OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Tele pnune PA $2414 ni telephone number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept is PA 6633 95th YearNo so PREMIER JOHN HOBARTS of Ontario fails with Dr Dan let Hill in Toronto today after Dr Hill was named the first fulltime director of the Ontario human rights com mission Dr Hill 38 from Independence ttio is soci ologist and lecturer at the University of Toronto He will take over his duties later this year OP Wirepbotot USBorn Negro Is Named AntiDiscrimination Chief TORONTO CPiAn Ameri can born Negro was named Tuesday as the first fulltime di rector of the Ontario Human Rights Commission Dr Daniel Hill 38 so ciologist and lecturer at the Univ versity of Toronto becomes re sponslble for supervising 0n tarios newly adopted code of human rights and overseeing all the provinces legislation against discrimination die is totuke rover hisrduics later in the year Premier Ro ilillis said in announcing the appointment to the legislature Dr Hillnow is involved in re search for the attorneygenerals department in association with the Alcoholism and Drug Addic tion Research Foundation native of fndependemc t1o Dr Hill graduated from the predominantly Negro Howard University In Washington DC in 1949 studied at the Univer sity of Oslo and received both masters and doctorate degrees in sociology from the University of Toronto hide one formerly assistant warden at St Andrews Memo rial House here an educational institution for New Canadians and was research director of Secret Hearing Of Crime Probe TORONTO tCP Secret hearings are being held by On tarios royal commission on crime today for the first time since the hearings began in late March Mr Justice Reach the commissioner explained after Tuesdays adjournment that tes timony of certain witnesses re quiring anonymity will be heard privately not to protect any in dividual who might be named but in the best interests of the commission Presumably witnesses could be any one of string of under world or halfworld characters whose names have been bobbing up through the eight days of hearings to date amid rumors of tipoffs and payoffs to gamblers The commissioner said public hearings will resume Thursday but will be adjourned that eve ning until April 16 Provincial Policc Constable George Scott today testified he had told Deputy AttorneyGen eial Common that he was getting lot of money from the gamblers in 1960 This waSoneof series of recitals all in evidence given by Const Scott reports of pay offs to officialsmost of them originating with gamblers or po licemen in the pay of gamblers and included the names of As sistant OPP Commissioner James Bartt OPP inspector Allan Stringer and former Sgt John Cronin of the OPP Const Scott spent several months in 1960 consorting with gamblers in running down the sources of police tipoffs on raids on suspected gambling clubs The undercover agents work sent two gamblers and police man to jail and two members of the OPP antigambling squad resigned Const Scotts testimony dealt mainly with information re ceived from gambling kingpin Joseph McDermott and former anti gambling squad officer Robert Wright both of whom were convicted with gambler Vincent Feeley of illegally ob taining information from po lice officer Eskimo Dogs Die Mysteriously Labs Cant Determine Cause OTTAWA mysteri lous ailment is kt ing off north ern sled dogsmainstay of the snow swept Northwest Ter itories by the hundreds Supt Fraser vet eran of the North and in charge of the ECMPs new dog breed ing program said in an inter view that 560 dogs have died in the Territories so far this year And We cant find out whats causing the deaths Bodies of the dogs have been sent to federal laboratories at Hull Que for exami cal science cant determine the cause of death Supt Fraseriianky native of who joined said his own Even today with the intro duction of automobiles aircraft and snowmob es the dog is an important or covered 44381 piles by team last year alone This compared with some 70000 by boat and 26000 by car aircraft tnick and snowmobile The RCMP is the only law enforcement agency in the Yu kon and the Territories and dogs are needed to get mem bers of themes into remote areas Supt Fraser said the myste rious disease has been striking the dog population for number of year in cycles Last year it took 163 lives This year is the worst on rec ord Post Wemings Against Smoking LONDON Reuters The health ministry Tuesday issued three posters on the dangers of smoking which will be displayed throughout Britain The posters have red banner line reading DANGER At the bottom are the words You Have Been Warned and at one side is picture of halfburned cig arette with smoke curling into the margin Metropolitan Torontos Social Planning Council from 1955 to 957 As fuiltime director of the Human Rigth Commission he will be responsibla to the five members of the commission who formerly served as mom bers of the Ontario AntiDis crimination Commission The commissions responsibilh lies cover such items as general discrimination on grounds race creed color dad national ity and particular discrimination in the fields of housing recrea tion employment union mcm berahip and other fields an Barbara Wagner of Toronto four times world figure skat ing dismplon is to marry James David Grogan of Ta coma Wash in June it was announced in Toronto Both are professional skaters CF Wirephoto IDENTIFIES COUPLE ST JEROME Que CF Police Tuesday identified young couple found shot to death in parked car on highway near here as Huguette Lacasse 20 and Jacques Bra ban both of St Jerome Arifle with two bullets tired was found on the front seat Police said preliminary indications were that it is case of mur der and suicide HALIFAX ca