Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Mar 1962, p. 7

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Montreal Cansdicns Lou Fontinsto the National Hoc key Leagues bad boy with Ali was uwfiuaaa the most time spent In the penalty box Is different man at home Hes quiet and GovGen Plans Western Tour OTTAWA CPI Governon General Vaaier completing years as the Queens represent alive in Canada today is mak lng plans for western tour this spring lt promises to be the kind at tour he likes best it will com bine military ceremonial with opportunities to Interpret one part of Canada to another to strengthen national unity Gen Vanler who will be 74 OPEN SANDWICHES 0N IRISH BR next month will present new Queens and college colors to the Royal nonds Military Col lege near Victoria on May 25 Government House sources said The ceremony at Royal Roads will complete the govemorgcn erals vicevregalyvisits to Can adas three military colleges He presented Queens and college colors at Kingston last June and at St Johns Que in October During the western tour Gen Vnnlcr probably will make number of speeches following the themes he has stressed in the pest particularly the unity of country of various elements marching shoulder to shoulder AD Special Recipes For Buffet Party Late evening supper the buffet table gay with leprech aun dolls shillelagb and hold green shamrock cutouts from variety store or easily made at home For the menu St Patrick molded salad with garnish of little pimientostulfed piglets prancing round and round You cant buy these but the mak ing is easy 31 PATRICKS PIGLETS Connect large pimiento stuffed olive and small one with toothpick Stick in parts of toothpicks for legs and ears and small piece of plrriiento for tail As to sandwiches make them openthe topping corned beef with long slices of Irish soda bread on sale in many food stores or made at home from mix Dessert could be St Patricks Day parfaits in tall stemmed glasses Measurements for six 81 PATRICKS OLIVE RING MOLD 21on can pineapple tid $02 pkg lemonflavor ed gelatin boiling water Cold water 12 large pimIenlostuifed oliv es sliced 15 chopped pimientostul fed olives grated raw celery Drain pineapple tidbits re serve syrup Add gelatin to boiling water and stir until disolved Combine reserved pineapple syrup with enough cold water to make liquid Stir together syrup and gela tin mixtures pour into ring mold Refrigerate until conslstency of unbeaten egg whites about 30 min Also chill remaining gelatin mixture until slightly thickened Arrange sliced olives on gela level recipes tin in mold Refrigerate until set Stir chopped olives celery and pineapple tidbits into rc maining partiallyset gelatin spoon this over gelatin in mold Refrigerate hrs or un til firm Unmold on round white or glass platter Garnish with little pimiento stuffed olive piglets ST PATRICKS DAY PARFAITS 23 water Vi green maraschino cherry juice 12 sugar tsp cornstarch to chopped green marasch ino cherries tbsp creme de menthe qt vanilla Ice cream whole green maraschino cherries The Sauce Combine water and cherry juice ln medium saucepan mix sugar and cornstarch gradu ally add watercherry juice mixture stircook over low heat until thickened and clear Stir in chopped cherries and creme de menthe Cool To Assemble Spoon ice cre am and mint sauce in layers into six chilled pariait glasses Top with whole green cherries FENDLEYS Flowers 74 BLAKE 51 PA 85975 good fondly man says his wife shown here with son Louis five months and Paula 17 months As for her hus bands hockey Mrs Fontinato says hes always played that way Photo St Giles WA See Color Slides Of The Holy Land Tha March meeting of the WA of St Giles Church was held on Monday with Mrs Hutchings VicePresid ent in the chair due to the absence of the president The devotional and religious education period was taken by Mrs James Fenisk and Mrs Norton During the meeting Mrs Ewart Johnston Social Work Secretary brought to the at tention of the WA the great need for food for the school children in Hong Kong it was passed unanimously that members send $20 to the An glican Childrens Meals Pro gram One meal day for child costs 10 cents and 620 provides good meal on each of the 200 school days in one year Mrs Tomlinson and Mrs Whittaker will con vene the Rummage Sale on April 13 at TrinityParish Hall The Spring Tea will be held May 23 Following the business meet ing slides at Trip through the Holy Land and Middle East were shown This trip was taken two years ago through Lebanon israel Egypt Turkey and Greece by Miss Stone She sent the slid es to her sister Mrs It Farquhnrson who read the commentary and was assisted by Capt Moore The eveningclosed with social hour Program For March Meeting Planned By St spring setting was the theme for the March meeting of Trinity Guild held at Trin ity Parish Hall St Martins group was in charge of the pro gram Each member wore some thing pertalning to the season Mrs Read president en hanced her ensemble with corsage of tulips and lilacs Mrs Long and Mrs Lewis Graves won prizes for their spring hat creations Prizes were won by two members who picked the lucky top bats tags Mrs Frances Stewart and Miss Henrietta Grasset Among those present at the meeting was Mrs JSher ring honorary president Other guests