates and Inlormatloii CENTRAL self contained bedalt tlng room with kitchenette and bsth Avalloblc now Also three room apsrtment suitable tor young married couple Near hospital Telephon PA HIM beloro to son large live room spsrtmcnt available immediately In new modern buudieg Automa tic laundry rrislntenuico service Stove snd retrigerator optional Paved parking Iacllities For tur ther inrormation telephone PA M366 or PA Hm DELUXE two bedroom nurtures is It so living room picture win dow patlo $65 monthly Two room apartment 30 six room Iran ment two baths silo Au large rooms Separate entrances Separ ate baths New triplex overlooking Highway 11 bus stop at Hawke stone Telephone ma oro Ststlon EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Ball yard backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN Anna Street Barrio PA com HAIRDRESSERS CLEFORD HAIR FASHIONS Individual styling Moderate rates FRED GRANT SQUARE By Month or Year PA 82414 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 RR Barrla PA 5595i same is HERE Lo do your NTL Painters Ellilli Runny PA arm or PA snow FLOOR COVERINGS BARRIE FLOOR WALL TIIJE Sales Service 24 Maple Ave Opp bus terminal OLlnoleum and Vinyl tile Isheet goods OCcramic tile OHardwaod flooring OCamots OComplete line at sampled FREE ESTIMATES DAY OR EVENINGS WORKMANSmP GUARANTEED FREE PARK NG PHONE PA 85362 EVENTNGS PA H952 Charles Lawson Propr RADIO AND yTELEVISION SERVICE 24 HOUR SERVICE ALL MAKES 0F RADIO AND TV BAY VIEW ELECTRONICS 19 Adelaide St PA 89503 REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE as Clappcrton St PHONE PA 94562 WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS DVSTALJED BY LICENSED URI ERS FREE ESTIMATES Coupland Drilling RR BARRIE PA 87646 Try An Examlher Want Ad PHONE PA 84414

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