Theniost destructive floods to inundate the central Maritimes in living memory continued to recede slowly today as road and rail traffic began to approach near normai conditions Estimates of damagealready in the millions of dollarscrept upward as moppingup opera tions partially revealed the full extent of destruction to high ways homes farmland and community services in Sackville NB the eastern New Brunswick university town of 3090 which appears hardest hit by the flood waters Mayor fan Campbell said one engineer told me it might be $1000 Highways Minister ip Matheson tentatively estimated road and bridge destruction in Prince Edward island at $200 000 to $300900 At least six TORONTO CP Premier Robarts sparked an hourlong debate in the legislature Tues day in one of his most spirited attacks on the opposition this session His attack came during debate at the afternoon session when John Fullerton PC Algomn itlonltoulln was cleared of any impropriety in timber deals with the Ontario government some years ago At the some time legisla tive committee established his right to sit in the House The issue apparently decided by the committees clearance came to the surface when he mler Rnbarta accused the two Premiers Spirited Attack Sparks HourLong Debate opposition leaders of prostituting the committee ltir Fullertons right was questioned Dec 14 when Elmer Sopha Lsudbury sold in the House the Progressive Conservns the member was involved through company in which he was partnerin dealings with the government ltir Fullerton was cleared of any wrongdoing by an atod vote with the Conservative mu jority finding in his favor and the three Liberals and one NDP dissenting The committee rejected amendments from NDP Leader Donald MacDonald and Liberal Leader John wintermeyer CHARLOTTETOWN CPlDr Marc Arsenault leader of group of airborne seal hunters from the Magdalen islands has accused rival hunters of piracy Dr Arsenault physician do the Quebec islands in the Gulf of St Lawrence said Tuesday uiht men fromsealing ships are stealing pelts froniland based hunters while wasting seals they have killed themselves He also claimed government lccbreakers are giving the sealing vessels unauthorized aid Dr Arsenauit said in an inter view that when one of his heli copters used to carry slain Charges Lies Told In Court TORONTO CF Defence counsel for Toronto sportscaster Joe Crysdale Tuesday accused Crown witness of telling pack of lies at Crysdales trial on charges of theft and possession of stolen goods Charles Dubin counsel for the 55Lyearold broadcaster made the accusation in crossexamin ing Michael Young 26 who is serving twoyear term for theft and possession of stolen furniutre Under questioning Young ad mitted that his statement to po lice at the time of his arrest last August was not truthful statement He had told police he did know the furniture he was selling was stolen and that he pulled out of the transactions when he found out it was Young warehouse manager of Modernage Furniture at the time told Mr Dubin Tuesday he could not remember whether he had sold liquor cabinet to Crysdale or how much he got for the furniture he sold suggest what you are trying to do is pin anything you sold on this man to protect someone else Mr Dubin said No the witness replied But as the time goes on the details get more vague The case is continuing bridges weie washed out and others damaged In Moncton where most of the flood water from Weekend rainstorm was all but gone da mage was expected to be as costly as Sackvilles WORST IS OVER The worst might be over said the ONE which has been rerouting passengers baggage and mail from Moncton to Am herst because of washouts near Sackville on its main line be tween Neva ScotlaandNcw Brunswick However the CNRs Spring hill subdivision in northern Nova Scotla is expected to be impasJ snble untilThursday at least Flood waters have been hamper ing repair crews Receding waters opened the haquanndaHighway route It Claim Piracy Among Sealers SZOAI compared with $1270 in seats to the mainland landed on the ice to pick up pelts its crew found two hunters from sealing ship standing guard over them with rifles The Belts Dr Arseanult anid belonged to the islanders Al phonsa Doyle chief of operations forthc Magdalen hunters re ported ho was struck over the head with rifle butt heforf he was able to disarm the men He said the men had been ordered by their captain to shoot down any helicopter which attempted to claim therpelts At least eight seating vessels are known to be operating in the Gulf All are out of Halifax where officials were unavailable for comment Dr Arsenaults statements fol low complaints from Capt Wit liam Morris of the Halifax sealer North Star VI that two of his men were atfadted by pi rates Capt Morris reported by ma rine radio Two of my men were attacked by bunch of pi ratesI mean pirates toothey come with three helicopters They took files off my men and stole pelts belonging to us The RCNfl here said no legal action is indicated The sealers operate in international waters and RCMP said their hands are tied NY Times Net Shows Increase NEW YORK AP Circula tion of the New York Times last year reached averages of 718514 weekdays and 1348220 Sundays helping push net income to $2212709 the company said Tuesday of the total $597986 was profit from newspaper operations The rest was made up of $377 000 from sale of The Times Tower Building and $1237723 from The Times investment in Spruce Fails Power and Paper Company Limited Per share earnings were 1960 figures surpassed several times in recent years judicial ruling Oxford Ms cross country highway in westernNova scotia wasstill flooded and impassable at Pinehurst Highways were reopening to traffic in southern NewBruns wick