included Mrs Donald Fraser Mrs Bert Green Mrs Evelyn Lawrence Mrs McLellan Mrs liuck Mrs Martha Howartii Miss Adrienne Drought and Mrs Frances Thurluw Also present were other form er members of the Guild In mond PEOPLE AND PLACES Fhoae Eilrcn Dunn or Audrey Contact PA cam Notes are intended to cover the general social life of the city And district Weddings anniversaries birthdays bridge parties and coming of parties visitors and Ira vellen are all can of inter est to the women readers of this page Your help In sup plying this news will be neatly appreciated 5T ANDREWS SPRING TEA The Womens Auxiliary Even an Church held its annual spring tea with St Patricks Day theme Wednesday after noon Shamrocks Irish hats pipes harps and figurines were used In decorating the ten tables Guests were received by the ministers wife Mrs Ross Adams and thepresldcnt Mrs Charles Christie Pouring tea were Mrs McKinnon Mrs Hatton Mrs Bur rldge Mrs Carruthers Mrs Adams Mrs MacLen nan The teoconveners were Mrs Meger and Mrs Mor ley Tca sewers were Mrs Gundry Mrs McCaw Young Mrs Hoey Schlaht Mr McLure Mrs Lamcrieux Mrs Robertson Mrs Watson Mrs Brown Mrs Mc Dougail Mrs Smith Mrs McKee Mrs Hooper Mrs Cunningham Mrs Ayers Mrs Dorch Mrs Bowick Mrs llnmilioh Mrs Appleton Mrs Daugher ty Mrs Amos Mrs Mc Eachern Mrs Rooke Mrs Sarieant Mrs Richard son Miss Rhoda Young Mrs Giffln Mrs Marshall Decorating committee was Miss Loth Mrs Hocy Miss Vera Lyons Mrs Living ston Bake table conveners Mrs Cotton Mrs Rob ertson Mrs Watt Delica tessen conveners Mrs Mar shall Mrs Wllson Mrs Alexander Check dask treas urer Mrs Hamilton EUCHRE PARTY Tha lluronia Home and School Association of Minets Point held social evening March Euchre was played and refresh ments served at the condos ion Prize winners were Mrs Marlon Stebblngs Bud Acker Mrs Leighton Mrs Barbara Dunn Mrs Lorraine Acker Leonard Broadbent WESTERN VISITORS Mrs Anthony Ferguson and iourmonthold daughter Jud Ith of Vancouver British Col umbia are visiting at tho resi dence of Mrs Fergusons par ents Mr and Mrs Roy Mer rick Bloke Street Mr Mer rick is presently patient in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie WEDDING GUESTS outotclty guests attending the PoaleCowan wedding at St Andrews Presbyterian Church Barrie included Mr and Mrs Collins Thornton Mr and Mrs Seawrlght North Bay Mr and Mrs Wil liam Poole Ron Poole Miss Barbara Wilkln all of Kitchen er Mr and Mrs Derek Rob erts Mr and Mrs Jock Mid dleton Miss Doris Elliott all of Toronto The bride Miss Beverley Cowau is the daughter oi Mr and Mrs Ross Cownn Wellington Street West The bridegroom John Poole Is the Martins Group hopes of encouraging more past members to attend meetings the Guild is hoping to form group to be known as silent members Among the former members attending wereMrs Roberts Mrs Ralph Carson Mrs Joe Owen Mrs Lewis Graves Mrs Wallace Graves Mrs Blair Mrs Robert Mitchell Mrs 11 Drum Mrs Robert Aycliife and Mrs Lorne Withers Mrs Bea Lloyd reported that the first Lenten luncheon ser vice was successful and every one enjoyed both the service and luncheon Lenten lunch eons will be held every Monday during Lent Luncheon will be served from 12 to 123n pm and from 1250 to 120 pm making it possible for working persons to attend After the business session Mrs Arthur More and Mrs Boyd Robertson of the Fabric Shop were introduced and gave an interesting talk on new fab rics for spring illustrated by samples from their shop son of Mr and Mrs John Tham as Poole RR Thornton BADMINTON Collier Street United Church Badminton Club played host to Cenlrnl United Badminton Club last evening Prizes were award ed to Cliff Goodhead Mrs Ken Bylcs George Bradley and Mrs Green The ovens in concluded with refreshments served by social convener Mrs Wayne liowell WELSH CHURCH The Calvinistlc Methodist Church developed as non conformist church in Wales about I735 Torrid Novel Not Obscene TORONTO iCPDecision oi the Supreme Court of Canada that the novel Lady Chnttcrleys Lover is not obscene was wel comed today by Hugh Knnc chairman of the Dock Publish ers Association of Canada Had the Supreme Court dcci sion been unfavorable he said the way would have been opened or flood of prosccU tions against books by authors of the highest reputations As it is the decision has set bounds on on altogether too loosely worded definition of ob sccnlty in the Criminal Code and has established precedent that must be careiully consid ered before future prosecutions are undertaken Wm TIIE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY MARCH Iii 1952 whole by lnvcra MR AND MRS POOLE Bride Chooses Silk Organza For Winter Wedding Ceremony St Andrews Presbyterian Church was adorned with has kets of white pompom mums and ink snnpdragnns for the wedding of Miss Beverley Eliz abeth Cowan and John Thomas Poole Rev Ross Adams periormed the afternoon cere mony Feb 24 The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Ross Cow nn Wellington Street West The bridegroom is the son oi Mr and Mrs John Thomas Poole RR Thornton Given in marriage by her is ther the bride wore waltz length gown of white silk or ganza over taffeta Her gown was fashioned with fitted bod ice enhanced by portrait neck line and lilypoint sleeves panel at lace falling from the neckline to the hem at