Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Mar 1962, p. 1

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OUR TELEPHONES For hammer Want Ads Tele phone PA Mm The telephone number to call or the Business or Editorial Dept is PA 56537 Clearing Sunny Saturday but occasional cloud low tonight High tomorrow For full mmmary turn to page two can YearNo as El and Exam Barrie Ontario Canada Friday March 16 I962 Not More Than per Copyd Page Unmanned Satellite MOSCOW Reuters Pre mier Khrushchev claimed today that Russia has developed an in4 vulnerable global missile fol lowing up an announcement that Soviet cosmic ship was or biting the earth Khrushchev said United States radar systems would be useless against the global missile since it could strike from any direction So as people say you can ex pect it through the door and it comes through the window the added that socialism was bring ing benefits to many countries Khmshchev thanked the elect ors of Moscows Kalinln district for making him their candidate and said Russian elections had become popular holiday and good tradition The elecA tions take place Sunday gt He said that people criticized Soviet elections because there wéis only one candidate but ded that Americans admtted there was no difference between the Republicans and Democrats Soviet leader said The announcement came as shchev interrupted sper at on election meeting here isay the satellite had been shot off and was already flying The meeting was organized to support Khrushchevs candidacy for seat in the Supreme Sov let in introductory was talking about space ships and rockets when Khrushchev sitting behind him blurted out the news Yes we launched one at oclock com and it is al ready flying the Russian leader said Khrushchev told the election meeting that the Soviet was taking the lead in forming society where man could not be exploited by his fellow man Communism has now ceased be dream he said and minutes the observatory said OTTAWA CHFinance Min ister Fleming pleaded with op position liiPs Thursday to end the delay in passing his latest batch of supplementary spend ing estimates for the fiscal year which runs out March 31 He warned that some sup pliers accounts already are overdue and certain employ ees cannot receive their in March pay because Parl ment has not voted the neces sary funds The appeal touched off an up roar of protests from Liberal members Mr Fleming had to leave for meeting and missed most of it Pickersgill LBaaa vistaTwiliingate called it an other big bluff by the minister of finance and challenged the government to name the sup pliers and employees involved DEBATE SAME ITEM Then in obvious defiance of Mr Flemings request the up position spent all the rest of the evening debating the same sup plementary spending item it has been on since Tuesday night The item under the labor de pertinent will be the topic again today The Best set of estimates in volving 81 items totalling $115 647429 is the fourth supplemen tary which has been introduced since Mr Fleming tabled the main 1961452 estimates year ago fifth and final set lies ahead in seven days of debate the House has passed 22 of the 61 items which range over various government departments And some key departments like na tional defence are still to come Traditionally the opposition makes much use of spending de hates because of the opportunity they afford for criticizing cab inet ministers DEMAND perms it Mr Pickersgill and Lionel Chevrier LMontreal Laurier demanded details about who would not be paid The finance minister was not in the House but his parliamen tary secretary Richard Bell PCCarleton called the re quest totally ridiculous Arnold Peters CCFTiinis kaming said with grin would advise our civil servants to get down to the bank and cash their cheques just in case the Democrats he asked their symbol an elephant and choice for the electors BOCHUM West Germany announced today it has picked to be Soviet space ship same frequencies used by rln and Gherman Titov The altitude of the new satel 173 miles was estimated to be about 92 William Benldickson Kenora Rainy River com plained that Mr Fleming did not present the current esti mates until Feb8 They were not put up for debate until Feb 23 then were delayed again until March The Liberal financial critic added that it is common for nance minister to keep kitty for emergency pay ments and asked why Mr Flem ing hadnt done so Responsibility in these mat ters is with the government and is always with the government Mr Benidickson said DEBATE ASSISTANCE The item currently up for de bate is $23400000 for additional payments under the Vocational Training Assistance Act This act passed last year permits the government to pay 75 per cent of the cost of new voca tional training schools builtby the provinces It has been under heavy at tack from the CCFNew Demo cratic Party group HERES ONE PORTLAND Ore AP George OSullivan Young 42 appealing sentence of year in jail and $1000 fine for drunk driving told judge he has drinking problem but only on week ends So Judge Alfred Sul monetti reduced Youngs sentence to year of week TORONTO CPlDantes In ferno where souls writhe to the torment of jazz and the Church of the Holy Trinity where the music is infinitely more rever ent have been pitched into lovetliyneighbor pact Leon Wolfe coproprietor of Dantes late night and early mornlng jazz and pizza den on downtown Yonge Street was chargedwith creating excessive Captain And Officers Have Won The Battle Of VANCOU CF The captain and officers of the 10 Wton British freighter Ban nervale have won the oacon andeggs battle They had threatened to quit the vessel it 18 seamen on hunger strike who protested bacon and eggs for breakfast and demanded Spanish cook were not dismissed The strikers were dismissed Thursday They will remain on board here until arrangements The Breakfast can be made for their return to their homes in the Canary Is lands The bunger strike seven days ago when the 16 Spaniards and two Greeks rs