Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Mar 1962, p. 17

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ARTICLES For SALE NO DOWN PAYMENT Food and Freezer Plan SAVE MONEY BY BUYING BULK ON THE BLUE RIBBON PLAN ll Costs Nothing To Investigate CALL PA 61562 TODAY Home Economics Food and Freezer Limited R055 STREET COIN COLLECTORS We carry complete stock coin catalogues and coln folders PRICE LISTS FREE Cash For Your Coins THE HOBBY CENTRE 70 Dunlop St chstbarria Do you have any of these items in your basement or attic which are no longer In use nSporting equipment Rndius car or portable Illecord rilayers IC Ilist furniture or any kind proves to be last seller GOOD used clothing til you would to exchange your unwanted items or cash cull Classified Advertlslng between 030 am nnd pm daily PA 824l Barrie SECONDIIAND STORE Eu all used goods plus new slightly damaged Items way below original cost We also buy content lots 55 DUNLOP ST Phone PA S2427 SIMCOE DIST COOP APPLIANCES Used Stoves from $2500 Used TV from $2995 New Viscount Appliances Moifat RCA Victor TV 259 INNISFIL STREET PA 66531 Powers smsAw good condition price $25 Talephono PA 68040 TEN OVDLI Asson Auln Illdlos in good condition Phona mi 05930 ANTIQUE SETXEE for sale in good condlllon Telephone PA 643751 or turthcr details isss HAnLEY lirotoroyclo ior sale Take best alter or will tulle Tell phana PA 35785 aft run FUR COAT or sale mink aldcs slrc 1214 mull purse to match Coat 75 Telephone PA Basra for mrrhnr drhlls CASH LOANSAsoo at nz per month Telephone PA was fvrcsfent Ftnnnca nunlop st cs RANGE or rate heavy duty humor apartment size range Haipalnt good condition vcry ran annnblc Apply 0D Twellth Street Camp Borden 31 ELECTRIC alotur so cy tlc 110220 with rmxlmz unit com prcssor Sell separately aarnin Also llrge neon atsn Lloyd Phclpstnn ELchc names liruciary burncl apnrlmnnt sizn cxcouent condlufln $50 alsfl Chrome Kitch en Set $15 Telephone PA 86640 BIRD Lovrsrts Houses for Wrens Robins Blue Birds rolling tor $1 and up This 1s school project For particulars talophana PA 55271 after pm BOX TRAILER wooden or naw not by root by 10 inches sig nal units two good tires and span $45 Tolephona Clmp Eon dcn 1274 mum is cublc tact upright model like new $195 40inch Mon at Electric Range $20 13 Clint not lIlcClnry herrigerator new clear out prion 3329 Robinson Hardwara telephone PA 32431 MODEL OF Piper Iz control llria model has been flight lasted color yellow with rad trim 54 wing span engine has had hours running ready to go or summer nylnl wru mange free nylon Instruction PA 65355 quBA Equipment or sale used only months Ilka now singlo staga two hose regulator Aqua Lung tank constant reserve valve Ban Pro with hmcss 14 foam Neoprena wet suit complete all medium Fins snorkel mask Vclglfl b219 17 pounds of welghu dlvers ring and one prorossionnl dlvcrs knife Quite ransonahia Phona PA 53937 alter pm or FRUIT Br VEGETABLES APPLE BARN McIntosh Spy Collrtland and other varieties grade Macs $150 per bushel Fresh cider Phone PA $9201 DOGS 8r PETS WILLEITS PETS 41 GOWAN STREET Complevo lines MOUNTAIN and LDNGLIFE Lovaly songbirds budgies rind Finches Tropical and Gold Fish Turtles and all pets OPEN TO 580 PM DAILY PHONE PA 643035 SAMOYED Puppies Cuddly whlte Samoyed puppies mglstcrcd week old males and females Teiefilsone PA 60526 Im further duh PHOTOGRAPHY NEW ROLL OF FILM with each film developed print ed or mounted Black and White Roll Film exp $100 12 exp $125 35 mm 20 exp $135 as exp $235 Kodncolar 18 ex $375 12 ex