Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Mar 1962, p. 12

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SPRING INTO CLASSIFIED THE BARRIE EXAMLIER SATURDAY MARCH II 136 ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BAYSTAIRS LODGE MINETS POINT MINUTES FROM DOWNTOWN BARRIE Wedding Receptions Beautiful grounds for picture youll cherish Ample parking for gueslr con vcnicnccl We assume the responsibilities while you cnjoy yourself Facilities for dancing etc SATISFACTION ASSURED PRICES THAT PLEASE Call PA 85198 anytime BIRTHS uoooncws 51on Wnn ou announce the birth oI your on in Ill Harm Examiner llvvlnki ol the notice er able uI Babyl Boon larniiy irra lireorda and to null your lnendl nd relbIIVlt In more far away Place in place an announcement after oirtb eii liar ri Examiner ciarrifled PA szld McRsoNAl lha Royai Vic toria iiorplirl narrtr on Thurs day March 29 lm in Mr and lls Don Jarkeon 65 Marion Crcacrlit flame dnulhIcr RonnnrsosAl the Royal Vic toria Hospital unrrle on Wed nrsdlr March to 1967 to Mr and hire lli noberieon 79 Pencianr street ilurrie twin Inna David and lamcs DEATHS SIIEATMANIIcnry Stanley Gcor Manor Ienctnng on Sat urdl rch at 1951 Henry Stanley Silcrltmim beloved hur hend of the late Arabella Louise Nasli formerly of Carrie and Ten onto testing at me Sitelier Pun ernl llomc ao Volslcy sireri liar rlc until Monday noon runerai ierrlce at Christ Church Deer Park Toronto on Monday April pm interment liiouni el arty At the lioyoi Victoria Hospital Ealrlr on Friday Menu in 1062 Harry liuennnnn beloved husband of Eva Pea iovinri brother of Margaret irr ll Volfcndrnt and Maude tille ll Dudley of st Catharincs Mary IMrr Dobeon of flame and Alberi of Weston heating at the Pcthlck Funeral Home l27 BeyIieid Siroci llarrle Service in the chapel Monday April at pm Interment errlc Union Cemetery Brethren of Berrle Lodge No 53 IOOF are requested to meet at the funeral home Sunday at lull IN MEIVIORIAM ALLANIn loving memory of dear mother and grandmother Mrs Allen who paired aw March 31 lost er remembered by the fam sTuNDENln loving memory of my dear mother Olive Slanden who pamd nwly April lose do not need special day To bring you to my mind For lno day do not think of you Are very hard to find Ialt this world was mine to give glvo it yes and more an the face of my dear Mom Como milling through the door Lovtnlly remembered by daughter Anne and husband and 1IamnIily and grandchildren of Her COMING EVENTS BARRIE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Wednesday April pm LIBRARY HALL Excellent film on growing roses by Ortho Chemical Company Literature on rose growing available Door prizes will he rose plants EVERYONE WELCOME RUMMAGE SALE True Blue Hall High Street SATURDAY APRIL AM Auspices Gth Barrie Cub and Scout Auxiliary For pickup call PA 66103 or PA 66323 Articles may be left at 91 Sophia Street West BINGO Siroud HaII EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT pm Jackpot $100 55 Numbers Called Sponsored by Stroud Hall Board Ior charity Brown Pleased WillI New QB DETROIT AP Cleveland Browns coach Paul Brown held an almori meeting with Jim Ninoivski Friday and predicted freely that the newlyacquired quarterback will be in the start Ing lineup or Cleveland when the National Football League season begins Brown accompanied by his chief scout Paul Bixler con ferred for two hours with Nin owski and talked about the quarterbacks expressed reluc tance to make the switch from Detroit Lions to Cleveland minowski said Thursday he wouldnt play for Cleveland be cause trade which involved five other players would ruin his offseason business plans The threeIorvthree trade sent Ninowski Detroit native de 7r fepsive end Bill Glass and half back Ilopalong Cassady to the Browns in exchange for quar terback Milt Plum halfback Tommy Watkins and linebacker Dave Lloyd Ninowski emerged from Fri days meeting saying nothing has changed In answer to question Brown said thatin the event Ninowski did refuse to play in FORSTER bath equipped with aluminum Agencies Lid MERv GOULD Cleveland It wouldnt nullify the dealf PROPERTY FOR SALE CARSON It Next door to the Impcdu Ibutrl 45A DUNLOP ST EAST END Comfortable