SPRINGII INTO CLASSIFIED PAGES BY DIALING PA 82414 10 THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY MARCH ANNOUNCEMENTS BAYSTAR$ LODGE MINEIS POINT MINUTES FROM DOWNTOWN BARBIE Wedding Receptions Beautilul grounds or pictures youll cherish Ample parking for guests con venience We assume the responsibilities while you enjoy yourself Facilities for dancing etc SATISFACTION ASSURED PRICES THAT PLEASE Call PA 85198 anytime BIRTHS HAPPY OCCASIONThe birth at your chlldl To tell in good news to lrlends and netxbbon The Barrie Examiner Clbuitled ncli us your ltle phone The day or birth lust dial PA 11¢ The rat Ir only 1150 AYEnsT Aileen and Ausun cork Ayent nee Aileen Hoopcr are assay In announce the sale arrival or their son Andrew Ailn on Thursday Much 1081 at Royal Victoria Hospital CAMERONAl the Roysl Vic torlb linspllll Barrie on Monday March 19 1062 to Mr and run Robert Cameron Thompson Strcct narrlo dAughter Pun ce Madeleine covnmcrNr and Mn Fred Courtney Joli ilrcntwood noule vnrd cnnry Alberta fomerly or itiasnnr arc hsppy to an nounce the birth of twin Ions on hlonosy March 19 less st Holy Cross Hospital Calgary hiEnnETrAt the Royal vic torla Hospital IIuiric on momy March 10 1062 to Mr and Mn Albert liierrntt itinesins daun ter Janet Doreen suNGEn At the noyai vie toria llnspitni name on slondsy March 19 1052 to Peter had Jean Slinch nee McQuIy of Thom ton dsuahtcr lTInls sister tor Guy sTnPANlUKsin and Mrs Slciunluk 25 Newton Street nan rte are happy to announce the arrival at Ihclr daughter ILoris Christine on Wednesday March 71 1952 at the itoyal Victoria Hospital sister tor nirhnrd ENGAGEMENTS nDUnNEronbln air and alln Frank Bourne o1 Dan1a Ire plensed to announce the ca gagement or their dnughlcr Ger lldinc Diane Gerry to Robert Harold Tordllf son Mr and 1m Haroid Tordm or norm The marriage will take place on Saturday April 21 1062 at 700 pm in st Giles linllicpn Church COMING EVENTS DANC NG EVERY SATU RDAY CABAREI STYLE COUPLES ONLY PINECREST $250 couple For table reservations PHONE ELMVALE 757m DONT read this unless you want Bargain RUMMAGE SALE Sat March 24th AM 12 NOON LOOP HALL Collier St Auspiccs St Marys CWL For Pickup phone PA 66389 RUMMAGE SALE Trinity Parish Hall Collier St FRIDAY MARCH 30th PM RM Auspices Trinity WA ALGONQUIN PARK Talk and color slides by Park Naturalist MONDAY MARCH 26 815 pm Library Hall Everyone Welcomel Brerebon Field Naturalists Club SCISSORED SPORT HAVE GOOD ADVANCE HOUSTON AP Advance ticket sales for Houston Colts debut in the National League this season have passed the 314100000 mark The Colts open their illgame regular baseball season home schedule April 10 against Chicago Cubs BREEDER DIES LEXINGTON Ky iAPIHal Price Headley 73 thoroughbred horse owner breeder died Thursday while vsupervising training oi his horses at Keene land Headiey bred winners at more than $0000000 and raced horses which earned more than $3500000 He had nearly 100 stakes winners NAMES SUBSTITUTE NEW YORK AP Trainer Sunny Jim Fitzslmmons said Thursday that jockey Hedley Woodhouse of Vancouver would substitute aboard Ogden Phipps Hitting Away in the $100000 added Campbell Memorial Han dicap at Bowie Race Course Maryland Bobby Usseiy lead ing rider at the recent Hialeah meeting had been scheduled to pilot Hitting Away but was sus pended by Aqueduct stewards Wednesday or 10 days ENGLAND WINS SOUTHAMPTON England iiicuicra England bent Tur key Thursday after leading MI at halftime in on under23 International meter game MYAI muss Queen Mother lllizohnth ro reim privy pum nl $100000 slimlle rtm lilo lirilinh gov unmet REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE COUTTS CO Real Estate Broker Owen Street Barrio OWNER MOVING TO ENGLAND $18900 $2400 will buy this new bed room bungalow in the east end of our city which is convenient ly located to Shopping Centre and within minutes of public and separate school This brick bungalow ls icatured on 65 lot with attached garageand has added features such as ex haust hood inn with light cera mlc tile bathroom with vanity and colored fixtures aluminum storms and screens etc etc etc Call Gordon ColitLr $11200 DUPLEX Village oi Stroud Each suite consisls of four rooms with pri vate entrance and private toilet facilities Lot 133165 This would provide economical living for two iomllics in area close to schools tr Nation and stores Coll Alice Worthington phone Simud 21 It 23 Dowrt PAYMENT $1500 Full price $13500 3bedroom bungalow built three years ago Has many features such as di vided basement atoms and screens lot 51x157 Within ren sonable distance to schools and shopping Fine selection oi com parable homcs may be soon at your convenience Call Walter Coutts EXECUTIVE TYPE $16500 Modern equipped bungalow six spacious bright rooms Finish ed recreation room attached garage aluminum storms and screens Terms arranged to suit purchaser Call Walter Coulis MINESING Highway 26 lilinesing Village storey 7room bevel siding home with divided basement Ipiece bath kitchen cabinets nrtesian well double garage acres of top grade garden soil All in ï¬rst class condition Call Norman Wood Minesing NEW PLEX Five 2bedroom and one 1bed room large and modern npart mans new friges and ranges storage lockers laundromats full parking $15000 down This is real money maker Call Walter Coulis THREE LOTS Puget Street Collective front age at 150 feet by depth of 150 ieet All municipal services available Call Gordon Coutts Member or name District Real Estate Board PHONES Dulce PA out EVcnInPs GonnDN iii COUKTSPA 8727 WALTER COUTISPA Mall SANDY courtsPA 54211 Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Iiffin St PA 60476 RURAL LIVING an Barrio $6000 $500 down Minetd Point $5300 $800 down N0 90 Hwy 37300 $1000 down Sunnidale Rd 37500 52500 down Camp Borden liwy $7500 $500 down Edgehill Dr down Telephone PA 00476 or in eve nings call any salesman $500 DOWN Immediate possession with this two bedroom bungalow Attach ed garage and breezeway Dark garden soil Very easy monthly payments Telephone PA 50470 EVENTNGS CALL Karl Marshall PA 39017 Jon Palmer PA was mm Miller PA 60561 Membbr or the Burns and District Rabi Estate Board CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 32419 03 Dunlop St lliABm MARSHALLPA 6884 COREYPA 35153 mnuu smartPA use CARSON REALTOR 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to tho Imperial Theatre PA 6648 Member of Blrria District Real Zatato Boxulrd OWNERS three bedroom bunn low 0111 year old Small down payment Talbphons PA 60555 or runner information $9500 $1500 £20000 DOUBLE Brick noomins House tarnished in rooms on rented Monthly rental 3550 Con tral commercial me Telephone PA about REAL ESTATE ROGERS CONNELL PROPERTY FOR SALE ONE DUNwP STREET EAST First in Barrie Home SalesForemost in Quality oi Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENrNGs CALL M38 MOOREPA 05111 RoamPA m1 Mutants m2 Disnitrr am snowman to EsrATi cum CLIFF REAERROWN HIGH STREET BARRIE room PA mu PA com BRICK TRIPLEX ln lirst class condition in commercial floor with lull basement area Separate apt on each new furnace income $220 per month Contact this office for lurtlier Iniorrnation or inspection PA 00211 CLOSE TO CITY Six rootn brick bungalow with all conveniences and attache garage Family size kitchen mahogany