RENTALS Til5 lTousss To 12le mo call unlurniihrd Too21 Iilh vlh bllh Rehlnrltor ten ithl polled Francis llert telephooa PA 150 altar pm rout R0011 Apartment lor ient lien and mum private bath ite rriserator and arose supplied it needed pt month able April TIlcphonl PA Hill R0011 tarnished apart eni or rent Modern convenien tei Heat and light supplied is per month Apply Crlllhunt Gen eral Store or telephone PA 33575 no MODERN 1bedroom brie bungalow with Her aaraae Now vaesnl immediate possession Al 1y ltoren Connu Realtors rulwhonl FA uses EATED sellcontained apartment und floor Tom lllll rooms It school Parking Privata ont Ence so monthly Telephone PA FRmalmn or three room hely decorated Re xcrator and heavy duty statc uum modm in NIHmull with EDI ï¬ller Ind 10 supplied lted In Alli TI Phohl mp Borden URION AVK Tom room un mishod aparun hi to rent on sated hot wet stay and re erator Private bash Apply to one Ior runner tarotmatron BEDROOM lollonlth pardont or rent iretel earr eluded Chlldm alcoml 75 onthly Telephone PA cm or or partlcularu BEDROOM heated apartment ocated on St Vincent street orth Bottom floor or modern plex Available soon 368 men thly Tolophmiu PA DUN Sax ROOM nous Ior rent with nroem and garage oil hntlnr entraliy located Available now 100 per month Telephone PA or PA was mat iinoM unnirotahed heat ed apartment sellcontained Ceb tral location arrstreet parkinr Available now Telephena PA mom Two uEnRoOal upstalrr apart ment separate entrance heat and water sup lied Near west end lhopnlng aia No children Avail able April Telephone PA Blidl UNrtlltlenED modern one bed room healed apartment Available litarch $15 per month Plrhilul Laundry taclllttcs Telcphonl PA Hoar CHOICE Apartment modern one bedroom unlurnlshcd sellcon ialned heated Laundry and park ing racllltics Near bus stop In mediate polxossion Telephone PA adts1 ror iurther details NEW AND lllodcm one and two droorn apartments overlooklnl aeenlc ltempenielt Buy neat wa ter parking and Janitor servlea lnclu ed Automatic waanlne ta cllluea PA aim TlrltEE ROOM Easement Apart xnent heated sellcontained pri vale bath Reirlgoretor and aiavc Partially ruinished Telephone PA 855211 or PA Mm Ior rurther lo lormllen NEW LARGE Apartments Ior rent in new apartment building One and two bedrooms stove and re lrlgcratnr laundry iacllltlea sup plied Queen Street area PA 8511 ha DELFCONTAINEU two room run nlshcd heated apartment with three piece path Front and back entrances suitable tor hachelor or couple AppLy all Hlyflcld street or telephone PA H116 MODERN one and two bedroom apartments east end Carrie Bam boo drapes Venetian blinds Auto matlc laundry laclllties Parking Telephone PA ams Ior rurthar lnlormotlvn Follrt ROOM Apartment tile ARTICLES For SALE St Patricks Weekend AT Barrie SecondHand Store 55 DUNLOP ST you are wearing Green we will give you 10 all our low price on any hunltura Dishes OLinolcump etc piece of merchandise in the store OElectricol Appliances Rugs NO DOWN PAYMENT Food and Freezer Plan SAVE MONEY BY BUYING BULK ON THE BLUE RIBBON PLAN It Costs Nothing To Investigate CALL PA 64562 TODAY HomeEconomics Food and Freezer Limited ROSS STREET PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner It you would like to have re prints of any new pictures taken by our stall photogrn phcn please caI at our Busi ness Ollics We arr sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints $100 x10 $I25 plus USED REFRIGERATORS All with FREE Year Warranty PRICED FROM $59 McFADDEN Appliance 120 PENETANG ST 50 Who Doesnt Read Small Ads YOU DO Call PA 82414 Any one of the three classified ad takers leI be glad to assist you with your copy COIN COLLECTORS We carry complete stock of coin catalogues and coin lolticis PRICE LISTS FREE Cash For Your Coins THE HOBBY CENTRE 70 Dunlapst West Barrie SIMCOE DIST COOP APPLIANCES Used Stoves from $2500 