Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Mar 1962, p. 1

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OUR TELEPHONES For mariner Want Ads Tel phone PA arm The telephonl number to call for the Bonnets or Editoriel Dept is PA 56537 LOCAL WEATHER Cloudy considerable fog prob ably HQ snow or freezing driz xiet Law tonight 20 High tomor row 38 Summary on page two 98th YearNo 69 tight security blackout has been placed on details of con struction accident at the site of top secret military installa tion being built is miles north of Barrier The project believed to be nuclear bomb proof military communications centre is being built at the world war two RCAF Edenvnle training station which until recently was used as sports car racing track workman at the sitc told an Examiner reporter that two gt men had been taken to hospital Lo our ring Second or subsequent offences after the accident and that portion of the roof had alien in when two jacks collapsed NO PHOTOGRAPHS foreman at the site ordered the reporter not to take photo graphs and said that strict ord crs had been given out not to release information The workman said that 50 to 60 cubic yards of reinforced curateiy how pcned and estimated damage to Hush Up District CaveIn no means of reconsiruding ae the accident hap he in excess of 350 The Barrie firm of Lelilay Construction has been subcori tracted to remove the debris it is being taken on flatbed trucks to dumping point on Sunnidalc Road Brigadier Purves of Camp Borden was contacted and said the project was not under his jurisdiction and he had no information Army headquarters and De fence Construction t1951 Ltd were contacted by the Canadian Press in Toronto and declined to comment other than that the project was classified information from other sourc es that the accident happened within the last to days and that two men were taken to hospital conflicted with the statement of the project engineer that the incident took place in February concrete roofing had collapsed and estimated damage at $4000 to $5000 The Examiner reporter esti mated that damage would be considerably highcr Prime contractor on the job is Ellis Don Construction Limited of Toronto under contract to Defence Construction 1551 Ltd The buildings dimensions are estimated to be 80 by 80 feet and 17 feet tall with half oil the buildings height below Roundlovel consulting engineer for the project was contacted this morning He told The Examiner that the accident had taken place on Feb is and that no one had been hurt MEN 0N floor There were men working on the portion of the roof which collapsed he said but the drop to the ground was little more than 10 feet and no one was hurt The engineer said there was Coloring and that there were no injur ies The conflicting statements in dicalcd the possibility of two separate accidents on the site rather than one lressure High At IlParley GENEVA CPD Pressure mounted today at the I7nation disarmar conference for moratorium on nuclear weapon tests before the United States liesumes testing next month Foreign Ministers Mahmoud Fawzi oi the United Arab Re public Kctema Ylfru of Ethio pia and TM Han Burn Joined in the demands made Tuesday by Swedish Fore gh Minister Osten Unden and Krishna ltlenon of india ror an unpoliced agreement to suspend test plans while the big powers negotiate Ordered For Dead Meat TORONTO CPIThe meat from dead or fallen animals in Ontarioregardless of whether it is taintedwill in future be colored Agriculture Minister William Stewart said in the legislature Tuesday the provincial govem ment will amend the Dead Ani mals Disposal Act to require that such meat be tinted with powdered charcoal to prevent it reaching consumer markets it is the intention of this gov ernment to so strengthen the Dead Animal Disposal Act that the public can lbe completely confident that meat from dead or fallen stock is not finding its way into the market for human consumption he said For anyone attempting to sell such meat for human consump tion the penalties will be stlfs fer First offences which at pres ent call for $100 fines will be met with $500 fines in future which formerly brought fines of Army Orders French ALGIEHS French soldiers warin patrolled the streets of Algiers today in the face of an ultimatum by the rightwing Sev cret Army Organization to get out of Algeria by Friday or be shot Leaflets containing the doc laration of war were showered on the soldiers Tuesday night after precision fired mortar shells from the secret army stronghold of Bab el Oiled wreaked havoc in the Moslem quarter At least four persons were re ported killed and 68 were wounded in the shelling as vio lence