OUR TELEPHONES For Drummer Want Ads Tel phone PA 82411 The telephone number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept is PA 66337 93th YearNe 7l Consumption is in sharp de ARMY ENGINEERS PARK TRUCK NEAR DAM IFarmers In Face Of Threat By REMY dANJOU LAC MEGANTIC Que UP The prospect of 4000000 cubic feet of water flushing its vil loges into the St Lawrence has evoked little more than yawns in thc sleepy Chaudiere River Indonesians Will Be Eaten POFT MORESBY bustfalls Reu erslA Papuan cgis ator militia he °€°m Thursday warned that iffndo Quebec area 07mg ncsinns attempt to carry out the is threats to invade Dutch West an men windy New Guinea cannibnls in the to move in and help evacuation emu an to eat hem Next Tuesday telephone and utility companies are to be Herman Womsiwor the asked to set up temporary fa voice of 750000 Papunns in Yawn 112 go into effect hlay valleyl But while the farmers milk the sugarth and city folks brave the frosttiumped highway to buy the first spring maple syrup provincial and municipal authorities are preparing for the worst Trouble spot is the nearby Gnyhurst darn 135 road miles south of Quebec City whose waterlogged clay centre looks as if it may slide away underl the pressure of the breakup The breakup is expected be fore April 15 and possibly be fore the end of the month be cause of recent mild weather Present level of the Gayhurst reservoir is 11403 feet Engi neer Marc Benoit said in an in terview Thursday the critical level will be 1165 feet CharlesEdouard Deslauriers hydro electricity director for Quebecs department of natural resources gave mayors of the valley towns grim picture of the situation Thursday night at meeting in Beauccville Beauceville which suffered the most in flood caused by icejams in 1050 seemed to be the most concerned about the whole situation We are hoping that nothing will happen said Mayor lac ques Renaud but all the same we are preparing for the worst spring cilities on high ground so that communications and important services can he kept going Dutch West New Guinea said if the Indonesians come there will be real trouble Court Puts Guard 0n llssets 0i BC Electric VANCOUVER CPlThe Brit ish Columbia Supreme rt placed guard over the assets of the provinciallyowned BCl Electric Thurs day setting off mass of spec ulation on what happens now in the provinces power picture In an action said to break new ground in constitutional law Mr Justice McInnes froze BCE assets until court case launched by BC Power Corpo ration on expropriation of the company last August is settled The corporation former pa rent of BCE asked forthe re ceivership order Dr Harry Purdy former pres ident of the company and now an economics professor at the University of British Columbia was named receiver The court said he must preserve the un dertaking Property and inter ests of the company pending trial While guarding the $000 000000 in assets he will have nothing to do with the daystd day running of the company Power Company BC Electric said it will ap peal the order The hearing is set for Monday Shortly after Mr Justice Mc lnnes gave his order stormy debate headed by opposition criticism of two bills dealing with BCE started in the legis lature Social Credit Premier Bennett has said that despite the order the bills will proceed The bills the reason behind application for receiver by the power corporation would Merge BOE with the provin ciallyowncd 301 Power Com mission and refuse access to the courts to settle arguments over the takeover Amend the expropriation legis lation of August to increase the payment to the power corpora tion by $60000000 to $17000000 for 30000000 common BCE shares At the same time it would eliminate an offer to pur chase the shares of the feder allyincorporated power corpora tion for $35 each or $68000000 uK May Pay $3 LesS For Canada Uranium OTTAWA CPlBritain is ex pected to agree late next month to fulfil 1957 commitment to buy 12000 tons of Canadian ura nium Edmund Morris Trade Minis ter Hecs parliamentary sectes tary told the Commons Thurs US Stockpiles May Be Cut By HAROLD MORRISON WASHINGTON CPlA well informed source says President Kennedy is preparing to launch arcautious smallscale disposal of surplus minerals metals and other strategic goods glutting $7700000000 American defence stockpile This informant who is close to executive office operations said care will be taken by the 05 administration that items offered for sale for cash or credit do not upset world maru kets or prices In each case major producers and exporters of the items in volved would be consulted be fore sales are made The in formant singled out Canada as one of those countries sure to be brought into discussions since many of the items in volved would be of the kind pro duced in Canada day night that current British Canadian negotiations on ura nium purchases are expected to be completed by late April Mr Morris MP for Halifax gave no details as to the price Britain will pay for