five room bunge low Fire years old $1500 down Full askingprice $3800 Pay ments 75 per month Call Carson PA 66401 or evening PA 66161 FARMS WANTED loo acres or more Fair build ings Good pasture Some work able land and stream it pos sible Call Ralph Books rcp rcscntlng Carson Real Estate Telephone PA 66481 or evenings PA 60603 PA 6648l Member of Burt and Met Real Lita Board HAROLD AND COMPANY Realtors 98 BAYFIELD ST PA W53 ANYTIME IDEAL FOR GROWING FAMILY 3250000 down East and bedroom brick home One mortgage carries for $6959 prin cipal and interest Dial PA 66453 Maryann Smith evenings ilioza Also ask about next weeks special at 23 Steel Strcct FOR RENT $100 per month Thfce and half bcdroom home with carport and garage in East and Har old Forster Realtors Tele phone PA 5645 anytime Member of Barrio and District Real Estate Board ROSE REAL ESTATE BROKER 7a TIFFIN STREET EARRIB BUYERS OPPORTUNITY bedroom spit lcVel brick home complete with recreation room separate laundry room plus am ple storage space piece tiled storms and screens Carries for $55 month including taxes This property must be sold this week so make an appointment to inspect nov and then make your Offers This is low down payment for an NHFI resale Immediate possesssion CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Member of the Barfla and DilLrirt Real lmaie board Slouit CENTRAL DNTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS 10 COLLIER STREET PA 85901 AN APRIL SHOWER OF JOY FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Spacious bedroom ranch style bungalow shaped living and dining combination bookcase divider Hanover natural birch cupboards Attached garage Many extras Make your up pointment to see it NOWI STOP LOOKING AND ACT NOW We know BARGAINS are not found they are actually recog nized so call now and make an appointment to see this bedroom bungalow with cosy basement apt Nicely shrubbed lot central location $190000 down balance on easy terms FARM BARGAIN 100 acres of good level clay loam soil in Stayner area Large barn good home with conveni ences Priced at only $14000 with $4000 down See this for Valuel Member or the Barrie and District Real Estate Board EVENINGS CALL 0R0 251a mm 2510 EDE GOULD HARRY SLFSSOI PA 50573 oliCA BROWN PA E1255 LLOYD HOCKLEY PA Hal EvElim LOUGHEED STAYNEII Ioswa Keith Marshall REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 82592 Is CLAPPERTDN sr BARRIE MOORE PA Lzaeo RANK NELLES PA 56693 Member Barrie Ind Dietrict lieal Estate Board MOVING Porn complete moving service safer and easier Call COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT 43 Essa Rd Barrio PArkwny 575 ROGERS REALTORS ONE DUNLOP First In Barrie Home SalesForemost in Quality of Service PA 85568 EVENINGS CALL MOOREPA um MR8 RnGElisPA use MEMBERS BARRIE at DISTRICT REAL STATE BOARD Norman REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST Pint Mortgage Fund Avallable lntciest 60 of Value No Fees Ilargcd PLAN TO Attend The HMAMMOTH OPEN HOUSE Rose Street Between Davidson and SI Vincent THIS WEEKEND Norman Real Eslat exclusive agents for Crosley Construction BUILDER OF BETTER HOMES Evonlnn can loo Longtlll PA 60748 Everett sbaiiwoii Oro 291a Howard Narita CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA 10 Memore of Lila barrio Real Estate chard smith ClmpbcllPA Hm Nun Ganey lli Mrs HENDERSON REALTOR ll caLLiEn srlisEr PHONE PA 82678 EVENINGS CALL RITA SCANDREfr PA Mess DOROTHY Wilcox PA 5551 PEliclt FOIID PA afloat EMERSON SWAIN PA oasos Member of oarrle rind District and Real Estate lioard HENRY ELRICK AND MICHIE IS Owen Sr Barrie PHONr PA 85583 MEMBER or TllE BARRIE AND DISTRch REAL ESTATE anAliD 32 CASTLE DRIVE $25800 New modcrn six room brick home Attached garage Large living and dining room divided by stone fireplace Beautiful kitchen and breakfast area Three large bedrooms and five piece bath Finished basement with live piece bath and recreation room with bar and fireplace Laundry room playroom and workshop Lot is large and high with excellent View Make your appointment now 103 MELROSE $16200 Brick bungalow with Immediate possession Large landscaped lot Large family kitchen large living room three bedrooms and tiled