the gown accentuated the bouifant skirt headdress crown of pearls held her shoulderlength veil of illusion tulle The bride carried bouquet of Sweetheart roses white carnation and stephanotis Miss Gail Anna Homer Hol gate Street was the brides only attendant The maid of honor wore waltzlength gown of mint green sills organza over brocaded taffeta large flow er of matching material with tiny veil was fashioned into headdress She carried bou quet of pink roses and white carnations The groomsman was Gala Nelson of Ivy Allen Wesley Cowan qf Barrie and Glen Nel son oi ivy were the ushers PLANE LANDS SAFELY OKLAHOMA CITY APIA United Airlines jet limped to the air force base here Thursday without its radar Instruments lights or radio and ithe pilot compartment filled with smoke because of an electrical fire The big Boeing 720 en route from Los Angeles to Cleveland landed without mishap and Its 48 passengers and seven crew members emerged safely 4e COLLIER 51 i4 DUNLOP PA M434 PA 35959 The rcce tion was held at the home of brides parents The brides mother received attired in mink tone hrocadcd satin gown with matching ac cessories lier hat was insh Ioncd of dark mink tone petals corsage of yellow carnallons complemented her ensemble The bridegrooms mother as sistcd wearing gown of navy blue crepe and white flowered hat White carnations formed her corsoge For travelling the bride wore blue tapestry suit with white accessories On return irom the wedding trip the couple will reside at £47 anlewond Avenue North ay ANN LANDERS As The Twig Is Bent So Grows The Tree Dear Ann Our daughter is 17 and utterly Impossible She loves obscene Inngusgc dresses like beatnik lies constantly and shows open contempt for everything we stand for She wants too much too soon To her virtue is old fashioned She hasnt uttered civilized word to member oi lh fn3n ily In years Shes been at war with II us for as long as can remember Dont ask ms how this way Weve given understanding she not her love and olenty of attention Weve tried to glo er worthwhile goals and set good example lm beginning to believe In the bad seed theory This girl was reared just as our other children were They de veloped Into mature responsi ble adults and wra proud of em is it possible that she has bad strain In her Dear Physical deform lties and weaknesses can be In herited but your daughter was not born liar or beatnik No two children are reorol exactly the same Whether child is the eldest the young est or the one In the middle can have 21 effect on his personality You need outside help with your daughter and hope you get It soon There has bee very little or no communica tion between you two for long timeif aver PAPA WIIO PAYS Dear Ann Lander Our daughter is about to be mai rIed My husband and are willing to assume the financial responsibilities of the wedding breakfast the reception the music the coke and so on The grooms parents say we also must pay for the flowers and tho clergyman know the grooms family should pay for something but dont know exactly what it hardly seems fair that the financial nurlrn should fall entirely on the par ents of the bride What Is the grooms family supposed to provide besides the groom Poorhouse Here We Come Dear Poorhouse Darned lit tle But cheer upin the old days the brides family not only had to pay for almost every thing but they also had to pre sent tho groom with dowry STAMPS COINS SUPPLIES COVERS OCUMENTS ALBUMS WANTED TO BUY Coins Old Letters Old Maps Old Post Cards BARRIE STAMP AND COIN l7 Bnyfleld St Barrie REEVES ire China Giftware MISS ANN sosvequ is one sort of gift for taking the girl off their handsl Any store that sells bridal gowns or rents wcdiiing suits will give you booklet which cipltoins exactly who prs for ll DIORDID THINKING Dear Ann Lo Icrl sinior In high school tlemnlel and am considered above aver age in Intelligence get along well In my studies and sin people think am normal but have feeling that there is something wrong with mcup stairs mean For the past few months Ive been petrified of taking even short automobile trip with my father Hes good driver and has never been In an acclileii have no real reason to wnrrv Yet whenever say goodbye to my friends always hate the weird feeling will never see them again Also when go to wake up my sister in the morning aru afraid she Is dead These inor bid thoughts have me crcd stiff Do you think am going crazy Petrified Dear Petrified Everyone has fears and flashes oi morhd thoughts now and then They are not signs of Insanity it you are having these thoughts day howeverI Sil you see psyehlat cc to the bottom of what Is Iiollirr Ing you LAND OF GODS More than 350 icmplcs stand along the twisting streets and spacious squares of Kata monku Nepal For The Best Selection of Paper Back POCKET BOOKS TRY Wenymouihs BOOK STORE so Dunlap PA 84055 All Work Guaranteed PA 82059 MONARCH REFRIGERATION of the cheerful courteous staff members at REEVES to serve you Miss Boayenga will be pleased to assist you in your selection of the finest china both domestic and imported English bone china Theres always vast Selection at REEVES please every taste or need REEVES 76 DUNth sr Since 890 in price range to Diamond Merchants JEWELlEltS in PA 83745

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