Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Mar 1962, p. 7

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SKIRTING THE BAY By EILEEN DIXON SPRING FEVER For most housewives mo rags soap brushes RK If youre one of those women who annually roll up their sleeves don their oldest clothes and wra scarf around their head Im hoping the following nts on spring cleaning will be of assistance The assuming youre unable to turn your home over to company which will clean all your walls ceilings floors carpets windows and furniture uphol stery all in one day gt One suggestion is to rent floorcleaning machine which is equ pped with brushes for scrubbing and poi ishing floorsnote of caution floors will discolor and can be mined if they are waxed more than oncea month Wash only if the floor wont shine otherwise damp mop it with cold water and then polish rin means one thing water and LOTS OF Once year layers of wax should be stripped from tile floors such as cork linoleum mastic vinyl and viny asbestos and hardwood floors Use recom mended wax stripper which is sold by commercial chemical company and not one you can buy in the supermarket Washing tile floors with good neutral detergent and plenty of hot water is recommended Allow the water to stay on the floor for 10 minutes and then scour with steelwool pad Pickup the dirty solution with mop or cloths and rinse the surface When the floor has dried apply two or three unl formiy thin coats of wax with cloth or lambswool ap plicator Dry and polish each coat separately Inaccessible areas such as corners and floor edges must be cleaned by hand You can renew hardwood floors glow with solution of varsol lt should be lied manually since the machine might ignite the fl it touches any nails SHORT CUTS The easiest and best way to apply paste wax to hardwood is to place large amount on clean soft cloth tie up the cloth ends and hit the wax bail in side with your hands until you see the wax seeping through Walls should be washed with recommended de tergent once every two years depending on whether you live in an area that is clean or has considerable air borne dirt Always start at the bottom of the wall to prevent water dri ping and permanently staining dirty surface Use two large natural sponges one for washing Windows wont streak if they are washed with solution of vinegar and water applied with lintfree cloth or sponge and blade apparatus as used by profes sional window cleaners Its ood idea to let professional cleaner look after your urniture upholstery and carpets An average chesterfield will cost approximately $850 to $9 an ann chair $450 and carpets eight to 10 cents square foot These are our personal suggestions other Barrie homemakers have this to say MAKE START Mrs William Little of Burton Avenue says she makes the start at cupboards and drawers in the bed rooms This is the job she dislikes the most and when this is completed he feels she is well on the way At the ame time she eliminates clothing the children have outgrown and gets garments ready for spring wearing She then tackles the walls and woodwork and after that the work schedule seems to fall into pattern says the active wife and mother Its one of those things you have to face sooner or later states Mrs Joseph Whelan of Eugenia Street Mrs Whelan has found the easiest way is to get out paint brush and spruce things up She has just finished painting her kitchen and now she is ready to tackle the rest of the house EASY STEPS Looking after five children is full time job says Mrs Harold Brett of Agnes Street who conquers the spring cleaning chore in easy steps Dont try to do it all in one day says the busy homemaker who com pletes one room at time Mrs Brett organizes her work from Monday to Friday and always has the weekend to spend with her husband and family well organized cleaning plan throughout the year means only few EXTRA jobs at spring cleaning time Husbands usually feel like taking off for some unknown destination when spring cleaning time arriv es says one Barrie homemaker Coming home to naked windows and displaced furniture not to mention dinner from can isnt hubbys idea of HOME She solved this dilemma many years ago with system Each month one for rinsing and this homemaker cleans one room Walls are washed windows cleaned curtains freshened and aired out doors Sending out of season clothes to the dry cleaners is the only spring cleaning activity in this ousehold PEOPLE AND PLACES Phona Eileen Dixon or Audrey Coulson PA 66587 DINNER PARTY dinner party was held for graduate nurses of Toronto Western Hospital now residing in the Barrie area Thursday evening The party was held at the Palette Room Among those attending were Mrs Rus ty Farquharson Miss Helen Kelly Mrs Ruth Nash Mrs Mary Fligg Miss Jean Mac Phail Mrs Evelyn Silk Mrs Betty Haylock Mrs Betty Ciyne Mrs Lillian Seymour Mrs Betty Brigham Mrs Marie Cole and Miss Olive Robertson Other Western Hos pital graduates living in the district are invited to contact Miss Olive Robertson of Ross Street PIA MEETING The members of St Johns Vianney PTA held the March meeting in the Parish Hall Monday evening The meeting was highlighted by general discussion on topics varying from discipline to fund raising and bazaar attendance CARNIVAL GUESTS In the city to attend the 10th annual Barrie Skating Carnival tonight as weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Paul Emma Codrlngton Street are Mrs Emms parents Mr and Mrs Burt and her brother and sisterinvlaw Mr and Mrs Burt all of Hamilton Also in