Used TV from $2995 bath unrurnlsnad stove and re Iriccrator Illnplled Centrally lo cated No children Available mediater For turther Lian telephone PA Min six noblil House ror rent Newly decorated on heating central lo cation liardwood iloars IlllDuflll out Parking ILicllltlcs Telephone PA adapt days and PA aunt eve Blnll lPACIDUs one bedroom apart ment uniurnlshcd east and loan tlon Parking Iaculties close to school and stores Utiutlcs included in rent Telephone PA 3701 Ior Iurther details Available now LARGE FRAME house centrally located rooms kitchen and bath upstairs rooms kitchen and two baths downstairs Uli heat newly decorated $110 month 1y May be sublet Telephone PA 5182 CENTRALLY located new modern apartments now renting Irshhped living and dinlng area two bed rooms zone hot water heating stove and rotrigcrator supplied also washer and dryer One beds rootn apartment also available immediate possession Coutts 4202 tliephona PA azlsa or PA all lntorma ROOMS TO LET FURNISHED Bedroom Ior rent Laundry tacllitics areakiast and lunch packed if desired Telcphono days PA Matt er evenings PA 61017 tor iurther intorioation uRtCTIT Iurnlshed housekee ling roam tor rent stove and rerr ger ator supplied Parking racilltles West end location Telephone PA Maul FURNISHED noun or rent Iilao completely furnished room and kitchen with retrigerator and stove separate entrance Down town location Telephone PA aural FURNISHED heated Eed sitting roomtar rent Ground noor Cook in raeltities Use or Teirillerltor Central location Telephone PA list or PA asost FURNISHED Bedroom suitoblr or single working girl Also snare balance or modern rive room apart ment with two other business girls For Iurthcr lniormatlon icicphonc PA 192 alter pm ROOM BOARD Viscount Mofiat RCA Victor TV 259 LNNISFIL STREET PA S8581 New Appliahces Do you have any of these items in your basement or attic which are no longer in use OSportlilg equipment Ratiios car or portable Onecord players etc IUsed furniture of any kind proves to be fast seller GOOD used clothing Cit you would to exchange your unwanted items for cash coll Classiï¬ed Advertising between 530 uln and pm daily PA 824 PAU LS LOCK REPAIR RR NEW LOWELL PHONE 9203 Collect Repairs to banks Door Closers and Sales Service Dept BARRIE HARDWARE 40 BAYFIELD ST nlEllitiTERa bourht sold rant ed repaired student rental rates about our Rent Try than Duy Plan stai Typewriter Co as lirary stiect PA 595 ELECTRIC hlanpla ironer Ior sale also iargc site Electric lluinldiitcr Both in good condition Apply 12 topmomld Street or telephone PA CHESTERFIELD and two chairs lor sale suitabla or summer cot tags 520 or best otter Also pair ladys ski boats site Telephone PA Mats COAL AND vDoD Range resee volr enamel oven 65 oil hunting range sits Gas Range $75 Ilclrlgerotor 15 Apartment size electric range sis Washing lira chine 15 small all space heater $25 Robinsons llamwa Dunlop at Telephone PA FREE Tins Want ONLY One Singer P1 Polisher or one Singer E4 Vacuum Cleaner with the purchase Singer SlohtOMatic Scwi Machine SINGER SEWING CENTRE 28 DUNLOP STREET WEST PA $7960 LEwtT vacuum Cleaner in Road condition Inrgc wheels $3950 CGE Vacuum Cleaner swivel lop complcie with nttachments$3450 lllctcor Vacuum Cleaner extra atrdml motor complete with all attachments $2550 Airway Vac uuin Cleaner lust like new 31115 many other types rom slo Ind up Call Filter Guecn Sam 81 lilaple Avenue PA Hiaa PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LEGAL WM HlNTON BA Barrister Solicitor and Notary Public 35 Owen St Corner Collier and Owen PA 01839 BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE Earrlstera Notaries Public Conveyaneers ebe Brunch omen Elmvale Ont Orrice is Owen st Barrie PA Math Rowe QC Seaflram QC Gordon Teskzy CON DER SUGG EARRISTERS SOLICITORS NOTARIES PUBLIC CONDER EA SUGG BA 129151 Dunlop st East PA 68407 