lt pus 20 ex $575 Anacocbrome Ektachrome Dy nnchrome 20 exp $285 Order 8mm Color Movie Film incl processing $294 Money order or con Photo Ser vlce Box 10 Midland Ont by HAnrz 1900 Juan Convertible or dale 1955 PLYMOUTH two door in spot rsss Munch two door hardtop BOATS MOTORS SPRING TUNEUP JOHNSON reran GALE oornonnos OVERHAUL AND suAiIPnN POWER LAWN MOIVERS FREE PICKUP DO IT NOW DELANEY BOATS LTD Hayfield Si PA 843413 Morime Plywood Outboard 2s hp motor huvy du Torm lunar windyblrld stee roam rubber uphoisiery vru loll com pleta or undo lor stereo lurnltura Ito am an altar Talophono lvy ISRL ARTICLES WANTED Tm AND Clmplnl Equlpmenl wanted in lood condition Also as Mica Camera must In Peri mt condition Aha an mot orcycla in any condlllon elephona PA 51546 alter pm FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prlou paid for dead or crlppled cattle and horses Small animals removed Iron For fast service phone BARRIB PA 83775 wIIECN or ask for ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE so hours day7 dun was NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxmead Ontario Licence No 172062 NICK Montague Prop FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Brown Beatty Folm Equlpment 17 BURTON Avu PA 32373 CASH TRADE TERMS MINESING MOTORS Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 103 MINESING DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Milkers Vacuum Pumps Wash Tanks Separators Parts or any milker HANK BROWN RR BARRIE HOLLY PA 50338 FEED SEED GRAIN 1000 SQUARE BALES Wheat straw for sale Telephone Alvin Greer law Eimvla 72032 10M BALE ROUND of clover Bay or sale Apply William Maw Enrrle telephone PA 66201 WHEAT smnw for sale round bales 10 tons Apply Knlplr nyczka RE Thornton or tele phone 17ml Ivy POULTRY CHICKS NOTICE Will do custom hatching ens lor the season or 19m stuunl the week or March 29 learn Fisher 1m Elidc Telephona PA Man LIVESTOCK 10 P165 nlne weeks old for ma Apply to ratherby RR shanty Bay 0m 39 mo roan Palrlm our door LosTlilnrch 10 Springer Spaniel AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE is ralnnc automatic mount non down on woolly To phon PA was mu on MERCURY or non nulomnul nu Hm v4 motor uni Ma an ollrl Can Manna Toto phaa PA Lust min lAClLflCl ma Pontiac our door moon vllon cpuity aia pauearm Low down My meat won terms to run manhoo PA as altar Pm mi uosxrs now 1000 onusi mun 0m owner Ax now can lion Til over balance £1155 Curler for per month Toll nhano PA Moos 155 bonus tour door sedan Elw ly painted mechanically round Mint Dell Cu and ApartNe down payment Pull prie ma Telephone PA Miss use VOLIuwAan or exrellent condition Now clutch and polar Very nudnlblt Can an minced Tvlrphono Om 45 door and six cylinder unit in color with rontruilnx Id Interior Aut nmntlc Custom ndia wait mu tires surety plddrd duh Wash on and backup lights down Take our payment of $950 pol month Tolephono PA 370 CARS WTD TO BUY ORV HARDY MUNRS BARRIES NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES USED CARS TRADE UP 0R DOWN WE WILL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PBSENT CAR 176 BRADFORD smm PHONE PA 54272 cAsn run your car Liens did oil We trade in or down an dllo Nolan II Road Elmo PA Hart TRUCKS TRAILERS 1m stTON Donna Pickup Truck lal sale Good mnhar use Tclm phone PA um ror lurtnar lnloh mltloh MOBILE HOMES 1iiI bum in Lana hcdmam 1959 General nurlnrinn moon bum in arrairant Condi tion Must sell norrad posting Telephone PA Mood botwuh 10 mm and pm PERSONALS WOMENS COLUMN MarchS eCIals 25 FF PERMS $850 ANDUP Quickie Shampoo and Set Cream Rinse $150 RUBYS BEAUTY SALONS 124 Dunlop St EPA 61731 I7 Essa RoadPA BSfill Nu appointment necessary LEARN HAIRDEESSING Governmcut Chartered Schnol Through training in all bran ches of beauty culture DERIVIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL WORSILEY 51 PA carer BEAUTY SHOP coldwnves CIA by Certified hltrdrosser In your own home Phonn namin It PA 8418 or PA 537 FORTUNE TELLING no you want your iorlunc told by cards so telephone PA $0490 tor In appointment any tlmo nests FOOT Porwardl Pirura can tml pasture vixuai poise groom lug makeup parsnnlllw confid ence Classes or both chlldren and adults PA $8162 or writ Bolt Blrrle Examiner LOST FOUND in tha 7h Concesslon of Vesprn sunnidaio Midhunt area Livel nnd white In color Telephono PA 07515 or Bolton 8571111 1o HOLsTsIN mm Calves tor rale weigh 315 to 600 lbs Apply Stewart Johnston Hawkutnne or telephone 514 ON SANNEN Milk Goats 101 sale Also shatimd and Welsh Ponies for snlc Billy Goat or sale or ran Vlce Telephone PA 85033 LOSTBrown and white Coula dog heather collar with brass rlnr Answers to Chum Childs pat Finder plelsn telephone PA £7530 IO HELP WANTED nonsmm stud by Roev land Reflection Sovereign due March 21 to liosnle Shamrock Pm sous Apply to Stcln Brothers Cookstown telephona 4504143 or 684769 AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE VIAU MOTORS LTD RAMBLER Br IHLLMAN 10 DOWN 17 GOWAN ST PA 66488 2n BLAKE or PA 64321 HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH and STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes OML and NAL Towing 75 BAYFIELD ST PA 84155 1955 CHEVROLET Conch twodoor 25 down ran over payments of $2750 per maulb Tnllphone PA 87083 for further lniormaflon radio And did milm 1061 llcencu iata under 12000 miles $1000 elaphana PA OM00 rose CHEVROLET Coach power glido low mllenzmln goodcondh tlon Telephona PA ilan for tur Iher lniarmntion 1960 FORD Fulllune four door re don Custom radio 9115 down Tnka ovnr paymanls of $5150 Per month Telephone PA 81055 lead condition Full price $47950 Telephone PA WIDE or further information Automatic nnd radio All new tlreI $375 Carries or 33150 pci month Toicphona PA 37003 ior details FEMALE HELP PRACTICAL NURSES in work pm I2 mianght Ind 11 mid night am Also cook lcneral wining to work six day Pcr week Apply Ark Eden Nunlnl Home shroud 69m MALE OR FEMALE APPLICATIONS for Enumeratora or tha May 2nd Liquor Vote will ha noelved by the city Clerk until Monday March as smulhnn City Clerk MALE HELP PURCHASING CLERK Clerk required or purchasing department of local plant 371 hour week Generous benefits Excellent working conditions Young men with Grade 12 de sired Typing helpful APPLY DeViIblss Canada Ltd BARRIE ONTARIO YOUNG MAN To train as advertising repres entative for The Enrrle Exam iner This is an interesting and creative position with plenty of opportunity ior advancement Apply General Manager THE BARRIE EXAMINER RADIO COLLEGE OF CANADA TRAIN NOW or ulnar in Electronics Course or Automa Hon lindll Computers Defence projects Teiavlaion Communica unns etc Resident classes stnrt May 14 in Toronto and Montreal Homo study Courscl start lny tiinu llrna honklot llam Radio Call of Canadu hiring 51 Ton orrtn OntIla to iiere WANTED MALE HELP SALLSMAN mulred or II Yertum dulorlhlp Aim an uni wanted vtL Influx expert encl Awly Ea Ii Elma Ew union lroUNa Intrusiv Hotlink Inni oa rar slyMinx business Good um and bonus Advanuisnnt penalblllty Contact Gordon sci wood Put Halon am YOUNG nlmulu Mechanic