Mental dilings Cleared TORONTO tCPHealth Min lstcr Dymond hlesday night said he doesnt expect any more cases of mentally ill people be ing committed to jail in future The matter is completely cleared up now he told opposi tion qucstioners as the legisla turc studied health department estimates Lets see what bap pcns from now on Dr Dymond said that ex ccpt for isolated cases me en tire probIEm of such committal is centred in metropolitan Ton onto James Trotter ft Tor ontnParltdale estimated that some 200 people year are sent to Don Jail despite mental iti ncss The question provided lengthy debate before the last of the departments $149240000 es timates for the 196263 ï¬scal year were approved BLAMES LAW The outspokcn health minister blamed the whole situation on the law and its interpretation find myself agreeing with one oi the apostles who said The law is an nssor who ever it was that said it Dr Dymond said The law required that men tally disturbed people brought before magistrate be com mittcd to sale and comfort ablo place and it had never been spelled out that such place could be mental hos pital The minister said he plans to amend the Mental Hospitals Act to make it clear even to the magisterial mind that the dos cription fits mental hospital Vernon Singer Toronto York Centre questioned Dr Dymonds expression about the low being an ass connecting it with the attorneygencrnls duty Retorted the minister Hav ing said that the law is an ass didnt say the attorneygeneral is an ass Youre putting words in my mouth CONSIDERING COSTS Dr Dyinond said the Ontarip Hospital Services Commission is giving active consideration to meeting the full costs for OnA tnrio residents for hospitaliiii lion outside the province In answer to questions from Worton tLWetiington South he said the practice now Is to meet such costs on basis comparable to the rates in On tario Premier Roberts promised to report to the legislature on the mgress of talks with Ottawa Shout exempting hospital pur Qhases from federal sales tax RUNNING FROM European settler left back ground races away from scene of carnage in Hue lsly Algiers as body of an other European lies in street in right background French zi DEATH IN soldier watches the running man Death and wounds came to many in the Rue Isly and surrounding streets in the center of Algiers today when European settlers ans wcrcd the call of the secret Meat Inspection Hits Little Mon TORONTO cmHealth inn $150000 to bring this packing ister Dyrnond warned Tuesday house up to federal inspection that provincial inspection of meatrather than federal in spectionwould not mean any lowcr basic standards even it it is adapted requirements yet his meat is every bit as good as that urncd out by the large pack nghouscs Small meat packers would be Dr Dymond spoke out amn forccd out of business com pleas from Liberal members of the legislaturerepented during the last few weeksthat some plctcly if federal standards were required Mr Vliichcr said yet public pressure for higher form of inspection service be standards was mountingas provided that small moat pack result of recent incidents involv ers in Ontario could afford mg tainted meat Ross Whichcr tLBrucc con tended that one small packer in Bruce County with about 20 Libcral members contended hat the quality oi moat can still be maintained at high LGIEBS BLOOD ltllTH army with march on the citys center There they run into ground gunfire and tear gas hurled down from holi coptc AP repbolo HEATING FUELS Phone PA 6653 THE DARK EXAilnER WED MARCH 21 $20 Million Skyscraper For Toronto TORONTO CP subsid Iary of British firm plans to build $20000000 skyscraper at at least 20 floors in downtown Toronto The building would occupy nearly an entiro city block on the northwest corner of the King St WestUniversity Ave later section It would be built by British Commercial Property Invest ments Canada Limited is sub sidiary of London Merchant Se rarities one of the largest dc velopers in the United Kingdom Mrs Cecilia Bensttnr direc tor of British Commercial said the firm is seeking precedent setting agreement with the Tar onto Parklng Authority Instead of providing its own parking space the firm wants to pay an nnnunl rentrunning into six figuresfor the use of on underground parking garage which the authority is building under University Ave from King to Front Streets PRIZE DOUBLE SEOUL South Korea AP Thc government has doubled its reward for the arrest of Com munlst agents to 540 um um IDUTCH MISSIONARYS LETTER SAYS Connibals Probably Ate Governor Rockefellers Son THE HAGUE Brutus Dutch missionary in letter published hlesday said Michael Rockefeller missing son of the New York governor wos prob ably eaten by cannibais in west New Guinea But the Dutch homo affairs ministry said west New Guinea authorities had thoroughly in vcstigatcd the cannibal rumor and found there was no ground to assume it was based on the truth ORAL VACCINE MEXICO CITY AP ltloro than 122000 Mexico City chil dren have received oral antl pollo vaccine as part of ina tional campaign against the dis ease George Davies CONSTRUCTION LTD Barrio PA 84188 Thursday Night II Kinsmen Bingo Night ltlllSMEN BINGO our settows All Thurs Mar 298 pm 20 GAMES SHARE THE WEALTH GAMES $21000 JACKPOT 10 Numbers Called $2500 Consolation Prize HELP KID The newspaper Haaglche Courant published the letter from missionary Hckmcn 25 to his uncle in The Nether lands The letter said Michael Rocke cller 23 missing on an expedi tion last November was not drowned as was presumed at the time but was probably