COWAN COWAN EARRISTERS Ross COWAN 53 COLLIER ST PA 84521 LIVINGSTON MYERS Barristers and Solicitors 11 Collier st Barrie Ph PA 8am WILSON MOORBY BARRISTER SOLICITOR l7 OWEN ST PA 047238 Solicitors Roost AVAILARLE with board it desired Central location Tele phone PA 68255 for lurther infor motion ROOM AND BOARD available for young gentleman buulop and Bradford streets district Tele phana PA board for lurther inror mutton ARTICLES For SALE Ba tie SECONDHAND STORE Has all used goods plus new slightly damaged items way hclow original cost We also my content lots 55 DUNLOP ST Phone PA 82427 PAYING 3531ch roi rm Tam hnc tilcitnls other Canadian coins wanted Telephone PA 84961 SMITH McLEAN Huber Smith QC Arthur McLean Bruce Owen anrristcrs Solicitors etc 10 OWEN 5T PHONE PA 05807 GLADSTONE CURRIE QC EARRISTER dc SOLICITOR Law oriicea at Wilson Building Fred Grant Street Barrie Ontario Telephone PArkway 5star FUNERAL HOME STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME SUPERIOR SERVICE AT MODERATE COST Convenient Terms 30 Woriiey Stu BIrrll PA 85 ACCOUNTANTS HARRIS NEEDHAM WRIGHT Cerliiled Public Accountant Toronto and Carrie Barrie orrlec Wilson Bldg hen Grant street PHONE PA 03397 Needham CPA Underhlll CPA Resident Partners ROSE HARRISON Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Samuel Rose BA 69 Collier St Phone PA 84949 MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON Teacher of Plano Staging Than plls prepared or examination or the Royal Conservatory of Music Toronto All nldc Ind ARCT MDdam mnthadm studio 21 DradIord an PAD4118 THE DAVIES OF CANADA VOICE PIANO DRAMA 217 NAPIER 511 BARRIE ANGUS ROSS BA nonterse Music Teachlr instruc tion Plano Theory coaching in fregch Latin other chooi rub cc 91 Ross 5t Earllo PA 55775 OPTOMETRY ROBERT SMITH RO OPTOMmlsT to sso Closed Wed artemoon sa Dunlap St Barila PA 81588 NOEL STEPHENSON RO oPTCMEIitIsT Dunlop st East barrio Phone PA 3420 ADVERTISE IN THE BARRIE EXAMINER PHONE PA 82414 ml ARTICLES For SALE FURNACE BARGAIN Buy your furnace now between Jill 15th and Feb 28th 3M get your dual air Attachment FREE with every Complain installation NEW mu Finance Rata Phone tolled Strourl tins WOODIVARD Sr SONS Heating Contractors RR Stmud Low overhead law Cost CAB mTAngvoo it on cg mon ep one sol maul Ellen as Dunlap at MARCO 11 Television walnut slimline tabla model Pore ed to sell Trlegohant Cpl Balsa Camp harden Local us lcl acooT with ill horsepower hmmbiu motor In good candl tlon Apply evenings to Fred lerbon straud corner at uth aidcro and Concexalcn 11 its ELECTRIC stator so or elo MD with rreexinr unit coni pnsaor soil separately naraaln Also laru neon also no Lloyd Phelpetoa moron TODDGGAN iactory made Ior sale seoo in excellent cotidle tion original price ms Talc phone PA 151 onTricnal sracn llaATn cooking are all wood coat eomblaatloo zoo ration oil tank with stand and ehaaiacilald bed Telephone PA saws FARMERS MARKET FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Case New Holland David Brown Eeatty Farm Equipment 11 BURTON AVE PA 51373 CASH TRADE TERMS DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE linkers Vacuum Pumps Wash Tanks Separators Parts or any miiker HANK BROWN RR BARRIE HOLLY PA 50333 Ford Tractor and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 103 MINESING ELECTRIC Vlaloe Cuam Saprc iar Ior nie mpaund capacity llhnul and good quality nixed Grain Apply atlchnl Yurkow stmud 131111 VinaNu Cream Separators Hour and swiaptyp llilkln Mlchlnrs Service parts Several used much illes In itoc Closed on Sundlya Viking Separ on Sales box It Cralaaum on ario Telephone PA 79 AUTOMOTIVE DOGS PETS MOTOR CARS FOR SALE WILLETTS PETS 41 COWAN STREET Complete lines by HARTZ MOUNTAIN luld LONGLIFE Lovely song birds budgics and Finches Tropical and Gold Fish Turtles and all pets OPEN TO 1230 FIll DAILY PHONE PA 68035 oALiiATiAN