the city to attend the Skating Carnival are Mr and Mrs Ha Emrr1s of Niagara Falls Mr and Mrs Knight of Dundas will attend the an nual show at which their son Donald Knight will be the guest star Donald is the 1961 Can adian junior champion Helm To Speak At Mon Meeting Home And School general meeting of Prince of Wales Home and School As sociation will be held Monday April at 330 pm Speaker will he Harry Helm DC ND Wellhim Barrie chiropractor Mr Helm is from Stockholm Sweden and became interested in chi roctic be cause of an illness to he was young He entered the chm actlc college in Tomato andwwhen he graduated became an in structor Alter practicing for while in Tomato he went to KltcheneMVaterloo From there he cams to Barrie and settch with his family lllr Holm is director on the board of the YMCA and is much interested in Canadian affairs He plans to show slides on his accent trip toRusria and Swo en Thu nominating committee will turn in its report and any new nominations will be re ceived Prepare now to help elect your home and school ex ecutive for 196 REDUCING BILL Canadians spent some 30 000000 In 1961 for slimming aids including dict formulas and gadgets gym MARGARET PHILLIPS all just in llreplsce that will be art of exhibit featuring THE BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY MARCH 81 1952 Teacher Honored At Reception For Years Of Dedicated Service No generations of lvy resi dents and members of Christ Church Ivy gathered to honor one of the communitys resi dents Mrs Elwood Jennett Mrs Jennett has devoted 35 years of her life to the children of Christ Church Sunday School and the community In serving as Sunday School teacher and superintendent she has guided and directed the teaching of the young of the church PERSONAL REWARD Teaching Sunday School Is service and vocation that must by Its very nature be one of faith and hope and great deal of love The rewards of such service are not readily seen and are not always evident in lifetime To be teacher for 35 years as well as faithful worker in the church takes very spec ial kind of person ln her work Mrs Jennett thought of no reward her only thought was of what silo could contri bute to the younger generation in the community Her teach ings have made definite mark on the personalities of tomor row Rev Harper acted as chairman for the evening Mel Money rectors warden wei comed guests on this special occasion Miss Grace Applegate former pupil of Mrs Jennett read an address following which program was present ed by the Sunday Schnol pupils Mrs Esten Davis extended special thanks to the guest of honor on behalf of all present and commended Mr and Mrs Jennett for all the work they have done for the church and the community PRESENTATION Henry Davis peoples warden presented Mrs Jennett with coffee table necklace ear ring and brooch set was pres ented by Arnold Bantingfllames McDermott Helen Smith and Mary McDermott on behalf of pupils of the past and present netts first Hammond and Harold Jennett expressed their appreciation to the teacher honor of cutting the cake which was decorated as an open Bible by Mrs Arnold Banting Pour MRS ELWOOD JENNEIT Two members of Mrs Jen class Mrs Don Mrs Esten Davis had the ing tea for the occasion were former pupils Miss Mary Davis Mrs Don Hammond Mrs Vick Bolton and Mrs John Evans Mrs Jennett expressed thanks to all for the gifts and for the special evening ehld in her hon or She spoke of her experiences during the past 35 years and told how grateful she was for the opportunity to teach the chiliiren and take part in Gods wor Drillia GIRL COWPOKES HIGH RIVER Alta An allgirl championship rodeo is planned here for July with almost $4000 in prize money at stake in 14 events 19th century furnisihings gath and from the Markham area north of Toronto Original logs from the pioneer period of 181230 will be used for the cabin to be displayed at Toronto homo show CP Photo Woman Recreates Pioneer Treasures MARKHAM Ont CPI In 1798 Christian Rccsor came to this district northeast of Tor onto from Pennsylvania search ing for land on which to settle He found what he wanted and traded his horse and saddle for rights to the farmland slung tho bridle over his arm and walked home to his family trek of several hundred miles When he returned with his wife four sons and two daugh tors in Conestoga wagon he brought along his household ef fects Including tall pine clock Many other things were brought along in the wagon and by other Mennonite settlers of that ore from Pennsylvania They still turn up in the Markham area and Margaret Philip has gathered them into collection of antiques She put them together for an exhibit of an early settlcrs cabin at the home show in Toronto llfarch so to April feature of the exhibit is fireplace hung with pioneer utensils of the 131530 era Its equipped with intricately linked chains forralsing and lowering keltlcs over the embers There is tin dinner horn that has Barrie Nurses Attend Session District Registered Nurses Association of Ontario held an Executive Meeting at the Orillia Hotel Orlllia Wed ncsday The following nurses attend ed Mrs Joan Gibson preside cut of District ll Collingwood Mrs Florence Fraser Secret aryTreas Barrie Miss Eliza beth Porter president Huroma Chapter Penetang Mrs Ger trude Birtch president of Mus kokn Chapter Burks Falls Mrs Jessie Green president Parry Sound Chapter Parry Sound Mrs Mary Fligg Bursary con venor Barrie Miss Ellen Pit tuch Finance convenes of Mrs Daisy Reid Membership Convenor Barrte Mrs Clara Gourlay Nonnnat ing Convcnor Allislon Mrs Jessie Coupland Program and Public Relations Convenor Bar rte Enhance And Proici You He Its Surprising How Top Quality Costs So little Available in any size to fit porches patios terraces doom and windows WINDOW AWNINGS BAlllllE FREE ESTIMATES NO OBLIGATION This is our 17th awning season servIngCeokalnndNorth em Ontario as the leading awning spedallsta TENT AWN 34 BAYFIElDST CO LTD ING PA 66431 bccn traced back to John Pingle Danish settler who came here in 1797 The cabin is authentic even to the logs drilled with cleverly conceived drill press that was found in rubble of farmhouse in the district Mrs Philip employs four men to refinish and repair the early furniture for her display here One is Joseph Eorlatti 26year old woodworker from Italy who has equipped his own home with six chairs patterned after the tall ladderback design of the pioneers Angus UCW Plan Bazaar And Tea The regular mentiin meeting Women was held at the home of Mrs Ed Brown March 28 with 15 members and one vis itor present The meeting opened with the first vicepresident in the chair The Devotional period was in charge of Mrs Betty Milne The Treasurers report and other committee reports were read during the business por tion of the meeting Good used clothing prefer ably mens clothing is needed for the hair the members are packing Articles to be donated should be left at Roses store prior to April 14 Bazaar Tea and Bake sale will he held May 30 Mrs Willis will be in chargsof the Devotional per iod for the April meeting Refreshmean were served by the hostess at the close of the meeting MATERNITY APPAREL 1W Collier St PA 83804 VELKAY III Door East of Town Hall lYOIIII for Privacy and ANN LANDERS His Actions Speak Louder Than Words Dar Ann hndrn aroup of high school students were on TV panel discussion the other evening They were each asked to give definition of love turned to my husband who was also listening to the pro gram and asked him how he would define love He replied Never having been in love wouldnt know was so hurt over this re4 mark almost cried Weve been married for 25 years and always thought we had We good marriage guess was wrong know that love doesnt mean the same thing to all people but man would certainly have to feel SOMETHING for woman to stay with her for years wouldnt he What do you think about thin1 Dear Your answer is spelled out clearly in the next to the last sentence of your let ter Read it back to yourself and dont feel hurt It could have been something he ate POOR JUDGMENT Dear Ann Lnndcn am 14 My boy friend Mike is 17 The other evening my parents went out and was lonesome in the house all by myself so invited Mike over have TV in my bedroom and we wanted to watch an edu cational program Mike and were sitting on my bed when the folks decided to come home little early My mother almost had an asthma attack My dad carried on like lunatic You would have thought we had committed some awful crime or something When told Dad he should have more faith in me he ordered me to pipe down Then he laid down new law cant go out with fellow until Im 15 andno guys can come to the house My 15th bllllh day is four months away and know Ill just dry up and die Ive been dating since Was 12 and now get this death sen tence Please help me NOT TRUSTED Dear Not Trusted The pin lsbment seems pretty light to me 14yearold who invites boy friend over when no one Is at home and permits him to watch TV in her bedroom has pretty poor judgment And cant say much for the judg ment of parents who would al low 1yearold to date Trust must be earned It must be built one day at time Teen agers who demonstran by day lnaaddayout performance that they have good sense and per sonal integrity will get far more freedom than the goofoffs who are always in hot water KINDNESS REPAID Dcnr Ann Landers Rmtly we had death in the ly How should we acknowledge the SAVE DOLLARS ON YOUR FOOD BILLSI No MONEY DOWN PA cosoi IflEERPAK rooos kind and thoughtful things don lor us Is it proper to send out printed cards or must write the thank you notes in long hand Also is it necessary to ac knowledgc each and every com mercial sympathy card ld nsk my nextooor neighbor for the answers but ld hate to let any one know ImIGNORANT Dear Friend Dont be ashamed of what you dont know We are ALL ignorant only on different subjects Each and every message of condolence as well as the kind acts done during your period of bereavement should be ac knowledged For those who sent commer cial cards printed acknowl edgment is adequate However when friend takes the time and trouble to write or type yes its proper in personal message he should receive in return it personal not commer cially printed thank you in the mail Confidential to UNIM PRESSED So am Tell your boyfriend that if he has to keep telling everyone who he isthcn he isnt SALLYS SALLIE rho patimt says he wmt tilks gas Doe Eds prelim of the local gas company For Both Body and Spirit Will Be Offered In The SPECIAL Lenten Program of COLLIER 5T UNITED CHURCH TU ES DAYS In The Chuck Delicious Sandwich Lunch For Only 50 In Fellowship Hall from 12 Noon DEVOTIONAL SERVICE 1230 1250 Beginning and Ending Punctuallyl MakeThis Series Your Lenten When It Comes To srwaoons Come To STRANSMANS For Easter ahead Choose from diversity of styles and wonderful fabrics and Wide range of charm ing colors Laminated Pure Wool Trench Coats 4Length Coats All Weather Coats Jackets eta mom fLADIEsu gt 44 nuNLoe 57 EAST an um

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