flared up throughout the territory in the wake of the an nouncement Monday of cease fire in the vieyear Algerian Wilri total of 30 persdnsZA of them Moslemswcre killed add 124 hurt in all of Algeria Tues da lrbe mortar shells fired in what French officer called precision job done by ex perts rained down on Mos lpqt market square just outside Gm Casbab Mellon district 5590 or 30day jail terms will bring $5000 fines or sentences of six months CONSIDER lNSPECTION in the meantime we are giv ing serious and active consider ation to the whole question of the inspection of all meat in tendedfor human consumption Mr Stewart said But think the honorable member should reahze the very great problems involved in the inspection of what would be hunv dreds of small establishments in the province which produce about 20 per cent of the total amount of meat for human con sumption Unfortunately in whole matter of the sale of dead stock has created situation in the minds of the general public to the point that suspicious eye has been cast toward the legiti mate meat trade in actual fact of course the responsibility rests with very small group of operators The shelling appeared to be secret army move to provoke Mosiem rioting and thus draw French troops into action as part of the rightists lastditch campaign to keep Algeria French French officer credited in surgent agents in the Moslem quarter with frustrating the se crett army hopes of sparking is Ill Defence Research Board worker DonAwrcy perches on the nose cone of Canadian designed Black Brant rocket for gag shot during open house at DRBs Shirley Bay laboratories near orr T0 THEiViOON BUT lTSlU ALAR lfolding him for takeoff are Dr Hcikkiia right and Ccibuiiaki tCP Virephoto CNR TCA Nosedived Into Debts Report OTTAWA CPICanadian Na tional Railwa and TransACaoi ada Air Lin both plibilciy owned told the government Tuesday that they plunged deeply into the red last year The CNB reported deficit ot 567807772 while TCA said its loss amounted to 36450082 The federal treasury will pick up the tab There was no comment front the government benches when the reports were tabled in the Commons The deficits had been disclosed 21 hours earlier in sup plementary estimates placed be fore the House by Finance Min ister Fleming Argue Nominated For Old Area ASSleBOIA Sask CP Hazen Argue was nominated Tuesday to contest his Assini bola seat for the Liberal party in the next federal election More than 700 persons includ ing 382 voting delegates crowded the hall in this south ern Saskatchewan community where the 41yearon farmer lrom Kayvilie took the nomin ation on the first ballot over Audy Medwid school principal from Goodwster Among them was voting delev gate James Brown former pres ideal of the Veyburn Young Liberal Association who re signed from office last week saying there was pressure against him because of state menthe issued concerningMi Argues candidacy He said it was thanks to the insurgent leaders that thou sands of Moslems did not in vade the European quarters looking for revenge One of the insurgent agents in the Casbah commented Even if 1000 were killed by this European terrorism we still would not be provokedthe fu ture of Algeria is too impor tanti Legitimate Concubinage Charge Thrown lit UK LONDON Reuters Mem bers of the House of Lords Tuesday night clashed over what one of them called an at tempt to turn the governments Commonwealth immigration bill into legitimizatlon of concu blnage Lord Milverton was attacking an amendment to the bill by op position Labor party peers de signed to exempt from deporta Migration Bill tion woman living in perma nent association with man and putting her in the same legal position as wife The amendment eventually was withdrawn Lord Milverton Goosebu live said one of the causes of lemigration from Jamaica to Britain was the reckless in impniatjon due to orreation crease of the promiscuous Douglas Fisher CCF Port mnmEUDHvv ind out nm transport Minister Baiter whether TCA and CPA might be consolidated but he was unsuccessful Rheumatics Dont Get Best Care OTTAWA iCPiMost of the 1000000 or so Canadians who suffer from rheumatic disease are not getting the highquality care that medicine can provide says the Canadian Arthritis and Rheumatism Society it made the assertion to the royal commission on health services Tuesday in submis sion which called for federal ac tion to help eliminate rheumatic illness in Canada The society was one of three nrganiuitions which submitted briefs at public hearings here by the commission headed by Chief Justice Emmett Hall of Saskatchewan gtThe nosedive into the red ink by both pnbllchczfifitlisidrew new attention to two