aunt ed or an expanding business Good bonunu advancommt poulhiii or Contact Chum In son It Savoy Rotors 10 Dunlap EL Inn Blflll II lEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL 1962 Dog Taga Are Now Avail able from the Assessor Doll Catcher or mm the Munlclpal Office Stroud On or alter April 2nd 1062 own ers or harborersol dogs with out l962 tags will be prosecuted discount 01 5100 per tag will be given on tags purchased bo ore April 2nd 1962 ELMO FORD Dog Catrhar Phone Lefroy 157 COCHRANE Reeve GEOH Jerk 12 TENDERS IDWNSIIIP OF INNISFIL TENDERS NR TOWNSHIP PARK BOOMI CONCESSIONS Tenders will be rocelvcd at the Township Olflca Strand until 500 pm Friday March 30 for Booth Concessions at the Town ahlp Park for the 1961 season MAIN BOOTH to be open or buslnesa durlng the hours of 900 arn to 900 pm for June July and August and NORTH BOOTH to be kept open week ends and Holidays Hydro to be paid by the successful Tenderer lowest or arty Tender not nee essnrily accepted COCHRANE Reeve GROH HerIr TOTTENHIIM By ETEEL WICE Mr and Mrs Don Baycs and daughter spent few days recently with the lattara phr enta Mr and Mrs Rani Del aney Mrs George Wine and Mr and Mrs Mervin Dale and Deb blo were Sunday vlsltors with Vfilrnon Wico and family smith Mrs Freeman la patient in St Josephs Hospital Toronto at Lime oi writing Harry Potter and Hermie Put terson neighbors on the third line Tecumselh for many years have sold their farms and will be holding sols in the near future Mr and Mrs Potter plan to come to Tot tonhnm Mr and Mrs Patter son to Alliston ST FRANCISVEUCHRE The 17th of March has mar ked another successful St Fra ncis euchro held in the recre nElon Leisure Flour Centre There were 71 tables entertain ed to eight rounds of euchra followed latter by dancing Euchre prizes Ladies table cloth Mrs Effie Cowan clock Mrs Reta Keogh towel set Mrs Clark men Joseph Cssserly $1000 voucher clock Pat Keogh ham Hams mond consolation Vince flraim er Door prizes Ladies Irene Nelson Marguerite Hnnrahan Mrs Mary Osbourne Mrs Wll liam Belt Ryan Mrs Graham Olive Duran Marie Casey Carmel Gavin Mrs Dougherty Mrs Austin McKen na Nan Douglas Viola Mo Cullough Eunice Adams Mrs Male Elsie Hill Jean Longland Elizabeth Nigh Eva Barnett Mrs Ed Skelly Mrs John Patterson Margaret Claridge Hildegard Muller Mrs Francis Webber Mrs Basil Doyle Mrs Joyce Theresa MomLuna Bertha Van Neikerk Mc Veigh Trudy Van Nelkerk Rita McKenna Martina McGoey An ne Black Mrs Mabel Rowley Mrs Morrison Mrs Van Neilrerk Effie Cowan Men Tom Barker Chester Galezaw ski Pat Ronan Joe Casserly Tony Gruen Joseph McKenna Jack Worrod Stanley Maze Harry Horan Harold Sescer Ambrose Walsh James Tough Nicky Stablen Harold McCul lough Turn Lynch William Halt Eddie Wabber George Harn mond Garry Boyce Special door prize $10000 Mrs Anne Brltlain Azsx Annie Doran seller of ticket received $500 $5000 Mrs Real Toronto 12500 Harry lloran Irish surprise ladies Mary Pettit men Hutton and Clifford other prizes Ray Matron Veronica Morris Fr Harding Barry Van Nellrirk RISE HIT Seldom is rural community fortunate to brush elbows with bigtime show business peo ple Sunday March 10 Tottcn ham Leisure Hour Centre was the scene of capacity crowd to watch Irish show personali ties The lrlsh Choral Society was under direction of Fr Peter Fleming Their voices played skilfully upon the heart strings of Irish and equally enthralled those who were not Irish Butler School of Irish Dancing had the entire audience topping Ihelr toes These dancers arlt rivedat Melton airport ilva