bath At tached garage Finished recrea tion room with bar and extra bedroom NOTE We arrange first mortgage for Victoria and Grey Trust50 or value Phone PA 85531 liter hour phone Bob slewelllng PA 35553 ddy Miler PA 55100 Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Tiffin St PA 60476 EVENINGS CALL Karl Marshall PA asoll rne Palmer PA anooa Emory Miller PA 80563 Member of tho Rants and District Real Estate Board II CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 132419 93 Dunlop St MABEL MARSHALLPA sIm III COREYPA ester iiluRIEL enmityPA 50303 NEW BEDROOM BUNGALOW An excellent home with many deluxe appointmenb Full price $15500 Down payment $2250 For appointment to inspect call GEORGE DAVIES PA 841186 New three bedroom home Large living room kitchen with large dining area lots of cup boards and storage Oil heated Colored bathroom fixtures van ity divided basement Large lot In good residential areal close to stores and schools TELEPHONE 84281 PROPERTY FOR SALE CONNELL STREET EAST TRUNK LINES roamPA uzu CONNLLIpPA Iqu ShelsweII PA $9961 PA 6874 NOW Shelswell Broker Bernick Corporation Jack Vlllsorl PA Heal Norman sbeuweli PA Him PA was 241 FA 60142 loen LangPlt Mm charlie ReadPA 32ei7 ALCONA BEACH DIST room bungalow with inside plumbing Situated on paved road 12 miles south oi Barrie Large lot 150 lso Priced to sell Low down payment An ideal business location as well room bungalow with util ity room Good location Large vcll lleed lot Priced at $6500 with terms Close to school Practically new bungalow on paved road Good size let Priced at $7300 with terms INCOME PROPERTY IN LEFROY VILLAGE Guaranteed monthly income of $300 for the Iext three years other apartments rented at the prescnt time FOR SAT 21 acres ideal market gar dening land or could be sub divided into ideal building lots Well located on good road Priced to sell On all the above properties contact BAYCROFI RR No Stroud AUCONA BEACH TEL STROUD BIRII Representing Geo ltchague Real Estate Alliston MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and It you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 61301 OR PA 61802 113 Dunlap St REFRESHINGLY DIFFERENT $1950 down Large bright six room solid brick ranch bunga low with attached garage on private tread lot In excellent residential area One block to school shopping and bus Three years old Aluminum storms and screens NRA mortgage Air conditioned all heat Telephone PA 56738 ACRES 0F Grove end Fill for sale Close to Barrie Apply to Box 14 Barrie Examiner OWNERS three bedroom bunga low one year old smell down payment Telephone PA oasis for further information INCOME PROPERTY for sale du plex Dominion Store area Garage Nicely treed lot so this first then nuke its an offer Telephone PA 64501 noose for eale ln village New Lowell Ontarioclose to separate and public schools No down pey roenl $50 arnontli principal and interest included Call or contact Martin Plttcns RR Orbwe Ont 7254079 INCOME rnornnry Modem trip on St Vincent Street Fully oi cuplcd Over $200 monthly One bedroom two 1bedroom 317500 Less than 550w down Telephone PA 133513 OVERLOOKING Ecautlfill Kempcn leit Bay Split level executive typo home at so Kcmpenlelt Drive bedroom heeled garage on Ished recreation room Aluminum storms and screens Many extras Must be sold Phone PA moi LOTS Eon SALE Crescent Finance anyone who ivigics to be suc REAL ESTATE PROPERTY WANTED CULVT Win 500 can pay 875 per month plus taxes for home about 511900 client ulth 32000 looking for brick bungalow close Io down roan nlymenu not to exceed 00 per month Call li Elma Real Est1e PA WI FARMS WANTED PAsruRn PAIL warned Io rent loo arm or more Write nor in Barrie Examiner or telephone PA m1 MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lot 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all propelties WITH 10W MONTHLY PAYMLNTS TAILORED TO YOUR BUDGET IF You NEED MONEY OTB ootuolldll dlbll oPay bu Ixhllnl moituxe Or mulllea coming duo Homn Imvmvemont Iiny Iomwhllo rauu PA 60981 Mortgage Funding 0V0 SimpsonsSeara MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE NO BONUS Payments Insured against accident sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE 23 DUNLOP ST WEST BARRIE PA oozes iiiorrmaoesirr and 1nd boom role and arranged commercial and mlaenuai money loaned on erlrtlng molt arri Moro are BrokcfilPKc uses FINANCIAL NEED $50 TILL PAY DAY IT costs ONLY 47c gt FOR TWO WEEKS Ask For PayDay Loan CALL PA 60203 26 Dunlop St BARRIE BUS OPPORTUNITIES FRANCHISE FOR BARRIE AREA NOW AVAILABLE CANADAS FASTEST GROWING INDUSTRY THE COMPLETE RENTALL STORES Ground floor opportunity for ccssful in their own business Join our national chain now WE SUPPLY Financial Assistance Advertising and Publicity Personalizod Training in one of our stores Complete Know How on every phase of this fascinating high profit business Minimuln Cash Required 51000000 For Interviews Write COMPLETE RENTALLS LIMITED 2404 Eglinton Ave Toronto Ont Aim For High Profits With Canadas latest in the amusement machine business Recently advertised on TV Ra dio and Newspapers Mr Qwik Draw is mechanical lifesize gunfighter complete with live action and electronically con trolled IIe fallshe shoots just like real Ideally located by us in Super Markets Shop ping Centres Bowling Lanes Amusement Parls and Travel Terminals This is high pro fit business which requires Very minimum of time and sup ervision and can be handled as an additional business The low investment of $1500 may be financed on liberal terms For personal invitation to the first Toronto showing of Mr Qwik Draw at Canada interest ed parties contact the National Marketing Director Mr Qwik Draw of Canada executive off ice 71 Bank St Ottawa Ont Service Station For Lease Require single man with mech anics licence for Highway No 11 location just north of Bar rie Minimum capital required Training provided WRITE CANADIAN PETROFINA LTD Box 371 Orillia Ontario 30 200 1th outside the city south of Barrie These lote are high and dia with wonderful view Telephone 61757 FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE on REIT Two hcd roo home mile north of Bari rlc Inside conveniences Reason able lent Telephone PA iiaozza FOUR ltooni House at Mlnele Polni with three piece hath full elm basement with furnace Low down payment Euy terror Tols phono PA 217 BARBER SHOP for rent or lease in Barrie good location Excellent potential for right man Telephone PA 647737 for furthcr information RENTALS LOW COST SPACE for rent clean modern blllldlngl Suitable for commercial or light induetrlal Telephone PA acne Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 RENTALS GARAGES FOR RENT GARAGE for rent Maple Avenue noiar Dunlap smei suitable for aloralr Available April Trip vhnna PA Mack NURSING HOMES PAIIONS REST HOME Prop Nellie Patton STAYNER ONT Vacancies now available for welfare and Conlnlcstenls Tele phone STAYNER 5521 ARK EDD NURSING ROMP 5qu for ion Iork Semi no private rooml kind hurling care good food rv menu alluon we lon tor nation Tolsohona 63 Strand Lfi OFFICES STORES RENT RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT THREE ROOM unfurnished beat ed apartment bellltooutued Cola trai location Oilstreet parklnv Available now Telephone PA new for furlher Information COMPLETELY hlrnirhed Apart ment large kiicnen bedroom liv tnr morn iuea barn lots of cup boards mmpleleiy privale Rial street near beach Available won Telephone PA Mist UNPURNISIIED lane room sell eoniained heated apartment Priv Ito eniranre and blih Close to renool and bur route reared vard Parking Nrkly decanted Tale phone PA 68567 LAIIGE unfumlehrd ibree room partment nll healed laundry lrplrllo entrance spl riour emunas parking and lwtm rnlng pool central Telephone PA 35082 modem MODERN Office Building downtown Bar rte has limited amount at space availablewill alter to suit Telephone PA 112293 or PA 60865 APTS HOUSES TO RENT BRENTWOOD TERRACE Sclf contained two bedroom apartment Living room kitch en full bascman Central loca tion $85 per month Tclephone PA $9238 DELUXE APARTMENTS Conveniently located near schools shopping and bus and within walking distance of downtown IOne and two bedrooms IEelconics lRamboo Drum ostovcs and fridges Ilndividual thcrmostats olncincrators OFree washing and drying facilities Olifany other fine appointmean Children welcome Sample suitc may be seen by calling PA 83I86 The Garden Terrace Corner Queen and Duckwortb lilodcrn home two bedrooms large living room tllcd kitchen with dining area all heat with air conditioning full basement scrviccd landscaped grounds bamboo grapes$ele°mh PHONE PA 82740 napalm tour bedroom house for rent Vcry eenirei In rcsldcntlol area Largo garden Itcicrcncca re qillrcd TelephonePA 133364 runNIsiiun two bedroom mobile home for rent fully equipped Located at we nurlon Avenue Telephone PA asoua or PA 51149 rllilEI BEDROOM apartment for rent tn new building washcr dryer and janitor service supplied Available Immediately Telephone PA 112151 lur further information TIIItEE ROOM scli contained unlurntshcd apartment Heat wat er stove and refrigerator sup pllcd Prlveie bath and cntrancc Laundry facilities Queens Pull area Telephone PA 66321 MODERN threu room unfurnished apartment for rent Stove and re Irlgcrator supplied Close to bus in cast cnd Telephone PA aolod 4968 By ALICE BROOKS FASHION FLASH The offside buttoning is all the neivs now see what dr amatic llare it adds to sliv er of sheath Easysew so wonderful in electric colors cotton jersey shantung Printed Pattern 4968 Junior Miss Sizes 11 13 15 17 Size takes We yards 35in ch fabric not FORTY CENTS cents in coins stamps cannot be accepted for this pattern Please print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Ontario residents add to sales tax Scnd order to ANNE ADAMS care of Barrie Examiner Pat tern Department 60 Front St Toronto Ont SPECIAL SpringSummer Pat tcln Catalogready now More than 100 sparkling stylcssun sport do danc work travel All sizes Send 35 cents Two PUlIleilEn Room to rent IIeal hydro rrlrireninr and nug eito Also one fumlehrd bedroom Iultabll for gcntleman Very cen tral Available now Telephonn PA H291 after ii pm our CONTAINED lumlmed apartment fol rent two rooms and private bath nelrireraior and stove private entrance Available now Telephone PA Hill for full partteuiarr DOWNTOWN Dnniop Street up Italn unlurnirhed four room large living room kitchen bed rooms bath lleated Newly decor ated throughout Available now Telephone PA 250 rvnNlsilEO three room modern apartment bath ricwa decorated clean very central selfcontained healed ground floor parking Army or Air Forco preferred Telephone PA Heal Nico AND llllgllt three room up rialm apartment Available April is Urhu hcat and water sup olled $55 monthly Apply in Duckwnrth street or phone PA mm UNFUILNISIIED IelI contained three room apartment llot waier heated stove relrlzerator end rnrero available 10 mlliiites walk from downiown Telephone PA H181 CENTRAL self contained bedsil ian room with hlicheneiie and bath Available now Also three room apartment auliahie for young married couple Near hospital Telephone PA M154 before 10 ran or after inn LARGE three bedroom oil heated nliached homo for mnt Iour miles north of panic at crown Iiiii ricxt to Radar bus route Laundry tubs and dryer Across from school and church Heat hy dro and water supplied Posses rlon lilny Telephone PA c7739 THREE ROOM selfcontained un nlmlehed apartment All ulllltlu including drallcs blinds and laun drv facilities Rcdccoratcd Grove street area $65 monthly Sorry not suitable for children Tele nhonn PA 68214 alter pm PAGES BY DIALING PA 82414 RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT six ROOM liouu Inr rear 115 Iunroolxl and garare 011 health ceelraiiy ioraied Available now $100 per month Telephone PA bus or PA assza run so unfurnished re floor apartment Ier rent Near farrnrtu lleat bydrn and water ruppiied Parking rpaee reiepboa PA 01521 or PA Mud tor artiii Two urnlioou Apartment my eeniral unfurnished healed rom pieiely reil contained lurking apace Available April Tris phone PA 641717 HEATED aelfeonlained apartment gmund noor Tbreelarce rooms Near reboot Parking Privm eni agnzee 65 monthly Telephou PA cl rllnci nzunoml modern home aii omcnlcntra 70 per month Available now Contact anon Miller lieai Estate ielephone PA cons or PA cocoa APARTMENT to renI Pour room heated plus huriporcll oroun floor Completely prlvale Avail able May Aonly Allandale llard ware PA 52122 PuriNlSilzn or unlurnlrhed up riatra apanmrnl tor rent three rooms and bath Oil heated ruby welcome or viouid suit elderly couple On one routc Trlcphonl PA H3611 stchoNrAlNEn two room fun nienrd heated apartment with three piece bath Front and bark entrance suiiabie for blchclol or couple Apply 31 nayneid street or telephone PA 66m FURNISHED three room apart meni Eeat end Good location On bus route llydfo hcllt flare and rcfrlgcrator supplied Newly decor ated Parking facilities Tclrphonl PA 55010 IiionlaiiN ants and two bcdrunmv apartmenrs cut end name Bam boo drapes Venetian bllnds Auto nntlc laund Iaclllucs Parking Telephone 32929 for lumbar Information rllnu lino unfurnished Inert ment for rent Steve and refill erator Use of washer and dryer Central location Newly decorated Telephone PA 89216 for Iurlbl lnfonnauon cuolca Apartment modern onl bedroom unfurnished selfcon tallied heated Laundry and park ing facilities Near bus stop Im medinie possession Telephone PA OM51 for further detail uNFURleiIED modem four room apartment with batIx Heat cd Hot water and stove supplied Locath in Angus Telephone 139 Camp Dalden UNFURNISIIED upper duplex two bedrooms hoatcd ricwa decorated throughout Spacious rooms Largo cupboard silo monthly Telephonl PA H473 UNFURNISIIED largo modem ap artment Three rooms and bath Hot water heated Laundry room with dryer Refrigerator and stove Telephone PA 50224 or PA 35825 ENJOY restful summer in two bedroom bungalow on one acre of shldc tree with rain trout stream on lot Communlty rpaol nearby Pull bath Mnll milk and school bus service Only scvcn miles from liarIie son Telephone PA anew TWO BEDROOM Apartment WILD living room and good size kitchen Pllvntb bath unmrnlshcd licotcd private enirance refrigerator and stove supplied Ir desired Cclitrnl location Parking provldcd Reason able rent Immediate possession Telephone PA Milo or after pm PA eases BUSINESS MODERN apartment sci contIn ed private entrance front Ind rear stove refrigerator automat ic washcr and dryer Available Im modlnieiy Telephone PA 35010 Niava decoratcd brizhl and at tracitve unfurnished three Inc apartment with private bath rel contalncd Toronto street dIerlct Close to bu 52011 Telephone PA eases FURNISHED tillco room apart merit end and mmlshcd bachelor sultc Centrally located Perkins laundry facilities Telephone PA 50981 evenings PA oloaz SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Your Telephone PA 82414 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING rAcaoerlI DRINKING PROBLEM Perhaps AA Can Help WRITE P0 BOX 501 0R PHONE PA 60700 ADVERTISING WARWICK WEBSTER LIMITED Matchedash St ORILLIA IADVERTISING IPROMOIION IPUBLICIIY ORILLIA 3252752 RES 3251689 APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service 147 DUNLOP ST PA 61142 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling sbingling porches recreation rooms Complete trimming of nouses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 66071 EXCAVATING Have Your SPRING PAINIHIG Done Now For Experienced Painters Contact LLOYD CONRAD Phone On 3723 slmNG Is HERE Lets do your painting now by cNra Painters Call for estimate at no now or PA 110693 PLASTERING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRIK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS ARCHIVAYS PATCHES Free Estimates Budget Terms SIMCOE QUIKBRIK Phone Al Smith Lelroy 60M Collch FLOOR COVERINGS BARRIE FLOOR WALL TILE Sales Service 24 Maple Ave Opp bus terminal OLinoleum and Vinyl tile Sheet goods eralnic tile Hardwood flooring arpets Complete line of samples FREE ESTIMATES DAY OR EVENINGS WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED FREE PARK NG PHONE PA 851162 EVENINGS PA 54952 Charles Lawson Propr FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Half yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN Anne Street PA cam PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 an Barrio PA oasis Try An Examiner Want All PHONE PA 82414 Barrie REFRIGERATION HOOD REFRIGERATION SERVICE Domestic Commercial Airconditioning 31 PRATT STREET PHONE PA 61678 WELLDIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED BY LICENSED DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES Coupland Drilling RR BARRIE PA 87646

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