decisions apparently still facing the gov crnmcnt What to do about the rev olutionary proposals for trans portation in the twovolume re port of the hfacPherson royal commission How to get TCA and Cana dian Pacific Air Lines its pri vatclyowned rival to cooperate on international routes rather than compete with losses for both The CNR annual report heaped praise oritherecommem dations of the MacPherson re port sayingits per tratiog analysis held out the greatest promise for the future The report urged the govem ment to overhaul its transport policies and regulationsto free the railways to abandon unused branch lines and luncconomic passenger trains as well as to set their rates in the market subject only to floor and ceil Crime Probe Begins Papalia May Get Chance To Tell Story TORONTO fCPJohnny Pa palia is going to get chance to appear before Ontarios Royal Commission on crime Otherdevelopmeots before the commission as it opened an in quiry into the underworld in On tario apart from the Hamilton tough man recently spirited into New York for mnltimillinn dollar dope trial The commission sat for 55 minutes and then recessed to next Monday because it was get ting nncomfortably close to Supreme Court trial here involv ing three men charged with con spiring to obtain information ilv legally from police officer Present and former officials of the Ontario government de nied either taking or knowing of payola in the attorneygen erals department for shielding crooksl Mr Justice Roach one man royal commissioner made the opening hearing short in this first session of what might be ioogvinquiry into allegations that crime is bigtime in On tario and has reached into some levels of the provincial govern ment Parents Of 27 Children Lose Home InNew Brunswick Fire ST FRANCOIS NiB CPL adyearold mother of 27 chil dren who fought the tax people and the courts to keep her it room farm home from being sold at public auction has lost it by fire She and her husband Heli dore Cyr and 15 of their 2oliv Ing children are homeless The parents were in nearby Edmuadstan Sunday when one of the children at home called to tell them that the dwelling had been destroyed She wept when she heard the news She had lived all her 33 Years of married life there and 240 her children were born there Saved were television set washing machine and dryer refrigerator and electric stove all received following an ap pcarancc of Mr Cyr an the Gary Moore television show in 1959 merits including meaty The Cyrs appeared on us television three timesafter the birth of their 25th 26th and 27th children of the 70 still living MOSCOW fAPi Premier Khnishchcv agreed today to to operate with the United States in space exploration including program for sending vehicles to other planets But he empha sized that such joinl ventures depend in some degree on the solution of the disarmament problem Khrushchev replied to March letter of President lien nedy suggesting that the United States and the Soviet Union pool their efforts in such fields as weather forecasting and inter national communications Aubert as living in Waterbury Conn is the oldesti The young est Regen will be three in June Mrs Cyrs first 26 children all single births were born in the span of 25 years The house was put up for sale for county tax arrears totalling about $600 in December 1559 Mr Cyr obtained an injunction restraining the municipality hearing of the injunction was ordered continued until trial in the chaneery division of the New Brunswick Supreme Courtr No data was set and the hearing has notitaken place The home is on titlLacre farrh from which the family takes all its own food require even future exploration of the moon and planets and Not More Than per Copyl8 Paw Khrushchevs proposed six point program was largely pa rallel to the presidents sugges tions lie said he was instruct ing Soviet representatives in the UN space committee to meet UiSl representatives to discuss practical piansi But he added At the same time it scents obvious to me that the scope of our cooperation in the peaceful exploration of space just as the choice of the very directions along which such cooperation would be possible depends in some degree on the solution of the disarmament problem Before an agreement on gen eral and complete disarmament Government Business Leaders Must Work Together PM says MONTREAL lCPt Govern ment and business leaders must collaborate in ways unthinkable generation ago to strengthen free enterprise and promote prosperity Prime lilinister Dici cnbnkcr said Tuesday Addressing 300 on guests of the Chambre de Com merce ltlr Dicfenbaker said the days are past when government and business can adopt separate