oclock Sunday from USA where they had periormed at Carnagre Hall March 161121 delighted Praident Kennedy on St Patricks in special per lormancc other excellent perlorinors were led Rust Toronto ven iriloqulst and Sean Broderick who sang beautiiully It was pleasure to hear him in per son alter having seen and heard him on TV The Comic Cubups Sear KEILLIRI IMPORTED CANDIES II VARIITIEB 46min 991 Rig DIN HAVE WA MP BIG CANNED F000 SAL Rog in HAVE TURKEY STEW ZisioIm69 OLARKB CHICKEN CHEFBOYARDEE DRAOHS LUNCHEON MEAT LOAF LIBEIVl FANCY QUALITY ALLINI VITAMINIZED APPLE JUICE Lenien Cheese Feaiures man and Don were hard pm sell to complete their lakes due to Continued applause Col ln OQulgley accordionist played Irish rents Seaman Co gan Ikllllully Clnoeed the ow We thank the Irish perform ers most heartily It was gem trout ol them to orego many Metro pliers to ma here and sin us wonderful treat TEE PARKE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MARCH 21 I902 GILFORD CROKINOLE PARTY The Messengers group held oroklnole party In the Hall at Gillord Saturday evening Mar ch 11 with about 60 children Ind adults present Thou win FflR EOOIIOIIICIII lEIITEl MEALS for Iti oOAVE MEAT BALL STEW mm cHEFBOVARDEI WITH MEAT SPAGHETTI SAUCE 2mm 27 Ron tlm NHAVE Io TOMATO JUICE 6mom79c MILD NIPPV PIMENTO AND BWISI JUBILEE CHEESE SLICES 12 PORTIONS SWISS GRUYERE CHEESE Frozen Food Feafures OHICKEN TURKEY BEEF OR PORK YORK MEAT PIES FANCY QUALITV AP CORN alums Rug HAVE lo 547 Pkg Ron hr TOOSAVE 10a 8oz pin 9c RI pk ClioSAVEHOCV I2nz pkg 9c AGIIoziias Buy several tins at this low price salads sandwiches and snacks hing prizes were Ronnie Ros sell Helen Gavin Eddie Rus sell and Patsy Gale Hughes The children eight years and under recolvad an Easter Basket Anne Sawyer won lhe prize or finding the lucky chair with the Shamrock delicious lunch was served by the leaders llipsiiciiiicisIiiiii maaw wave Regular Prka 65¢ JANE PARKER FRENCH APPLE PIE 2492 pin their 49 Flip Mo IAVE 10° JANE PARKER 60 whole wheat BREAD 24a loaves Ion 21o SAVE To ASP landes 0nly analn3 Finestduality Government Inspector Meal CANADAS amen QUALITY nan BRAND rear Shoplyn SALAMI CHUBS SuiII Link Pun PORK SAUSAGE 8X Brand Anorlld SLICED COLD CUTS Swifll Premium SirAirs Roms PORK BUTTROAST lZoz not is 49¢ 9t FRANKFURTERS 45 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables FLORIDA VALENCIA ND GRADE FULL OF JUIGE ORANGES llb Ila baa Rod Spanish No undo Lorna all PINEAPPLE Moxlcnn Hand cloutd Na Grndn EliIn filpo TOMATOES Onhrln Hot HfluupNO Grade Kin Ilsa CUCUMBERS =i19z California No arm Tandem lwoot CARROTS 52mg No1 onnne Asp LABEL PRIMIUMpACKsn PEI POTATOES 29 Ila tub1 91 BONELESS ROUND STEAK OR ROAST BONELESS RUMP OR POINT SIRLOIN ROAST III Liven moon CHICKEN SPREAD snAUNSCHWEIGEn Snowbird Brand BONELESS SOLID MEAT YOUR CHOICE 59 SCHNEIDERS CHUBS 801 chub HADDOCK FILLErsY 3s Cookd and Eredad con PORTIONS gt43 More Savings at ASP Heinz Cream of tin IonsAv Ia TOMATO SOUP 4Ioiioziins4sg Facallo Rug pkg SDAAVE 4e FACIAL TISSUE moonooas 12a TIDE So Rib Rel TEDSAVE AN EXTRA giant lira TOILET TISSUE k2254 For Securing P0 Ind Plnl 505 PADS Christi Plain and Salted PREMIUM RACKERS Variation Rog SheSAVE 415 Ill pr 33¢ CLARKS SOUP 2ioIlui29 16C Doll RigBEHAVE AN EXTRA 10a IIIsI iooiiipiisn soprano CREAMETIES Loni or Rudy Cuts 2702 pkgs 23 SNOWFLAKE AMMONIA Mb pkgsoh mnmmam mm In Super Markets Minus nroanAnIlllv All Prion shown In Ad cumulus Through lt Suturdllh March 24th mew

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