Puppies lor nicely marked Telephone 61th or iurther information PUPPIES Ior aale two months old Ieenina well lilakc excellent arm dogs Telephone IIt saaas or rurther inlormatlon HAMOYED Puppies Cuddly while Samoyed puppies mglstcmll weeks old males and remlei Tolerhono PA doozd Ior Iuriher detals FRUIT VEGETABLES APPLE BARN MCIIIIDSII Spy Courtlond and other varieties grodo lilacs 150 per bushel Fresh cider Phone PA 89201 BOATS 8r MOTORS SPRING TUNEUP JOHNSON EVINRUDE GALE OUTBOARDS OVERHAUL AND SIIARPEN POWER LAWN MOWERS FREE PICKUP DO IT NOW DELANEY BOATS LTD Bayfield St PA 66413 sale PA VDAU MOTORS LTD RAMBLER HILLIIIAN 10 DOWN l7 COWAN ST PA 66488 222 BLAKE ST PA él32l HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH and STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes 0IL and NAL Towing 75 BAYFIELD ST PA MISS 1951 Form for role Good body new motor Reasonably priced Ap ply as Anne Simt liter pm 1955 PLYMOUTH two door viil sell or cash or Irlldc lor izlon pickup Call Ted Sheldon Lerroy 15 or rurther particulars 1960 MGA Convertible or sale radio and side mirrors 19st licence plates under 12000 miles $1600 Telephone PA sinus lass lilEucUnY tor sale door sedan automatic power steering Val motor ltcal huy Make me an offer Can be nuanced TalcL phano PA M554 isis CIIEVRoLET couch or sale Excellent body inntar and tires New exhaust system Radio and seat covers Apply al oraley st or telephone PA Miai 1955 OLDSMUDILE two door hard top Auomatlc with radio and power steering Cleanlnslda and out Two new snow tires Tele phone PA C5511 Best oilcr ALUMINUM lzlt Cortdp Dotti s15 14 boat and 115 hp motor sits Complete tort Fiborglos Canoe Apply 37 Agnes st Eatrte BOAT TRAILER wanted in good condition with tlit action required tor 15foot boat weighing 1000 pounds Telephone PAo1748 ARTICLES WANTED OFFICE nests and Chairs wnnted Telephone PA 68162 DADY sTROLLEn wanted lllust have springs Teluphonl PA 543305 PIANDs Wanted any makes in ieasanahle condition Will pay cash Apply to box as Barrie Ex umlncr 195 FORD or sale excellent mo tor transmission and rear end Lindy needs attentl Phone PA 85360 between 11 noon and pm or prior 1957 VA IIALL vlet body twotone red and white new motor custom radio good tires plus two new snow tires spotless leather upholstery and interior New exhaust system excellent pas mileage Reasonable price Tele phone PA FIJI 1956 FORD $595 1955 Mercury 5595 1954 Chevrolet 5195 1954 Ford 5395 1953 Consul 5149 1952 Monarch $175 All reliable cars Wreckinp 1955 laden Ford Sprauls Supcrtest Highway 27 one mile south or Thornton Phone Ivy liRll excellent FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed tree For fast service phone BARRIE PA 87751 collect or ask for ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE to hours day7 days wee NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Fontlead Ontario Licence No 172051 Nick Montague Prop LIVESTOCK 24 wnarmo pics or sale eight weeks old Apply Nelson telephone tvy Lana HEREFORD BULLS Ior sale two registered serviceable age AWE to Lockhart Thornton onto or telephone llRi lvy REGISTERED Yorkshire Doors for sale sao premium serviceable ape Apply to Campbeu stroud Ontario Yonnam HOG two years old registered tested stock Also set of Platrorin Scales weighing up to 1000 lbs Telephone 25 pro POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS Mora and more poultrymcn are choosing DEKALB PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old Chicks Order now for early order discount For service or help on your poultry problem call Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS smoun PHONE 77 LARGE WHITE Murrow Ducks and brakes Ior sale Apply William llloir RR coakxtown meE MUSCDVY Ducks Ior sale sr eachDiakes as each Apply seiner Oarr Hlllsdnle lift NOTICE Will do curtain hatchinx eggs for the season or 1961 starting the week