Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Mar 1962, p. 3

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Wasps com on as new WOOLWORTH BUILDING also The wrapping is off and the new Woolworth store at boyfleld and floss streets is indeed striking departure from the old familiar red and gold format seen by folks in every city and town for years Steel blue and slirerspancling decorates the entire top hall of the new building while the lower portion is all glass Here workmen can be seen installing the huge panes while inside and unseen trac tors and trowcllers are busy Cancel Hot Meeting Sunnidale Fire Plan An open meeting of Sunni dnic lownship Council designed to acquaint residents with coun cil proposals for fire protection service in the township was cancelled last night Scheduled to be held in the Community Hall at New Lowell the meeting was postponed for several weeks because of the death of Sunnidale Township councillor George Bailey Mr Bailey councillor for the past three years was well known resident of Vnsaga Beach Last nights meeting was ex pcctcd to produce fireworks as result of an emergency meet ing of the Oakvlew Beach Ratc payers Association last Saturday night At this meeting the ratepayer association members turned deaf ear to the proposal oi as sistlng iinnnelally with fire pro tcction throughout the township They maintained that they had an agreement Ivith the Vasaga Beach brigade to provide serv ice In the event of fire in that area other property owners in the township particularly those in the south and have been alarm ed at the almost nonexistent protection service in their area At present it serious fire uclt cars they can call on the Stay ncr brigade but thlr nccessltatcs getting permission from the mayor of Stayner and this could on occasion result in scrious delays They do call the Camp Borden fire department who are willing to come to fire in the New Lowell area However one res ident of New Lowell remarked last night outside the empty community hall where the meet ing was to have taken place The length of time it takes them to get here depends on how many times they get lost that would you do fire occurred in New Lowell or Brentwood tonight one rate payer was asked Watch it buln was the answer given Since the StaynerNottnwa saga the brigade was set up through the Joint etiorts of these two municipalities the problem at fires In the rural Sunnldale areas has been brought out vividly on several occasions Only week ago house in New Lowell burned to the ground because there sim ply were no fire fighting facili ties available personally feel that fire protection should be set up to cover the entire township ftceve Lloyd Pridhom said re cently The south end of the township has no protection whatsoever Barrie Employment Man Will Head NES In Britain Richard Beer formerly director of the special services and veterans department of the Barrie branch National Em ployment Service has been ap pointed to direct the NES oper ation in London England Mr Beer who had been personnel manager with Gen eral Motors until he came with the NES four years ago re ceived the appointment after he successfully competed against candidates from NES offices across Canada He will leave for the Ul with his family in about two weeks The London office only one maintained by the NES outside Canada screens applicants for Jobs in Canada With small staff in the offices of the de partment of citizenship and im migration this branch of the NES works closely with the British ministry of labor When Canadian firm can not find the speciaiimd ty of persons they are looking or in Canada they can contact the Ottawa office who in turn noti fy the ministry oflabor where finally it gets to us Mr Beer said We draw on the United Kingdom and occasionally West Germany but we certainly do not steal the British labor force Everything is worked out close ly with the cooperation of the ministry of labor Tire London office will also advise Canadians landing in England and Englishmen who Want to come to Canada for any reason Mainly the work is supplying changing Canada with the industrial specialists it is lacking We are trying to keep pace with the world Mr Beer ex plained But we havent in the field of education There fore we must go outside of Canada to secure the people we need to compete Heres The Effect Of Euro By FORBES RHUDE Canadian Press Business Editor An extensive examination of the possible eiiects oi common market groupings on Canadian trade was made by Vincent Chapln of the department of trade and commerce in an ad dress to the international busi ness management course at Wa 2rloo University College in abbreviated form and based on the existing situation rather than on what may come out of negotiations here are some of Mr Chapins figures taken from 1960 Canadian exports to the six countries of the European Eco nomic Community EEC totals $40000000040 per cent agri cultural products 60 per cent industrial items Ninety three items account for $363000000 Of this about $180000000 enters EEC coun tries free and there will be no change This includes asbestos iron ore nickel copper silver various non metallic minerals wood pulp for rayon making lumber and synthetic rubber Wheat exports total $100000 000 and there are various poten tial dangers PULP HA5 FEARS Aluminum wood pulp for pa per making and newsprintto tailing $00000000fear that the lowering of tariiis in highertar Mart iff EEC countries wont com pensate for raising of tariffs by lower tariff countries where most sales now are made For another 520000000 of ext ports probabilities are hard to BISEEL if the United Kingdom enters EEC Mr Chapin presented these further figures Canadian exports to the UK total $91500000033 per cent agricultural products 49 per cent basic materials and lb per cent in variety of semipr ceased and manufactured items If Britain accepts EEC tariffs as they stand there would be no effect on group of basic industrial materials total ling $21800000tl which enter both Britain and EEC countries free Main items in this group are copper nickel other non ferrous metal ores and scrap furs and skins pit props and iron ore An additional group totalling $155000000 includes aluminum wood pulp newsprint lead zinc and ferro silicon No problem is Involved ii the EEC provides for free cntrybut otherwise there would be significant barrier in further group totalling $45000000 mainly soft wood lumber pulp wood asbestos the EEC gives free entry but Canada now has small prefer ence in the UI RICHARD BEER Are Named To CAWMA Board Two prominent Barrie aute motive parts men Horace Pratt and Wilcox have been named to the Board of Direct era of the Canadian Automot ive Wholesalers and Manufact urors Association Mr Pratt President and General Manager Torgis Auto motive Ltd was named second vicepresident and Mr Wilcox Manager ioblrer Division at DcVilhiss Canada Ltd was named director IiAItItIT SKATING CARNIVAL TICKETS AT annals ATTENA BOX OFFICE $100 Reserve Seats on the interior Opening is scheduled for later this spring it will be possible to purchase all the familiar pro ducts and services as well as Wayward Lunch Coffee and lunch prepared in the wrong school this was the unrehcarscd introduction to the third session in the leader ship seminar at PTA groups be ing held in St Monicas School under Frank Villoek of the community programs branch of the department of education and Floyd Griesbnch of Simcoe County community and recrea tlon service At this third session the par ticipants considered the roles played by each member of group member in any group requ res acceptance in the so cial group knowledge of and an opportunity to exercise his personal capabilities good member gives cohesion and sat isfaction by his willingness to work with others his experience and his sense of responsibility The members of the leader ship scminar divided into study groups to consider the question Rookery Grant Turned Down The Barrio Horticultural Soc iety have been refused their 5400 grant from the Barrie Col legiate Board This $400 was used by the Society to maintain the roekery in front of Barrie Central Col legiate on Dunlap Street We began the rockery approximat ely 20 years ago said Society member Mrs Jean Gable The Society is very concern ed about the welfare of the rockery said Mrs Gablel Ev en it you leave garden un tended for one month it can never be restored to its nor mal condition added Mrs Gable The Societys activities last year included the planting of 100 new bulbs in this former beauty spot CHEAP LAUNDRY REGINA Pulce are watching local coin Laundries for customers who have been filling the slots with copper sings the size of quarter llforc than 400 slugs have been used to activate automatic washers in the last three months One days tally from two laundries totalled 54 slugs At 11 am Mr Bernard Barron of World Vision in FIRST Baptist Church Clapperion at Worsiey Sunday Services at 11 PRESENTS TENTH ANNUAL ICE VARIETiES BARRIE ARENA sAT MAR am pm rentuun sosorsT DBNALD KNIGIIT nnnoas Skating Club GzonGlNA nouns warre The euro EIGHT And cast or over zoo locni ngura skaters nAnluI COLLEGIATE norm The some and Primary Production at swarms Imam many additional and to Woolworths new ones Some space in the building will be leased to noncompetitive com panies many of them locally established now PTA Seminar Continues Here Provides Fun at how to improve attendance at PTA meetings with reference to what they had learned dur ing the three sessions There was unanimous agreement that longrange planning realization of the aims of the organization and personal contact with pros pective and existing members were basic ingredients The lunch mixup occurred when the ladies under the im pression that the session was to be held at one or the other par tlci atlng schools prepared the tab es and made the coffee at that school As time went on and no one showed up they be came aware that something was wrong and some frantic scurry ing went on when the error was dIscovcred Hopkins Named Chairman 0i BDREB Division Happy Hopkins Barrie was last night elected chairman of the saiesmons division of the Barrrio Real Estate Board At regular meeting of the group at Community House Emerson Swain retiring chair man conducted the annual election of officers Other officers named were Rita Scandrett secretary 0r ca Brawn Norman Hesketh and Walter Coutts directors The division has member ship of 25 and is representative at most real estate firms in Barrie and district Former Barrie Man Object Of Search By Ne massive detedive search is underway to trace the where abouts and history of former Barrie newspapermao The trail has taken his searchers across Canada and into the Un ited States The men is Andrew Atqn cur who was printer with The Northern Advance in Barrie be fore he left to start The Cai gary Herald in 383 liIs part ner at that time was Thomas Braden former Peterbor ough teacher The only known photograph of Armour is touchedup and enlarged one item very small group picture taken in front of the original Calgary Herald of fine tent His mursuers The Calgary Herald say About all we know of Armour was that he was printer had worked for The Northern Advance in Bar WEATHER Forecasts Issued by the Tor onto weather office at 430 am Synopsis Today is likely to be the warmest oi the fledging spring season in southwestern Ontorlo where middle Itodegree temperatures are anticipated cloudiness will restrict temper atures in northern sections and few showers are likely Lake St Clair Lake Erie southern Lake Huron regions Windsor London Mostly sunny and warm today Sunny Thurs day clouding over in the after noon with chance ot showers by evening Southwest winds to to 20 Niagara northern Lake liu ron Lake Ontario regions Tor onto Hamilton Sunny but with chance of few light showers Heads Up Boxing Team composite army boxing team is currently in Cincinnati Ohio participatingvln an inter national boxing matdI Heading the Canadian team is W0 Terrence Weatherall of the Camp Physical Training Centre This information was released yesterday by the Amateur Aths letic Union of Canada W0 Weatherali Will be man ngercoaeh ot the Canadian team He is well known Ca nadian boxer havingfought in various parts of the world against top notch opponents FINE FAN COLLINGWOOD Ont CF Charles HOEE 30 of Coiling wood was fined $100 and costs Tuesday for assaulting police officer Const Howard Gill said Hogg attacked him when he tried to eject him from the Col iingwood Arena for causing disturbance at hockey game Feb 16 rie that after selling The Cal gary Herald in lost he started the former hfedIcine liar Times in 135 said that and disappear edt apparently going to Caliv fornia While in Calgary both Mr and Mrs Armour were ac tive workers tor the Methodist Church litany inquiries have been made in California all without any success SINGLE CLUE The single clue linking Arm our with Barrie comes from old news stories in The Calgary Herald linking himwith The Northern Advance it is not known where he was born or who his parents were The Ontario Historical Society and the Dominion Archives have no record of him The Calgary Herald is trying to secure information about him to complete its early history FORECAST Sunny with cloudy intervals Thursday not much change in temperature Winds light today southerly near is Thursday Georgian Bay llaliburton re gions Sunny clouding over this afternoon Chance of few showers this evening and to night Cloudy with few sunny intervals Thursday not much change in temperature Winds light today southeast 15 This day rtlgoma Timagami southern White River regions Sault Ste Marie North Bay Sudbury Mostly cloudy today and Thurs day Light showers both days Easterly winds 10 to 20 cooler Thursday Northern White River lochy rone regions Mostly cloudy to day and Thursday few inters vnls oi wet snow or rain and drizzle Easterly winds 10 to 20 Cooler Thursday Forecast temperatures Low tonight lltgh Tomorrow Windsor 45 65 St Thomas 40 London 40 Kitchener to Mount Forest 35 Vingham 35 Hamilton 40 St Catharines 40 Toronto 40 Peterhorough at Trenton 35 Kiilaloe so Muskoka 30 North Bay Ito Sudbury Earlton 25 Kapuskasing 20 White River 25 Meosonee Sault Ste Mane thnkidneyainil to remove excess ncldl and wastes bncklcho mes feeling dulurbcd rest alien suny Doddl Kidnuy run atimulntu kidneys to nonnnl dutyt You feel bettersleep one trr work better wspaper ANDREW armour The former weekly is now large daily newspaper Assistant editor Gerald Brown of The Herald says its veryold trail but maybe some one In your part of the world may have some information about the family or there may shit be descendants or relatives around Barrie You may sue cecd in finding clue The Barrie Examiner has tak en over the hunt in this area and will search old records and conduct interviews in filul out more of this pioneer newspach man Any readers who have any information that would provide clues in the search are asked to write to the managing edi tor of The Barrie Examiner 00 You Know rum sTnTvAnT an District Sales Manager Nnthurs Plant Food Co Thane enrkmy ssoir Barrie STEWART has been with the Company ror years and during lhls time has made many friends in the nren mm the line results they have had from the use or NuChurs on tobacco grain and vegetable cmps otmproved yields oHIgher protein content onettcr quntlty stew has some good news for you CnlI him today Come in andkick cirouncl Pay us visit and go few rounds with Dory employs 5000 inspectorsJ Volkswagen You can rock it shake It slam the doors and bounce on the bumper If you hear sqirauk son your cobbler Or if you prefer you can have quiet chat with one of our salesmen Either way youll get the some information the VW ir built to take beating No rattles no loose parts nothing but solid car To make sure every Voiksdeen is perfect our fuc But dont take our word for it Take VW for ride and be your own inspector Try shuttingthe door with the window closed it wont be easy because the Volks wagon is practically airtight Try it again with the window open Youll hearihe solid sound of cor lhnts built to lost Lack underthe dashboard and inside the door inmb Youll find the some amount There bro 346 VI dealers across nodalHeres the one nonreslytoyou PIERCE 8183 rim nous MOTORS no TelenhonelArkway 85558 of point we put on the aulside coats Ihe We have lobe ready for anything Volkslt wagons are sold around the world and driven in every climate Be our guest Come in and give the VW good going over Youll find kick it but you cant knock it you can VOLKSWAGEN CANADA ID lMPDRS VAY Fol EXPORISV

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