finish cupboards double sinks Bathroom with vanity and tiled walls Large roomy en trance hall Close to public school Plenty of cupboard space Gleaming oak floors ECONOMY HOME Close to centre of city lust eight years old Living room kitchen bedroom and bath on main floor bedrooms on second iloor Full basement oIl turnace Priced at only $8900 COMMERCIAL East and on Blake St Large Quonset building 32 70 separate oliice building 10 24 ft Ideal property for small business gar age teed business etc Mambo or La Burt lull Bull Baud smith cameourn um serous Garveyvim was John LangPA Hfll Ohulln RuddA 51317 Norman Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST PA 09961 PA 68742 First Mortgage Funds Available interest 60 of Value No Fees Charged measure con los Longttn PA Mm nrntt sbeiswnu on ma Jack Wliuon PA H631 Norman Shluwoll PA um um Hnwud Norria PA Keith Marshall REAL ESTATE EHOKER PA 82592 IS OLAPPERTON ST BARRIE TIRED of looking at those worth less rent receipts Why not en joy your own home Wed like to show you this property lo cated in friendly neighborhood in east end of city Large living room dining area tiled kitchen bath bedrooms full basement for only $13100 with low down payment balance on easy terms Call this office now ior an appointment to see this home IlDW SPRING IN THE COUNTRY If you buy now you can be all set to enjoy this lovely 2year old bungalow just south oi Bar rie on paved road well built spacious home in immaculate condition situated on large beautifully landscaped lot com plete with 2car garage Priced for quick sale so see this one now MOORE rnANK NELLPs PA ossoo member name District nut mate Board HENDERSON REALTOR lo comm 5mm PHONE PA 82673 COMMERCIAL Three storey building on Collier St At present occupied by GM dealer 2nd floor has two offices and our apartments with good income and excellent potential Lot is 67 153 This is definitely solid investment APARTMENT T0 RENT One bedroom living room kit chen bath separate entrance Central location $45 per month EVENINGS CALL RITA scmnm PA H855 nonemy wnxzort PA oasis PERCY EDITD PA 87930 MRSON SWAIN PA 58605 Member Barrie and District Ind Ontario EtcI mtata Boards PA 52360 HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Realtors 90 EAYFIIELD ST PA 66453 ANYTIME WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY to own your own building and business on Conkstowns busy main street Could be beauty parlor and barber shop combin ation restaurant or whathave you Newly listed price only $9500 Call Maryann Smith PA 66453 or evenings PA 04028 $100 per month Three and half bedroom home with carport and garage in East end Call PA 06453 anytime Member or Barrie and District Real Estate Board ROSE REAL ESTATE BROKER 7a Tm STREET 3mm cam Day on EVENING PA 82379 Mamba or the Barrie and Dktrlfl Ru mot Baud OVBEléDOInNB neautitni Ksmpen lelt by splitlevel executive type home at so Kempenrelt Drive bedroom heated garage on ished recrertton room Aiumtnum storms Ind screens Many extras Must be sold Phone PA 65401 rry An Enmlner Want an NEW BEDROOM BUNGALOW An excellent home with many deluxe appointments Pull price $15500 Down payment 52250 For appointment to inspect cull GEORGE DAVIES PA 83185 MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage 0i any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 61801 on PA 61802 1111 Duulop SLE PRIVATE SALE Three bedroom bungalow at tached garage linishod rec room fully equipped with storms and screens large lot PHONE PA 82047 New three bedroom home Large living room kitchen with large dining area lots of cup boards and storage Oil heated Colored bathroom ï¬xturES van ity divided basement Large lot in good residential area close to stores and schools TELEPHONE 84281 REAL ESTATE BUi OPPORTUNITIES INACK an maxed to Plat Conv urt iinso Knizer iu lemoni Avenun 011111 Telepbono rA 17715 or run unionism MAE nun building or not suitable ior most types of business 1500 noun rut Apply to 11 Palmer Telphone PA 2996 £111ch arArloN with modern livinl uumen tor sale or trade Located close to Cunt Borden idortu nvuiabie ertl Box Bpmn aminer uncl aAaAaa or rent on busy butu 4111 bed with bout and some Ixtrll ultlbln or mechan ical or body minus 850 pos month Telephone PA 51020 BEAUTY SALON in busy VIIIIlb Central location nso operators our dryers Modem shop with two bedroom hurlinan APPLY Lorne Csmpbeii Box in Scbonp but Ont Telphoiu 0101111 txcbusrvz abuious fabricat trancbtn to responsible men 01gt entc mil or put urns business Elin to 800 weekly Leon to up bolster nuniturn and auto inten inn with this modern industrial miracle rue brochun no 01 Elm hummer FARMS FOR RENT rAnM FOB RENT wltbin Ian ell limits Mr month For It pointinth to inspect Telephon allor pm PA Hits FARMS WANTED SMALL PArm wanted to rent within 10 mil ndliu o1 Barrie Apply in wntlns to Box Barrie Examiner MORTGAGES iMIIlEDlATE lst 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere On All Properties PA 80981 Mortgage Funding OVBI SimpsonsSears IZB DUNIDP ST MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation of Bills Home repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $1549 at $56 Monthly $3544 or $90 Monthly Up to $5000 and 60 month to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT I41 Dunlop St PA 66477 MORTGAGESInt and 1nd bourbt sold and arranged Comments and relldentlal mono loaned nn cxininl mortga arrll unn luo Broken H504 FINANCIAL $5000 47c FOR WEEKS NEED MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR LEO McNAMARA PA 60203 MONEY TO LOAN ONLY Refreshingly Different $1950 down Large bright six room solid brick ranch bunga low with attached garage on private treed lot in excellent residential area One block to school shopping and bus Three years old Aluminum storms and screens NHA mortgage Air conditioned oil heat Tele phone PA 60733 INCOME PROPERTY for sale du plex Dominion store area Garage Nicely trecd int See this ï¬rst then make us an otter Telephone PA 56603 INCOME Property Modern triplex st vtncent Street Putty occupied Over $200 monthly Onb ZMdmom two 1bedroom $17500 Less tban 35000 down Telephone PA b1511 man BEDROOM Hones Three and onehail yeus old NBA mm Ella In Oakley Park area Priced rol quick sale nuy hndaclpld Telephone PA 07754 DRUBY LANE Seven room House now down payment Reason able price tor quick sale Gal heated Recreatlnn mint Hmdy to schools and shopping Tollphano PA 55212 EDGEEILL nnlvE West house three bedrooms kitchen living room tiled bathroom sar age Telephone Jobst PA 03750 after pm all day Saturday and Sunday duod Rooms storey cem ent clad bome large lot tun base ment on lumnee modern conven Ionces Close to Ichnol and shop ping Immediate possesion Rea bonublo terms Telephone now or 06 Leiroy PRIVATE Owner creed to sell beautiful oxha large four had room bome 1400 square feet solid brick treed corner lot or 100 Patio Built ï¬ve months Near shopping plaza east and 25year mortgage 31500 down Tele phone PA 00105 evenings LOTS FOR SALE PAINsWIcK Lot 128 set by 355 he or anic on Coxmiii nond Excellent building land Telephone Lenoy 160115 or full particulars Hum want to exchange not 200 with sewage and water in crime or Lot in nanis Contact Hugo Kritzer 140 Memorial Ave pup Orlllla PA no THREE CHOICE well drained Lots 00 120 root to be non to one parcel Located 14th Common Innlsfll cut or 11 Highway Con tact Bob Spears Handy Hardware Strand Phone Strand 101114 FOR SALE OR RENT Amacnva brick Bungalow one year old threa bedrooml com bined living and dician room ram 1ly rlzn kitchen with lots or cup board space Divided cement block gaggle Nicely landscapedr PA New PRESCRDTION FOR PAYING BILLS Pay am oil with lowcost liteinsured SCOILA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SOUTH RENTALS LOW 6051 since Cluln modaln bulidinlfl Suitablo or commerde or light industrial Telephone PA 66575 NURSING HOMES ARK EDEN NURSING HOME Built or this work Semi and private rooms sum nursing can load cod TV room nutton wa son or antinll Tolsybono cm Strond APTS HOUSES T0 RENT SOMETIHNG DIFFERENT Vacant unlurnished three room apartment just like your own little bungalowbut heated Re frigerator stove and draperies optional Next to East End Shop ping Plaza$75 monthly Tele phone PA 87475 SELFvCONTAlNED tam room furnished heated Ipuitment blun dry aunties close to Gmeui Electric Suit business girls or couple Telephone PA 84797 Punmsmzn large thm room ï¬lament newly decortedr Re rrtgerntor and heavy duty stove Heat and lights supplied Allan dais district Telephone PA Mud WEED lei contained lower apartment for rent Heated unporcn 350nm kitcllaenu and bathroom Per mon envy wiring TnIEFhonp PA 66287 DOWNTOWN nuntop Streetun ruralmed rour room npsrtment large uvlnr room kitchen two bedrooms bath heated newly dec ornted throughout Avausple now Telephone PA sszso or mules information TELEPHONE DIRECTORY FOR UNLISTED NUMBERS or rent SUPERIOR PROPANE New Phone Number PA 6186l Hwy 11 South BOX 428 RENTALS APT5 HOUSES TO RENT BRENTWOOD TERRACE Sell contained two bedroom apartment Living room kitch cn full basement Central loca tion to per month Tolepbonl PA 39238 ADJOINING PARK Beside Lake One and two bedroom apart menu complete with stove and refrigerator Use at washer and dryer Redccorated annually PA 81068 DELUXE APARTMENTS Conveniently located near schools shopping and bus and within walking distanco at downtown 00m and two bedrooms OHalconles thanlino Dispel lStoves and ridges Indivldnnl thermostato olncinerators OFres washing and drying facilities lMany other line appointments Children welcome Sample suite may be seen by coiling PA 83 86 rUnNtsitED two bedroom mobile bnme or rent Fully equipped Lo cated at Burtnn Avenue Tele pbonu PA Him or PA MW zmor Yolm last month rant rec One and two bedroom apartments Janitor service Rents mm 055 per month Telephone PA 82670 or Iurtber intormation max Roost unnunisbed hula pd apartment sellcontained Cen tral location oilstreet lurid Available now Telephone 54000 or further iniormntlnnr Time ROOM scll contained an Artment in modern triplex with wasth and puklns rsciilties Ccntnl location Availbio Apr11 ut Telephone PA 61093 RENTALS APTS HOUSES T0 RENT utALL one bdroom apartmepi to rent Unlurnisned Eton sud nmmlui ground near central location suitable or one or two adults Teiepbone PA Mots 3113an cbiy decanted one and two bedroom spmmenrr or 11 Centrsiiy located witb water and but supplied Telepbnne PA Nun or PA ms or runner in emotion AvAiLAnu Now No bedroom unmrntsbed apartment that and water ruppued Sellrcontllned Int end location on bus mute per month Telephone PA moss 1113 banana rumor or not In new bull washer dryer and bnitor service supplied Avsusble editely Telaboa PA 31151 or bribes Luanntion PANTLY nimubed Ivlnmont to rent nemxentor and mum Newly decorated Hut and uebu Allsndsls dbtrtct Telephone PA H1 ror further information HEATED two bedroom apartment private entrance snd bathroom All conveniences Near school and bus st Rent reasonable New nnae eluded Telphone PA um MODERN Bunglow six rooms very clean carire oak noon tiled bathroom laundry tubs Play aeld area $90 monthly immediate possession Telepbono PA Mm or PA 6601 Two HBDROOM sellcontained bested spacious and modern Ileirllcrllor and stove supplied Available Aprli spam Park are Telephone PA tbreo room upper duplex broom nnturnisbed three room spurtment or rent with stove and refrigerator suppUcd Central Good parkins facilities nelsonbio agilisblo April Telephone PA THREE R00 turnisbed Apart ment In quiet home Suitable or business or Air Pom couple Ab etatners Nn children Plrklnl space Near West End Plaza Tele pbono PA 66754 uNPtlesnaD three room hcatA ed apartment seihconteincd with private bath Penotsng street clue to stores schools and bus ltop Available immediately Tells phone PA 58412 PunNIssz three room aphro ment and one lumbhcd bachelor suite centnl Purhlnl Laundry Includes Telephone PA dosoi and evenings PA 01031 Hausa or rent three bedrooms newly decorated Avauabio now ssntord st Apply 14 Sudan st or neubon Kenweu 170 Hm sh coutnawood Poun 11511100 Plnuse or rent Hudwood noon on inmlco Al indadin district Garage Avail able April close to school and churches Telephone PA oaooo 11mm Ptoon Apartment east end Two bedrooms laundry rac Illtics stove refrigerator heat water Ind psiking Adults Tele Phone PA 01445 UNPURNlanEb sell contained throo room apartman Hot water heated stove refrigerator and garage nvaiiabie in minutes walk gram downtown Telephone PA or 50 MONTHLY Three room un Ititrilshed heated sellcontained aputment separate wiring Cont ral location Puking abilities Telephone PA 01597 after 17111 tor rurtber details rwo BEDROOMS kitchen stove and mtriaerator Living mm dia ing room electric fireplace sun room bath Hardwood floors Laundry with dryer in basement Privatn entrance root and rear garage Hot water heating Adults only No pets Very central loca tion Available April Rent sas monthly Contact cim Brown 112cs21tnr phone PA 50241 PA 11 By ALICE moons SPRING NEWS Sew costume to travel through the seasons to wear by day or night Beneath the fitted jacket is sleeveless sheath lean basic smart in any company Choose cottonl shantung Printed Pattern 1621 Misses Sizes 10 12 14 lo 15 Size 16 costume 51 yards 35inch Send FORTY CENTS 40 cents in coins stamps cannot be acceptedi or this pattern Please print plainly SIZE NAME ADDRESS STYLE NUMBER Ontario residents add sale tax Send order to ANNE ADAMS core of Barrie Examiner Pot tcrn Department 60 Front St Toronto Ont SPECIAL SpringSummer Pat tern Catalogready now More than 100 sparkling stylessun sport day dance work travel All sizerl Send ï¬icents UPPEII nuPLax or rent will room dininl room bedroom kitchen bnthroom and small stu dy suitbin or omen Hardwood floors throughout Oil heated Oarlge Downtown Iocutlnn ldeai or business couple with one child Rent 3100 per month En uuss so Dunlap st West or call H542 daytime only RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT you ROOM Apartment or rent Pmue blihroom Psruy lumisb cd or unrurnisned Queens Pub ares Telephone PA uric HEATED Iclicnnlalned Imrtmnnl lmund noor Tom largo rooms Near school Parking Private cup nnee on monthly Telephone PA 39220 ironzasl one end two bedroom Ipunmentr east end trams Ban dnpes Venetian bUnds Auto matic laundry iacllitiu Parklnl Tolcphnnn PA 32919 or runner Inletmutton BURTON one Tbs room no rornisbed apnrtmenr to rent on hested but water stove and re msemor Private bath Apply Centn St or lurtber Lnrormntion NEW LARGE Apartments or rent in new apartment bulldinl sad two bedrooms Stove truertor laundry min Queen street are Nsw AND Modern and and two bedroom apartments overlooking scenic Kempentclt nay near us ter Ipanting Ind Janitor servic inclu ed Automatic washing outlier PA 02901 THREE 110011 Basement Apart ment bested unstained pri vate hstb netrigerator and stove Partially lurnished Telephone PA 05811 or PA Mass or lurther in armtion aix uoosi House or rent with lunroom and gems on heating Centrally located Availbio now $100 per month TechbonI PA 31953 or PA Mass Tim 1100 uniurnilhrd best ed apartment sencontained Cen lnl location oifrtrret nsrklnr Availbis now Telephone PA H000 uNPuulemzlJ modern one bed room hcblcd apartment Available March $75 per month Parkinr £51ng tncllitles Telephone PA Tunas Roost unfurnished around Iloor sputment tor rcnt Ncbr lactorles lteat hydro and water rupplled Parklnz spacc Telephone PA 112328 or PA 00135 tor dctnllr CHOICE Apartment modern one bedroom uniumlsned selfcon tained hrutcd Laundry and park ing larillllcs Near bus stop Im mcdlato possession Telephone PA 05457 or turiher details Two nannuosi Apartment with living room and good sins kitchen private bath unlurnlshed heated Private entrance rcirilcrator and stove supplied ii desired Central location Parking pmvldcd Reason able rent immediate possession Telephone PA 32480 or liter Pm PA 03695 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 ADVERTISING WARWICK WEBSTER Limited Matchedash St ORTLLIA ADVERTISING PROMOTION PUBLICIT ORELIA 3252752 RES 3251689 APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service I47 DUNLOP ST PA 6I I42 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling shingling porches recreation rooms Complete trimming in houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 66071 DRIVING SCHOOL Learning How To Drive can JOHNS DRIVING SCHOOL PA 61277 For Rates and Inforrnation PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Houdini Spray Painting Service Since 1920 RR Barrie PA 65036 FLOOR COVERINGS BARRIE FLOOR WALL TILE Sales Service 24 Maple Ave Opp bus terminal OLinoleum and Vinyl tile osheet goods Ceramic tile OHardwood flooring oCnrpets 0Complete line 01 samples FREE ESTIMATES DAY Oh EVENINGS WORKMANSHIIP GUARANTEED FREE PARK ING PHONE PA 85862 EVENINGS PA 04052 Charles Lawson Propr PLASTERING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRIK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS ARCHWAYS PATCHES Free Estimates Budget Terms SIMCOE QUIKBRIK Phone Al smith Leiroy 60M Collect RADIO AND TELEVISION SERVICE EXCAVATING FILL Gnavm Top 5011 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Halt yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN Anne Street Barrio PA 290 FOR SHOVEL WORK Excavating Backhoe Clam Drag Line Cement Busting or raising steel 55 boom shovel front loading levelling or backfilllng Dozer work and trucking phone Stewart Con struction PA 87321 HAIRDRESSERS CLIFFORD HAIR FASHIONS Indivldual styling Moderate rates FRED GRANT SQUARE PA 60491 HANDYMAN Odd libs Unlimited 21 Wellington St BRICKLAYEHS PLASIERERS CARPENTERS ELECTRICIANS PLUMBERS ROOFERS PAINTERS OCOIVEPLETE HOME MAINTENANCE OSPRING CLEANUP PA 68382 24 HOUR SERVICE ALL MAKES 0F RADIO AND TV BAYVIEW ELECTRONICS 19 Adelaide St PA 89603 REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 33 Clapperton St PHONE PA 84562 WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED BY LICENSED DRIILERS FREE ESTIMATES Couplcmd Drilling 1m sonata PA 87646 WELL DIGGING WELLS dug deepened and re paired PUMPS sold nnd installed KEN WINTER 135 BRADFORD ST PA 60702 COPY for Want Ad Section accepted until pm Day before publication PHONE PA 82414