March 1d George Fisher 1111 Earrle Telephone PA a7a11 FEED SEED GRAIN into units or not or sale Apply to Wilbur Dahson 1111 aaiiia Telephone PA c7951 CARS WTD To any ORV HARDY MOTORS BARRIES NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES USED CARS TRADE UP OR DOWN WE WILL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRSENI CAR 176 BRADFORD STREET PHONE PA MHZ casn FOR your car Liens paid oil We trade up or down Allan daie Motors 21 Ease Roan Barrie PA 89521 MOBILE HOMES 10 41 DELUXE model three bedroom 1959 General Bearington mobile home in excellent eondl tlon htust selL isolated posting Telephone PA 81033 between in am and ti pm 1959 GENERAL llrohlle Home 41 10 two bedipdms excellent con dltion Owner rerced to sell 3100 down and take over payments or $11 per month Telephone Cpl Boggs Camp Eorden 100 Local 315 PERSONALS WOMENS COLUMN MarchS ecials 25 FF PERMS $850 AND UP Quickie Shampoo and Set Cream Rinse $150 RUEYS BEAUTY SALONS 124 Dunlap SI iPA 54423 17 Essa RoadPA 8981 No appointment necessary LEARN HAIRDRESSING Gavcrnmant Chartered School Through training in all bran ches of beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 12 WORSLEY ST PA 98963 onAun anor Coldwam cited by certlaed hairdresser in your own home Phone Bernice at PA new or PA assar I0 HELP WANTED Its wonderful the way Classified Ads get re sultsl Phone PA 824I4 FEMALE HELP EXPERIENCED Waitress required Ior snack bar Closed Sundays Telephone PA aaoas Ior rurthcr Inlonnltiorl lo HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP ATTRACTIVE JOB OPPORTUNITY SI ENO CASHIER for the local olticc oi DELTA ACCEPTANCE APPLICANT MUST BE Singla Approximately mo years DEC Some business experience must Well groomed and at neat ap pearance All usual employee benelits Five day week9 to FOR APPOINTMENT CALL PA 60285 PAnTTtsut 12mins Re at Walnut wanted daily am all be Saturda $1181 WANTED Experienced Waitress ilust be over as and capable or taking some responsibility Apply accruing to 19 Dunlop Strut Wm and one PA YOUNG COUPLE rcquln rupoo aible girl to mind child while mo ther works slooern home Live in apply to box 91 banlo Exam er MAKE beautlrul rlnn ne brooches nae Necklaces at home my to Sell to your friends Emu cot prolity Send tar FREE wholl sale Coloured catatorua Murntroyd Co Dept Alo Agin eourt Ont WANTED Experienced typlat with general ollice experience pleasing telephone voice and abil lly to meet the public are erran tlal Five day week and Irinra beneliu Apply ill names Plastomer Limited 151 John street Darrie telephone PA sous PLEAsANT Homemaker required the congenial couple in Toronto suburb Fully experienced or will teach learner Good wider and accommodation relendly people Permanent sltlon Send detail at tell an iamily with recent snapshot to Mn Dyworth 951 Islinaton Ave vcston Ont MALE HELP Plan for fine future in the CANADIAN GUARDS Be man with planl Join the Canadian Guardsone ol Canadas crack regimentsfor which enrolment appllcntlons are now being accepted again To ploy their vital role along side their sister regiments in the present troubled Internal tlonal situation the Canadian Guards need adventureloving young men of courage and character In return the rcgi merit offers many other advan tugcs permanent employment healthy outdoor life good rates of pay travel at home and abroad outstanding train ing and many openings for ad vnnccmcrlt If you are 17 to 23 single and physically fit find out more about this exciting career op portunity NOW lrom your local Army Recruiting Station at CANADIAN ARMED FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE 27 ST CLAIR AVE EAST 10TH FLOOR TORONTO ONTARIO TELEPHONE WA 47345 Please provide me details on career opportunities in the Can adian Guards Name Address CityTown Province UNG MEN 1721 For light duties with large pub lishing firm $50 per week to start if