used to eat the cooking of ish chef Cuthbert Gr lithe have been lounging in the mesa except for occasional picketlng ventures Griffiths said signed on this ship under British articles and Im cooking British fond What is the main difference between the Republicans and The Republicans have as the Democrats donkey What APlThe Bochum observatory up signals from what seemed The observatory said the sig nals were received between 309 p111 909 am and 324 on the broadcasts from the capsules of Soviet cosmonauts Yuri Gaga lite was estimated to be around Time for one complete orbit Consolidated Mining and Smelling Co guard takes up lonely vigil at dusk at one MANILA AP An armada of US ships and planes criss crossing 75000 square miles of the western Pacific today re ported no trace of chartered American airliner missing with 107 persons aboard The fourengined super con stellation of the California based Flying Tiger Line disap peared between Guam and the Philippines on flight from California The plane was re portedcarrying crew of 11 Americans 93 us Army per sonnel and three south Vietna mese Four women were among the crew It was the third major air mishap this month The loss of aliabnaid would be the third worst disaster in aviation his tory involving single plane The plane took oftifrom Guam at 857 pm Thursday carrying fuel for about nine hours flying for the Lonamile eighthour hop to Clark Air Force Base north of Manila it was last heard from 80 minutes later when the pilot sent rou tine radio message to Guam from about 270 miles west of that US island base The Clark Field rescue co ey in noise by pushing jazz through public address system outside to lure clientele inside The music disturbed church goers and Venerable John Frank spiritual head of the congregation catching the Music on Trinity Square across the road complained to police Coast Frank Kulhay testified in magistrates court WednesA day he penetrated the gloom of Dantes last December on complaint He dviae Mr Wolfe he would be summonsed to court the constable testified on charge laid under city bylaw What did you find when you went to the club asked Ma gistrate James Butler could hear no noise outside the club nor was there any noise inside the premises re plied thecifieer What time was itpressed grivstr ate About 1012 pm answered Conan Kulhay But hes charged with mak ing noise at claimed Magi Thats right witness No Trace Fiou 107 Passenger of hundreds of vital points along SOOmile power ran mission network around the airliner missing this morning 115 Navy spokesman said it was believed the plane went down closer to Guam than to the Philippines US bases in the western Pa cific marshaled task force of surface ships and air force TORONTO CP provin cial police undercover man said Thursday he was once told high OPP received for tipoits on impending police gambling raids Coast George Scott of the OPP antigambling squad said source of the information was former OPP Const Robert Wright with Joseph McDer mott and Vincent Feeley on trial for conspiracy toobtain in formation from Coast Scott that it was not his dutyto divulge Coast Scott giving evidence for the second day said Wright told himOPP Deputy Commie sionerJames Bartlett once re ends in jail ordinating centre declared the ceived $2000 at party from The P1zzc1P1tch1n Place Dantes was No Inferno The charge is dismissed grumbled his worship The proprietors of Dantes who open their inferno at in pm Fridays and Saturdays and seal it at am and Archdeacon Frank then joined in amiable conversation about vls have been arrested in the first crackdown on Communist party officials who refuse to re gister the party with the gov eminent under the Subversive Activities Control Act They were allowed to go fr in overnight but were ordered to post bail of $5000 each today Hall 51 and Davis 58 were by 11 marshals Thursday at the Am ricnn Com munist here money from Toronto gambler headquarters 4M OWER LINK companys industrial complex increase of COMINCO secur ity forces is one of many navy planes The searchers an ocean arca stretching 750 miles east of Guam and 100 miles wide along the transport planes route Cluudless skies and calm seas were reported marine and coast guard OPP Deputy Commissioner Received $2000 From Gambler lltlitDermott an admitted gam El He said Wright former OPP Const Carmen Lawrence and himself met at the Earl French Club in May 1960 while he was working as an undercover agent Lawrence told him be and Kenneth Lamorie both mem bers of the antigambling squad at the time were each making $500 month for supplying pro tection he said smuggler Wont Lose Wheel Chair FORT WILLIAM CPIVale rio Dragota 89 of Fort WiHiam was sentenced to three months in jail for smug gling goods from the United States including wheelchair he uses Dragota was given the alter native of $200 fine but said he could not afford to pay it An invalid since an autumn bile accident eight years ago Dragota pleaded guilty to the charge involving $700 worth of goods He said he engaged in smuggling because had to do it to support myself He has not yet paid duty on the wheelchair but authorities have made no move to confis compromise cate it Two Top US Communists The arrests were made on warrantsshortly after erleral grand jury in Washington in dicted the two men on six counts cach Hall was listed as the Com munist partys general sccre ary and Davis as national see rotary Davis negro was member White New York city council years ago Both Hall xand Davis have sawed prison terms on convic tions for conspiracy to teach and advocate overthrow of the govarnment by force and viol CHICO new protective measures since terrorists blew up giant powe er tower March nd or Aircraft Near Guam The airliner piloted by Capt Gregory Thomas 16 of lied Bank NJ left Travis base in northern California Tuesday It was assumed in Saigon that the military personnel aboardthe plane were to join US forces bolstering the gov ernments fight against the lCommunist Viet Cong guerril ES Two of