IbTfl BARBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MARCH 13 THORNTON RITA cm Mrs Frank Hindle who has been visiting her daughter Mrs John Runk at shimm pton intends returning home st the end at this month gt Mrs Harry James at Onllis spent Monday oi this week with Mrs Elvin Pearson Mr and Mrs Lsngman and John at Barrie spent last Friday with Mr and Mrs Pearson Weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Fred Johnston were Mr and lllrr Douglas Holt and family lilr and Mrs Tom Buy NOW and take advantage of Special MoneySaving Prices And remember ticdilator an on rs Surgeon all oi Toronto at Zeliers you can ChargeIt No Money Down Rev Leonard Warr will be special speaker at Luring Ua lied church tormer pastoral char next Sunday at the Opg or new United Church Francis Crane will have charge of the services here FO Tom Brnwnley with his wife and son and twin daughb ers spent iew days last week with Mr and Mrs Ag us Campbell on their return along with Mrs Brownley Sr of Angus irom holiday in Quebec Mr and Mrs Jennett spent last Sunday in Barrie with Mr and Mrs William El lis Ivan Boles with his wile and iamily Tomato spent March 18 here with his lather Oscar Dates There were is tables at eu chre last Wednesday evening at the hall here Prise winners were as lollows men Art SPECIAL Black Ross Chlpchase low SAVE $2I Fred Nelson ladies Mrs Hel en Reive ltlrs WaylandI Bar rio low Mrs McQuay in the interest of Red Cross swimming classes held at Al listnn Mrs Jenncit and Airs Robert Roush have el rcndy attended one meeting at ELEGANTLNW TOTS DRESSUP BEST SPECIAL man style dress in gay Spring print punctuated by rows at great big buttons Easy corc synthetic fabric Sizes SIZES 28X Reg 1299 SlZES Mx Rel $99 GINGIIAIIIEIIECK FROCKS in Dim River cot ton and Arnelandcotton fabrics that look so demure and iraglle but Just loved to be popped Cookstnwn and Mrs Jennett and Mrs McQuiiy were in Alliston Monday evenng These Indies represented Highway 27 Recent callers on Mr and Mrs George Holt were Mr and Mrs Waiter Andrews oi Bradtord Mrs JennieBowman oi Collingwood and Mrs Ev elyne Evans at Barrie The members are remind ed oi the District Workshop WI Procedures in Cookstown town hall Thursday April rm to am to pm with Mrs James Haggerty FWiC president leading the course CREEMORE By HEAT Mr Ind Mrs Earl Wiggins nee June McArthur have an nounced thebirth son Hospital Colllngwood Tuesday March 20 Mr and Mrs Jim Jones have announced the birth of their se cond son at Collingwood hos pital Mrs Coatcs returned to her home last week in Cree more following cw weeks in Collingwood nursing home and visit to her son John and family in Brantiord Mr and Mrs Donald Jardina have announced the arrival of their chosen daughter Yolanda Lynn The Hutton Nursing Home in Creernore is now in operation There are two semiprivate rooms for women and four bed ward for men The pro priator Jack Hutton is qu alilied superintendent and has our assistants Open house was recentl held Members at Creamer Womens institute served tea and have made tangible eiA tort to assist this new village endeavour by donating quan tity of bedding IVY By MRS WILMER WILSON Mrs Earl Hirons spent the weekend with her son and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs John Himns Scarboro Mr and Mrs Jennett spent the weekend with their daughter Mrs Frank Phair Magara Fails Some ladies from Christ Ch urch Ivy st Judes Thornton and St Georges Utopia paint ed the iivmg rom dining room and kitchen of the rectory at Ivy last week GIFT OF PIANO Rev 1H and Mrs Harper and family were pleasantly sur prised recently when piano was delivered to the rectory at Ivy This was gilt from the organist Mrs Esten Davis and the diiferent organizations of Christ Church ivy in recog nstion or Mr Harpers work with the senior choirand also the junior choir which he or ganized two years ago The March meeting of Ivy Womens Institute was held at the home of Mrs Henry Davis Roll call was answered by naming products manufactured in Sim ope County by Is members and five visitors Miss Grace Dunnill historical research convener took charge of the meeting Arnold Bant ing showed films on The At lantic Region showing iishing apple and potato farming also the large iron ore and paper lactories All over the world work is being modernised film on Newtoundlnnds High Tide showed their industries of fishing mining and lumber ing Mrs borne Carruthers Mrs John Hammond and Mrs Ross Chlpchnse assisted the hostess and lunch was served 177 COTTONKNIT TOP with ireenemy batwing sleevu and snug turtle neck while colours Sizes Reg 91991 DRIPDRY sums 297 WIDE ASSOETMENTS 0F HIGHSTYLE SLIMS at Big Savingsl Ohoose from Spring colours and patterns in drip dfy creaseuresistant iabrics Sizes to Reg $399 Buy Now and Salvo 3102 lb SIDEWALK BIKE SPECIAL 2477 20 IGAMA Reg $699 SAVINGSPRICED CASUALS SPORTS TOPPER into washing machine Party stylm with bouncy iull skirts dainty trims DRESSUP SUITS mnnly little styles in cotton wool and rayon fully lined shorts some with suspenders teamed ith matching shirtntifl SPECIAL SAVE s89 1295 VALUE SPECIAL COFFEE TABLE ONLY 995 VALUE SPECIAL STEPTABLE ONLY SAVE $I 022 OUTSTAN VALUE Quality bicycles zsinch model ror Boys or Gi1ls equipped with standard gear ball hearing construc tion kick stand tool case Reg 5399 997 697 EREG $2199 SLEEPER STROLLEB lightweight compact aids for easy storage Foam padded seat plaid upholstery vinyl lining Save $322I irs mos SIZES Reg mm 247 STORE HOURS Mon Tues Thurs Sat 915 srn 530 pm Wed 915 mm 72 noon Fri 95 am pm REG $2888 Pay only $125 per Week lPC TABLE SET elegantly styled with plastic laminated top brasstipped legs Walnut or mahogany iinish is by 32 coiiee table two 15 by and babies BUY NOW fCHARoEuuuo noun DOWN SATISFACTION GUARANTEED on Yoga MONEY BUTS cannnnuuv nanuuonn 237 QUALITY SPORTS SHIRTS at Big Savings Assimth includes cottom and Aurel nndcotton fabrics in snappy prints and solids Sizes SAVE $I02 SIZES 892 for Little Boys and Little Girls Sturdy lea ther rubber heels Reg $399 COLOURFUL Poly Ware to lighten and brighten housekeeping chores milit mg hwlset waste paper basket square pail DISCOUNT SPECIAL Reg 1299 ZELLER ETAILERS TO THIFTYvCANADIAN 770 FREE RECORDS WITH THE PURCHASE OF STEREOPHONIC RADIO RECORD PLAYER 3988 14988 No DOWN PAYMENT $275 WEEKLY 1+