policies it was one of the principal successes of his government he said that it had promoted bet ter relations between the na tional government and the na tional business organizations They must wok together eopsulb together gether to maintain fonvard movement The governments responsibility is to bring about business progress of benefit to every Canadian and the govern ments policy is not that of pro moting any one group in the enmmunity but policy which tries to combine every sector of society lilri Diefcnbakcr said there are no jobs in any nation With Ioutproiits and that the es lscncc of developing country was found in maintaining high degree of prosperity What is good for business is increasingly likely to be gopd for every part of our country he added FINE DAY FOR CAB CAMBRIDGE Mass APiLucicn Oucllette 38 of needs Ferry NIL bought car here Tuesday for$i75 He ilrbte ii miles to ward home before being ar rested for driving an unreg istered and uninsured car He was fined Silo in dis trict court by Judge Harold lilagnuson When Duellette asked for timeto pay the fine Judge Magnuson suggested he sell the car is reached he said both coun tries arc limited in the possibil ity of cooperating in space state these considerations for the simple reason that it would he better it we see all the sides of the question in re alistic light he added The 17 nation disarmament conference meeting in Geneva since March has made no visible progress because of dis agreement ovcr the issue of in spection to prevent cheating in his March letter Kennedy proposed SovictAAmericnn coop eration in launching satellites for weather observation map ping the earths magnetic field and experimenting in interconti nental communications helping 1track each ntiicrs space shots and pooling information on space medicine This was Kennedys response to suggestion for space co operation in general lerms which Khrushchev made in voicing congratulations on the ihreeorbit flight of LtCol John Glenn Khrushchcvs six point pro gram read over Moscow radio was Cooperationdn setting up international communications networks utilizing earth salei lites joint project for studying and observing weather by means of orbiting satellites Organization of joint radio and telescopic tracking of space vehicles launched toward other planets such as Mars and Venus and the mono Conclusion of an agreement for rendering aid to space ve hicles in difficulty in space Thu also envisaged joint lifesavmg operations for space pilots in distress Co operation in mapping the magnetic field surrounding the earth and the exchange of space medical information Agreement on corrunon approach to legal problems in volved in space exploration BUENOS AIRES APtPresi dent Arturo Frondizi clung to his job today by making deal with Argentinas armed forces chiefs to form coalition cab inethalf civilian halt military and outlaw all political activ ity by resurgent Peronists The crisis eased for the mo ment at least as the govern ment announccd that the eight civilian cabinet members had resigned to make way for the new coalition Frondizi made peace with the military in 40minute confer ence during the night with Gen Raul Alejandro Peggi the army commander in chief Admiral Agustin Penas chief of naval operations and BrigGen Cayo PEBONISTS OUTLAWED Frondizi Clings To Jolo By Bowing To The Army Antonio Aisina the air force commander Afterward the government an nounced in brief communique that the president would form cabinet of national unity after consulting today with the rep resentatives of the democratic parties and representative insti tutions Frondizi also declared he would not retreat from his un popular sterity program which was widely blamed for his election setback His agreement with the mili tary brought Frondizi through the worst challenge to his hold on the government reins since he took office in May but he still faced the reaction of millions of voters who chalked GEhéRAL Mammal RIGHT up victories for Peronists in Sundays congressional and prir vinciai elections So far how ever the capitnl was surpris ingly quiet and no major dem onstrations were reported The military chiefs had ap peared ready to force Frondm out and seize control to nullify the landslide election wins of Peronist forces in 10 provinces But the United States was re ported to have sent word it would cut down or even elimi nate Argentinas share in its Al fiance for Progress aid program if the military took over Britain was also said to have warned that without consti tional preliden Argentina would become unattractive for British investments butwm fistulas wuwwtwom

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