eaten by cannlbnls of the village of OtJanep in New Guinea REACH COAST The missionary said of Rocke fellcr in the letter lEAGUE have just learned that he had reached the coast swim ming But that the Asmat popu lation of the village of Otjancp had speared and eaten him other people of the village have told it and have mentioned the names of those who are keeping remains like the skull and bones Rockefeller set out to swim to shore after his raft capsized near Merauke west New Guinea Nov is Despite an in tensive sir scorch no trace wal found of him BOOKINGS NOW OPEN FOR l962l 963 FALL SUMMER SEASON Book early and choose you time and day Openings for Summer League Bowling Couples Stnglts or Groups FULLY AIRCONDITIONED PA 82457 LT STANDS L0 REASON that we could not remain in business for as long as we have over 10 years tomers the ultimate in Service Quality Honesty will pay you to pay us visit because if we did not constantly offer our cust and Low Prices Maybe we are located off the Beaten Path but it employees would have to spend level without some of the fed cral requirements relating to oial equipment chambers and fulltlmc inspectors in the INNISFIL NOTES Best Meal For Dollar By 865 FLORIDA have taken trip south into the Everglades stopping place on our way We spent the weekend there and visited with couple of ItlBIS til families who are located now in this part of the south It has been over two years since are in this city and the ch es which have taken place are very apparent This city and its suburbs like Metro politan Toronto stand out as the fastest developing area one could see and changes in two years time are as remarkable here as in Toronto New roads and expressways are located where we used to wind our way through stoplight streets that were exasperating and time consuming Now when one knows the right way one can get across one city in high speed trafï¬c and we do mean high speed almost as fastas our 401 NORTHERNERS STAY The beaches here are still ï¬lled with northerners who are sticking it out as long as they can hoping to find winter has departed when they return home Many of the hotels and motels are finding new book ings fading out and extra staff taken on for the winter will soon be unemployed We spent much of our time sunbathing on the sands and this was real place or one to see how the holiday ing people live One could spot the newlyar rived ones by their color which was something they were bound to change as soon as possible and their attire gave the sun every chance to do its bit Oils were lavished on in the hope that this would prevent burn ing which was not always the case Those who have spent the winter in the sun have something to prove it and they are adding to this with every opportunity PLEASANT CALL We had call from Mr and Mrs George Hunter and also accompanied them on trip to the beach Sunday evening we were taken to dinner at res taurant called The Painted Horse where the food was good and the service which bandied over 1000 sitting was excep tional The dinner order was taken with choice of three meats chicken or fish col iee urn was placed on the table ovar candle heater and kept filled during the meal This week we making Miami Dessert was choice of several kinds of ice cream and sher beis Seconds of any or all courses could be had and hot rolls were on the table It was certainly the best meat for dollar that we had enjoyed for many years since Strand Hall days and we have often paid much more for less Mr and Mrs Eud Martin joined us al the Painted Horse and the party was real hom ey one for us from lnnisfil They are enjoying holiday With the compliments of good customer with all expenses paid and new station wagon with the credit card along We heard that Councillor Jack Fliorrens was down this way but were unable to get in touch with him or we would have included him in the party RETURNING George Hunter will shortly take leave of absence from his work here in one Of the big fashionable hotels and return to lnnisï¬l to get his own busi ness ready for opening in the spring He expects to drive car back north leaving his own car for Mrs Hunter and Jackie to come up in later on He has big plans for making his Innis fil business at Glenwood Beach into big attraction this year He has purchased tract of pro perty of some 40 acres behind the cottages on the 26 lot and has plans for malnng this into private park and cottage mo tel with rental units of various sizes built around the park de velopment with private access to the lakeside EVENINGS AT slaughtering process IMPERIAL NOW SHOWING mm can or mousmusi swamnorms Arms runs imflmnm winlscorE FiMOlis PLAYERS THEATRE 735 950 Wing Steaks Short Rib Roost Rindless Side Bacon lb If you own Home the biggest savin youll be able to sible priceand store it to eat at HERES SAMPLE OF WHAT WE MEAN BY LOW PRICES Savings as much as 22¢ per pound on beef weeks supply of meat promptly and courteously right to special attention to the folks who in their orders 57c lb Freezer you can appreciate some Of gs ever Through your bulk buying purchase meats at their lowest pose your convenience Presswood Dinner Style Loan Hams Minced Beet All OUR MEATS on DISPLAY Weve got no secrets weve got nothing to hide We believe our customers should know what they are buying and see what theyre getting Our meat is on display and Open for inspection anytime Talk about convenience Well deliver your whole your homel We give extra cant make it down to the store and have to phone oivsfus CALLTODAY 59 lb BolognutltythepietOMSOlb 39¢ ii lbs 99