the worst disasters in aviation history occurred within three days of each other early this month On March an American Airlines Boeing 707 jetcrashed in Jamaica Bay killing all 95 aboard Three days later chartered British airliner crashed near Douala in the West African Republic of Cam eroon and all 111 persons aboard were killed INA NUTSHELL GENEVA AP The 17na tlon disarmament conference called on US State Secretary Rusk and Soviet Foreign Min ister Andrei Gromyko today to start prompt informal negotia tions on their rival disarma ment plans The move proposed by lndia came in the third session of the conference after Brazilian For eign Francisco Sab Thlago eign Minister Francisco San lhiago Dantas urged the nu clear powers to carry out no gotiatlons to the extreme limit of compromise He said the smaller nations can play on im portant role in seeking com promise by negotiation lndianDelenee Minister IN QUEBEC Calls Duel Liberal member of the Que bee legislature Thursday chal longed Opposition Leader Daniel Johnson to duel In the House Mr Johnson only grinned in reply but out side said he would leave choice of weapons to newspaper men and added wish it was with Mr Lesage Premier Lesage instead The challenger was Jean Claude Plourdc 23 member for Roberval who had just read statement explaining he had no association with Sulphur Con verting Corporation and its an nounced plans for $300000000 steel mill at nearby Lauzon After Mr Plourde had finished reading his statement Mr Johnson said it had only shown lilr Plourde was really in volved in the company He withdrew the remark but not before Mr Plourde angrily called out Is would ask you to settle this with weapons The last recorded challenge to duel in Canada was in 1849 when Sir John MaCdUnaid chal Ienged William Hume Blake during debate on member5 in demuifies That was at the time of the Union government in Montreal They were ordered to put their guns back in their holsters Herridge Wants Smugglers Names OTTAWA CPlH Herridge House leader of the CCF New Democratic Party in the Commons tabled formal quu tion today asking the government to Papalia Secretly Taken To NEY TORONTO CWJohn Papalia has been taken Canadian jail to face trial in underworld figure 37 Hamilton gambler and abruptly andsecretly from New York on conspiracy charge in multimilliondollar narcotics racket state pport of legis in New York Boy Saves Man Saving Dog BRANTFORD CP Boughner 17 with saving the ice on the Grand River Firemen the life at Thursday credited Curt man who fell through Jesse Morgan of Brantfordwas walking his dog beside the river when it darted on to the ice and Tellthrough Morgan tried to rescue it and fell through himself Boughner used stick to haul Morgan still clutching his pet within reach Royal Society Elects Canadians LONDON Reuters We Canadi fellows of the Boyah Society Cnuncil nf snada and Prof professor at the Universityof Toront major sclen ic chief research National Resealggh arry Lambert Walsh phya ea ence sch Krishna Mcnon urged that Rusk and Gromyko as well as other delegation leaders waste no time in getting together for in formal talks Canadas External Minister Green said alter the meeting that it is very much in line with our thinking that the conference should get into informal meetings and the min isters start tying up what they can agree on Green said there was great urgency to get something done at the conference whichwas race against time Vhen the session broke up Green had an informal 15min ute talk with Britains Lord Home Conference prospects suffered blow Thursday when the So viei Union rejected 115 terms for test ban Resumption at US nuclear weapon tests in the atmosphere next month ap peared inevitable as result REFUSE INSPECTION The Russians once more re fused ta accept foreign inspeclt this on their territory to check against violations of test ban They appeared certain to main tain this opposition to interim banal inspection where all other disarmament measures were concerned The Western powers were Just as adamant in their refusal to disarm without international inspection of the Russians with out break in the EastWest deadlodi over inspection meas ures top Western diplomats saw no hope for progressbut they intended to keep on trying for weeks or months it neces sary Russias answer to Keanethra test ban proposal was given by Soviet Ambassador in Tsarapkin The US president announced two weeks ago he had ordered new atmospheric test series to begin in late April but would cancel it if Russia would agree to ban all tests un der an international inspection system HugerlVolcano Found lit Sea LONDON APlThe Brinsh admiralty reported today there has been gig ntic volcano eruption beneath the surface of Scotia Sea just outside the Antarctic circlevif the south east tip of South America The Royal Navy ice patrol ship Protector said thousands of square miles of the Seotia Sea and south Atlantic OceaJ were covered with floating unks of pumice and dust and area smelled strongly of sulphur The ship added that large clouds of steam were rising from uninhabited Zavodovski Islandwhich appeared to be within 15 miles of the erup tinns centre The nearby South ardwich Islands also are un inhabited Some of the ships machinery wasvput out of action when hundreds of bits of pumice were sucked into the water iii takes and the Prrtector was forced to leave the area Strike Called MONTREAL CF The Brotherhood of Locomotive en gi Id has set early date against the Crown owned CNR in its bid to ck demands for new contract it Was learned today The date was reoptted to be April Travers assistant chief of Lb union Cana3was ex pected to five etails of the strike threat at press confer for later today Although the unions 4500 member had authorized strike againstbolh thaCNlt and the privatelyowned CPle nee esaaiy the CPR is reported at involved in the unions strike chll The CPR and its engineers are reported to be on the verge signing new ct

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