qualified This is permanent position For inter view scc Mr Mark Wilson Room 56 Wellington Hotel to pm only ExcnniENcEn yanaa married man with or without man iam ily required or modern dairy ratm Good wages Separate house Telephone its 57549 roe umber particulars AllianIOUs MAN or woman to telin ovoi astnhllshed Wltkliu Business No money to invest Oldest and largest Company or its kind Products nationally adver tiseo No iayorrs Opportunity Ior promotion Write immediately to miss Gauthier 151 st Roch sroet ltontieal 15 Que OFFICE CLERK Required for local business early 20s knowledge of book keeping and accounts Advance ment possibilities company ben efits bonus plan etc Alireplies strictly confidential WRITE BOX 93 BARRIE EXAMINER RADIO COLLEGE OF CANADA TRAIN Now for career in Electronics courses or Automa tlan Radar Computers Derence protects Television Communica tions etc Resident classes start May 14 in Toronto and lilontreal Home study Courses start any time Free booklet lrom Radio Collele of Canada 481 King St Wu Ior onto Ontario CAPABLE HELP required by rum custom operator Year round em ployment Rercrenccs requested write box so Barrie Examiner sALEsMAN required Ior Ferguson dealership Also moc ante wanted with tractor expert encc Apply Box on BariIo Ex emtncr EMPLOYMENT WANTED any can tor pro school ehiid reri in my own home but and Telephone PA azm rotrunner details DAILY CARE given to childien in my own home Monday to Fridly Will CILI Toiophnlu PA 61636 REsPONalDLE WOMAN would like parttime bookkeeping or would take over lodgers Ior small husl ness in my Own home Telephoto PA aasoi IO HELP WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED PA 6655l DAY on EVENING Kidd ACCOUNTANT MALE OR FEMALE WHOWANTS TO EARN BIG MONEY You sure can earn it selling for us We have recently com plctcd stall training course and have immediate openings or tour to six new sales people You will receive complete train ing at our expense 01ch into this SEE MR DARBY ROSS $T BARRIE ii LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors of JAMES JOSEPH HOGAN late of the City of Barrlc in the County of Simcoc who died 3rd at February 1962 must file their claims with the undersigned be lorc 6th April 1962 after which date assets of the estate will be distributed JOHN BERNARD SEXTON Executor by his Solicitors SMITH AND McLEAN 20 Owen Street Barrie Ontario I2 TENDERS TENDERS WANTED Tenders or alterations and ad dition to thc Barrio City Fire Hall will be received not later than 11m EST Monday lurch 25 1962 at the olilco of Pentland and Baker and Salter and Allison Associated Archi lects 29 Clapperton Street Bar rlc Ontario Plans specifications and form of tender will he issued to gen eral contractors by the Ardil tccts oil or alter Thursday March is 1962 accompanied by deposit cheque of $25 Plans and specifications will be in display at the Toronto Con atruction Association and liar rie Builders Exchange The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted PENTLAND AND BAKER AND SALTER AND ALLISON Associated Architects 29 Ciapperton Street Barrie Ontario TENDERS Scaled stipulated sum tenders will be received bythe under signed until PM WEDNESDAY Militants 1962 for the construction at build ing to house switch gear for this Dorrie Public Utilities Com missmn Plans and specifications obtain able from the ardhitects and will be on display at the Barrie Builders Exchange and the To ronto Construction Association Lowest or any tender not nec essarily accepted Nesbltt and Davies Architect 18 Owen St Barrie Ontario TOWNSHIP OF ORO TENDERS FOR 12 TON EXPRESS TRUCK Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 12 oclock noon on Friday March 23 1962 for Iaton express pick up truck to conform to DH0 specifications and requirements also to be equipped with heavy duty spring ply tires and box to be feet minimum length