the uranium or the dates that it will be de livered He made his announcement during debate on $2400000 supplementary estimate for El dorado Mining and Refining Limited the trade department agency which buys uranium from Canadian producers and sells it abroad Eldorado will use the money to buy uranium concentrates from Macassa Gold Mines Lim ited at Bancroftv0nt until late in April This will enable the companys mine to remain in operation for period of six months after it had produced all theconcentrates for ddivery under its present contract with Eldorado Britain agreed under the 1957 commitment to pay $192000000 for the uranium at price of $0 pound with deliveries to take place from mid1963 to the end of 1966 Early last year Britain asked that the contract he renego tinted because its uranium re quirements have been greatly reduced It also asked for lower price because of the drop in market price since 1957 Current speculation is that Britain will buy the 12000 tons at $5 pound or less with de liveries stretched beyond the end Britain would like deliveries to start no earlier than 1970 Mr Morris said the price to be paid Macassa is the actual cost of production without profit nAchoir AP Three vessels are part of the Seen on antisubmarine oatro unit NEW DELHI APt sentcd to Mrs Jacqueline at Prime Ministetr Nehrus Doctors said someone wrongly our The male cub Mohan Ioan Caullield Has HOLLYWOOD AP Thursday to fivepound of was It is understood thatr IN NUTSHELL RCN Vessels VisitBangkok here today on threeday goodwill visit to Thailand The nd Canadian Escort Squadron Jackies Tiger Cub Dies Kennedy on her Indian visit died official residence Thursday night mesi resulting in the death of the female partner Mohlni was seriously ill Actress Joan Caultield gave birth fivccunce son band Dr liphert Peterson havent yet named on boy Barrie Ontario CI Butter To Drop 12 Cents By BEN WARD OTTAWA CPlA consumer sudsldy designed to lower but ter price 12 cents pound and thus stimulate commotion Will The subsidy announced in the Commons Thursday will cost the public treasury an estr msted 815000th year Butter prices now average 68 cents pound in Eastern Cnnlt ads and 71 cents in the West Cline flie plan is for lhe gowns ment to pay farmers at the present support level of 64 cents poundtheir guaranteed mini mum prlcesnd sell to whole salers at 52 cents Under the present setup the government buys and sell at the Mccnt level But the com binntion of rising production and dwindling sales has left the government stuck with huge surplus stockpiled in wore houscs across the country Farmer organizations which have been urging the govern ment for months to adopt 14 cent subsidy Welcomed the pinn They bank on it to boost consumption which stood at 34 pounds per copltn few years ago and last year sank to 151 pounds Margarine the vcgctoble oil substitute which sells at about 30 cents pound loss has dis placed buttei nt steadilyng ing clip Between 1050 and 1961 margarine production rose to 104000000 pounds year from 145000000 azis Lawyer Appeals JERUSALEM AP Adolf Eichmnnns lawyer appealed to the lsraeli Supreme Court today for mercy for the condemned former Nazi official and claimed Eichm arm was entangled against his will in Hitlers plot against the Jews Dr Robert Scrvntius Eich manns West German detence counsel completed his initial argument appealing against the death sentence given Eicbmann for complicity in the Nazi slaughter of 6000000 Jews Israeli AttorneyGeneral Gid eon Hausner immediately began his statement opposing the sp peal Servatius asked the ï¬vejudge supreme court to see its way clear to lift the sentence of death passed on the accused Only the state can be re sponsible for its organizations and its subordinates Servatius Friday March 23 I962 GENEVA mlState Secre tory Rusk accused Rumis today of blocking nuclear test ban treaty while presumably plan ning new series of atomic weapon explosions Soviet Foreign Minister Gro rnyho sharply denied the charge and blamed the United Stain tor the failure to reach agree ment on test ban Tho clash coma in the 17m tlon disarmament conference as the United States Britain and Russia reported collapse of their efforts to start new negotiations on test ban treaty Gromyko said the United States is to blame for the fall urc because it hos scheduled new series of atmospheric tests and docs not want test prohi bition Rusk said President Kennedy had emphasized the United States would stop all tests if Russia would sign treaty with effective controls ngninst cheat ing Kennedy has ordered the tests to start in into April unless such treaty is signed British Foreign Secretary Lord Home snid the Western powers are prepared to work out contml system on the most objective scientific basis possible Home promised min imum contra to Gromka enn licr in the week but Gromyko rcicctcd any kind of interna tional controls which Would put HERES ONE LONDON ReuterslAb stract artist William forrls had novel technique for painting action pictures London court was told Wednesday He borrowed sports car and dmve it barwnrds and forwards across largo paintcovered piece of can vas spreadnuton lstrécl But Morris did not have driving licence So the court fined him 10 shillings for driving without licence Morris mad pleaded not guilty qunt foreign observers inside the Soviet Union Gromyko renewed the Soviet charge that the West wants to set up an espionage system in Russia He hnished aside Rusks charge of new Soviet test plans by saying it was pretext to war known Amerlcnn test plans Rusk spoke from prepared tut Gromyko replied utcmp attic Examiner LOCAL WEATHER Sunny sumnnblc tempera tures Low tonight 15 High tomorrow 45 For completl summary turn to page three Not More Than per CopyI4 USReds Clash Again On Ban oroneously An informant said be accused the United Stntes of on aggressive act in deciding to mine testing in the ohms pherel He denied Rimla had broken moratorium when it started Its scrics of about 50 tests last September There was no moratorium in existence then Gmmyko said The American secretary told the conference that the United Peronists Strike Battle Alert Calle EUENOS AIRES APlFol lowers of exilcd dictator Juan Peron launched country wide untlgovcrnment strike to day as military pressure mounted for President andills ouster Nutlonol police went on bottle alert as the strike begun at midnight amid feois of violence Pro Peron lnbor unions sum moncd nearly 2000000 workers to strike for 24 hours in protest against irondizls decree or dcred by the militarynullify ing sweeping Pcmnist victories in National Assembly and pro vlncinl elections last Sunday The full effect of the strike was not expected to be felt un til later in the day but officinls predicted it would not be para lyxing The powerful Transport Workers Union said it would not take part other unions also re fused to join in but went on rec ord as opposed to Frondizi The three armed service see retnrics met with top military commanders at Govems ment House in on early mom ing meeting at first described as decisive The 90 minute conference broke up at 330 am with ncnrinounce PRESS DEMANDS Word looked out that irate navy leaders once again pressed their demands that Frondizi re sign Army and air force chiefs who had stood for retaining andizi were reported waver ing under the navy officers in sistenco thnt he be ousted The military tosscd Peron out in 1955 and is violently op poscd to his return it stopped short of taking over the govern ment earlier this week when Frondizi agreed to form new antiPeron coalition government with halfmilitary hnlfcivillan cabinet ond to once ngnln ban Pcronist political activity Frondizi rushed from glitter ing banquet for visiting Prince Philip to his private residence for on early morning conference with the president of the lower house of Congress Fernandez de ltfonjordin There was no re Port from the conference State could not be expected to accept treaty based solely on pure faith He added We do not ask the Soviet Union to trust the word of other nations and other nations cannot be asked to trust the Soviet Unions word on matters of such for reaching slgnifir once Foreign ministers of smaller notions who bore been trying to move the big powers toward disarmament ex pressed sharp disappointment at Ihc foilure of the nuclear test talks Mahmoud ani of the United Aral Republic and Francisco San Thingo Dantas of Brazil hnmmcrcd on the need for the Big Three to continue talks Conndns External Affairs Ministcr Green mndc two pro posals for action Ho called for it full 17nntlon meeting later in the day to consider the nuclear test ban problem informally That suggestion was occupied by the conferenceas was Slllt ilnr proposal from Green Thurs day Green also proposed that Russ sin Britain and the United states invitc some or all of the eight smaller middiegroup nn tioiis to join them in rcncwcd efforts to resolve the testvbnu issue This idea was docketed for further discussion Silent Member For HuronBruce Who Spoke Years Ago Is Dead WINGHAM Ont CPlJnhn Hanna 72 the man who sat silent in the Ontario legislature for nine years died at his home here today He had been Progressive Con servative member for Humo Bruceflsincerand wascan didnte for his partys national leadership in 1940 Mr Hanna first spoke in the provincial House shortly after he entered it in 1941 He said at the time he didnt enjoy the experience and kept silent for the next nine years Former POliceman Gamblers Are Jailed TORONTO CF leo Onta rio gamblers and former pro vincial police constable today were sentmced to 18 months definite and six months indef inite for conspiring to obtain confidential information from declared in summing up Tuberculosis Is By JACK BEST OTTAWA CPlVinilent tu berculosis bacteria toughened rather than vanquished by their encounters with the wonder drugs present grave danger to the health of Canadians the royal commission on health services has been told The warning came Thursday from the Canadian Tuberculosis Association which said dnig resistant TB bacteria are be coming an increasingly troubleL some problem There is grave danger of drugres tant strains of tu bercle launching new epidemic the association de dared The TB death rate had fallen spectacularly but thecase rate Canadian Navy ships arrived based at Esquimalt BC of two Bengal tiger cubs pre fed the sbtmonthcld cubs rsw ll Son police officer Getting Wise To Wonder Drugs Doctors Say still gave cause for concern Last year in Canada there were 6574 first admissions to hospi tals and sanstoriums sud 8063 resdmissions This compared with 9440 new cases land 4484 readmission 10 years earlier No More Seduction 0i Hunters WTNNTPEG CPTlle Mald tobn games branch wont try to seduce deer rs any more Resources Minister Witney said in the legislature Thursday Ed Schreyer NDPBroken bcadt reminded the minister of the time last season when pre dawn hunters found tempt ing and seductive stuffed deer in their path At least five hunt mg parties emptied their guns and were lined Mr Schreyer said he knew nightlighting were dropped But the hunters were fined for discharging weapons before dawn after deliberate act by game officials to induce them to break the law He said all charges should have been dropped How many more stuffed data did Mr Witney intend to order from the taxidermistf Mi Schreyer asked we dont intend to seduce deer hunters any further the minister said The attorney generals psrtment had de cided the rightlighting charges should be dropped but the if Shc and her bus legal shooting charge should be maintained Joseph McDermott Vin cent Feeley 38 and former constable Robert Wright 31 were sentenced by Mr Justice Donnelfy shortly after 10 um following their convic tion Thursday by Supreme Court jury In handing down sentence Mr Justice Donnellycorn mended McDermott for the good work he had done while con ducting his own defence during the ninede trial The information concerned po lice raids between January and June 1960 on clubs suspected of gambling operations The jury deliberated for nearly three hours Thursday after being instructed by Mr Justice Donnelly for an hour and 45 minutes He and vised the 12 not to be prejudiced against the accused because of their way of life The three men were acquitted in Supreme Court trial last May and June of conspiring to bribe Const George Scott of the provincial police antigambling squad Addressing the jury Thurs day McDermott repeatedly de nied he had ever paid money to Wright for tipolfs on police raids from Coast Scott The other two accused did not present defence evidence Hydro Seeks Indians Land TORONTO CmOntario Hy dro has gone to the Ontario Supreme Court in its bid to obtain land it bought from Di mensional Investments Limited near Sarnia Energy Resources Minister Macaulay said Thurs day night He said he is convinced Hydro will get the land eventually although Ken Bryden NDP Toronto Woodbine expressed outright skepticism The two wgagtxl in brief giveand take in the legislature when Mr Bryden renewed pre vious quations about the posi tion of the celebrated lend deal by which the development bought land from the Sarnia Indian band and sold part to Hydro for rightofway and power plant He referred to himself as Jovinl down and won the hot orary title of senator from his colleagues for his leadership among the overflow members of the government who were forced to sit on the opposite side of that House When he broke his long si lehce 10ycars ago John Hanna rose to pay tribute to then Pre micr Leslie Frost and anyone else in the House he felt clea served it Just before he sat down ho mods plea that the govern ment look after crippled chil dren and extend its work in connection with heart disease caHt died today of heart at ck French Raided By ANDREW BORDWIEC ALGIERS AP European Secret Army commandos boldly attacked French military pa trol in daylight today after night long hitandrun raids on government strongpoints in Al giers Three members of the patrol were reported killed and six wounded in the mid morning terrorist ambush in the Euro pean workers section of Babel Oued Gunfire punctuated by plan tic bomb explosions raged for hours in the worst night since proclamation of the cease fire Monday fvo civilians were reported killed and at least three French gendarmes and nine civilians wounded in the shooting which rattled through dozen areas of the city The Algiers zone conunand said the attacks had omajor military significance Other government officials described them as notbng but harass ment morass VISITS non son woowms TO DIE Mrs Frank Oiuccl holds hands other son Vincent dur ing visit to county jallin micago ycqerday as convrct ed slayer awaited his date to die in the electric chair to night at midnight He is ac cused of having killed his and three children Nelvo previous times his execution date has been act only to be postponed AP 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