UND SIMCOE COUNTY ssvsmmvs A60 Ylu we NC LEFT To rm TIRRIBLE mzzno ms Emma or riiE MDUIIYIES m5 sons AERIAL saunas warts HAVING waykz suit 01le MW AI TtlE MEu night at th community hall tormsrs mother Mr and Mrs Ernie North ALE nowat iormcrly at Camp Borden now ir ourm no RIDE an 11 Beard olv Cobourg were prescnt to an Emalgns ram who all Mrs James Beardsali na ilr and tits Fr nilm Hi mm Im marrirre miter place rarly in turned on Monday alter spend on ganganti xi3yiiedrn3 I31°iof¢573°ii£inlimo lIiI APnl was the recipient of in mm many silt at shower held Mrs Re nolds hm in rr Mr Campbell inst Balm 53v Thelma 51mm in her honor Saturday night Terry nlrnys Locke were WE neck 95 in the Parish Hall Folio in 00 OUR Rooney and Carol Miller 50 88 wrapping of am TM fgmzzdg if FATHER MAYIEVR voiyn Glitiam and Len Duck Saturday night pleasant was served and social hour Gowngwm orth were at the home of Mr hld concluded the win Mrs mu Irunx to help mum tan ï¬lm Ml BRING ironin TROPHIES ll celebrate his birthday 51° mu SOCIAL EEMNG 0n ilarch 23 24 some so Mn Andy Lakntos and bride an Kwm and Pm Friday night March 23 Glen Elimale and district boys age rs Iuri nrc ris rig rrl mimbcrillhiscihmg 3153 Rebekah Lodge Elmmleugslg 14 were tniteu to Can eurvouwpurrrwosw ull 50cm evening in vaunpium leGHTAND Uned as Dr Mrs Mooht newcomer to halt The to nine tame in ï¬zgtggyminrï¬ï¬ï¬foflzrï¬eï¬i Istglggfgï¬l MAYEEWE FAimEs wtu and Jack mm the community play tor euchre and tow en NIHL The isltcd Mr and MrsVillinrd Iii 39 PI toyed game or 500 Winners be with manage and obson and Mr Md Bar tent in Toronto General Iiospll or such were high Mrs coaches made Splendid smw an icnnctt during the week be mm 51 3mm ing being able to bringhams Mr and um Fred In lime She is having on opor Mrs Clarence Ritchie and me Junior use no yes Daiiti rind Johnny and WWW mm Ch Archcr The inn Min and mi yearsAll Lloyd Iulton all or narrie We mm which hns Swen tho lucky number wasAlbert 0mm championship also visited Mr and Mrs Bor 10 Whllc Who SW and trophies which will be on disi en lcnnctt at the weekend me Mr 913m scï¬ed Id play in Voileltn Smoke Shop ilr rind tilrr Vern Veilund Wich °°° mil vtn hr and Miss Sheila ltusscli ot Bur dan ElllsléungnyÂ¥ lington ls spending few weeks Mr and Mrs Excll at with her grandparents Dr and traded the Coop banquet in mm Mrs Hnwie By MRS PROSSER Barrio Wednesdin evening MW New and breadth Mrs ivtuulry oi Toronto 15 MILDRED ï¬novmr sued rs nob oi Cnnudn nll Irish hearts spam the weekend with Mr Mrs Gcorgc rirchcr and boy viz VsBr HILARY tilPRINCESS WUSUREPICK to inmd whole 11 female become lighter on this most md Mm Maurice Bell Pickering Visited Sunday With OYRUCKINEGGAL gtmyou DROPPED SOMELULUS mfck important lestire dny This is 605mg spent Mrs Archers pnrouts Mrl and czwfélicémN FosrthtélZgficK gm wm Mr and year as iisunl the ham cw any in Tommo and Mrs Whitcsldcs HIDEWAY Mason on the weekend Phelps l°°k new Strcclsvliiewiih lriends The many friends of Mrs Mrs Cockwoll nnd Frod The dress day by mm Newunlmma mm Ken Sturgeon will be glad to dy and Mr and Mrs nodnar 1155mgjggkegngriiggmmgï¬ the weekend Wm he mum know she is home from huspit and Victor at Hamilton and al and improving varieties of green tics making Mrs Walter Middleton gfl gnghrsljlcigndy Dumpslcr as usilnl most amusing 511 Mr and Mrs John Young dlrnï¬td 3me dAndm 1nd Mr and cctuclc in this quiet forming and inmin were weekend gu 5gt ms or Mr and Mrs Mount Albert and Mrs Arm community tlstizihitiiti in us his Sistiiii°iih$°¥fs9 Nut me Friday evening annual concert sprinkled In Mr and Mrs Del Banncr There will be baptismal the crowd could be seen many man daughter Darlene Mark Mrs llazen ngmore oi oi ¢c at the Anglican chmch lnccs from other ports of the hnm Mr and Mrs George tnwa Mrs Stunlcy Jancs and Sunday countryrunny French speak Bcnrdsall oi Thistlctown were Bill Jones of Newmnrket Mr ing Irishmcn irom Pcnetangu Sundny guests at Mrs William and Mrs Beverley Dnvis Ch it MRS ALLEN MILLER isllcne others from Port Cred Beardsnlls cry and Stephen Whitby Ml anders Roderick Ward it and Elmvalc The guther The many triends oi Mrs were weekend visitors at Hr ndcn called on the lnt ing cnloycd very much the Thomas Arnold will be sorry Slonnss trs sister Mrs llccior Turn special music rind songs which to learn she is patient in The WA Dr petal5 Aug Wednesday night returns naurcd from those two Irlsh Penctong Gcnnrnl Hospltnl She hm church packed bah at in mm two months hali loving gentlemen Joe Arscnault tell in her home and suttorcd clothing girl and boy in any in Colliornibn and Bud Roberts 10 trnvel hfractured hip on Friday mission SchuoL Scicntecn in has or would ch many miles to tip mako nig ti uyers gathered Thursday the evening such is success Mr and Mrs Ecx Manning leTgfuéglriraghï¬ 0mg fligl of Toronto spent Sundny with at Mr and Mrs Fizsimmons the tumors parents Mr and Monday evening TELEVISION PROGRAMS ifirr5 mt Phillip and Susnn Markham Try An Examiner Want Ad spent the weekend with the PHONE PA 824 LARRY BRANNQN BLONDIE JULIET JONES CKVR CHANNEL DARRIE lszoxnlsmic Milliciéhfl untuTrh ol ghink AFTER THE InOVIE lM gggcorlcoï¬LLY OICAV WAIT WINGEY WILL PAY Yeti lu omcnl ow ran om VELLMEEIT FLA iLL BORROW BACK WHEN HEGETS irï¬iiéiluriln r337 dig 37553 CKER KIDS AT THE HAVE ANY FROM DAD ALLOWANCE on Hustle uleo 1030 Country iuncilon JAY BE PIZZA llucitlunnrry Hound iioo cnmv ani PALACE oo watlonr nuslncss 1115 ltin Welthnrmun go iarna Murkct iicpnn radny in Sparta North dealer ricssts succeeds he Will make on 53 page g1 giltr Sport mm mummm NW1 Both sides vulnerable the contractin fact he will The Low Ind Mr Joncn iDnniy noomt make ten tricksr However the lt MM th NORTH contract will be defeated it the ound FRIDAY IARCH JD oo crrfcluno 1045 mt Pattern 542 finesse Is attempted and finis lv vi Jill is or rt VAJI iu sï¬nlorntixow 1200 9335 Inga Pals KJJO4 19 My 81 try CBC TV Nqu 1130 Noonnuy Report ear 116550 agains The Wuatncrmn News Wuthur soon WEST EAS on if it succeeds the con agniï¬umï¬v 533$ 53 mg tract is sure to make The out Hignwny Pltrol anlu 423 3542 97 trouble With this method of cl minimiv ninncii 2o orig orioiï¬hoI 0552 play is that South doesnt know 1045 Test Putlcm oulntct rhosds 4x which Opponent has the queen II WELLWELL HMMJlHiEi TAKE ITIHDME FOR ME rigging gingham Ecrdlct In Youn sovm of hearts If he mlsyudgcs Ihn ABOOKCAsE IVE 50LVEDTl Nogndoyv Report Th2 ancnr Show OAQE 4mm Whch the anr cathnr Sport lricndly Giant vxms finesse he is apt to be de rarm on Slur nun Around £2973 tented $232 $3E° mxos There Is third way or play lSIicl Dangerous Three stoom The mains ing the hand though that is or an MW less obvious but is practically 51 IT on viii fauvnéurr chxhnnugpoieg 1me 5w sure to deIIVEI the goods Pierrn Barton 8m South Wins the king of spades him Schmflï¬fi with the ace and leads dia country Hondown opening Ieadsix of spades mond East takes ths ace an was at uuoh News Vnrricnln Show Lcii Look lionu Around The Sun 3151333 gloatg Amororu Most problems that occur mums 5P3 New Headliner Perry Mason during the play can be solved Declnrcr wins with the que Cllllhnnner The octnntlvu pm Mm he cm TV NEW by declarer in logical fashion en cashes two diamonds and hm non Jnmlosnn The Northern There are nearly always clues puts East In the lead with Wrather Sparta Today in art that can be obtained from eiih spade East cashes his spades rlcrrn Berton Community ews er the bidding or the early South descarding tvio clubs and you Aglf L5 Iii Elihuriéétyr CnlItloinla plays or inferences which can dummy discarding club and gating 7p Vi My M660 be reosonobl drawn that diamond TOflEEPWJ liliMy CHANNEL should lead ydeclaiel to the East is now forced to return Fiï¬itflBEDMY IlliWIï¬Il 51 £¥A proper method oi play heart or club and lgggfgzï¬ug Adamo EDNESDAY nmncli 2i n5i7 anr Examine this hand South is whichever he d025 South gets oo Proteusits Hideuwuy 70a Lcnvn it To server in three notwmp ahd was his ninth trick on silver flit comm Hun it nï¬ï¬‚kgflt mm leads spade Declarer can Platter lcuthm 90 Channel Thutm count on eight sure tricks alter Declarer takes no ï¬nesses ny Plum Berton mm tFPimBIE Hattie arcing out the ace of dig and runs no risks with this $223 train jun 25 spam monds His problem is to find method of play He SlmPIY 77 Sunset strip iitzs nnttrr Lntn is way of obtaining in ninth bands the ball to the defence i2l in Pinyhause izio rocu fan The no There are two obVious ways at the right time and relaxes hn notacttvei FRIDAY MARCH so of trying for the ninth trick his Chair as East is everl cws limo Douglas Fairbanks Presents South can attempt club ï¬u tuflUÂ¥ Compelled to commit figï¬m 10 $32111 En esse hoping that West was hamkm ltrn Coleman Km Wu dealt the king and it the ii Tomorrow nightmarish hand nottzr Late Channel 1mm mom DELICIOUSJENDER soLLv AFTER DIETINGA MA FELLER CAN THINK OTH Focus Walk Em on Beacon BAKED HAM SPARERIBS FEW DAYS DANDIEST THINGS TEAT AN SAUERKRAUTOR lilf3hiiliizt intricacy DAILY cnosswonn ow om Free And El gentile News Pierre aerial Ensy cont 1A hiflhiin Win NEW nations Small twig Inc Don ml Shaw 13mm ol 5Chewlnk 25 Gram Ch Nine THEM inflWsnccn Whitehall hardy 239 rye 6Constel pun New Kuvn Gun mu mm 53mm lotion mumrow Prnlusarl Hideaway Corinna Ston Pil 7Su art inlet ggomlitom Cochin grind 55y ginning mnIreIivon armgs 27 Actor cm on or IVcatth Better Lntc 11noaver on By Flam Berton many Night Theatre state 9Under Murray tlgmgvuet II Wntnnsl 13 Assert surface 29 Hoot 14Tottcr toot F°TI° 152w 12 Modern 32Warider Seectmfl PIP titch is Legislative int Back 18rPate do the body 25 Live You MEAN You am ME AsmmmeEs P0 51 sources 115 conl 41 Force IF xltt TAKE 1m SLITS TD VouR COUSIN IN JAPAN DONALD DUCK PFPHHs 999Vwrï¬eh aooaou iaaiym 2m =$2o==uéoa mums roe ow ro ciiikils stiltoizR IS FOO HOW MANY TIMES HAVE TOLD You If FOR so tMPOlZTANT MISSION YOU SHOULD Vickiauditions woo ARE nuiiluisl ï¬n Ship Chan 19130 tum 36Goddï¬l 42Vatel of 64 310 mi aside or yes 25 Fmï¬m 22 Eowltks rocks 45High 24 Largest 201mm at dead Mflns SPECIALIZING IN city in 1m 2L m1 Metallic name TRY WEDDINGS 30Hnlr curved line as Formerly craggy not PORTRAITS 3131335 Wetiymoullts CHILD PHOTOS which 800K 570R COMMERCIAL 35 io ounlop PA H055 29 Dunlop st PA 85494 $333253 nit II may CARRIER MISS YOU naay it your carrier has not arrived by mm please phone $13 PA 82433 And Copy will Be Dcllvnred To Your Home ggzgneg Wm THERE Is No CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE nown Wing all IZVA Illz gtDRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS 3thlï¬m BUZ SAWYER ï¬llInna minimums wright14nd in HE ALWWS AT BEEAUESE HE5 PEWTER ON THE BLOCK PM ME Nor AFRAID aFJ MUGGS AND SKEETER song