Lowest or any tender not ncc essarily accepted TUDHOPE Clerk RR 0rd Station AUCTION SALE Saturday April I2 Noon Sharp Auction sale at 60 head of Here ford cattle pigs high class farm machinery hay straw grain and some household cil ects lac ELLIS HUTCHINSON at Lot Concession Oro Township 5V2 miles straight north of Guthrie all No 11 Hiyiway Terms cosh No reserve as the farm is sold JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer Carly tor Want Ad Section accepted Ilnm mm Day hciarc nubilmtlon PEONE PA lMfl Want Ads SELL Most Anything I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Farm Stack All Nearly New Implements 1958 aTon GlilC Truck Tools Hay and Straw Household Ellecls The undersigned hos rcccivcd instructions to sell by public auction at LOT 56 CON OLD SURVEY FLOS TOWNSHIP SATURDAY MARCII 24 AT RM SHARP tor RAY APLIN CATTLE Holstein Cow years milking well bred Fcbi itl to Hercford Bull Grade Cow years due to freshen May Shortharn llclfcr Years calf lit loot Charoloisa ilellcr brcd Hereford Oct 20 Hereford llellcr its years Holstein Hereford Hcllcl years Hol steinHereford Call monlhst ilcrclord Bull year from registered stock Yearling Stock llciiers all vaccinated PONIES Pony Stolllon rising years broke to ride Sietlnnd lilacs years 11065 Chunks MACHINERY Ford Jubilee Tractor 1954 live PTO equip ped with jet type pump like new lurrow Ferguson Plow like new Burch Power Lllt Ad justable Spring Tooth Cultiva tor wlth all attachments like new Ford FlcxoHltch ch Horrolvs width notch gangs in front like new Set Levelling Harrnws adjustable Ilkc new 5Ton Case Wagon heavy duty like now 1958 GMC 3an Truck chassis and cab 19 wheel base spccdaxle will take 18 platform brand new motor just Installed 12 Closed In Van can be loaded from either side or back like new 14 Stake Rack with solid sides Hay Rack 15 Case Manure Spreader No 105 brand new Quantity Hay an Straw baled MISCELLANEOUS lin 12 20 never been used Propane Torches Rubber Tired Wheelbarrow 500 Used Potato Bags 3030 Calibre lllori lin Ritle brand new Electric Fencer complete with battery Single Cutter Sets Singla Driving Harness Extension Ladder Aluminum Step Lad der Grease Guns Hand Sprayer Bags Potato Dust SAGl0 with Diathcno Childi Bicycle CCM Lawn Choirs Taco Deluxe Power Lawn Mow er large size new last year Quantity Forks Shovels and Chains etc Assortment tools and electric motors HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Mantel Radio Clock Radio As sortment of Glassware and Dishes Prussian Gray Persian Lamb Coat size 1416 three quarler length French Doors End Tables illotlat Norgc Clothes Dryer complete with controls 30 lb capacity brand new Small China Cabinet Clothes Tree Spartan Combin ation Radio and Record Player in good shape Findlay Annex Stove coal and wood Electric nangette Ice Box Large Clothes Cupboards Trilight Lamp Owner or management will not be Tcsponsibleioc accidents or injury on property during sale day Bill lllCLling icson Clerks Terms Cash Nothing to be removed until settled for ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND COLWILL LTD Auctioneers Phones Victoria Harbour 5061122 Wasags Beach 459 Elm vale 69Ws AUCTION SALE Saturday April I4 I2 pm Sharp Auction sale of 56 head high grade Holstein cattle dallty equipment modern farm madl inery hay grain and straw etc for MEL JAMIESDN Lot 17 Concession Ora 114 miles north of Highway 11 at Guthrie ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND COLWILL LTD Auctioneers AUCTION SALE SATURDAY APRIL 21 pm Sharp for SEYMOUR HUTCHINSON At Lot 17 Concession Oro Township its miles north til Highway 11 Auction sale at farm farrn stock implements hay Straw grain poultry and some house hold ctiects Terms cash No Tarpon and Stewart Joni rcserva as the owner is giving up insisting and the form is to JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer