IO HELP WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE See VIAU For RAMBLER YIAU MOTORS LIMITED 17 GOIVAN STREET PA 66488 BLAKE ST PA 61321 HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH and STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes 0ML and NAL Towing 73 BAYFIELD ST PA 84155 mi voLstvnncN VAN or In six months old Tclephonl 5091 or Iurttier details 1960 Dawn Volkuutrn tor ulo Reasonhie Blue rrlrphorie Plt stun or Iurther inrnmruen sz cAsIIsze Senserd Fin antc Your Lendrig Noixhhor am or $30 monthly Dunlox itarge Harris Telephone ms MERCURY ter sale door sedan utnmiiio power steering Va motor Reel buy IiiIre me an utter Can be ï¬nanced his phone 1A Midst CARS WTD TO BUY ORV HARDY MOTORS BARRIES NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES USED CARS TRADE UP 0R DOWN WE WILL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRSENT CAR 176 BRADFORD STREET PERSONALS womans coLuMN Bookkeeping Marzcslls Fgclaif weekly or monthly la PEthlS $850 Quickie 322 and Set PREPARED Cream Rinse 8150 RUBYS BEAUTY Kidd Accountant BUSINESS FARMS SALONS OR PERSONAL THE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY MARCH III Henley Introduces Point Penalties ST CATIIATUNES CPI Point penalties will be handed out at the Royal Canadian Hen ley regatta this year against clubs which allow crews or scullen to pull out of heats The Canadian Association of Amateur Oarsmcn plagued in previous Henleys by rashes lastrmlnute scratches decided at weekend meeting that such withdrawals will cost points this year scratch now will cost clubs per cent of the points awarded the eventual winner at the evan ln the case at eights this could run as high as It points The whole idea at the point penalty is to try to keep the large clubs Irom entering un necessary events said Charles Adams at ltlonrteoi president of the association Only broken equipment or illness will he re gardcd as legitimate reasons for scratching The Ilcnlcy this year will he ma July 2528 at St Caiharincs The association appointed George Flanncry veteran coach oi the Ilnmiiton Leander club 1962 British Empire Games rowing coach Trials luv to games will an Aug IS on tho Henley course Thiriccn compctilnrs ï¬nd two Lollicials will attend the games in Perth Australia The TooSexy Actress Wants To Start Again Demand Presses The Cheesemaker BELLEVILLE Out importers and cousin Cheddar cheese makers to Orr men The board buys cheddar at torlo and Quebec Raving ml It becomes available and noti lished an almost exclusive mar fies UK buyers promptly at the ket or themselves in the United supplies available Kingdom now face the problem The board unconditionally or increasing production to meet maxante he cheese it my mwmc magniï¬er delmii overseas Last year there were Cheddar cheae is made In complaints only on 15 boxes oi glad onunliriisbobut Ontario and the 200000 that were chipped 9° that works out to less than the worlds raw milk cheese Hm of one per cent Mr mm mm mm Arnold said and we are proud Countries making cheddar fom pasteurized milk dont pp TE£ pear to compete with the raw PACKAGING FACTOR milk cheddar log to United Kingdom custom Cheddar cheese On tario at between cents and who axIn 13 our year ave annualy consumed about cents de on the ack NHL 10000 ions of Ontario cheddar ing of uï¬ï¬‚ï¬ua as Popularity of tie maturing In England where packaging Chicagos Bobby Hull who cheese is growing in the United appeal for the benefitol the con scored two anal and an assist Kingdom and Ontario dairy rumor is coming into in own to tie the NHL nnston 50°F men are struggling to keep Up Cheddar ranges from about or log record at 50 goals despite Wm the gem the Black Hawks two losses an mail 311embrsieigs We know for sure we could ï¬hnuyikcgmm have sold at least another 5000 The Englishman likes ched °J an tons this year said Ilcctol AI dar cheese made from raw milk °Palfgr nold maimed of the Ontario because it has distinctive 55 cheese producers market flavor said Mr Arnold He cl ES 75 91° ing board But there just Isnt knows his choose and he is will as any more of last summers log to poya little more for raw 143 mm cheese available milk cheddar aiiiy niche oi Montreal Cnna assunco MARKET mum ud dlcns who scorcd two goals and Mr Arnold predicted demand mg law hag xï¬dwfli one assist and Bernie Gcoifrion for Canadian cheddar might run th 91k with goal and three assists as high as 17500 tons by 1963 5mm Wm In Montreals 51 victory over Well all far short ol that Detroit