SPRING IBTIIE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MARCH 1562 ANNOUNCEMENTS BAYSTAIRS LODGE MINETS Palm aiINUiEs rlloii DOWNTOWN BARRIE Wedding Receptions Beuutilul grounds tor pictures youll cherish Ample parking ior gucsls Con veniencci We assume the responsibilities villc ou enjoy yourselil Faciliiics ior dancing etc SATISFACTION ASSURED gtPRICES THAT PLEASE CaII PA 85l98 anytlmn BIRTHS NAMES ARE lMPORTANT Chooi In lumz rnr your rhiidwrhouid bc real pleasure and nlhvrs will tant to know your choice Name your tnila quickly possible and use the individual rum in Iinrnu Examiner airln Announce mcnt iust call our Classlllcd Dc parlmeni give the acts including the name and we will publish birth Notlcc In the next edition or only ii Telcphonc PA Mm or this licd service ENGAGEMENTS Pnossnn ATRINsoN Mr and Mrs Prossrr or Lciroy onimo to announce the cnraacnsent oi lhcll daughter Marlon Ruin to Ian Anrus Atkin mil son or ilr and Mrs Vlllllm Alli nson oi chrny Tnn marriage will take place on Thursday even ing April Ill 1962 150 oclock in Churchill United Church DEATHS vATsoN Onlbrln IIosplt Pcnctannulsnone on Monday March as I962 LVI Harvey or Lcrroy Ontario nclov ed wire at tile latc Ssmucl Watson and dcar mother Samuel Brrb cst Wilson of Seattle ashlrxclon Slsicr or Chnrlcs honey or Tororb to in her 86th year Nestln at the lumen hincral Home 151 nrnurord 5t name for service on hursdny ilarch 19 at pm inlcrment Thornton Ccmtlm COMING EVENTS WT MISS THIS ONE RUMMAGE SALE Friday MarchSO 10 am pm YMYWCA OWEN STREET Auspices Vs hicnettcs Club For pickup call PA 89633 RUMMAGE SALE St Andrews Hall Owen and Vorsley Slrccls FRIDAY MARCH 30th pm pm Auspices 3rd Barrie Brownies and Guides RUMMAGE SALE Trinity Parish Hall Collier St FRIDAY MARCH 30th 130 PJII ll Pllti Auspiccs Trinity RUMMAGE SALE True Blue Hall HIGH ST SATURDAY MARCH Slst 930 am 12 noon Auspices Blue Haven LOBA RUMMAGE SALE Friday March 30 pm LEGION HALL 75 COLLIER ST CREEMOBE Mr and Mrs George Dods wolth have announced the eng agement of their daughter Sar ah Ruth to Glen Gilpin the marriage to take place at St hukes Anglican Church April Mrs Robert Corkan is under going surgery in Royal Victor ia Hospital Barrie this week We wishher speedy recuvv ery Mrs Mac DeYoung is leav ing by jet April for Ger many where she will join her husband Sgt DeYoung who has tinlshed year with Canadian lAllnEd Forces in Viet Nam Indochina Alter few days in iGermany they plan to visit Paris London Scotland and Ireland Winner of Creemore Curling Club mens honspiel and the TorontoDominion Bank trophy for this season was the rink oi Norm Gowan which con sisted of Mr Gowan Bill Em mett Alfred Millsop and Tom Palmer SALLYS SALLIEII rent dont know mwwhnt Im knittingIve lost the In Itsnotions REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Realtors la BAYFIELD ST PA 66453 ANYTIME TRADE OR We have Client who owns new 3bed room orick home near Steel Street and St Monica Sclriols He wants to sell OR trade or home in Newmarket or vlcin Ily What have you No rear sonable oifcr refused Dont put it oildial Norm Hcskcth PA 66453 evenings PA R7016 Also ask about this weeks special at in Burton Ave Member of Barrie and District Real Estate Board HENDERSON REALTOR ll COLLIER STREET PHONE PA 678 DUNDONALD ST 514600 In choice location close to St Marys and dovmtown Three bedroom ranch brick bungalow Popular Lilopcd living and dining room Owner moving out of town Will hold the mortgage Terms and down payment arranged Scandrctt 199 WELLINGTON ST 2700 good slle three bed room brick bungalow