Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Mar 1962, p. 4

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TO YOUR coon HEALTH it some Ex amour Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Baytleld Street Barrie Ontario Brewers Yeast Walls Publisher Brian Sleight General Manager ruussoar stance Pm Political Mood Seen In Recent ByElection After the licking the BritishConser vstives took in recent byelections polit icgil observers will be watching With more Elan usual interest the results of six more layelections all of which Will prob ably be held before the end of April iOur London correspondent McIntyre Hood points out that an analysis of the combined figures of the four byelect ions already held does not give the gov ernment party much encouragement It shows that the Conservative vote drop ped by 191 per cent and the Labor vote fell by 48 er cent The Liberal vote showed an increase of 233 per cent while independent candidates gained fractionally There are two major conclusions to be drawn from these figures Mr Hood thinks First is that the Liberals made their spectacular gains overwhelmingly at the expense of the Conservatives Sec ond is that the net swing away from the Tories which would be in Labors favor at general election works out at over seven per cent This would be enough to ut Mr Gaitskell in power with three igure majority if it were repeated in every riding In the six byelections of the immed Motorist Pays How oftendo motorists griping over the price of gasoline comfort themselves with the thought that the government places high tax on fuel in order to build and maintain roads and highways This is an old fallacy that dies hard but anyone who examined the twin charts on Ontarios billiondollar budget repro duced in this newspaper earlier reahzed just what fallacy it is The income chart showed that the Ont ario government expects to collect $170 000000 in gasoline tax plus $71000000 from motor vehicle licence sales in 1902 Motorists who pay corporation tax in come tax sales tax liquor tax and suc cession duties just as other citizens late future four are in seals formerly held by Labor members and two form erly held by Conservatives The first will be at Pontefract where the result Is foregone conclusion as the former Labor MP rolled up majority of 24810 in twoparty fight The Liberals will not contest this seat so that all that is un known about it is the size of the Labor majority At StocktononTees Derby North and West Lothian however there were fair ly close contests in 1959 Liberals are entered in all three constituencies In Mlddlebrough West the Conservative candidate had 8710 majority over La bor in 1959 and the Liberal candidate lost his deposit but the Liberals Ian to enter candidate again and con test should do much to reveal the extent of the Liberal revival The Liberals will probably not run in West Derbyshire iivgon9 handily by the Conservatives in After what happened in Blackpool and Or ington in recent weeks it would seem as in the present electoral mood even former majority of 14000 or 15000 Is no gliliarantee of another win in byelec tions Britain For Most therefore contribute $241000000 more in provincial taxes During 1902 the government plans to spend $78413000 on highways The motor vehicle licence revenue will cover 9054 per cent of that In other words motorists are paying $162587000 into the general budget That part of the population that bene fits from facilities should pay for them Motorists and transportation and trans port companies should pay for the high ways But should they be aying more toward education ublic bea th and welfare in terest on ublic debt or any other generIal expen ture than pedestrian cit lzens Other Editors Views DlSCORDANT MUSIC Ottawa Journal It is simply not possible that many Can adians care for the cacophony discordant and puerile that CBCs music people now so persistently present to us at our ex pense under the guise of its being mod ern classical music The stuff is barren of sense and nothing but posturing But the rub comes no doubt because few beareded folk in corduroy slacks have got themselves into position of seeming independence in 0130s vast hierarchy They must have become aware that the average Canadian has no stomach for their scrapings and screechings ROLLING HAZARDS Cleveland Plain Dealer It is rather frightening to learn that one out of every five automobiles check ed by police for defects over the past weekend had defects Every fifth car on the road in this vicinity is dangerous To be sure car with one broken headlight is not nearly as dangerous as car with imperfect brakes and car with faulty windshield wipers is not as dangerous as car with motor which is just about ready to fall out or steer ing mechanism which is ready to give up the ghost But all imperfections are dangerous not only to the drivers of such cars but to those who keep their cars in repair FOR LIVELIER POLITICS Ottawa Citizen Fresh from the capture of the Liberal nomination in the federal riding of Tor onto Eglinton Mr Mitchell Sharp has issued challenge to the present incum bent Finance Minister Donald Fleming to debate government policy with him on public platform Nowadays Quebec is almost alone in carrying on the tra dition of the contradictory meeting when the candidates trade arguments and The Barrie Examiner Authorized second class mail Post own Department Ottawa and or payment or poster In urn nasty Sundnylnnd statutoryflalldn excepted WALLS Publisher BRIAN ELMGIII General Manager umSON Managing Balm CHARLES WLDGZ Business Innate name wmsos Advertising Manager name names circulation mum Snbscrl tion unis sisno ycgr still gold By motilier ma man your so of month sun three months nod month Outside Ontario 110 year Outside Ida 820011 year 0mm 25 Unlvcrri assurance as Clitth £01169 Montreal 15 est 69011 Street Vancou or Member or the Canadian Dolly Newmaper Pub llshefl AfsocLrtlon The Canadian Press and the Aualt Bureau of circulations frno Canadian Pro II exclusively culture to the use for republication of Ill newlfill Inth In flail we Gimme to it or Thu Muerlted Press in ten Illd flu Mel I10 withth insults amid the cheers of their respec tive partisans That such an affair can stimulate public interest even in these days of radio and television is shown by the res case few years ago when the then Premier of Saskatchewan Mr Douglas met Mr Ross Thatcher now provincial Liberal leader These things should be done more often They make for livelier politics and may even shed illumination as well as heat QUEBEC ONE OF TEN Halifax ChronicleHerald As the second largest of the 10 pro vinces Quebec naturally exercises lar ger voice in the affairs of the country than the smaller provinces It cannot claim however to ave influence equal to the sum total of the others simply because in its own view it comprises one nazion and the rest of Canada another na ion JAPANESE LONGEVITY Woodstock SentinelReview Japan is one of those nations which has adopted birth control to cope with the population pressure in this tight little kingdom of the Pacific Whether there is any connection be tween this and corresponding increase in longevity statistics now prove that the people of Japan are enjoying longer life span Since World War II the rate has risen by two years This astonishing increase is highlighted by the fact that the Japanese life expect ancy has passed the 70year level for the first time since tables were formulated in 1392 Actually it is the women who now enjoy life expoutancy of 7026 years The men can ok forward to one of 6537 years Apfirently where the Japanese found they talent down on quantity they havedetermined to make up in quality if this can be judged by the length of the his span WOMEN DRIVERS St Thomas TimesJournal The United States is country where women outnumber men where they bulk larger every year in the labor force where one of them has just broken into that exclusive club the taxwriting House Ways andMeans Committee So menhave to find their consolation to small ways Perhaps theres little in the refiortlthat Virginia traffic court Judge as just consigned woman driv er to thevjback seat for the next six months The judge noting her involvement in two accidents in half year said her husband should handle the wheel for while QUEENS PARK Opposition Makes Several Big Dents By DON OEEARN TORONTOThis at least un tll its last stages has been an opposition session When you look at it In per spective you find little that is remarkable stays in mind about the government But the opposition has made several dents There have been two moves by the government that ltaud out One was the economic devel opment program The second was the housing program The sectiod of course is part of the first And both conic from the minister of economics and de velopment Hon Robert Mac aulay There have been some appar ently sound administrative steps from the government benches But the brightnessthe fresh touchhas been confined to Mr Macaulay OPPOSITION MOVES On the other hand there have been at number of impressions left by the opposition Behind these could be the fact there was plenty of room That It has been so weak in the past that practically any fresh action at all would be impressive Whatever the situation how ever it is the opposition that has left the impressions which register One of these is that in dis cussion of estimates And this is growing to be the main busi ness of the sessiont it generally has been in better shape than the government Presentation of the reform In stitutions estimates is an ex ample The government had routine recital of what It had done and would be doing DETAILED CRITICISM The Liberals came up with apanese Fish For Pleasure TOKYO ReuterslJfhe Jopv anese who for centuries have fished to survive are turning in millions to angling for pleasure Commercial fishing is still big business for Japan which has fishing fleets ranging from the Arctic to the Antarctic and from the Atlantic to the Pa cific But the countrys newfound prosperity and consequent lei sure have developed new type of fishermen tbo angler and sportsman Today there are about 8000 000 anglers in Japan Young people by the thou ands have adopted the sport once considered the pastime of elderly folk and line Japans rocky coastline wade through thousands of mountain streams stand on the edges of lakes and perch precarioust on the sides of bobbing boats In their trail they have brought flourishing businesses Weekly and monthly magazines for the angler have come out clectrreal company has produced midget angling aid In the form of translstorized fish finder which sends out sound waves through the water and records them on graph paper when they rebound from the see bottom or off schools of fish The graph tells the angler where to fish Fish hatcherieshave been set up and are being used to up stock lakes and more very detailed criticism of this arid even more Important de tailed program ol what it would do instead Then there is an NDP group which has largely stopped nag ging and instead is entering into constructive debate tend with good humor The speech of financial critic Kenneth Bryden for instance may have been the best budget speech of the session This general tenor may change by fall the government can get it self reorganized and thinking ahead it may once again take over the wheel But at this session the opposi tion rather than it has been doing the big share of the driv ing TODAY IN HISTORY By THE CANADIAN PRESS March 28 1962 Royal assent was given to the British North America Act 95 years ago todayin 1867 The act Canadas constitutlon marked the confederation of the eastern provinces under one gov ernment At that time Can ado comprised Ontario Quebec Nova Scotia and New Brunswick 1039 The Spanish Civil War ended with surrender of key Loyalist cities 1918 Marshal Foch of France was named su preme commander of Al lied armies in France in the First World War Gamma BMunomrnora IboPublieroonntontaCounoll for the Province of Ontario on nonncea the election of Mr Grlflitb MacDonald CPA of Toronto on its President to succeed Mr MMGillivmy RCA of Hamilton Other officers elected were VicePresident Mr Amploford FCA Score tery Mr SheppardCPA Treasurer Mr Hethoringtnn FCA all of Toronto The Council draws to fine atten tion of the public that all those who practice as public ocommhinta in Ontorio must be licensed under the Public Accountant Act Ontario 1050 and must we the Code of Professional Ethics laid down by the Council Any information regarding these matters and the penalties for non obeervancoof the Act and regth tiono may be obtained from Mr Doughty RegistranThe Public Accountants Councillor the Pro IIDVENT VISION Celestial Figure alone on hill standing there so qtdet and so mill With Ilia eyes uplifted to Heaven above The Son of God is the sym bol of love When the suns golden rays shine on His dear head His robes glisten like gold en thread His eyes are closed as if in humble prayer He seems so weary and so full of care Then as the setting sun de scends in the west This is the time love the best For then He turns with sweet smile and see He is holding out His dear hands to me With reverence go to loicel at His feeti Only then is my drean complete MRS sensors Writers club Stops Itching By 1051 MOIAIR MD Don Dr Moiner Concerning hypersensitivity to mosquito bites suffered so from the extreme Itching that would scratch the welt until they bled None of the suggested remedies helped until phar macist friend told me that brewers yeast tablets were preventive took tablets daily for two lumen and since the havent needed any That was 17 years ago Now in some mysterious way mosquito bites are only mildly and briefly trrl ullng to moC Thank you sir and hope that other can benefit from your experience matter of fact the use of vitamin which Is brewers yeast has been recommended for this pur pose The exact reason has not been determined but the prevailing theory is that it isnt the actlv lty of the vitamin so much as subtle odor of the skin which resultsan odor we dont notice but one that mosquitoes dislike Whatever the reason it works very well for some peo pic but not for others However Its simple remedy for those who find it effective Dear Dr Molnar Recently you wrote that exercise would not reduce particular part of the body but that reduction would be uniform really think doctor that you displayed con siderable ignorance Just how far afield can you go have lost three inches in my arms four inches in my hips three inches in my thighs 855 inches in my waist while adding inches to my bust of course it wasnt accom plished with motorized couches and gadgets but in gymna sium Some women fall because they expect complete trans formation in couple of monthsA can go far afield my dear but wouldnt call your collec tion of figures spot reducing You just plnln reduced more credit to you And you de veloped your bustbesldel Spot reducing is the happy dream that you can take few inches off the tummy or the thighs without taking any off anywhere else Things just dont work that way of course reduction wont be uniform in the sense of the whole body shrinking Your hood and feet arent going to change size But the fat will come off at the some places where it went on You cant pick and choosel Dear Dr Molnar How soon after giving birth should men struation return This In my third childMES Usually in three to four months If the time is now markedly different than after the other two babies see your doctor Dog Dr Mother have had two wronary and one angina attackstbelnetonettbom gins six years ago and no symptom since have fol lowed my doctors instruction on diet smoking drinking do some walking am feet and do not vary more than two or three pounds over 155 Would light setting up exer cise have any bad effect on my conditloulG Well walking is one of the best forum of exercise Its hard to define light ex ercise and your doctor know Ing your condition can tell you for better than anyone else how much you can do and still time fit from it One basic rule however is that exercise is too strenuous if It taxes your breathing 12 provokes excessive heart rate or causes any degree of chest discomfort At your height 155 pounds must make you bit chunky losing few of them ought to help Deadlines Loom For Decisions 0n Freight Rates YIIAWA CPIThe govem ment ls heading toward new multi million dollar transport decisions The first deadline is April 30 tho day the Freight Rates lies duction Act expires thus end lng special legislation under which the federal treasury has paid out almost $55000000 in subsidies slnce 1959 to cut cer toin freight rates Indications are the govem merit will likely extend the sub sidY pending legislative action on the overall transport blue print proposed by the lifncPher sou royal commission on trans portation BIBLE THOUGHT Pray without ceasing Thessalonians 5r17 When God lives in on He lives in all our thoughts and prayers are thoughts turned Godwaid er owned in Condo MIMI IOIIIPBIIIE MAKERS 0F WALKERS Isnnou IMITED OLD CREST mm 965 WW ESTD 1858 25 oz Lnmmtourswmsm

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