Red Wings Sunday demand it more cheese is no Torontos Dick Dull who made this year he said scored one goal and set up the The marketing board was other as the Leafs Lied Detroit ered in the Is as Saturday liaison between nukes the dillerenm in dszine live taste and maturing Cheeses made from pasteurized milk re main at one stage of maturiy cheese buyers in New York State last year oilercd chase making company an additional is eean pound or cheese made mm raw milk rather LL31 pasteurized milk said Mr Arnold That just points out the de mand for the raw milk cheese II is very difï¬cult to make raw milk cheese in some of the warm climates and Canada can corner the world market In cheddar chase it dairymen keep on turning It out Use at raw milk for cheddar will continue he said it is easier and little eh per is make with pasteurized milk hilt the dlflercr in liig pric between the two kinds will con vince many dairy farmers to stay with their present method of using raw nilikwhldl gIvs cheddar that unique and dis tinctlve llavor CANADIANS TIE CZECIIS GENEVA iCPl Cannv dians in Europe hockey team tied 33 Saturday night with Czech team In special tourna moot arranged to coincide with the Geneva Motor Show The Canadians drawn from Swiss teams scored Victory Fri day night over the third tournn merit entry ccection from western Switzerland For appointment in your home or ofï¬ce Phone PA 56151 124 Dunlap St EPA 61731 17 Essa RoadlA 598 No appointment necmary nutrn snor Coldv etc by cemard hatrdreuer in your own homo Phone Bernlco at PA 351 or PA N537 ncsr FOOT Forward Figure eon trol posture tlunl polls groom inr maleup ptrsonnltly round encr Ciuu tor both children and ldulLI PA um or write no name Examiner LOSTFOUND LossSinai Black happy with brown Ind white muklngr be tween Allnndalo and minutes on mudy March 10 Telephone PA no IO HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP OFFICE CLERK We have an opening for young lady as an Office Clerk In our lirm Typing not essential Employee benefits with holiday and vacation pay APPLY IN PERSON T0 De Vilbiss Canada Ltd Box 3000 Barrie Ontario Iiioriicrts ups for working mother light dutier St Mary vicinity Vrlto sex it Barrio aaner RELIABLE WOMAN tend chil BASIC NEWS FOR FARMERS makers accord MALE HELP SALES OPPORTUNITY Wonderful opportunit or young man L5 to years old who is aggressive and looking for good Iuturo tn the automobile business Car and gas supplied Salary up to 87000 year plus bonus Apply SALES MANAGER JACKSON MOTORS Evenings rovNc iumin urchinin want ed for expndinr business Good were and bonul Advancement possibility contct Gordon sol wood Put Motors Barrie omcs CLERK mall with an enl bookkeepan knowledge ro qulnd or small manuncturtnl olllce Vrfll to Box ENEnil Examiner 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday March 31 at 1230 sharp PHONE PA 84272 cAsII roll your car Llcns oil We irsdo up or down Alen nle Motors ZI Ian Rand Barrie PA nsazl TRUCKS TRAILERS lssi penal racks in licence 39500 1951 INTERNATIONAL nnc inn truck in excellent condition ian miles on motor Private sale $750 Telephone PA oIoos MOBILE HOMES uoIIIu HOME for sale 40 Irri two bedrooms complclciy turnunod newly palntcd Tole ghonc PA ssial week days alter pan PERSONALS WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Government Chartered School Through training in all bran clics of beauty culture DERIVIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 111 WORSLEY ST Pinkup with nning order New One owner Telephone PA PA 843952 dren to mind three ohtIdren from pm to pm two or three days per week cut end pretemd rel pnone PA um MALE HELP YOUNG MAN To train as advertising salcs representative for The Barrio Examiner This Is an interesting and creative position with plen ty of opportunity for advance merit Apply General Manager BARBIE EXAMINER RADIO COLLEGE or CANADA TRAIN now tor career in Electronics Courses for Autumn tian Rad Compute Delonco projects Tolavhton communion lion rte Resident clones mri May it in Toronto ind Montreal unme Study Count any time Pres booklet Irom Radio Collela at Canada tsi King St Tor onto Ontario mtmrlzr Pieyer required by lolt cnl combo orchestra Telephone Tod nenouden PA 37251 alter pm or mu particulars woonwomccn enquired tor local business vm depending on ex pettoners or one willing to Iclrn acceptable Apply to our nu rle citminor Auction sale registered Hol stein and grade cattle hogs implements grain hey straw and furniture for MR MEL HASIlNGS Sale will he held at the farm Lot 19 Con Om Township V4 mile north of Highway ll ncar Guthrie Terms cash farm is sold AUCTIONEERS Jerry Coughlin Barrie Charles Thornton Orillia SIMCOE COUNTY SHORTHORN CLUB ANNUAL SPRING SALE Barrie Fair Grounds APRIL 1982 pm 15 BULLS AND 10 FEMALES Lunch available Ontario Government Bull Prem ium Policy in effect on all test and qualiï¬ed bulls For catalogues write the Secretary HARRY RUMNEY Midland RR Ontario No reserve as Try An Elnmlner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 assume this relieves us of any further World rights reserved the sponsors products oyalty to By JAMES BACON HOLLYWOOD AWBritish actress Avis Scott Is in town hiding her past under make up mnns work She is hoping that her project deglemorizatian will nib out those big black headlines help her reassert herself as serious actress especially in her native England from which she is self exiled What did Avis do Was she naughty7 Indem pared You may not remember Avis Scott by aamHut you may by headlines Avis is the well endowed actress who lost her job on the BBC for the most complimen tary of reasons she was deemed too sexy It forever mined me as serious actress Avis laments nowsome six years alter the incident Thats why Im work ing here and in New York to reestablish myself She came here to appear under threeinch scar on the right side of her face and padding to make her plumpan TV show Why didnt shc cash in on all that publicity Avis says things are different in England had worked l2 yczirs estab lishing myself as serious actress had done Shrike speare nt Strollord on Avon costarred with Noel Coward In the West Bid costarred with Richard Burton in movie was working steadily and hop plly in British theatre CAREER RUINED lily career was going the way wanted It to Then came this offer from the BBC to be guest announcerand in In weeks my whole career in the theatre was ruined In those days announcers on the BBCs govemment con trolled TV channel were used to stimulate viewers to watch the programs Sometimes the shows were good drama some times they werc drab lectures on tlieart of dahlia growing or birdwatching made no conscious etlort look to be sexy Avis recalls But the ideal BBC announcer was one who could be as Impersonal as zi book or chair As an actress guess couldnt be impersonal enough relaxed and tried to hi my self Im not hitter about what happened guess just wasnt the BBC type In 10 weeks Avis became sensation on TVand more so in the juicicr segments oi the British press All at sudden she says My talent want out the win duw was avonte garde kook loadvertcntly became gimmick no longer was an actress but personality Instead of parts that called for serious ability was offered bikini parts True the money was quad ruple what was offered as an actress But didnt want to he personality was an actress and intended to remain so For two years she hung around Britain but couldnt shake the sexy publicity So she crossed the Atlantic and now plays character role on Amer ican TV mum Sago mien £550 THE CAR AND TRAILER PAGE BEAVER LUMBER 127 BRADFORD ST iS YOUR CAR READY FOR SPRING PHONE PA 89038 TODAY FOR AN APPOINTMENT TO HAVE IT CHECKED AND SERVICED lNVITES YOU TO INQUIRE ABOUT THEIR Free Coffee To Our Customers While You Wait PREFAB PRECUT BU1LT T0 SPECIFICATIONS PHONE PA 85541 BRENNANS ESSO STATION cos BRADFORD AND HIGH srs BARBIE iNSURANCE FOR EFFICIENT PERSONALIZED SERVICE CONTACT RUSSELL CHURCHMOBILE HOMES INVITES YOU TO INSPECT THE ALL NEW BEAVER BY GENERAL TODAY Quality features you find in all Beaver Models 16 Gal Water Storage Tank JORY MOTORS BRAKE OVERHAUL FOR SUMMER DRIVING Marina Pun Propane Light Foam Rubber Dinette Cushions Jalousio Ohio Windows with screens PRICED FROM $1135 ACCOMMODATE UP TO 124 was PA RUSSELL CHURCH is YOUR INDEPENDENT AGENT Exclusive Franchise Dealer 170 BURTON AVE HWY 11 SOUTH BARRIE ONTARIO PA eases MAXWELL lNSURANCE I25 BURTON AVE BARRIS FREE BRAKE TESTING ALL WORK GUARANTEED CALL US TODAY ALLANDALD isnquNiS Your local BA Service Station at 108 BURTON AVENUE is now under €1er management KENS BA SERVICE STATION FOR TOPS IN SERVICE HWY 27 PA 87191 Visit Your LocaI BA SERVICE STATION FOR DEPENDABLE COURTEOUS SERVICE FoIIiois SNACK BAR loo stiltran AVl Econoiny Broaka oï¬utcir Snacks AUTO RADIOS Completely Installed Transistor Powered Month Guarantee 3850 Up EAST END BA STATION 233 BLAKE 51 PA $9190 Roy FoIIiol Specializing in RDAD SERVICE OMINOR TUNEUPS OTIRES Auto Radio 29 Collier