Large kitchen and living room Fenced yard Aluminum storms and screens Curries for $90 month ly including taxes Cnll Rita Scandrclt LAUNDROIIIATS All good loca tions In the city of Barrie Full price 315000 $20000 $30900 COMMERCIAL lhrce slorey building on Collier St At present occupied by Glltl dealer 2nd floor has two nifices and four apartments with good income and excellent potential Lot is 67 153 This is definitely solid investment EVENING CALL RITA SCANDRm PA dtaaa DOROTHY lvmcox PA was PERCYFORD PA Mm EiIERsON SWAIN PA casts lllcmber bi Barrie and District and Ontario Real Estntn Boards CARSON it 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the Imperial Theatre PA 6648l blcmbcr oi Barrie and District Real Estate Board Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Tiffin St PA 60476 EVENINGS CALL Karl Marshall PA 89911 Joe Phlmnl PA NJde Emory Miller PA 54155 nlcnibar or the ham and District Real Knots Board ROSE REAL ESTATE EROKER 1a TIFFIN STREET BARRlE CALL DAY DR EVENING PA 82379 timber or the Dunn and District Rni Estats Board Keith Marshall REAL PsrATE EROKER PA 82592 Ib CLAPPERTON sT nARRm AIOORE PA Maori FRANK NELLEs PA buses Mnmber Barrie and District Real Estutn Board CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 82419 93 Dunlop St MABEL MARSHALbPA scat COREYPA own bIURIEL JEFFERYPA H38 NEW BEDROOM BUNGALOW An excellent home with many deluxe appointments Full price $15500 Down payment $2250 For appointment to inspect call GEORGE DAVIES PA 83186 MOV NG Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and It you need extra coverage at any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 61801 OR PA 61802 us Dunlap St HOUSE for sale In village of New Lowell Ontarioclash to separate Infl Public schools No down ply mom son month principal an Interest included Clll or con ct ill rtin Pittens sin Oshawa Ont 744019 Call Rita ROCERS REAL ONE DUNLDP MRS Is MOOREPA NIH R05D15PA bun Plenty at cupboards and closet BEAUTIFUL 609 nmlth camphallPA 51351 Person Janey om First In Barrio Home SalesPorcine in Quality at Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL llme BARRIE Dlsrlucr REM STATE BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALIUR 82 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA 607 PA 60241 MODERN HOME OF GOOD STYLE This brick home shows to advantage with alovcly living room and dining area The kitchen 14 Is large enough for family dining Three well proportioned bedrooms plece tiled bathroom menl forced air all heating Good lot landscaped Down pay ment 51500 See this and make an offer NHA resale just years old close to public and high schools Has nice living room dining room kitchen bedrooms 4piece bath Full basement oil Iurnace monthly principal interest and taxes information and inspection RIls house is priced to sell Bd No limbn or tho barrio Rut Limo Board PROPERTY FOR SALE RENTALS INTO CLASSIFIED PAGES BY DIALING RENTALS RENTALS CONNELL TORS sruEEiEAST FOSTERPA mu CONNEU PA nus space 0hk floors Full buse RUG BRICK Lot 57 154 Carries for $74 Call this office for further John LangPA um charus ReadPA Mali Norman DUNLOP ST lba Lonillln PA M745 menu sbnlswsu Om am New three bedroom home Large living room kitchen with large dining area lots at cup boards and storage Oil heated Colorcd bathroom Iixtures vans ity divided basement Large lot In good residential arch close to stores and schools TELEPHONE 84281 OWNERS thre bedroom bunn low one year old Email down payment Telopbnnd PA doses or further lnlormltibn INCOME PROPERTY or sale duv plcx Dominion stbrn ma Gar1c Nicely trced lot See Ilrst then mnkn us an nitcr Telephone PA ossoi ltANcII STYLE bungalow or sale Three bcdmolm Attached satnu Large recreation room North coli eglltc area Owner trunsiorrcd Telephone PA 50356 NEW THREE Bedroom Erick Dun nldw tor sale Lorre kitchen storm windows attached narlu oll heated soddcd North district clnsu to public and high Khbbls Telephone PA 34170 FOR SALE OR RENT REAL ESTATE BROKER First Mortgage Funds Available Interest 607 Value No Fees Charged Evanmn can Howard North PA ShelsweII PA oooal PA H742 Jock Willson PA Hut Natmm shclmll PA noel FINANCIAL $5000 41c FOR WEEKS NEED MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP 5T WEST ASK FOR LEO IlIcNAMARA PA 60203 RENTALS LOW COST IPAC lor rent clean modeln bulldlnls suitable for commercial or lirhtjhdustrial Telephone PA M515 GARAGES FOR RENT ONLY GARAGE tor rtnt Maple Avchua nutt Dnnlop street Suitable or storage Available April Tele phone PA 54814 FOUR hoonl House at IlIlnets Point with three piece bath lull Elle bascmcnt with furnace Low down payment Easy tcnns Tele phone PA as LOTS FOR SALE EAST END Lot nt sale 75 100 close in Public School For further Inrarrnatlon telephone PA soul after PROPERTY WANTED URGENTLY REQUIRE small housa in town or within mllcs of Bob rte Pricn not to exceed sum Grab your phone and Call Gerry Mallory representing Carson Realtor call PA 63431 or alter call PA Mm FARMS WANTED SMALL FARM wanted to not within in mlle radlua DI Barrie Apply in writing to Edit barrio Examiner BUS OPPORTUNITIES Service Station For Lease Require single man with mech anics licence for Highway No 11 location just north of Bar rie Minimum capital required Training provided WRITE CANADIAN PETROFINA LTD Box 371 Orillia Ontario MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lst 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all properties WITH LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILORED 10 YOUR BUDGET IF YOU NEED MONEY Tn consolidate debts Pny on existing mortgages Or mortgages coming due Home improvement OAny worthwhile cause PA 60981 Mortgage Funding OVEI SimpsonsSeass MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidationmf Bills Home repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $l549 at $56 Monthly $3544 at $90Monrhly Up to $5000 and 60 month to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT 14 Dunlop St PA 66477 monsGAdesIst and and boulht mid and nrranzed Commerci and residential mood lolnhd on assisting mortgn Irril Herb rue Brokers HIM Try All Examiner Want All rooms PA um NURSING HOMES Artx EDEN NURSING norm built rol this work Sam and private rooms kind nurslnl care and load TV rooms station wa iron or outinsa Tclnpbonn mu StrpuiL APTS HOUSES To RENT Vacant unlurnished three room apartment just like your own little bungalowbut heated Re Irigerator stove and draperies optional Next to East End Shop ping Plazn $75 monthly Tele Phone PA 87475 iiioDErtN sour bedroom house or rent Very central in residential area Large garden Rcfcrenbcs re quire Telephone PA 3354 UNPDnNIsuED self contnlncd modern our room merit tor rent $35 monthly halted Located at 12 Pcnetnng street Pbonu PA 82043 or PA P7114 APTS HOUSES T0 RENT The Garden Terrace Corner Queen and Duckworth Modern home two bedroom large living room tiled kitchen with dining area oli heat with air conditioning lull basement serviced lnndsmpcd grounds bamboo drapes 86 month PHONE PA M740 BRENTWOOD TERRACE Self contained two bedroom apartment Living room kitclb on full basement Central lock tlon SSSPer month Telephone PA 59715 DELUXE APARTMENTS Conveniently located near schools shopping and bus and within walking distancd of downtown acne and two bedrooms lBalconies OBamboo Drweo OStovcs and fridges olndlvldual thermostats Oinclncratora OFrco washing and drying Iacilitles Chinny other line appointments Children welcome Sample suite may be seen by calling PA 831 86 ADJOINING PARK Beside Lake Duo and two bedroom apart ments complain with stove and refrigerator Uso oi washer and dryer Redecorated annually PA 61058 rURlellED bedroom or younl woman share kitchen Ind living room accommodation Available now Par inlormatlon telephone PA MIDI AVAILADLE Now himlshrd heated apartment Central with stove and refrigerator Sulllbll or pub or two adults Abstainers Ap ply lu Dayneld SI or telephon PA H171 HEATED two bedroom apartment privhtu entrance Ind bathroom All convrnlrncer Near schools and bus stop Rant Nisanhie New range Included Teluphonn PA Hun ONE AND Two Bedroom modvrn unturnlshcd apartmenu Stove ra lrlgcrlfbn drapes Hawhestonn area Rent very rcasombln with yearly ltasc Russ Jennlnal PA 85573 or Oro as collect ENJOY YOUR lirt month rent tree One and two bedroom apartments inniior service Rent iron 55 per month Telephone PA l767l1 for tnrther lnlorm tort NEW AND Modem one two bcnroom apartments ovarlooklns scenic Kempuntclt Buy Rent wa ter bridal and janitor lervlc lncln ed Automluu man cilltiu PA b7301 misc noon Eucmcnt Apart merit bclled reitcontained nl vhte bath Rclrlgrntdr and stove Partially furnished Telephone PA mm or PA mm for further In Inrnution six Roolil House for rout with sunrbom and garage Oil hunting Centrally locatcd Available now 5100 per month Telopbonn PA so or PA assza TIIREE ROOM untnrnlrhed ground floor apartment for rent Near factories nut hydro and water supplied Palkin Space Telephone PA mm or PA com for details ONE AND Two Bcdrooln Av mants inr rent untnmlshnd beat ed separate entrance Close to west End Plan Reasonable Tele Phcno PA Mm MODERN one and two bedroom apartments east end dams nanl hon drapes Venetian blinds Auto matlc laundry racillllcs Parkinl Telnpltona PA Mm tor mnber Information FOUR ROOM Apnrtmnnt ulb batb unfurnished stove and re lrixnrator nu plied Centrally lo cated Nb children Available In mediately For iurther Intelm tloll telephone PA HM TnR ROOM unfurnished hub cd nrtment selfcontained Cans tn button OILstlcct parkln Available now Telephone adboo lol further lntormation UNEuansRnn sell Cant cd thrch room apartment Hut heated ve refrigerator and able to minutes walk town Telephone PA REArun Apartment unfurnished three rooms and private bath Self contained Downtown $45 per month Telephone PA 5412 tor further Information MODERN nnwly decorated on and two bedroom opartmunts or rent Centrally located with water and heat supplied Telephone PA 82253 or PA 33133 for mnhsr Inc loanIOD AVAILABLE Now Two bedroom unfurnished apartment Hut and water supplied SellContained East end location on bus route 175 Per month Telephone PA 39353 THREE nEDRoOM apartment or rent in now building washer dryer and Janitor service ruppusd Available Immediately Telephnnd PA Mass for further tnlntmation GROUND FLOOR Ap rtincnt or rent unfurnlslied rate ent rance selfcontained Rent $40 monthly For iurther tntornutlon telephone 11R strand FURNISHED 01 unfurnished ï¬ve main Apartment or rent Central location in downtown area Heat light and water includ Avail aqu April Apply Emma 5t THREE ROOM self Eafllblnnd unfurnished apartment lIent wot er stove and rerrlzeratnr sup plied Private bath and entrance Laundry facilities Queens Park Ir Telephone PA can MODERN Bungalo six rooms In clean condition Ga lie oak sloorn flied bathroom full basement laundry tubs rtcnt sso monthly Immediate pnssesslon Telephonn PA ouzs or PA Mani DOWNTOWN Dunlap street uP atalrs unfurnished rour rooms large llvlnl room kitchen bed rooms bath Heated Newly decor Ited throughout Avlllablo now Telephone PA was vNEuRNranEn our room apart ment with both Upper duplex Hut and hydro snubbed Olin block north or Post Office Child ren whlcdrne 55 monthly Tale phons PA M750 six ROOM Housc oil but sauna tile and oak noon Plenty of cup boards sorry not suitable to small children Arena district Alllfllllblo know Telephony PA cliOlCE Apartment modern one bedroom Cflniurnlsbed selfCorr taincd heated Laundry and Park In facilities Ne bus stop 1m rnudlatn possession Telephone PA H467 Ior surthsr details SPACIOUS and ballroom ap menl uniurnlshed east end loca tion Parking laellltlcs class to school and stony Utilities includ ed In rent Telephone PA smx Avallabln now THREE ROOM furnished Innt merit in quiet home Suitable or buslnes or Air Force couple Ab miners No children Parking space Near West End Plan Inle phone PA 56164 auNNlDALE residential area Bright spacious newly decorated two bedroom Apartment stove re irigerator balcony and laundry tn cluded $85 monthly Telephone PA sac alter pm UN FINISHED three room beat ed apartment sellcontained with private bath Penetnlll Street close to stores schools 1nd blll stop Available Immediately Tele phonn PA min LARGE FRAME hourc centrally located room kitchen and bath upstairs rooms kitchen and two bnthr downstairs Oil but slowly decorated 5110 month 1y May be sublet Tclapbonv PA nsoaz ENJOY restful summer in twn bedroom bungalow on one acre of shlde trees with In trout stream on lot Community pool nearby Full bath MIII milk and school bus service Only seven miles from aortic $03 Telephone PA bum TWO BEDROOM Apartment with living room and good 5119 kitchen private bath uhmmlshed belted private entrance rclrlgerator and atnve supplied is desired Centnl location Parking provided Reason nble rcnttlmmedlnte possession Telephone PA Basso or after ii Pni PA nzlbss FURNISHED cottnne Private sell contnlncd Heat hydro and water paid Near downtown Washer ltova Ind rclrlflerltor Clean and comfortable Available April Irt ncdroam livlngdlning room kltA then 4plccn bath utility room Goad neighborhood Tclrpbono PA 87150 alter prn TWO DEDRODMR kitchen stove and relrlgcrntor Living room din ing room Electric ï¬replace sun ronm bath Hardwood floors Laundry with dryer in basement Private entarnnn lront and rcar garage Hot Water huflnt Adult only No pets very central loca tion Avallabla April Rent so monthly Contact Cllfl Brown rimsitch phone PA ban PA APTS HOUSES TO RENT UNTUansiiEn self contained lever apartment lor not Ileana runwreb modern kitchen and bathroom Iinvy wlrtns Telephon PA um vur CENTRAL ho bedroom apartment in an buudlux stov nnd reinterer supplied laundry union is parklnl Available Te phonv PA tuna rtnsent round tbor Three tar room Nur KbooL Parflnl Priv cob no no monthly Tellpbonl PA Hm ursrAIIu unturnisbed apart mrnt for rent Separate entranu private bathroom Plrklnr AvalI ablb immediately Telephon PA Dina DI PA 13 Two DEDROOM bell eontalnad apartment or rent rteted Garn included Cblldren welcome $1 er month in Allandnlo disturb elvphonc PA cu Two DEDRDOM behind bpartment located on St Vlacnnt Street North Rollom floor at modem triplex Available soon so pu month Tolrvbono PA Mme EURTON um Tbm room unlt furnished apartment to rent on heated hot water stova and inscrator Privain bath Apply Centrl st or Inrther tarotmutton SELFCONIATNID upstairs an ment Stove reclinertor hu tar and plrttlnl provided vicinity Wart End Plan Adulu Available uNrunmatmn modem sour room apartment with bath Hub ca not water and stove supplied Located In Anrus Thldvbone Borden rURlellED tam morn upbri ment and one turnlshed bachelor Aultd Con auy located Parklnl laundry tacluilu Tclephonu PA moi ovenlnll PA Moos immediately Telvphona PA on APTS HOUSES T0 RENT 1A1 EOUII or rent within an rt city Limitll zoo per month For appointment to inspect telephone alter PA um must loos unmrntbhcd art hunt or rent Onl block rota Put emu Privan onlnnu Available immediately Telephone PA or timber idiomlion sMAu one bedroom apartment or rent unlumlshed sum and Instrtar Ground floor Centru location Suitable for one or two noulta TIIIDbDnO PA mil Pumluzn Apartment ior nut Tbm rooms and ha Sultabla or in adults Available April Plenty nl puunr Crnlnl loca tion Telrphnnt PA ems alter Pm PuRNrauLD lhru mom Iplrt ment mi end Good outlon Oh but routs Hydro bu stove and nlrlnntnr IUVPIIM Italy decorb td habits faculties Telephon anInDiAn Occupancy CultsL located cxecutlvs apartment with pHVIIl balcony Pivn rooms tulctully decorated slow and nmlehtor optional with auto matic washer and dryer Tolrphnnc PA Mass or PA luau UNIURNHRED self contained apartment comistlnl of Hill room kitchen bedroom Ind bath room Ranntte ntrinrntor and living room drancr suppliedRant latlnrlnonthly PA nus or PA Dalsz two bedroom apartment is squln loot uvins morn ple ture window pluo ten per month Tun room apartment $30 Piv pliu room 35 All la la rooms sepulte entrances rep atn batbs New triplex overloohln Nimw ll bus stop It Hawkestnm Tele phona 332 Orn station ROOMS TO LET noun or not Can be had nir nished or unfurnished Telephone PA an alter pm or come and her it at so anab st Mike your alter NEWLY Decorted apartment In modern apartment building nelrueratar and stove Laundry and parklnz facllttles Available immediately sioo per month Telophopo PA Most THREE R00 unlnmlshcd apart ment or nut Stove and mm orator Lian oi washer and dryer Central Iocbtlon Newly decorated Talephnnu PA 9216 or turthor lniormauon snLrEONTAINED two room mn nlshed heated apartment with bred piece bath Front and back entrance Suitable for bachelor or couple Apply lJi Blyfllld strut or telephone PA M7 GROUND FLOOR uniurnlshed lplllmbnt sitting room bedroom modern kitchen and bathroom Nicely decorlled Private entrance Utilities included android Street 15 monthly Telephone PA N690 LARGE modern three room apartment on tad laundry reprats Entrance spa cious grounds parking and lwlm min pool Central Also our room and three room uniurnlshed Ipllt merits Tcicphnno PA um TELEPHONE DIRECTORY FOR UNLISTED NUMBERS two bedroom unlurn hcd SUPERIOR PROPANE New Phone Number PA SM Hwy 11 South BOX 428 By ALICE BROOKS WARDROBE PLAN Smart pacesetters Wear the brief easy princess jacket with the frontpleated skirt one day vary it with th slim skirt next day For now and Spring Printed Pattern 4922 Womens Sizes 36 3B 40 42 46 48 Size 36 jacket and full skirt take 57 yards 35inch fabric Send FIFTY CENTS 50 cents In coins stamps cannot be ac ceptedt for this pattern Please print plainly SIZE NAME DRESS STYLE NUMBER 0ntnrlo residents add 2e sales tax Send order to ANNE ADAMS care of Barrie Examiner Pat tern Department so Front St Toronto Ont SPECIAL SpringSummer Pat tern Cntalagrcady nowl More than lilo sparkling stylessun sport day dance work travel All sizes Sent 35 cents PURNIsHuD bedroom or bidsit that room Available in private dwelllnl East end on bus route Telephonl PA olinl altar It ND nnDRoont or rent In quiet home for Irntlemln close to downtown Telephone PA ITsu tor surthor Inlonnatlon ARTICLES For SALE PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner If you would like to have re prints oi any news pictures taken by our staff photogrn pliers plefls cc at our busi nesa Office We arr sorry we cannot accept hone orders Glossy Prints $100 l0 $125 plus PAL 82414 ARTlctEs For SALE SIMCOE DIST COOP APPLIANCES Used Stoves from $2500 Used TV from $299 New Viscount Appliances Moffat RCA Victor TV 259 INNISFIL STREET PA H531 Do youllave any of these items in your basement or ath which are no longer in use lSportfng equipment Radios Car or portnhle ORecord lilnyers KC OUscd furniture of nny kind proves to be lost seller OGOOD used clothing OII you would to exchange your unwanted items for cash call Classified Advertising between 830 am and pm daily PA 82414 FREE Year Guarantee on Used TV picture tubes plus 30 day warranty $49 AND UP MCFADDEN Appliance PENETANG ST NEW BICYCLES All Sizes From $3450 Complete with chain guard kick stand tool bag tools hell chrome rims balance whccls if necessbry See Them Today At FIRESTONE STORES 88 Dunlop St PA 66585 chDA Equipment for IIIO lued only months like new sinslo rtun two hosts regulator Luna tank constant roserva va ve nac PM with humus vs mam Nsnprcno wet suit complete Illa medium Fills snorkel mask vclght belt 11 pounds or night dlvnrl tins Ind onn bmrosslonal dlvers knlla Quits rehsnluble Pbons PA H917 Alter pm or APPLIANCE SERVICES LARGE double steel Garage Door or sale about is wldn by complctu with hardware Tele shone PA 50151 between am pni TYinnITERs bought sold rent ed rcpatrbd Student rental rates Ask about our Rent Try the any Phil Star Typewriter can Mary Street PA 35595 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Yes rslepbona PA 82414 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service I47 DUNLOP ST PA 6l I42 ADVERTISING WARWICK WEBSTER Limited Matchedash St ORELIA ADVERTISER ROMOTION OPUBLICITY ORILLIA 3252752 RES 3251689 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling mingling porches recreation rooms Complete trimming houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA $5M DRIVING SCHOOL Learning How To Drive CALL JOHNS DRIVING SCHOOL PA 61277 Fog Rates and Information EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL TOP 5011 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Hal yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Anne Street Barrie PA 290 HAIRDRESSERS CLIFFORD HAIR FASHIONS Individual styling Moderate rates FRED GRANT SQUARE EDWARD SMITH AND sohl Painting and Paper Random Spray Painting Service Since 1920 RR Barrie PA mag FLOOR COVERINGS BARRIE FLOOR WALL TILE Sales Service 24 Maple Ave Opp bus terminal OLinoIeuln and Vinyl tile OSbeet goods eramic tile ardwnod flooring OCarpets ICOranete line of samples FREE ESTIMATES DAY 0R EVENHIGS WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED FREE PARK INC PHONE PA $5862 EVENINGS PA $4952 Charles Lawson Propr RADIO AND TELEVISION SERVICE 24 HOUR SERVICE ALL MAKES 0F RADIO AND TV BAYVEW ELECTRONICS 19 Adelaide St PA 89603 REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 33 Clapperton St PHONE PA 84562 WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED av LICENSED owns FREE ESTIMATES Coupland Drilling RR BARRIE PA 87646 TODAY ISA GOOD DAY TO PLACE YOUR WANT AD in the BARRIE EXAMINER PA 82414