Argentinas Frondizi Army Vie For Power By ALFONSO MAUI BUENOS AIRES Reuters Argentinas military leaders to day neared an open riil with President Arturo Martini over the election victories Sunday oi supporters oi exiled dictator Juan Peron The possibility at break de veloped alter seesaw move in which the armed forces iirst took over power in tire prov vinces where Peronistos won gavernorships or legislatures and then were ordered to hand them to civilian administrators The military leaders met at their respective headquarters early today and usually reliable sources said they likely would reiuse to hand control oi the provinces in the civilians Such rejection would amount to an open break with Frondiri the sources said Late Monde night the army deployed number oi light tanks and armored cars at stra leizic points throughout Buenos Aires READY TO HRIKE in another development Pen onistn labor union leaders held an emergency meeting appar ently to declare general strike The civilian administrators were given authority to reor ganize the executive legislative and judicinl powers in the the provinces iirst taken over by the militaryBooms Aires Chaco Rio Negro Santiago del Estcm and licuman Peronista parties with about one third at the total vote merged the strongest group in he country as whole They avenged the 1955 military coup which ousted Femn by sweeping back with at least seven oi the 14 provincial governments Frondizi Monday night ac cepted the resignation oi Inte rior Minister Alircd Vitola and his chiei aide Vitola who for months had Power Grid Probe By ARCH MneKENZlE OTTAWA CPlTha iedcral and nine provincial governments embarked Monday on investiga tion of longcistaneo transmis sinn oi electrical energy in national power hookup oneday federalprovincial cnnlerence with Quebec absent by choice decided to form working committee of experts to explore the technical economic and policy problems involved There was reierence by Prime Minister Dieienbaker to the national policy on export oi electricity which Premier Ben nett oi British Columbia ap praised as important ior its new emphasis on export in eiiect Mr Dieienbnker said that some distant power sources will be outmoded unless development takes place soon Development of such sites might Muire exports and he asked ior provincial views on such ex ports Traditional federal policy has been to avoid longterm export oi large amounts oi electricity policy based on First World War experience when Canada was unable to halt exports to the US The argument than was that recall of the power spelled doom or US industries dependent on it HAS TWO PHASES national power grid envis ages two phases of transmission One is an interregional ex change of power as exempliï¬ed by arrangements now existing between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick Quebec and Ontario Manitoba and Ontario and Mani toba and Saskatchewan Some links with the US also exist The other is longhaul trans mission at huge amounts of power at extremely high voltage problem Russia Sweden and other countries have been work mg on Development at Manitobas Nelson River the Labrador site ot Hamilton Falls BCs Peace River the Yukon River and other remote power sources would benefit from such trans mission ndustrinl areas in preliminary statements to the closed door meeting the provinces outlined their pro spective contributions to na tional grid Only heavilyindus trialized Ontario appeared to quality as power deï¬cient province Saskatchewan Mani tohn and others talked of filling Ontario demands SAY PROVINCIAL Quebec spurned the confer ence on grounds the federal gov errunent is meddling in pro vincial matter power grid is no the agenda for the third an nual premiers conierence at Victoria this summer However Quebec was invited to take part in the working com mittee which is to be set up Resources Minister Dinsdale eonierenee chairman said Mon days results exceededexpecta tions He expressed hope that some results will be available iniour to six weeks An initial committee meeting will be held here shortly and further meet ings planned before report to another conierence championed tree elections in which only the Communists were barred was replaced as an interim measure by Deicnco Minister Justo Villnr Vitola leit because the army blamed him for allowing the Pe ronistas to take part in the elec tions Military sources blamed him or underestimating the popular strength of Peron sup porters The government Monday also 012 closed banks exchange oiiices the stock exchange and the grain iutures market informed sources attributed the ban to cars the Peronista victory might start financial panic in Madrid Perons secretary said the iarmer dictator was extremely pleased with the results But he did not think there was any possibility of Pb roas returning to Argentina at the moment Withdraw Horse From Big Derby MIAMI Fla IANMeadow Stables Sir Gaylord early Rem lucky Derby lavorite alter winv ning the Bahamas and Ever glories stakes in February will not run in the Florida Derby March Sir Gaylord has been out training three weeks with an in jured ankle His withdrawal mm the Florida event was an nounced Monday BIRTHDAY MEETING GUELPH 0m CF The Salvation Army citadel here celebrated its mh anniversary at special service Rail Move Sought KAPUSKASING Ont CP lzman delegation represent in civic leaders mm the towns of Kapuskasing Smooth liock Falls and Hearst will visit Ottawa Thursday to meet Transport Minister Balcer and PostmasterGeneral Hamil ion The group is seeking im proved railway pampger trans portation in the north The meeting was arranged at the insistence oi the Kapuskay ing Chamber at Commerce which inr more than year has been waging battle to have speedytrain service complete With dining and sleeping cars operating between Tomato and Hearst distance at about 620 miles Earlier this year the CNR as sured the chamber that im proved service can be given pro vided the run shows proiit or at least breaks even Adoption at fast train service the cham ber learned hinged on retention by the railway of mail con tract Thedeiegacion will attempt to Ll THE WEB EXAMINER TUESDAY MARCH 20 emï¬ persuade the post attire depart ment to retain mail delivery by train on taster run in recent year the department has ia PERMANENTS SPECIAL 5050 complete open The no In out commits EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE lor lppoLnnnenl can PA 58571 vored switch to trunk trm Port SAVE DOLLARS ON YOUR FOOD BILLSI NO MONEY DOWN PA 6050 KtEERPAK lg offers suck UNBEATAB lE VALUE styles and sizes and in Sammy CHEVY II NOVA 400 LDnor 252a Whitan tires optional or mucus DANGER 233 BRADFORD ST ouir CHEROLET DEALRS mm GENERAL oTons VALUE CORVAIR MONZA magi Sedan will sporLrazr flair Chevrolet Corvoir Olds Cad Envoy Chev Truck Dealer in morons LIMITED PHONE PA 66527