as flood waters subsided Moncton police reported gener ally good traffic conditions al though five mile stretchiof highway outside th city was LIstill under waterand impassa West Main Street in Moncton at one point submerged under 1215 feet of water wosclear today but huge cakes of ice dot ting the street trad damaged sev oral parked cars and crashed through fences and guardrails its residents were till drinking ter Se sign wasescaping into water but the water wasnotbelievcd con inundated llfr MacDonalds amendment would have had the committee report state that itlr Fullerton was indiscrcet in getting in volved in such deal and Mr Wintermeyers would have sent legal and technical points brought out in the hearings to the Ontario Supreme Court for Before the committee retired to consider its decision both party leaders made it clear they believed hir Fullertons right to sit in the legislature was not in question RETIRING Gen McNaughton 75 will retire soon as chair of the Canadian section of the internatiinal Joint Com missinn Gen McNaughton has been chairman of the commission since July 1950 CP Wirephoto By Lone Gerald Jenkins of Keswick was beaten over the head and face early this morning and lone bandit made off with his car North Gwillimbury police re ported that Jenkins was on his way home from Sutton when man entered his car through the unlocked front door as he pulled up at stopsigo onihe highway just south of Sutton Jenkins told police the man said he had kn and gun and would not best ate to use them if Jenkins did not drive LOCAL WEATHER Warming trend indicated Possi bilitv of showers Low tonight 32 sum tomorrow so For full turn to page two Not More Than per Cop Considering Legislation Deadline Thursday Midnight TORONTO CPlPremier Ro barts said Tuesday night the government is considering legis lation to ban the threatened strike of Ontario Hydro workers at midnight Thursday hlr Robarts was asked if the government was drafting stop lheslrike bill as he left two hour meeilng with William Da vis PCPeel the Ontario Hy dro Electric Power Commls sions second vicechairman He replied thése things are under consideration but he re fused to elaborate The Toronto Telegram says the government is arming itself with legislation first of its kind in Ontario to put the dispute over wages and working condi tions into the hands of an ar bitrntor The story adds that the only question still undecided is whether the arbitration will ap ply just to this Hydro dispute to all future Hydro bargaining or to all bargaining involving pub lic utility workers in the prov tone The government will take no action today pending the results of last attempt by Labor Min ister Warrender to settle the dis pute by negotiation Mr Worrender has tried three times since Monday to make headway in his mediation talks but with no success DEADLOCKED ON WAGES The key issue of wages re mains deadlocked The Ontario HydroElectric Power Commis sion is offering fourperccnt increase over two years with the first two per cent retroactive to April 1961 Local 1000 of the National Un ion of Public Service Employees CLC has demanded an eight peroent increase over two years with the first four per cent re troactive to April 1961 Attacked In Car to Keswiek with business He said he started to obey but the man ordered him to stop and proceeded to beat him over the face and head with an unidentified object Jenkins was pushed from the car and the bandit drove away Jenkins said he walked the 12 miles into Keswick where he telephoned police and doctor He was treated for severe la no funny cerations to the head and face Norm Gwillimbury police are continuing their investigation The Telegram says the gov ernment is reluctant to intro duce the arbitration legislation because of the expected mass protestfrom labor groups But the government is deter mined to avoid is strike that could paralyze Ontarios heavy Industry and make thousands idle The story adds that Premier Robarts is reluctant to chance the ability of Hydra to operate with 400 supervisors and 2009 special engineers They would have to carry the workload of the normal 8300 union mem bers Arbitrators being considered include Carl Goldcnberg Montreal lawyer who conducted royal commission investiga tion into Ontarios construction industry practices Born Laskin professor of law at the Univer sity of Toronto and Magistrate Hnnrahan of Windsor Ont Commenting Tuesday night on the prospects of averting strike Mr Warrender said it doesnt look good Mr Warrender said he will meet today with both parties in answer to question by Singer LYork Centre he refused to confirm that he had secret plan to avert the strike nor would he give an as surnnce thattho lights would not go duton Thursday at mid nightxf The 9390 workers members of Local 1000 of the National Union of Public Service Employ ees CLC set the strike dead lins Monday Says Cabinet Is At Odds Urge Election TORONTO CP veteran opposition member of the legiss lnture contended Tuesday there are open splits between mem bers of Premier Robnrts cabi net He called for general election to clear the air Arthur Reaume Essex North whose political career dates to 1930 and covers both Conservative and Liberal par ties chided Premier Roberts continually about speculation current at Queens Park of dis sension among cabinet minis ters While the minister of eco nomies Mr Macaulay is cut ting the attorney geneials throat the attorney general Mr Roberts is cutting the min ister of economics throat Mr Resume said Flood Waters Are Receding Damage Total In Millions 55m wielihuni or townrofbac villbvalric mints ioatimncna inow the Maritimes floods cans ed ahaavy rainfall andi d5 railways bus asses and as were surrounded by wet Damage was estimated GP Wirephoto